Immortal Asura

Chapter 182: Out of the Netherlands

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Zhou Qi and Zhang Yan were exploring the traces of the Four Spirit Chariots around the Blood Lake, but they searched for a long time and walked along the lake of the Blood Lake for a long time. They still did not see the Four Spirit Chariots. Traces, not even the rut marks of the four spirit chariot, Zhang Yan could not help but said a little worried: "It seems that something really happened to the four spirit chariot, how can this be good?"

The fat man also said, "I really want to know who this person is now, and dare to steal the Four Spirit Chariot? This is really too old to break the ground. Does this person not know what the Four Spirit Chariot means? Who is so brave? "

Zhang Yan shook his head and said, "Who knows, anyway, if this person is found within us, he will definitely not end well."

"Let ’s not find it here, even if we are here to find martial arts, let's quickly get out of the netherlands. After coming out of this place, as long as we get to the periphery of Huangquan Road, then this person will definitely not be able to run, no matter what I do I am sure I can get back my Four Spirit Chariot. "Zhou Qi's face was very ugly, but he said abnormally calmly, as if the matter of the Four Spirit Chariot was very easy in Zhou Qi's eyes, it seemed like everything It ’s all under control.

Zhang Yan nodded and said, "In that case, let's get out of here."

After Zhang Yan's words were finished, the crowd directly followed Zhou Qi and walked quickly outside Huangquan Road. The crowd of Zhang Yan once again came to the dense fog, but this time with the protection of the Zhong family, Meng Yao and the fat man walked in the most. In the middle, Zhong Xu also followed Meng Yao's side next to Zhang Yan and the fat man, while the rest of the Zhong family were surrounded by their periphery, while Zhou Qi opened the road in front, and a group of people quickly moved towards the dense fog. Walking through the land, this time they were very fast, and everyone didn't stop for a moment. Zhang Yan originally wanted to take out the soul charm to deter these bulls and horses.

But seeing that these people's cultivation is very high, how can they not take them at all, so Zhang Yan quickly passed through the dense fog, but when the crowd came to the center, Zhou Qi suddenly He stopped walking and said carefully: "Be careful, I feel that there are a lot of bull heads and horses in front of me. These things seem to be waiting for something, as if I feel these people here."

Zhou Qi looked at the crowd with a bit of worry, and said, "You pay attention to some four weeks, we speed up and rush to follow my footsteps," Zhou Qi said, the momentum of the whole person rose to the maximum moment, Zhou Qi's As soon as the momentum came out, everyone around him was taken aback by this momentum, but Zhou Qi's momentum was not released to them, so they did not feel the real pressure of this momentum, but only saw the fog around them. As if all were begged by Zhou Qi's momentum to disperse to the surroundings, giving everyone a miserable road. "

Zhou Qi Shensheng said: "Follow me, don't think about anything, just follow my steps quickly, we will definitely have nothing to do," Zhou Qi said quickly and rushed forward, as Zhou Qi moved quickly, and Zhou Qi's momentum and ghost spirit were all around. This momentum was like a protective cover, protecting everyone from being attacked by the cattle and horses. Zhou Qi's current repair In order to be suppressed by the Emperor Wu of the Emperor, the scope of the protective cover is limited. This is because Zhou Qi relied on the strength of the ghost emperor and the ultimate understanding of power, which has reached the current situation.

Zhou Qi rushed ahead in front, and everyone in Zhang Yan followed Zhou Qi quickly. Everyone reached the extreme speed, for fear of being dropped by the entire team. In this case, you can only be alone. Fighting alone, so everyone played a twelve-point spirit and followed Zhou Qi tightly, but Zhang Yan was the easiest one among them. After all, Zhang Yan was all about the dense fog around him or the horses and horses. Don't care, after all, these things can't help Zhang Yan.

When Zhang Yan saw Zhou Qi's ghostly shield, he was a little reluctant. The last few people in the house were in danger. Zhang Yan couldn't help but follow the fat man and said, "Be careful, I'll go and help later. Can't die here. "

When Zhang Yan was talking, there were screams in the dense fog outside. These sounds were mixed with fierce struggling sounds and some screams, which made everyone afraid to look around. After all, the danger of the location hidden in the thick fog is too worrying. This sense of intimidation has made everyone's mind feel depressed and fearful.

Zhang Yan quickly looked at the crowd and said, "Be careful with you all around, as if something is coming out of it."

Zhong Xu looked at Zhang Yan with a little anxiety and said, "Brother Zhang Yan, can you go alone and back? Is it too dangerous? The people here are the lowest in your cultivation, you still stay here, I let The elder took a look. After all, his old man's cultivation is also very high. You should take it here. "

"Just rest assured, this is not a low-relationship relationship. Even if I have the lowest strength, I can still kill these inhuman monsters," Zhang Yan shouted confidently.

Zhong Xu heard the words and was still a bit uneasy. After all, Zhang Yan was too risky to do so. Zhong Xu didn't understand Zhang Yan, such a stable person, how could he do such a risky thing? Zhong Xu still wanted to speak, but Meng Yao stopped him and said, "You don't care about this freak, but he can do everything. You don't have to worry about him here. He is not stupid. If he can't solve things, he runs faster than anyone else. "

The fat man laughed aside and said, "Still Meng Yao beats the beautiful sister to understand our boss, you can rest assured. If the boss shot, then he must have his plan. When we come, we rely on the boss's ability and safety You don't have to worry about passing here. "

Zhong Xu heard the words and looked at Zhang Yan who was walking towards the crowd strangely. How could Zhong Xu not figure out, what method can Zhang Yan use to resist these monsters by himself? While looking at it, Zhang Yan took out a Lingwen Rune and put it in his hands, while paying close attention to the surroundings, as if to use this Lingwen Rune at any time, Zhong Xu said with some surprise: "What does Zhang Yan do with this spirit charm? How can a small spirit charm deal with these monsters? These things are very powerful!"

