Immortal Asura

Chapter 192: Luofu Mountain

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Zhang Yan nodded and said, "I know what you said, I just tried it and wanted to see if I could succeed, but obviously I failed. This" Zhong Zong Jue "is too difficult. "

Mengyao was very happy to see Zhang Yan come back here. Hearing Zhang Yan said that he did not practice successfully, Mengyao couldn't help but say: "It is normal for us to fail in such a high-level martial arts practice. You do n’t have to go to your heart. After all, it ’s very difficult for us to practice the martial arts of the prefecture level. The holy martial arts are something that I ca n’t even imagine. ”

Zhang Yan smiled and said, "You don't need to comfort me anymore. I have nothing to do with. I know my own situation best. This is not a thing at all. It is because the fat man hasn't seen your cultivation for a few days. Very fast. "

Zhang Yan only noticed at this time that the body training of the fat man has been from the previous training period and has reached the current innate training body. Zhang Yan is also very happy. I did not expect that the strength of the fat man has grown so much. Quickly, it seems that I haven't talked to Master Zhou Qi.

Meng Yao said at this time: "Are we all done here? If there is nothing, let's go back? What do you think?"

Zhang Yan glanced at Meng Yao who was very anxious, knowing that he was worried about the situation at home, after all, the Meng family was in the midst of storms, and Meng Yao was alone, and it was not very clear about the things at home, plus before The assassination of Meng Yao by Meng Yao made Meng Yao very worried about her father's safety. After all, the situation in Meng Yao's home was too complicated. Zhang Yan also sighed and comforted: "You can rest assured, we did not let Zhong Xu take Did the information go back? Besides, your father is not the owner of the Meng family? He should be the strongest person in the Meng family? Since your father is the strongest, then there will be nothing, after all, in the face of absolute strength, No conspiracy is useful. "

Meng Yao said that she was very worried and said, "But I still don't worry. I want to rush back to see what happened to our life in Meng's house as soon as possible."

Zhang Yan nodded and said, "I can understand your mood, why didn't I want to rush back as soon as possible? I also have no revenge. The Qing Yuanzong people and Qing Mingzong people almost killed me. Not to mention, I put the fat man to death, which made me take the risk to come to Huangquan Road alone, but fortunately I have good luck, otherwise I do n’t know what to do. If we all want to go back, it ’s better Let's leave now. "

The fat man said on the side, "Boss, are you leaving? But I can't bear to leave, and I want to go to the world with you."

"You are here to practice Anxiu. When you are successful, you are going out to find me, or when I miss you, I am here to see you. What do you think?" Zhang Yan said with a smile. .

"I also know that my cultivation is relatively low, and I ca n’t help you, and I can only mess with you outside, but I will work hard here to strive to become a phage as soon as possible, and I will go out to follow You fought side by side, "the fat man vowed.

On the side, Zhou Qi heard the words and came over and said with a smile: "Since you have something to leave, I will not force you to stay, but if you want to go back, you will also go to Luofu Mountain in the south, from here If you walk to Luofu Mountain, it will take a month to say how to say it. I think it ’s better for me to send it to you. I happen to have nothing to do and drive the Four Spirit Chariot to take you. There will be some troublesome things on the road, and no one will ask you to cross the road at Luofu Mountain. "

Zhang Yan said with a smile, "Thank you, Brother Zhou Qi."

"What kind of thing is this? It's just a matter of hand. Do you still need to thank you for the relationship between me and me?" Zhou Qi said with a smile.

Immediately after, Zhou Qi passed on the news to the ghost, and asked him to bring the Four Spirit Chariot to the top of the mountain to meet them. Within a short while, the ghost driver drove the Four Spirit chariot to the top of the mountain. , Along the way unhurriedly rushed to the west of Luofu Mountain.

On the way, everyone in Zhang Yan didn't say much. They just knew that Zhang Yan was leaving. The fat man was a bit sad. The fat man asked Zhang Yan to say, "I do n’t know how long it will take me to practice. If you go back, When Qing Yuanzong revenge, remember to help me to take a look at my father and see how his old man is doing. If there is anything that can help, you can help my father. After all, my father is also practicing, but His cultivation is very low, and it is estimated that it has not reached the level of congenital cultivation. When I went out, I didn't know if I could see his old man. "

Zhang Yan heard the words with a smile and said, "You can rest assured that we were neither capable nor capable before. Now it's different. Now I have a lot of spirit stones. When I go back, I will report to Qingyuan. After Zong's hatred, I will definitely go back to your father to take a look at him. No matter what method I will use, I will also improve his cultivation, so that his life will be improved, and I will definitely be able to see your father when you return. , Rest assured. "

The fat man moved and said, "My father was so bad to you before. I didn't expect you to care about him so much. It really touched the boss."

