Immortal Asura

Chapter 183: Finding Four Spirit Chariots

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After getting out of the thick fog, everyone was very happy, everyone was glad that they didn't die in it, and heard the conversation between Zhou Qi and Soul Eater, all of them were very scared, and everyone didn't think of them before Even when they encountered such a dangerous situation, everyone was afraid for a while, and some people in the Zhong family were directly scared out of cold sweat. Everyone looked at the two people in surprise, listening to the conversation between them. Many people know that they still have a long way to go. Their strength is still not enough. The conversation between Soul Eater and Zhou Qi did not even understand, let alone in the dense fog. Encountered.

In such a dangerous situation, they didn't even notice it at all. It was really a hit, even Zhang Yan. Although Zhang Yan could feel that someone was watching him around, he was Zhang. The instinct reaction of Yan ’s body is because of Shura ’s change, and Zhang Yan ’s true perception is not known. He just felt something wrong in the battle, but Zhang Yan did not expect that he encountered the legendary listener. However, Huangquan Road is not weaker than the existence of the soul-eater, but the strength of listening is not very strong, and feel the breath of the soul-eater without acting rashly.

Zhang Yan looked at Zhou Qi and said, "Let's get out of here quickly. If you hear that the soul-eater is injured, it is not a complete soul-eater, then we will definitely be in danger."

Zhou Qi nodded his head and said, "You are very reasonable. Let's leave here quickly. After all, this place is about to reach the Ghost Gate. After passing the Ghost Gate, everything is under my control. At that time, whoever robbed me of the Four Spirits will be very easy to find. No matter who I am, I will make it pay. "

Zhou Qi's expression also became very serious, after all, the Four Spirit Chariot is the only treasure of Zhou Qi, and that is also the only two treasure house in the entire Huangquan Road. Who knows that this Four Spirit Chariot is his ghost emperor Zhou The beggar's car is a symbol of his status as a beggar. Nowadays, some people dare to move the four spirit chariots. That is, not to put Zhou beg in his eyes, it is a blatant challenge to him as a beastly ghost emperor. When did Zhou Qi receive this humiliation? If this incident reaches the ears of other ghost emperors, I am afraid that Zhou Qi will be killed by a joke.

Zhou Qi immediately walked in the direction of the Ghost Gate, and this time there were no special ghosts. Zhang Yan's people moved very fast. It took no time for everyone to feel the front of the Ghost Gate closed. Looking at the front was very majestic. And revealing a mysterious ghost door with a very powerful coercion, everyone could not help but be very cautious, everyone was full of footsteps, carefully watching the ghost door in front of him, Zhong Xu said with some surprise: "When we came in It seems that the Ghost Gate is not like this. How can it become such a dark and horrible place now? It makes people feel that the back bones are cold, and the hairs on their bodies are all going to stand up. "

Zhang Yan heard the words with a smile and said, "What are you afraid of when you beg the thief? The dignified ghost emperor showed us the way, you should feel honored. Except for you who can let the ghost emperor show you the way? You think so much is useless Things, we just need to step over the gate of the ghost.

Zhang Yan took a big step forward as he spoke, and saw Zhang Yan walk to the Ghost Gate in a big swing, then passed directly through the Ghost Gate and came to the opposite side of the Ghost Gate. At this time, Zhang Yan said with a smile: "You see it Nothing at all, all of you can rest assured. "

Zhou Qi didn't say much, walked directly towards the gate of the ghost, but waited for the moment when Zhou Qi walked to the gate of the gate, the whole person suddenly felt the power of the law from Huangquan Road. This power was very powerful and was not allowed at all. Zhou Qi has some resistance, but even if Qi Qi wants to resist, he cannot resist this power from the law. This power is not something that Zhou Qi, a ghost emperor can handle, but at this moment, Zhou Qi seems to feel it. The layer of yoke on his body was instantly opened, and he seemed to have just crawled back from the edge of death, and the whole person became extremely firm.

With the improvement of Zhou Qi's strength, Zhou Qi completely recovered to the previous strength, but at this moment Zhou Qi's repair was also skyrocketing, and Zhou Qi's repair became an instant emperor's repair. For this reason, the whole person becomes abnormally imposing at this moment, and the violent ghosts are surrounded by Zhou Qi in a frantic amount. These ghosts and Zhou Qi's momentum have a much stronger feeling directly. However, Zhang Yan didn't know how long Zhou Qi would continue to do this. After all, Zhou Qi's cultivation was too high.