However, at this time, a huge figure emerged from the back of the crowd. This figure flew towards Zhang Yan's back quickly. The speed was extremely fast, much faster than everyone's figure. In the blink of an eye, he came behind Zhang Yan, and the clock Xu saw the appearance of this figure. This is a tall bull head ghost. Zhong Xugang just wanted to remind Zhang Yan and shouted: "Be careful!"

But before Zhong Xu's words were finished, the figure had come behind Zhang Yan, and patted it directly on Zhang's head, but Zhang Yan sneered, and his mouth was very smirk. A confident smile flashed directly to the side, quickly avoiding the palm of this figure. Before the figure wanted to continue to attack, Zhang Yan suddenly took out the soul charm in his hand and directly He raised his head and placed it in front of the Minotaur ghost, and saw Zhang Yan's spiritual power running, and then a dazzling white light emanated from Zhang Yan's soul-breaking amulet.

This white light was very dazzling, and the whole body of the minotaur was enveloped in an instant. Then, the minotaur gave a scream, and the whole body seemed to be scorched, emitting white smoke outward. These white More and more smoke, and the screams of the minotaur ghosts are getting louder and louder. The minotaur ghosts want to use their arms to block this white light, but found that his arms were completely burned in an instant, and finally the whole body They all burned, while the minotaur screamed loudly, and quickly ran towards the dense fog, but his body was completely burnt.

When it ran into the thick fog, the scream still remained uninterrupted, and Zhang Yan was able to feel its pain. After a while, the sound completely disappeared. Zhang Yan also knew that it should be dead. Zhang Yan could not help but shook his head and said, "I didn't expect this bull head to be so powerful, it is much stronger than those bull heads I encountered before. None of the bull heads and horse noodles that Zhang Yan encountered before can be exposed to the soul charm. Persist for a second, everything is dead by the light, as long as it is illuminated by the soul charm, it will die instantly, and this bull head can even insist on running back, which really surprised Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan said strangely: "What has changed here? How could such a strong creature appear? His strength is much stronger than before, what is going on here?"

When Zhang Yan was wondering, everyone had rushed out of the thick fog. After everyone had safely rushed out of the thick fog, everyone breathed a long breath. At this time, everyone knew that there was just It's so dangerous. Just when Zhang Yan just showed the soul charm, countless ghosts rushed towards this side, but all were resisted by Zhou Qi's ghostly shield, but everyone was clear. Seeing these things hitting the shield, everyone was frightened for a while, but fortunately Zhou Qi's strength was here, and the talents were not dragged into the mist by these monsters.

Listening to the screams of screams in the dense fog behind, and the sound of some fierce battles, everyone was sweating coldly. No one thought that the dense fog was so dangerous this time, it was too surprising.

Zhang Yan also asked strangely: "Do you know what's going on in there? How come there are so many bull heads and horse noodles, and their strength seems to be much stronger than before, even my town soul ca n’t They spiked. What the **** is going on? "

Zhou Qi heard the words and shook his head and said, "I'm not very clear about this. I also encountered this for the first time, and I just had a very powerful thing in front of me watching us. It's just that he seems to be afraid of something, and he has never shot, so we can safely get through there. If he shot, I'm afraid we would not be able to leave so easily. "

"Are there such things?" Said the fat man in surprise.

Soul Eater nodded and said, "It is true, there is a fierce beast, but it is still in its infancy, and its strength is not very strong. It felt my breath, so it came to take a look, thinking To command these minotaurs to interview our strength, but I did n’t make a shot, so he did n’t know the depth of my strength, and it did n’t dare to act lightly, which let us quickly leave the dense fog, if it is really hands-on , We are not the opponent of this thing, at least only Zhou Qi can compete with it, and the rest can only be used as its food. "

"What the **** is it? It can make you jealous of it? But since it is a fierce beast, its identity must not be simple, right?" Zhang Yan asked with some curiosity.

Soul Eater nodded and said, "This guy is called 谛 Listen. It has a very magical ability to hear anything with its ears, but this fierce beast hasn't really grown up, it can't hear me yet. The real situation of the body, not to mention that my breath is suppressing it here, it does not dare to come and probe me, after all, my fierce power is not what they can counter. "

Everyone heard the words and looked at the Soul Eater in shock. Zhou Qi heard the words and knew what the Soul Eater said, and it was also the creature standing on top of Huangquan Road. Its strength during the victory was comparable. God ’s strength, they did not dare to offend easily, and Zhou Qi thought that there were some fears after all, after all, the fierce might of his fierce beast was also very powerful, and listening to them also had very strong restraint against these ghosts, which is not good enough With the existence of Soul Eater, Yan Ting is also very worried about the strength of Soul Eater, so no one dares to act lightly.

Zhong Xu's people were very surprised when they heard the words. They did not know the true identity of the soul-eater, they only knew that the strength of the soul-eater was strong, but the real situation was not known, but now I hear the saying of the soul-eater. Coupled with Zhou Qi's respect for the soul-eater, Zhong Xu can also see that the identity of the soul-eater is not simple, but they will not know if they are killed. This turned out to be the legendary soul-eater. Follow the reincarnation of the ancient fierce beasts.

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