Immortal Asura

Chapter 191: Beginner "Sky Zong Jue"

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Zhang Yan watched with satisfaction the footprints she stepped on the ground during her practice, and said with excitement: "Finally, this" Flame Body Method "has been practiced to a great extent, but this flame body method consumes spiritual power. It's still a bit big, it takes a lot more spiritual power than the previous "Qing Yunbu" used by Zhang Yan, but after practicing to Dacheng, Zhang Yan's own spiritual power can barely maintain the consumption of "Flame". The method is indeed much faster than the previous Qingyun step. Zhang Yan's current speed has once again improved by one level.

Before Zhang Yan's speed relied on his own understanding of body style, plus Zhang Yan's physical strength, this can make Zhang Yan's speed reach the extreme, comparable to his stronger opponent, but now Zhang Yan does not need Exposing his physical condition, directly using his body speed can make Zhang Yan's speed reach the extreme. Of course, this is a very mentally consuming thing. After all, martial arts is a way of using spiritual power, and once Without spiritual power, Zhang Yan can only rely on his own body, but that is also a time of last resort, otherwise Zhang Yan would not be able to reveal his hole cards.

After Zhang Yan finished practicing "Flame", he still wanted to take out the "Zhong Zong Jie" that he obtained before and see if he could practice holy martial arts now, although he still doesn't know exactly What level of martial arts, but as the core martial arts of the Tianzong Empire, Zhang Yan believes that it will be a holy martial arts, but just when Zhang Yan wanted to come out to investigate, the fat man came from a distance.

The fat man came to Zhang Yan and found that he did n’t practice in Zhang Yan, but stood there meditating, and could n’t help but smile and said, "Boss, aren't you practicing? I thought your son was practicing, die Lingma has been completely restored, we can go now, they asked me to call you, if you want to practice, you can go to Baodu Mountain to practice, after all, it is quieter there is no one to disturb, here is still not It's safe, what do you say? "

"You're right, so let's talk back to Hushan first," Zhang Yan nodded and said.

As the two turned around to leave, the fat man only found the footprints on the ground at this time, watching the ground was depressed by Zhang Yan to a pit, the fat man could not help but said a bit surprised: "Boss, you have been doing these two days What? Why are there so many footprints here? Even the ground has been stepped out of the pit. How many steps do you have to practice in order to have this effect? ​​Maybe you have already succeeded in training "Zhong Zong Jue" ? "

Zhang Yan heard the words and shook his head and said, "How can it be so easy? Besides, I haven't practiced" Zhong Zong Jie ". I have been practicing the medium-level intermediate martial arts" Flame Body "which I won from Yan Yan "After all," Zhong Zong Jie "is too high-level, and I don't know if I can practice successfully, so let's start with easy practice first."

"What you mean is that you have successfully practiced the" Flame Body Method "?" The fat man said in surprise: "Oh my God, your understanding is too bad, right? How do you say that is also a level martial art, You have been able to practice so easily? Isn't it possible that you can practice this body as soon as you can at this speed? "

Zhang Yan smiled and didn't say much. After all, Zhang Yan didn't want to hit the fat man. The fat man only thought that Zhang Yan had already started the "Flame Body Method", and it took three days to get started with the prefecture-level martial arts. It ’s already a bad move, but if Zhang Yan tells the fat man that he ’s not only getting started now, he ’s already practiced the “Flame Body Method” to a great extent. If he tells this thing to the fat man, it will be a blow to the fat man. But it's big.

Zhang Yan and the fat man walked towards the outside. After they got outside, they saw everyone waiting for Zhang Yan at the Four Spirit Chariot. Zhang Yan said a little embarrassedly, "Let you wait for a long time. I forgot my time. If it weren't for the fat man coming to me, I would still be practicing. "

The fat man smiled mysteriously and said, "I have one more important thing to tell you."

"What makes it so mysterious?" Zhang Yan looked at God's mysterious fat man with a doubt, and couldn't help but ask.

"Of course it's a good thing. During your training time, Zhou Qigui Emperor has decided to accept me as an apprentice. I am now a formal apprentice of the ghost emperor. How can I pull the wind?" The fat man was proud. Said.

Zhang Yan heard something unexpected, but thought that the fat man has Eucharist, in the future, he can be a masterpiece of Eucharist. Now it is a blank piece of paper. Such a good seed is here. Zhou Qi wants to collect it. It ’s reasonable to be a fat student as an apprentice. Zhang Yan ca n’t help but say, “Since Brother Zhou Qi is already your master, then you must practice well here. Do n’t be lazy, after all, your bite The spirit body is very special, and only the ghost emperor Zhou Qi can afford you, otherwise I don't know where to go to find so many natural treasures for you to practice. "

The fat man scratched his head when he heard the words and said, "I didn't expect that my phage could be so edible. I really don't know how much I will eat to become a phage after I am trained to ascend."