"What are you talking about? Uncle was so excusable to me before, after all, the people I provoke are so terrible, I ca n’t take your family in, either, I can understand what my uncle did then. Besides, our relationship is so good, how can I remember to hate my uncle? You can rest assured that you are fat. "

"Your task is to practice hard here at Brother Zhou Qi. I'm waiting outside for you to come back. You can't do it when you come back. I won't be high. I will despise you." Zhang Yan said with a smile.

It took them three days to come to Luofu Mountain without talking, and looking at the continuous mountains in front of them, Zhang Yan said with a little surprise: "I did not expect this Luofu Mountain to be larger than Baodu Mountain, and It is wider than the continuous range of Taozhi Mountain. Is this Luofu Mountain the largest mountain range? "

Zhou Qi nodded and said, "This Luofu Mountain is indeed the largest mountain range on this Huangquan Road, but the strength of the ghosts and some monsters here is much more than other places, but the strength is not too different. After all, here is On Huangquan Road, this is almost the same everywhere I go. If you want to talk about ghosts, it is only my Baodu Mountain, because what I hate most is these lonely ghosts. "

The fat man asked curiously, "It is said that Du Ziren, the southern ghost emperor, lives in Luofu Mountain. I wonder if this news is true?"

"Who are you listening to these things?"

"Do you still hear? Isn't this common sense in Huangquan Road? Didn't everyone say that there are five ghost emperors in Huangquan Road? Each ghost emperor is guarded in one position and lives in a mountain. You are the central government. The ghost emperor, who lives in the central Baotu Mountain, and the southern ghost emperor Du Ziren lives in the Luofu Mountain in the south, doesn't it? "Said the fat man with a smug look.

"Of course not, that's just some people's conjectures, but where the four of us lived, they guessed correctly, but Du Ziren did not live in Luofu Mountain, he lives in Luofu Mountain and goes south. The place, of course, is not far from Luofu Mountain, but this Luofu Mountain is not like Tao Zhishan. It is a place under the jurisdiction of the ghost emperor. Every passing person must turn in some treasures. This Luofu Mountain was also This was the case, but then the people of Bacheng City came forward and united the power of many ancestors of the human race. They all negotiated with Du Ziren. After giving Du Ziren some benefits, Du Ziren gave up this Luofu Mountain, and our Wufang ghost The emperor also has an agreement, and we will not intervene in the things in Luofu Mountain. "

"That is to say, the retreat that your people want to go back to, we will not control it. This is also our agreement. It is also a win-win situation for the two parties. In this way, your people will go back without worries," said Zhou Qi to everyone. Explained.

The fat man only came to understand at this time, and suddenly realized: "I didn't expect such a thing, it's really ignorant of me."

Zhou Qi said with a smile: "It's not that you are ignorant. It's just that this matter was solved by some high-level people of the human race, and it was also a matter of many years ago. It's normal for you not to know, but although we Regardless of Luofu Mountain, there are still a lot of ghosts and ghosts, such as ghosts and phantoms, and many human warriors are killed here. This is why many people come here to bring some followers. After the people are sent into the reincarnation ship, these people are able to come back together. Otherwise, if there are fewer people, it will be difficult to survive here. If you encounter the dark night and meet the night ghosts, then the human warrior will have a better chance of survival. It's small. "

"Speaking of the night walk of the hundred ghosts, what exactly is going on? How come there are night walks of the hundred ghosts at night? What are these ghost kings going to do? Control so many little ghosts and ghosts, do they have any special things? Can't do it? "Zhang Yan asked curiously.

Zhou Qi heard the words with a smile and said, "This night of ghosts is actually a child. During the daytime, although the yin on Huangquan Road is also there, it is not the heyday. After the night falls, the yin on Huangquan Road is the best. At that time, when the strength of all of us was the strongest, the ghost king and other little ghosts would certainly not let go of this situation. At that time, the strength of the human warriors was the weakest, so they would fall into the nest. Out is for hunting, so that you can devour your soul and grow. "

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