It ’s just that Zhang Yandan's concerns are all superfluous. Zhou Qi ’s repair was completely restored in an instant, but even this moment of recovery, Zhou Qi did n’t notice that his momentum was moving outward fast. It broke out. As a result, Zhou Qi ’s momentum was really too strong. For a moment, he did not pay attention to the momentum and pushed all the people around him. Zhou Qi ’s momentum was very strong, and the people around him had no price. Being able to be calmed down by this trick, it is too strong to experience his true strength.

Everyone in the Zhong family was no exception. Everyone was scared by Zhou Qi ’s momentum, and he quit directly. How many people saw Zhou Qi ’s violent side, everyone was scared. Light, the elders of the Zhong family who are relatively close to Zhou Qi, because of their relatively low strength, were directly inadvertently released by Zhou Qi, and were directly frightened by how far back, and the whole person was in I was stupid at this moment, and it took me a long time to slow down, and only then did I react at this time, but at this time they had been injured by Zhou Qi, but it was only a small injury, and they could keep it for a few days.

This is because Zhou Qi ’s momentum was only released at the moment, and Zhou Qi was taken back. Otherwise, Zhou Qi ’s strength would directly shock everyone to death. The only thing that was not impacted was the soul-eater and being Zhang Yan protected by Soul Eater, as well as the fat man and Meng Yao, and Zhong Xu's Soul Eater was too late to protect him. Zhong Xu was shocked by the momentum released by Zhou Qi. Fortunately, at the moment Zhong Xu was about to be injured, Zhou Qi regained her momentum, which was also Zhong Xu's luck.

Zhou Qi looked at the people apologetically and said, "Sorry, I didn't expect that my strength will be completely restored at this instant, resulting in my momentum not being controlled and hurting you, right?"

Everyone saw Zhou Qi's enquiry, and all of them were overjoyed, and the elders of the Zhong family also shook their heads and said, "We don't have much to do, but the momentum at this moment makes our blood simmer. Everyone They are all incredible. I didn't expect that Zhou Qi's strength is really the same as the legend. The ghost emperor is the ghost emperor. This strength is really great. "

"Yes, the Emperor of the Emperor Ghost Emperor is really not our ordinary warriors who can even compete, and I also thank the emperor for his mercy," the Zhongjia people patted Zhou Qi's horse ass, very charming there Saying good things to Zhou Qi, and wanting to have a good relationship with Zhou Qi, but Zhou Qi ignored them at all, but turned his head to Zhang Yan's side and said with a smile: "This is my four spirits The chariot will not be stolen. No matter where he is, as long as he can feel my breath, the Four Spirit Chariot will run towards me quickly. "

"Before I was in the Ghost Gate, all the cultivation and strength and breath were hidden by most people. My strength and breath were very weak. I believe we can still find the Four Spirit Chariot," Zhou Qi While talking, the whole man flew directly into the air, and then whistled into the distance.

Zhou Qi's whistle looked like it had no power at all, but the sound of this whistle was very strange, it seemed to be intercepted by people, and it became very small in an instant, but even in a small voice Will be considered an uninformed voice, everyone thought of Zhou Qi's whistle, and Zhang Yan felt a magic from Zhou Qi's whistle, a magic that makes people feel crazy. And Zhou Qi's voice was very small, but it was clearly introduced into everyone's ears, as if to speak softly in their ears.

Everyone couldn't feel any breath in the whistle. This was just the connection between Zhou Qi and the Four Spirits Chariot. Even Zhang Yan didn't know what kind of ghost Zhou Qi was going to do. Did he just whistle a whistle? Can the Four Spirit Chariot run back by itself?

However, although Zhang Yan didn't know what was going on, he was still very curious and asked: "What does this whistle mean? Can you call back the Four Spirit Chariot with a whistle?"

Zhou Qi nodded his head and said, "If they are not too far away from me, I believe I should be able to find the Four Spirit Chariots, but there has been no movement for so long. It seems that the Four Spirit Chariots have indeed been taken. They were snatched away, and it seemed that the strength of these people did not take me seriously, and they dared to **** my Four Spirit Chariot in Huangquan Road. If I encountered them, I would not let them go.

When Zhou Qi was talking, he went straight back and said, ‘we have to go first, and let ’s leave here slowly. "

Zhong Xu could not help but said a little helplessly: "Then we have to say goodbye here, but just hope that when you go out of Huangquan Road, brother Zhang Yan, remember to come to my house as a guest, I will not neglect you."

"Sure to go, I will definitely go," Zhang Yan said with a smile.

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