Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and forty-eight good start

Karjus looked at the friendly aircraft passing overhead, leaning on the tank's hatch and shaking as the tank advanced.

Every member of the German tank crew has long been accustomed to this kind of bump. As long as they were in the process of attacking, they were bumping like this for most of the day.

If you don't attack the Soviet Union, you don't know how vast the territory of the Soviet Union is. Just two days after the attack along the road, the German army near Brest had been divided into small groups over an almost infinite territory.

Sounds like a huge number of German troops, the entire 3 million Wehrmacht army, still seems to be a drop of milk dripping into the ink, almost disappearing.

Almost 1 million troops are still in Germany, and they can only wait in place due to insufficient logistical preparations and heavy road loads.

The remaining nearly 1 million troops are congested in the second-line area, receiving and escorting the surrendering troops of the Soviet Union, as well as countless Soviet military supplies.

Only about one-third of the troops are now in a normal offensive state, and less than one-third of these troops belong to Army Group Center.

In other words, the German attack that seemed to be very violent at the beginning and the ground-breaking central breakthrough were probably completed by only 300,000 people under the command of Marshal Lundstedt.

Even so, the victory of the German army in the first phase was so huge that it shocked the army executives who got the news.

On the third day of the war, Germany had already seized more than 10,000 Soviet trucks. That figure doesn't include small cars, and a negligibly small number of motorcycles.

At the same time, the t-26 tank became the most captured Soviet tank by the German army. Within three days, the German army found the wreckage of the t-26 and more than 1,900 abandoned and intact tanks of this type in various positions.

Shockingly, the tanks were mostly intact, and the Soviet Union collapsed so quickly that it didn't even have time to seriously dispose of these weapons.

The number of captured tanks is very large and the models are very complex. Among these tanks, the Germans found many terrible designs that made them stunned.

For example, the intelligence department of the head of state, a Soviet heavy tank kv-1 tank that has provided data for a long time, really appeared.

This tank has a huge body heavier than the German Panther tank and is equipped with a powerful 76.2 mm caliber gun.

If it wasn't for the fact that the head of state took out the data of this tank in advance and gave birth to the new German tank, that is, the service of the No. 5 Panther tank, the German army did not even have the means to effectively destroy the kv-1 tank.

Now it seems that the Führer is very far-sighted to popularize 75mm caliber tank guns in the armored forces on a large scale, and equip a large number of Stalker tank destroyers.

Because the Soviet Union not only attached importance to the equipment and use of armored forces, but also surpassed all previous German opponents in the theory and equipment performance of armored forces.

Of course, there are also huge, 5-turret tanks like Land Cruisers, the famous t-35, which have also been captured a lot on the front line.

The number of turrets of this type of tank is a "cult" of justice, and it is a magical equipment respected by the multi-turret religion.

Although the overall performance is not very good, if there is no Leopard tank and a tank with a new tank gun, the German army really needs a lot of effort to deal with such a behemoth.

Historically, when facing Soviet tanks such as kv-1 and t-35, the German army often had to work hard.

Either call for air support, or rely on 88mm anti-aircraft guns to kill such targets. Obviously, this is not a convenient method, and the loss is sometimes huge.

Today, the Germans have many ways to kill such tanks. No. 4 and the 75mm caliber tank gun equipped by the Stalker tank can effectively destroy them.

At the same time, in terms of artillery, the traditional Soviet advantage project, Germany's harvest is even richer. At least 3,000 artillery pieces of various kinds were destroyed or captured, and this number is increasing every second.

Because the land of the Soviet Union is so vast, the weapons and equipment discarded in the wilderness could not be collected for statistical planning for a while.

As for individual weapons, the number is so large that officers at all levels in charge of statistics can't believe it. They got at least 300,000 rifles of various kinds, and the number of machine guns made everyone doubt their lives.

The weapon data is far from accurate, as there are countless weapons left in the wild or in barracks that no one cares about.

A joke that later became a classic. Hundreds of Soviet soldiers lived in their own camp near the border for a week before being discovered and escorted into a POW camp...

Many Soviet prisoners escaped during the detention of the German soldiers. Even if the detainees found out, they were unable to pursue them.

Only from the analysis of the paper data, the vanguard of the Central Army Group commanded by Marshal Lundstedt, about 300,000 troops, is chasing the 1 million defeated Soviet troops at this moment.

