Immortal Asura

Chapter 193: From Huangquan Road

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Zhang Yan nodded and said, "It turned out to be pretty much what I thought. I thought that the ancient ghost ritual had an ancient ritual, or was going to meet someone, so mysterious. It turned out to be just hunting. "

"Not all of them. Sometimes there are some ghost emperors calling these ghost kings. They will also obey the call of the knees and wait for the orders of the ghost emperors together, but I have never called these ghost kings because you also know me. The most annoying are these ghosts. As long as I feel the ghosts in Baotu Mountain, I will gather the rain of exorcism to drive them. "

"Of course we know this. When I first entered Baotu Mountain, I just caught up with the exorcist rain. Without the cover of the exorcist rain, I wouldn't have been able to reach the middle of Baodu Mountain smoothly. Then, "Zhang Yan said with a smile.

When the people were talking, the Four Spirit Chariot had passed the periphery of Luofu Mountain and reached the center of the Luofu Mountains, which is beside the most central Luofu Mountain. Because the Four Spirit Chariot was a car for the ghosts to beg Zhou, It can be described as a sideways existence. The four spirits are carrying the crowd without any impact, and no one dares to stop them. They can only watch the crowds driving the four spirits, flying from the top of the mountain to Luofu Mountain. Fly over the mountains.

Luofu Mountain in the center is not very high. Compared to Baotu Mountain, it is only one-third as high as Baotu Mountain. Even the surrounding peaks are higher than Luofu Mountain in the center. The top of the mountain is also a platform. There is a stone well in the center of the platform. There is a black well rolling in this well all year round, but it has never been seen to overflow. Many people have been gathered on the top of Luofu Mountain. These people were all waiting in line to return to Bacheng. I saw these people rushing to jump into the well in front of them in order to return to Bacheng quickly.

This is a nightmare for most of the warriors. Everything here is too dangerous. Not to mention the environment, and the crisis that threatens your life is hidden all the time. Terran warriors are unable to cope, so many warriors choose to return to Bacheng City here.

There are also some warriors who want to be like Zhang Yan. Things have been done in Huangquan Road, some have bought their favorite shouxue stone, and some have successfully sent the elders of Zongmen to the reincarnation ship. In short, everyone Yes, but everyone has a purpose here, and that is to return to Bacheng quickly.

The people from Zhang Yan flew directly to the top of the mountain with the four-spirit chariot. When the four-spirit chariot flew from a distance, everyone on the mountain looked at the four-spirit chariot in shock. The man in the car said with an envious look: "Which big door is this one? It's so enviable to be able to fly on Huangquan Road in such a cool carriage."

Some warriors who guided the bottom of the four-spirit chariot were so scared that their hearts were half cold. I wondered what this ghost emperor came here for? Is anyone here provoking the ghost emperor? If so, would it anger us? To know that if the ghost emperor is angry, none of the people here can run away. Everyone is very worried about their comfort, but they are afraid to run away because they also know that it is useless to escape in front of the powerful emperor ’s cultivation. That way, it is also easier to anger the ghost emperor, so most people choose to stand in place and salute in the direction of the Four Spirit Chariot to represent their awe of the ghost emperor.

The four-spirit chariot stopped directly at the edge of the wellhead. The people around the wellhead also very interestedly gave way. No one dared to stand inside the five-spirit chariot and walked directly around the wellhead. A very wide space flowed out, and everyone could only stand in the distance and watch the situation of the Four Spirit Chariots far away, and when everyone saw that the young spirit warrior first came down from the Four Spirit Chariots. Everyone couldn't help but be shocked. Everyone thought they had read it wrong. They couldn't help rubbing their eyes and taking a closer look. It turned out that he was indeed a human warrior, and he was a human warrior who didn't do anything.

Just when everyone was confused, another human warrior got off the car. This man was just a young boy trained by a warrior. The crowd couldn't help but be surprised again. What was going on? Why are there human warriors in the Four Spirits Chariot? At this time, there was a group of people in the crowd. They were just rushing to catch the crowds of the Celestial Sect for nearly a month. The crowd seemed to be dusty and tired, and some people suffered a little. Injured, and Yan Yan, who was standing in the crowd, was shocked at this moment.

