Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and forty-seven the future of the Navy

As for the commander of the extra Mediterranean fleet, Li Le also has his own choice. When the two talked about this issue, Li Le mentioned a person's name: "I think Lindeman is a good choice."

This Lindemann, whose full name is Ernst Lindemann, was just promoted to rear admiral two months ago.

Originally he was just a colonel, and was in charge of commanding the battleship Bismarck as captain.

In the real history, as a representative of the German Navy's young soldiers, he experienced the glory of the Battle of Denmark Strait with Lütjens, and also ushered in the final doomsday.

As the captain of the battleship, he showed due combat literacy and faithfully implemented the naval battle plan.

Therefore, Li Le felt that promoting such a commander who "died once" can be more reassuring in terms of loyalty.

Of course, what the traversers know, others don't. Therefore, Li Le's personnel selection can only be described as confused in the eyes of others.

It can be said that Li Le seems a little too hasty in the appointment of this candidate. Lindeman's resume is not enough, and it seems a bit too reluctant to be the commander of the fleet.

The commander that Raeder originally wanted was more mature and prudent in age, but after hearing the opinion of the Fuhrer, he decided to support the young commander named Lindeman.

The German navy is not as strong as the army. In fact, before Hitler came to power, the German navy was a joke in the eyes of foreign countries.

Later, because of the support of the National Socialist Party and Hitler's flexible diplomacy, the German navy was created out of nothing and began to develop.

It is precisely because of this that the German navy has been deeply branded as the Führer, and the interior is filled with a personal cult for the Führer.

And now, the German navy has defeated the United Kingdom, received the British navy to directly expand its army twice, and become a world-class naval power, which is also the credit of the head of the tactical reform.

In the view of German Admiral Raeder, he could not achieve today's achievements without the Führer's cultivation.

So he has no reason to refuse the Fuhrer's request, even if it is a wrong request.

Although he felt that the appointment of the captain of the battleship Lindeman as the fleet commander was a bit hasty, he then thought that the appointment of the head of state was really not that important.

The current Mediterranean Sea can already be said to be the inner lake of the Axis bloc. The ships of the Third Reich sailing here are almost without any risk.

The Italian Navy has a huge fleet in the Mediterranean that has lost its opponents, and the French Navy has a fleet here too.

Both countries are now allies or servants of Germany, and the safety of the German fleet can naturally be said to be no problem.

At this time, the German Mediterranean Fleet itself is dispensable, and appointing a general who lacks amazing and qualifications to rule such a small fleet is not an unbearable thing.

So Redel once again chose to back down and decided to continue to obey the Führer, pushing Ernst Lindemann to the position of commander of the Mediterranean Fleet.

"My head of state, General Lindeman is a suitable candidate, but he is slightly lacking in military rank..." Rader said to Li Le.

He was going to give Lindeman a promotion at this time, so that the commander of the Mediterranean Fleet would continue to be under his control and influence.

Germany's Mediterranean Fleet is still just a gimmick. Although there is a behemoth like the battleship Warrior, it can be described as poor and white.

The original German Mediterranean fleet consisted of only a small force equipped with outdated French torpedo boats and a few old destroyers.

Now it only takes one day to change the shotgun to the gun, and to have a battleship can be said to be no different from starting from scratch.

Naval construction takes time. After Lindeman took office, he spent most of his time training a fleet.

Taking up some anti-submarine tasks at most, and watching over the French fleet not to cause any trouble, is not a lot of heavy work.

In such an unimportant but boring job, Lindeman had to get Rieder's full support, so he would inevitably become an existence that Riedel could control.

On the other hand, his repeated and repeated compromises are also increasing his leverage.

The Führer would certainly like to have an obedient general sit in the position of commander-in-chief of the navy.

For the head of state, a general who can fight on the front line and win is important, but an obedient subordinate who leads the overall situation is also indispensable.

So as long as he obeys the head of state, he can continue to be the commander-in-chief of the navy.

As the head of the empire, Li Le certainly wouldn't mind that his subordinates had some thoughts of his own. He was very satisfied with Raidl's performance of "going to the road", nodded in agreement and said: "You are right, I think it is for him Proper promotion is very necessary."

Lindeman's promotion was thus finalized, and the rest was easier to resolve. Raedl is going to leave 200 Danish and Norwegian volunteers of appropriate age, and mix with the 3,000 German coastal young men specially approved by the Führer to train to become naval sailors.