In what may be one of the most spectacular victories in human history, a force is chasing an enemy three times its size, and chasing it for more than 100 kilometers.

The work of collecting Soviet prisoners was complicated and full of loopholes. Because of the lack of manpower and the large gap between the troops, tens of thousands of defeated Soviet troops escaped.

Even if the hundreds of thousands of Soviet rout soldiers who were supposed to be prisoners escaped, there were enough numbers left to make the German Army Headquarters devastated.

According to incomplete statistics, the German army has captured 400,000 Soviet soldiers since the beginning of the offensive, which can definitely be said to be a very great victory.

But this victory made the two departments of the Supreme Command and the Army Headquarters unhappy - the progress of the war was too fast, completely exceeding the previous expectations of the two.

The number of POW camps was too small, and the hoarding of food did not seem to be sufficient. The most embarrassing thing is that the road transportation situation, which was not optimistic, was completely destroyed by the prisoners of war.

The various emergency transportation methods originally expected by Germany turned into empty talk in front of the roads jammed with Soviet prisoners of war.

The work of reluctantly driving away prisoners of war to keep the roads open can only be carried out on a few major traffic arteries.

Some paths are still overcrowded, and the Soviet Red Army officers and soldiers in grass-green uniforms are crowded together, waiting to be sent to the prisoner of war camp for centralized custody and management.

In such a chaotic and seriously exceeding expected battle situation, Lundstedt's attack speed was delayed.

On the third day, his forward troops. The 1st Armored Division, which was part of the Gudrie Installation Armor Group, barely attacked Brest, a full 4 hours later than expected.

On the second day of the offensive, Guderian's Panzer Corps reinforced the 505th Battalion and other armored units, which were officially renamed the Guderian Installation Armored Group.

This armored group is now the vanguard of the Central Army Group, with nearly a thousand tanks, it can be said that it is definitely a sharp spearhead.

Except for the next day, when the Soviet Union launched a head-on counterattack against the German army at all costs, Karjus and his comrades seemed to be participating in a huge military parade.

They sat on tanks, followed behind trucks and motorcycles, and quickly advanced across the road to villages or intersections to rest.

Then countless Soviet prisoners of war were gathered and escorted to the rear, while the troops continued to move forward.

After several repetitions of this, the 1st Armored Division and the 505th Armored Battalion stopped advancing due to lack of fuel.

Although Guderian is reluctant to admit it, his troops are indeed caught in the dilemma of oil shortages. The fuel that it carries is very low, and the arrival of the logistics force to undertake the transportation work is far away.

It was not until the logistics force caught up that the tracks of the German tank troops rolled up again, and with the billowing dust, they smashed to the intended target of Brest.

In good conscience, the degree of mechanization of a unit is actually directly related to the country's logistical supply and material and energy reserves.

Hitler and his generals were not ignorant of the benefits of mechanization, but simply relying on a Romanian oil field was not enough for Germany to support so many armored troops.

The act of forcibly mechanizing the troops like Li Le and using new tanks with heavier tonnage and higher fuel consumption in advance is entirely a choice that he dared to make because of the support of new Libyan oil fields.

The performance indicators of the Panther tank are very advanced, which has been unanimously recognized by the actual combat and the military.

However, the fuel consumption of the Panther tank is more than twice that of the No. 3 tank, which is also an indisputable fact.

Judging from the data alone, the Leopard tank weighs 40 tons, which is almost twice that of the No. 3 tank. So the doubling of fuel consumption is nothing particularly surprising.

It is unimaginable in the real history to treat such a "oil tiger" as a No. 4 tank.

The total service of Tiger tanks and Panther tanks is less than half of the planned equipment weight of Li Le's new Panther tanks.

At this moment, Karjus is sitting on such a tank and is advancing towards his goal. He wants to capture a village on the left flank of Brest and obtain a bridgehead for attacking Brest.

"The news from the reconnaissance troops, the Soviets don't seem to plan to give up their peripheral defensive positions... They plan to fight back again." Inside the headset, the battalion commander's reminder accompanied by a noisy current interference sound, passed into everyone's ear.

"Okay! Gentlemen! Here's your chance to make a fortune! We're going to put a new logo on the gun barrel!" Karjus looked at the village in the distance and shouted loudly to his comrades by pressing his throat communicator. road.

"Victory! Head!" The crew members answered his encouragement loudly.

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