Yan Zheng shook his head all the time and couldn't believe what he saw was true. He shook his head and said, "It's impossible, how is this possible? This boy is not a waste of Qing Yuanzong being kicked out of the gate? How? Maybe he has this identity? How could he get into the ghost emperor's four spirit chariot? How could this be possible? What **** was this kid going to have? "

And when Zhou Qi and Soul Eater stepped out of the car, Yan Yan was completely shocked at this time and had nothing to say, including the many people who burned Tianzong beside him also widened his eyes, no Believing to look at the people in front of him, Yan Yan widened his eyes and said incredibly, "How could it be them?"

"Can it be said that the man is the central ghost emperor Zhou Qi on Huangquan Road?" Yan Yan looked at Zhou Qi with some disbelief, and then Yan Yan quickly recalled whether he had been disrespectful to Zhou Qi before, but think about it before Zhou Qi No matter what, Yan Yan didn't offend Zhou Qi, Yan Yan just got a sip.

But now when they see Zhang Yan, they can stand with the Emperor and talk with each other, and they can only wait and wait quietly, without daring to disturb them. They are thinking about a grand heir who burned Tianzong. You have to go all the way to get here with shame and shame, and this boy from Qing Yuanzong was able to sit in such a luxurious four-spirit chariot and arrived here in a beautiful scenery. Yan Yan's heart was very jealous of Zhang Yan. At the same time, I felt more and more hatred for Zhang Yan.

Yan Yan remembered that he had lost a bet to Zhang Yan before. The boy Zhang Yan also made himself shameful in the public. He was a grand heir to the Celestial Sect, but he lost to a small abandoner of Qing Yuanzong. This made Yan Yan feel more and more angry when he wanted to. Yan Yan was anxious to kill Zhang Yan at this moment, but there was Zhou Qi here, Yan Yan didn't dare to move, and the strength of the ghost emperor was still the strongest here. Yes, Yan Yan is very clear, but Yan Yan swears secretly in his heart. When he comes out of Huangquan Road and arrives at the capital city, he must find a chance to kill the kid. When the time comes, the mysterious weapon in his hand, It's all my own.

When Zhang Yan said goodbye to Zhou Qi, he suddenly felt a murderous gas coming from a distance. He couldn't help turning his head to look at the source of the murderous gas. As a result, Yan Yan was looking at himself with a venomous look. Zhang Yan I couldn't help but snorted, thinking that no matter what you are the one who burned Tianzong's successor, as long as you didn't mess with me, if you messed up with me, even if you were the one who burned Tianzong's successor, I did the same. Death you.

However, Zhang Yan was startled by Yan Yan, who was thinking about **** Zhang Yan. At this time, Zhang Yan suddenly turned his head and looked at him. Yan Ye almost exclaimed, and when she saw Zhang Yan turning her head again, Yan Ye could not help but sighed and said to herself: "I really thought this kid had a sensitive perception of murder, but it turned out to be It was a false alarm. "

Looking at Ishii leading to the capital city, the fat man said very reluctantly, "Boss, I really can't bear you, I haven't experienced these things with you for such a long time, and now I finally got resurrected by you, But I have to ignore you, I really can't bear you, you worked so hard to resurrect me, I haven't had time to repay you. "

"Stupid brother, do we have to say anything about repaying or not repaying? I want to change it if I die, and you will certainly do this to resurrect me," Zhang Yan patted the fat man's shoulders, eyes rim Some also said in red: "Well, don't be sad here, we are not separated from life and death. Today's difference is just to get better together in the future. We each work hard to practice. When we are together, our brothers will definitely They are shocking people. "

"Yes, I will definitely work hard, and when we meet again, I will be stronger than you," the fat man said with an oath.

