Immortal Asura

Chapter 165: Blood ghost

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Zhang Yan glanced at Meng Yao and said, "Come on, beauties, don't hesitate, the faster we move, the better we will be safe."

Meng Yao looked at Zhang Yan with a little embarrassment, and said blushingly, "Otherwise, I will run with you myself. If you are caught by me, your speed will be reduced, and I am not better than you. Low, my strength is also very strong, making you feel a bit uncomfortable carrying my case. "

"All right, hurry up, are you afraid you are too fat, I can't move you?" Zhang Yan joked.

"Who said I was fat?" Meng Yao retorted loudly, then lowered his head and walked behind Zhang Yan, quietly saying, "then you have to keep your back, don't throw me down."

"Relax, you can come up, even if I am eaten by the blood ghost, it will not make you okay," Zhang Yan said impatiently.

Meng Yao gently held Zhang Yan's neck, her soft body lay gently on Zhang Yan's back, her head leaned against Zhang Yan's shoulder, and Meng Yao's pretty face became more rosy and quiet. Leaning on Zhang Yan's shoulder did not speak.

Zhang Yan only felt that Meng Yao's body was very soft, as if it were boneless, and when her arms were wrapped around Zhang Yan's neck, Zhang Yan could feel the delicate and cold feeling on Meng Yao's skin, plus uploading from Meng Yao's body The scent of fragrance that came here made Zhang Yan helpless and refreshed, and saw Zhang Yan take a breath and said, "I didn't expect you to be so light, the whole person seemed like nothing on my back, and your body was so. It ’s soft, as if it ’s not a person on my back, but a soft cotton. ”

Meng Yao was embarrassed by Zhang Yan's remarks. The whole person was buried on Zhang Yan's shoulders, and his pretty face felt hotter and hotter. "Come on, hurry up."

Zhang Yan heard the words and didn't talk much. He jumped out of the blood lake and just followed Zhou Qi's body, while the fat man was directly kicked by Zhou Qi's hands, as if holding a chicken. Zhou Qi took the head directly and quickly ran across the lake, Yuer and Zhang Yan followed quickly, leaving the Soul Eater behind Zhang Yan.

The group ran on the surface of the Blood Lake so quickly, and Zhou Qi originally thought that Zhang Yan would not keep up with his own speed, so he deliberately slowed down a bit, but Zhou Qi found that Zhang Yan followed them very easily, and Did not show any strangeness, so Zhou Qi could not help but slowly accelerate, ready to increase the speed to the limit of Zhang Yan.

However, Zhou Yan was surprised by the speed of Zhang Yan. Zhou Qi did not expect that a warrior who was trained by Master Zhang Yanwu could catch up with his own speed. No matter how fast his speed increased, Zhang Yan was able to keep up. For himself, this makes Zhou Qi hard to believe, but Zhou Qi also shook his head and said, "This is Zhang Yan I know. No wonder he can be so fearless. He turned out to have such a talent for speed."

Zhou Qi ’s speed is increasing rapidly, and Zhang Yan has been working hard to follow Zhou Qi ’s speed. Although Zhang Yan ’s repair is not as high as Zhou Qi ’s, Zhang Yan is not weaker in speed, after all, Zhang Yan Qing Yunbu has fully understood the mystery of Qing Yunbu. Although Qing Yunbu has a low level of martial arts skills, it still has a great help in speed. Even the lowest level of martial arts skills, but if he realizes the ultimate mystery , Then it can still exert a very powerful power. On the contrary, even the highest martial arts, if it can not learn at all, is still useless.

Moreover, Zhang Yan not only relies on Qingyun step. Although Qingyun step has a great help in improving the speed, after all, the level of the power method is limited, and the speed increase is also limited, even if Zhang Yan has trained Qingyun step To the extreme, but the upper limit of Qingyun step is placed there, Zhang Yan's speed is already fast but he still can't beg at all last week. In desperation, Zhang Yan can't help but use his own physical energy. The power of blood, when Zhang Yan used the power of the body, Zhang Yan's whole person's speed increased instantly.

Previously, Zhang Yan was only using spiritual power to improve his speed. This time, Zhang Yan not only used spiritual power, but also the power of qi and blood in his body as a physical training. Zhang Yan also used it. Speed ​​was able to keep up with begging last week, and when Meng Yao was carried by Zhang Yan, he found that Zhang Yan suddenly became more than twice as fast, and he couldn't help but ask, "How did you do that?" Have you been hiding strength before? "

Zhang Yan heard a smile and said, "This is not a hidden strength, it's just my body style." I saw that Zhang Yan appeared more than ten meters away every step, and the whole person flashed quickly above the lake of blood. , Leaving a shadow.