The sailors will conduct assault training in the next month and then be assigned to serve on various warships to fill the gaps in the Navy's shortage of personnel.

Even so, the shortage of naval personnel is still huge. In the future, the Navy will continue to train 5,000 personnel to support the scale of the existing naval fleet.

With the addition of these 5,000 men, the German fleet could barely enter a combat state. This does not include the naval air force, and the troops needed by the Marine Corps.

If you add shore-based patrol units, as well as logistical support units and supporting command systems that serve these units, an increase of 20,000 people in the Navy may not be enough.

Unlike the army, the navy is a high-tech arm, with a longer training cycle for talents and a larger number of professionals.

The good news is that the navy of the Third Reich will not face a large-scale naval battle in a short period of time, and as long as it does not go to the Indian Ocean or the east coast of the United States to cause trouble, no one will disturb the expansion of the German navy.

This news is the best news that Raidl can think of right now, because there are so many headaches.

The previous cruise ship conversion aircraft carrier, the progress of the project is quite fast, this aircraft carrier will be incorporated into the Mediterranean fleet as planned, but there is not a single superfluous person in professional aviation.

Lindeman can only rely on himself to strengthen the Mediterranean fleet of the Third Reich, Raidl thought badly in his heart.

"In the future, the Navy will focus on anti-air operations and anti-submarine operations. You will supervise these two projects in person." As a prophet who has traveled through the future, Li Le's tactical predictions are very accurate.

He has seen the horror of the US Navy submarine force in the future, and he has also seen the power of the US Navy aircraft carrier force.

Because Japan did not pay attention to anti-submarine warfare, the United States finally cut off the supply line, which led to the collapse of the Pacific line of defense.

The current Third Reich is not the original inland empire without much shipping, and the importance of the Mediterranean route is self-evident.

If the United States and Germany enter a state of war, the possibility of the United States Navy hunting in the Mediterranean is not impossible.

Therefore, Li Le ordered Redel to pay attention to anti-submarine warfare, and at the same time to improve the air defense combat capability of the Imperial Fleet.

Expecting to crush the United States in the number of aircraft carriers, or be on a par with it, Li Le has no confidence. After all, the United States has no natural land threat, and Germany is fighting a decisive battle with the Soviet Union.

With the restraint of land, it is unrealistic to want to compete with the United States for hegemony at sea. What Li Le can do is to guard the Atlantic Ocean and let the United States disturb the situation in Europe as late as possible.

Moreover, in terms of performance indicators such as the range of carrier-based aircraft, Germany was unable to compare with the perverts such as the United States and Japan for a while.

Therefore, in the confrontation of carrier-based aircraft, the German naval aviation is naturally at a This is related to the design concept and the scientific research foundation.

It is almost impossible to produce a carrier-based fighter with a huge range and excellent performance in a short period of time. A choice with obvious weaknesses like the Zero Battle is not the best option for Germany.

Under such a premise, finding a way to use the existing weapons and equipment to win the Atlantic naval battle, which is not dominant, is the next topic of research for Raidl.

"I will transfer another 1,000 apprentice pilots from the Air Force to join the Navy for carrier-based aircraft training," Li Le said to Rader.

From the 21st century, Li Le, a traveler, still firmly believes that the best way to fight against carrier-based aircraft is to have his own carrier-based aircraft force.

Even in the 21st century when missile performance is very mature, the standard for measuring the strength of the navies of various countries is still carrier-based aircraft and the aircraft carrier fleet that carries these carrier-based aircraft.

Under this premise, Li Le's main support to Raidl is to help Raidel strengthen his naval aviation as much as possible.

Raedl also knew that the Führer was determined to play the role of naval aviation, and in recent important naval battles, the aircraft carrier Zeppelin had indeed shown its powerful attack capability.

There are only about 40 Stuka C-type carrier-based attack aircraft, which have beaten the British Royal Navy.

It is not difficult for him to imagine that after owning five aircraft carriers, the number of such carrier-based attack aircraft expanded to 200, what kind of attack capability they would have against the sky.

Maybe the future will really become the world of naval aviation, although he is reluctant to admit it, but such an idea has already been churning in Rader's heart.

So he got up gratefully and thanked the Führer: "Thank you for your support for the construction of the navy! My Führer! Rader will always be your most loyal follower!"

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