Zhang Yan heard the words with a smile and said, "This is impossible. It is impossible for you to be stronger than me. How can you be my boss?"

The fat man laughed when he heard that, no matter how he laughed, he couldn't hide the reddish rims of the fat man and the tears in his eyes, but the fat man kept trying to keep the tears from falling.

Zhou Qi also said to Soul Eater: "Teacher today, do n’t know when you will meet. I really appreciate your teachings. If it were not for you, there would be no me now. I really do n’t know. How to repay you. "

"You don't have to talk about these nasty words. You only need to train your apprentices in the future. When the master of my family needs you, you can come forward and that's fine."

"You can rest assured, if Brother Zhang Yan has any orders, I will do my best to help," Zhou Qi promised.

After Zhou Qi talked with Soul Eater, he turned around and looked at Meng Yao, who smiled and said, "The people in your Meng family will also be the ones who hold my calves, and go back and tell your people in Meng's family. In the future, if you walk on Huangquan Road, if you encounter any danger, you can come to Baodu Mountain to find me at any time, and you hold this token, if you have any future things, take this token in Huangquan Road Walking, no one dares to touch you a little hair, just come to me at that time, as long as you ask about Yuer, you can also tell your family members that if Yuer comes back, I will definitely let She went back to see you. "

Meng Yao nodded and said, "Thank you for the help of the ghost emperor. Meng Yao thanked you on behalf of the Meng family here."

"You are out of sight. With my relationship with Yuer, the things in your Meng family are my things, and you are my family too. If the capital city is really out of life, you can also move to Coming from Huangquan Road, when you live in my Baodu Mountain, it is also a very good thing. "Zhou Qi quickly helped Meng Yao and laughed.

The crowd on the sidelines looked at Zhang Yan, where they kept talking, and couldn't help but whisper a little in confusion: "Who are these people? How could they have such a good relationship with the ghost emperor? Look at that Yiyi and others. It ’s really confusing, it ’s like a group of loved ones. ”

"Why not, how long have you been standing here and talking? Why don't you leave? It's ink!"

"You can speak quietly, if you are heard over there, be careful of your life," the warrior on the side immediately reminded, and the warrior who had scared the previous one immediately covered his mouth, and was afraid to say more. Then, for fear of misfortune comes out of the mouth.

Soul Eater said at this time: "Okay, you have to send a thousand miles and you have to say goodbye. You have already been here, and what you have to say has been said. If we think of you in the future, we will come to see you. If we stay here, everyone next to us should think we are sick. "

The fat man said angrily, "Who dares to talk about us? Whoever dares to talk, I will kill him now."

"Well, we have also said a lot. If we do n’t leave, there is always something to talk about, and there is something to say when we see you next time," Zhang Yan patted the fat man on the shoulder and said, "Let ’s stop here. Come on, I'm waiting for you to practice successfully. "

After speaking, Zhang Yan turned around and came to Ishii, followed the soul-eater and Meng Yao and jumped into Ishii, leaving only the fat man behind him, standing and waving his hand, saying: " You wait, boss, I will definitely surpass you ... "

Soul Eater saw Zhang Yan and they were gone, so he glanced at Yiyi reluctantly, and said with a smile, "Well, let's go back, Zhang Yan, they have already left. If you want to see him soon, , Then you just have to work hard. "

The fat man nodded firmly when he heard the words, "Relax, Master, I will work hard to practice."

Zhou Qi sat on the four-spirit chariot and looked at the fat man with a smile and said, "Since then you are going to cheer, my special training for you will start now, and you will run for me from now on. Go back to Baodu Mountain, "he said, and instructed Guishi to leave the chariot.

The fat man with a look of aggression stood on the spot. After a while, the fat man reacted and immediately chased the Four Spirit Chariots on the ground, shouting while chasing: "Master, I don't think I want to see you that early To Zhang Yan, I think you should pull me back. "

"No, how you say it is also a physical exercise, you walk back to Baotu Mountain for myself," Zhou Qi's voice came from the Four Spirit Chariot.

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