"Well, let's get in the car first and wait until something is on the road," said Zhou Qi with a smile.

Zhang Yan and others got on the four spirit chariots and they were speechless all the way. In addition, the four spirit chariots have just recovered. The necropolis horses have been idle for a few days. It just happened to be able to run today. These four necropolis horses All of them are like Huan, rushing fast, pulling the four spirit chariots like a meteor, passing quickly in the air, passing by like flames, and the necropolis horse sprinting toward the flames, and ran quickly. Baodu Mountain.

It didn't take long to rush back to Baodu Mountain. After arriving at Baotu Mountain, a figure greeted the crowd in front of the mountain. After seeing the crowd, the appearance looked like a middle-aged man greeted with a smile: "Subordinate Welcome to the emperor. "

Zhang Yan walked down from the chariot of chariots, looking at the people in front of him in doubt, and Zhou Qi quickly explained: "This is also a ghost of mine. I let him go out to do things before, and I just came back now."

"You take the Four Spirit Chariot back, and you don't need to worry about the rest of the things. You just look around at Baodu Mountain," Zhou Qi ordered, and then took everyone to the top of Baodu Mountain.

Zhang Yan said very anxiously: "You are drinking here first, my martial arts skills have not been completed, I will go to practice," Zhang Yan said, and came to the mid-mountainside of Baodu Mountain, looking for In a quiet place with no one, he took out the jade bamboo slips of "Zhong Zong Jue".

After Zhang Yan penetrated the soul force into it, looking at the records on Yu Jian, he couldn't help but be deeply shocked by the forehead "Tian Zong Jue". Zhang Yan didn't expect that this "Tian Zong Jue" was so powerful. I saw the introduction, "Zheng Zong Jue" is divided into two parts, the complete martial arts is the emperor, but no one can practice that state, even the founder of the Tian Zong Ju, the ancestor of the Tian Zong Empire Tianzong Wushen, he did not practice the "Zhongzhuang Decisive" to the extreme, he just practiced to the extreme of the Wushen realm, but after that he also innovated and created the lower part, but that was just his conjecture, He had run out of life and died before he could practice successfully.

After Zhang Yan looked at "Sky Zong Jue", he found that the Sky Zong Wu Shen who created it was really a shocking and brilliant man, and a genius who was not alive. Unfortunately, he did not practice the martial arts behind him. "Tian Zong Jue" is getting more and more looking forward. When Zhang Yan looks down, the more he looks at Zhang Yan, the more he is shocked. Zhang Yan did not expect that this "Tian Zong Jue" is so powerful that it is better than the previous "Flame" It is many times more complicated, and even if Zhang Yan has seen it many times, he cannot understand the meaning of the uprising.

Zhang Yan shook his head reluctantly and said, "Tian Zong is determined, Tian Zong is determined, and it is said that he can jump to the sky in a leap, but this upper part is only equivalent to the Holy Art, not the Emperor Art, but it is still so difficult. It's a headache. "

However, Zhang Yan did not believe this evil, Zhang Yan still sat on the stone with her knees crossed, quietly deducing "Zhong Zong Jue" in her mind, but unfortunately this "Zheng Zong Jue" was too difficult, even if it was Zhang Yan had no clue for a while, but Zhang Yan was not afraid of difficulties and was not tired. She still sat there quietly, as if the old monk had settled in, and closed her eyes and deduced "Zhong Zong Jie".

Time is passing by like a white horse, and Zhang Yan still sits still motionlessly deducing "Zhong Zong Jue", understanding the meaning of it, as if everything outside him has nothing to do with him. Once in the ethereal state of the previous practice, the whole person lost his perception of the outside world and was studying "Zhong Zong Jue" in his mind.

This practice of Zhang Yan was half a month. During this half month, Zhang Yan sat there without moving, and had been comprehending "Zhong Zong Jie", but after half a month, Zhang Yan Yan suddenly opened her eyes. Zhang Yan's eyes flashed, but then she felt a slight loss. Zhang Yan shook her head with regret and sighed: "I didn't expect that it was so difficult to practice. It took so long just to realize a little bit, this point in Zhang Yan's view is just a drop in the ocean in "Sky Zong Jue".

Zhang Yan returned to the top of Baodu Mountain with some regrets, and found that everyone was doing their own business. Seeing Zhang Yan was back, Zhou Qi asked: "How is it? How is the practice?"

Zhang Yan heard the words and shook his head and said, "Don't mention, this" Zhong Zong Jue "is really too esoteric. Now I can't understand the mystery of it, I can't practice this martial art at all, I will only talk when my cultivation is improved. . "

"Do n’t be discouraged. This" Sky Zong Jue "is in the Sky Zong Empire. It is also a martial arts skill that can only be touched by people above the level of Wu Sheng, and those who can practice it are also the core characters of the Sky Zong Empire. There are very high requirements for talents and cultivation, and your cultivation is still shallow. After you have improved, you will be able to cultivate successfully. "

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