Immortal Asura

Chapter 181: Four spirits chariot stolen?

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Zhou Qi's faceless expression instantly killed everyone in the Qin Dynasty. Then he came to the fat man, checked the fat man's injury, and found that the fat man's injury was almost the same. He couldn't help but said, "I didn't expect you How powerful is the Phage?

The fat man said with a smile and said, "My recovery ability is not very strong, but I also say that it is a physical exercise. The physical strength is now much stronger than some people who practice qi, so of course my recovery ability is better, but I recover It ’s not because of my body ’s recovery ability, but because of my phage, because my phage swallowed the healing elixir that Brother Zhong Xu gave me, but my phage The amount of engulfing ammunition is relatively fast, so it recovers faster. After all, it is alchemy, and in addition, the phages swallow faster. "

Zhang Yan nodded after hearing the words and said with a smile: "Since you're fine, I'm assured, so let's get out of here quickly."

The crowd nodded when they heard the words. The Zhong family also followed Zhang Yan and returned to the same way, but the Zhong family was very shocked on the way. They were shocked by the talents of Zhang Yan and the fat man, and Zhang The mysterious Soul Eater beside Yan, of course, the thing that surprised them the most was that they were able to walk with the legendary Emperor Emperor, and Zhang Yan was able to talk and laugh with the Emperor. It seems that the relationship between the two is very good This made everyone in the Zhong family look at Zhang Yan.

Some old men even came in front of Zhong Xu and whispered: "Master, this Zhang Yan's kid is very simple. You must have a good relationship with him, so it will definitely be big for us. the benefits of."

Zhong Xu heard the words and shook his head with a smile and said, "Brother Zhang Yan and I are good friends. As for what you say, the benefits are not as simple as you think. You only see that his relationship with the ghost emperor is very good, but Do n’t forget that he also offended the people who burned Tianzong. Although the ghost emperor is very strong, the ghost emperor cannot get out of Huangquan Road. The people who are still burning Tianzong are stronger when they are outside, so the one who is waiting for him is still burning Zong's pursuit, do you believe it? "

Everyone heard the words and immediately felt that Zhong Xu's analysis was justified, and they couldn't help but worry and said, "Since then, we should stay away from this person when we go out, so don't let our capital city provoke the burning Tianzong. Bacheng City is very unfavorable. After all, we can't provoke Tianzong because of such an unknown kid, then we are really irrational. "

Zhong Xu heard the words and shook his head with a smile and said, "You are wrong again. Brother Zhang Yan is my friend. Since he is my good friend, then I must ensure that he is not disturbed by the people who burned Tianzong in Bacheng City, at least in We in the capital city, I will not let anyone hurt Brother Zhang Yan. As for the Celestial Sect of Heaven, do you think that our capital city will be afraid that the Celestial Sect will not succeed? We have stood in the capital for so many years and have never been afraid of anything. door."

Many old people still feel uneasy when they hear the words. "One thing is worse than one thing. After all, the current situation is turbulent. Our East Chaoyu has always been chaotic. At this time, it is better not to set up enemies for our capital city. What do you say?"

Zhong Xu heard his words and shook his head, saying firmly, "We will never be involved in the disputes in the East Chaos. This is also the reason why we can always stand up, because we do not fight for the world, but it does not mean that we will be afraid. That sect, so I must be Baoding, Brother Zhang Yan this time. "


These elders had to talk, but were interrupted by Zhong Xu. Zhong Xu said lightly, "Elders, I know you are thinking for our capital city, but as warriors we need to know what we want. What we do, we have what our capital city wants to protect, but we are also human beings, we also have friends, and I, Zhong Xu, you guys also watched me grow up. If I am greedy for fear of death, regardless of Brother Zhang Yan, then I Is it me? "

When they heard the words, they could only shake their heads there and sigh. After all, there was no way they could change what Zhong Xu decided. They could only pray there: "I hope your choice is right. This young man named Zhang Yan can be worth it. We'll help the capital. "

Zhong Xu was talking on their side, and they didn't know that the soul-eater that was walking in front heard them clearly. The soul-eater was more and more appreciative of Zhong Xu as a kid. He didn't expect this kid to have so much. It ’s bloody, so that the spirit-eating beast ca n’t help but convey the words they just said to Zhang Yan. Zhang Yan heard the words and was very moved. I thought that the trip to the capital city had brought me two good friends, Zhong Xu and Yan Luo. This is really a worthwhile trip.

The crowd came to the front of Blood Lake again this time, looking at the Blood Lake Zhong Xu frowning in front of him and saying, "This Blood Lake is really a headache. When we passed here last time, we were in the capital city. Several people have been lost. The blood ghosts in this lake are really terrible, especially when they reach the center of the lake, the strength and number of blood ghosts has soared, which is really a headache. "

Zhang Yan heard a smile and said, "This time you are guaranteed no one will be injured, as long as you follow us," Zhang Yan took out his stone sword, and the stone sword at this time was covered with blood red, look Very charming.

Looking at the weapon in Zhang Yan's hands, Zhong Xu couldn't help thinking of the previous events, and asked curiously, "This is what Yan Yan said before. Is that magical sword in your hands? But how can I use it with you before? Does that stone sword look very similar? It looks like it's just a little different. "

"You have a better vision. This is the stone sword I used before, but when I passed here before, the stone sword suddenly changed, so it became what it is now, although I have no power. Experiment, but it looks better than before. "

"Okay, let's go," Zhang Yan said, holding the stone sword in his hands, and then strode over the surface of the Blood Lake, and everyone in the Zhong family followed behind Zhang Yan, but everyone still Some did not trust Zhang Yan, and they were very worried about watching their feet and carefully walking forward.

At this time, a violent sound erupted suddenly in the blood lake, as if it were a scream, and then the water in the lake turned out a lot of waves, which scared everyone in the Zhong family and immediately raised their vigilance. Looking around, however, what surprised them was that the blood ghosts in the water seemed to see terrible monsters, and fled away in the distance, lest they could avoid them.

Seeing this, these talents understood the meaning of what Zhang Yan said before, and believed that the boy in front of him really did something against the sky, and even took out a stone sword to scare the blood ghosts to flee. It is really their life. See the most mysterious boy.

Everyone couldn't help but think of another person's introduction to Zhang Yan's background. Is this boy really from Qing Yuanzong? That weak shrine? How can there be such a strong disciple in such a remote and remote place? Moreover, Qing Yuanzong also kicked out such a strong disciple, are they really crazy?

Everyone in Zhang Yan was unimpeded along the way. No blood ghost dared to come out and trouble them. Zhang Yan people quickly reached the other side of Blood Lake, but after the people reached the other side of Blood Lake, Zhou Qi frowned suddenly, some He looked around in confusion.

Zhang Yan also watched everywhere, but sent a letter and did not find the shadow of the Four Spirit Chariot. He couldn't help but say a little unexpectedly: "What's going on? Why isn't the Four Spirit Chariot waiting for us here?"

Zhou Qi also said with great confusion: "Yeah, it seems that the Four Spirit Chariot is controlled by somebody. I can't contact him now because of the ghost, and I lost my sense of him. How did this happen? What? Who's so brave enough to dare to steal my Four Spirit Chariot? "

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