The speed of Zhou Qi and others is even faster. In front of Zhang Yan, the body flashed a long distance, while the fat man was very miserable. The chicks generally followed Zhang Yan and others quickly. Although the speed of the soul-eater was slower, they were still able to keep up with Zhang Yan and others.

The crowd was running wildly above the Blood Lake, and at this time the lake surface of the Blood Lake was no longer calm. As they stepped in, the lake surface of the Blood Lake fluctuated, and these fluctuations also hidden the blood in the Blood Lake. The ghost was attracted, and I saw that there was a school of fish swimming in the lake water, forming a water line above the lake surface, and everyone in Zhang Yan could clearly feel that there was something behind them quickly swimming towards them under the water. Zhang Yan knew that this must be the blood ghost in Zhou Qi's mouth, but Zhang Yan had not seen it with his own eyes.

However, at this time, Zhang Yan found that there were a group of people in the distance. These people were also running wildly above the Blood Lake, and ran towards the opposite side of the Blood Lake. In a short time, Zhang Yan could meet more than 10%. A group of people, these people are running towards the opposite side of the Blood Lake, but their speed is not as fast as Zhang Yan. They were caught up by Zhang Yan's crowd soon, but when Zhang Yan turned around, he was able to Seeing a scream from behind from time to time, from time to time in the group of people were pulled into the blood lake, disappeared completely.

Some people who were drawn into the bloodstream disappeared directly, and some who were higher could still struggle two times, as if those who fell into the water were waiting for the rescue of others, but the struggle of these people did not evoke colleagues. A little mercy of the people, those companions were too afraid to avoid, and they left him and ran quickly towards the distance. As soon as someone fell into the water, there was suddenly a group of creatures surrounded by blood as if they were human. This person was given food, and screams came, making people hear some tingling on the scalp.

Zhang Yan also fully realized the strength of these so-called blood ghosts, but Zhang Yan they are not easy to provoke. The blood ghosts behind him have not caught up with everyone in Zhang Yan, and they have set their sights on them by Zhang Yan and others. Some warriors, and those warriors are rushing to run across the Lake of Blood, praying that those who are dragged down by the blood ghost are not themselves, and whenever someone is dragged down, those who are not dragged down Everyone was relieved, so that the blood ghosts would prey on those who fell into the water, and they would have a chance to escape.

However, just as Zhang Yan and others saw that they had run a normal distance, when they reached the center of the Blood Lake, Zhou Qi reminded: "The center of the Blood Lake is the most dangerous place. The strength and speed of the blood ghosts here are comparative. Quickly, you must be careful. If you are attacked, you must fight back, and you cannot be dragged into the water. "

Zhang Yan nodded and said, "Relax, if you dare to attack the little man, I will let them taste what death is," Zhang Yan said, and took out his stone sword.

However, the moment Zhang Yan took the stone sword out, Zhang Yan could clearly feel that the stone sword in his hand was shaking, it was a desire for bloodthirsty. Zhang Yan felt the feeling of the stone sword at this moment. It seems that Shi Jian is thirsty, and let Zhang Yan put it into the blood lake under his feet. This can't help but make Zhang Yan very shocked. Zhang Yan didn't expect that the stone sword in his hands suddenly had such a change. Since obtaining this stone sword by himself, the stone sword has not responded, as if it were an ordinary sword made of stone. If it is not very sharp, cutting iron like mud, Zhang Yan would have changed weapons.

But now Zhang Yan also uses it very smoothly, and for so long, the stone sword has been a weapon in Zhang Yan ’s hands, helping Zhang Yan to deal with many unmanageable monsters, Zhang Yan was also reluctant to change, Zhang Yan also decided to use it as his weapon all the time. Although he did not have those artifacts or sacred artifacts, he had a huge bonus to the warrior ’s spiritual power, but no matter what he could cut off, Zhang Yan felt that It's enough.

But now Zhang Yan can suddenly feel the feeling of the stone sword in his hand, which makes Zhang Yan suddenly feel a bit embarrassed. After all, the situation is special now. If you stop and put the stone sword into the blood, you are likely to be affected by the blood ghost. Attack, and these blood ghosts are very strong, Zhang Yan has no information to withstand the blood ghost attacks, thinking of this inflammation could not help but say: "Still wait until the shore to talk about it, then I will be If you put it in the blood lake, you can bear it first. "

Zhang Yan thought that once again the speed was increased to the extreme, and followed Zhou Qi to run quickly across the blood lake, but when the crowd reached the center of the blood lake, they saw that the water in the center of the blood lake suddenly rolled up. A huge vortex formed in the center of Blood Lake.

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