Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and forty-nine small village **** battle

This time can be said to be a relatively well-prepared attack by the Germans. When Karius was preparing to attack, dozens of Stukas flew over the target and began their destruction.

Eighty percent of the fortifications deployed by the Soviet soldiers in the village were quickly destroyed. The remaining soldiers did not have time to prepare and found that Germany had already started a ground attack.

After the tempering of the war, the current German army can be said to be the most skilled state.

While the Air Force's Stuka was still killing ground targets, the German tanks had already started to attack.

The place where the air force dropped the bombs was only a hundred and ten meters away from the forefront of the German attack.

By current standards, or by the standards of US Air Force support in the late World War II, it does not seem to be very good data.

But this humble data was put in 1941, and it was really a very remarkable achievement.

Such a terrifying close cooperation, in the eyes of the Soviet defenders, was exactly the same as a desperate battle.

The Soviet Red Army, which had just undergone a purge and had not yet recovered, could not achieve such cooperation until 1945.

"The Germans are coming!" A Soviet soldier loudly reminded his companions, looking at the German tanks rushing through the fence not far away.

But his shouts were drowned out by the explosion of the aerial bombs dropped by Stuka, and the machine gun positions behind him that were responsible for covering him were also in ruins.

The Soviet soldier could only retreat backwards, leaning against the wall. The path he passed was full of Soviet civilians and the corpses of Soviet soldiers.

"Don't retreat! Go back to your position immediately!" Comrade Political Commissar of the Soviet Red Army with a pistol urged his men loudly, this was his only job.

Earlier today, Comrade Khrushchev delivered a speech on the front line "All commanders and fighters must hold their positions until the end of their lives", demanding that every soldier must not retreat.

With this order, the political commissars at all levels of the Soviet Red Army became the supervising team, responsible for supervising each soldier and preventing them from continuing to retreat.

"The enemy's tank is here! I'm here to report to you!" As a veteran, this soldier who had retreated from the front line had already thought about his words from the moment he turned around.

Sure enough, his words changed the political commissar's impression of him. Passing information to one's comrades and turning around and running away are definitely two different concepts.

"Your performance is very good! I already know the news!" Looking at the corpse of the company commander who was already cold not far from his feet, the political commissar nodded and agreed.

Then he pointed to the direction the soldier came from: "Go back now and stick to your post! Destroy as many enemies as possible!"

He didn't continue to say half of the words, and he probably didn't need his detailed explanation in such an environment.

The only way to go back is to die. The only difference is whether or not a German soldier can be killed before he dies.

"Sir! My position has been occupied by the Germans!" Of course the veteran was reluctant to go back to die. If he wanted to die, why would he risk his return?

"Then you must go back too! Otherwise, I will have the right to shoot you!" The comrade political commissar looked like this was not the first time he had done such a thing, and the revolver in his hand looked terrifyingly waving.

As a result, before the veteran could continue to defend himself, a stray bullet flew over and opened a **** hole in the political commissar's forehead.

The Soviet grass-roots officer fell straight down, and the bent Soviet veteran swallowed a mouthful of saliva and continued to run behind with his weapon in his arms.

He was going to the battalion headquarters to "pass the message" and report the incident of the German tanks rushing over. As for what he would encounter there, he himself did not know.

Here, he ran back quickly, and there was only two houses away from him, and a Soviet DP light machine gun, that is, the Jaggarev light machine gun, was firing violently.

The most notable feature of the DP light machine gun is that there is a huge magazine above the machine gun as a feeder, which looks very special.

This weapon is well known by domestic weapon enthusiasts because it was heavily equipped by New China and was widely used in the Korean War.

It is a pity that the target of this powerful machine gun is now a Panther tank that is rumbling forward.

The bullet hit the thick armored steel plate of the Panther tank, leaving only some shallow craters.

However, the Soviet machine gun shooters were still firing non-stop, as if the Panther tank could be destroyed in the next second.

It is a pity that this kind of miracle that often occurs in movies does not appear in reality. The muzzle of the Panther tank spewed out a flame, and the machine gun position was submerged in an explosion.

The shrapnel flew horizontally and overturned the bunker, and the Soviet soldiers behind the sandbags fell to the ground, blood splattered everywhere.

A Soviet soldier struggled to get up from the ground, only to find that one of his legs was missing.

In the pool of blood, he struggled to find a more comfortable position, but was pressed by another corpse, unable to move.

Having lost most of his strength, he had to stop, gasping for breath to regain his strength, but he could feel the loss of life, but the pain had long since disappeared.

"Help! Help!" He lay there, shouting loudly, trying to call his companions to help him.

But no one came, and it seemed like he was the only one left in the world before. It wasn't until the next second that he knew why.

The tank's tracks smashed through the twisted sandbag bunker and ran over the twisted DP light machine gun.

Then he saw the wide track of the Panther tank roll forward and start to run over quickly from the place where he had lost consciousness.

"It doesn't feel good." That was the last thought that crossed his mind, and then the tracks of the German tank blocked his vision, and then there was nothing but darkness.

A Soviet T-26 tank caught fire and smoked, burning in the street. This tank was hit by a Stuka bomber just now, and it has long since become a pile of scrap metal.

On the burning scrap iron, the charred corpses of the tank crew could still be seen vaguely. They were not able to leave and turned into dust together with their tanks.

This tank blocked Karjus's vision, and he had experienced the real war, and instinctively felt the danger of this crossroads.

"Slow down! Erich!" Karius held down the intercom and loudly reminded his driver. There are areas that may be attacked in all directions, and he is not willing to take risks lightly.

Panther 111 parked next to the intersection after running over a destroyed enemy machine gun position.

As soon as the car body stopped, Karius lifted his cockpit canopy: "Tyr! Joseph! Cover me!"

After he shouted this, he got out of his turret and jumped out of his tank amid the hail of bullets fired by the Soviet soldiers.

It's something that countless German tank commanders did during WWII, and it's actually not much of a fuss.

In the fierce battle, or before the fierce battle, the commander may get out of the car for reconnaissance, or lean out and brave the enemy's bullet rain to command the battle.

After Karjus jumped off the tank, he leaned against a half-collapsed wall. He even only had a pistol for self-defense, and he didn't pull it out to carry it in his hand.

The Soviets around here seem to be cleaned up, or most of them are looking elsewhere. He even allowed Karjus to come to the crossroads against the wall and observed everything carefully.

There are two Soviet T-26 tanks waiting on the left, but the right is very safe, without seeing any enemy heavy weapons.

The area directly in front of the tank, obscured by the burning wreckage, was also safe, and there was nothing to threaten the Panther.

Then, seeing all this, Karjus ran back to his and drilled back to his position despite the enemy's shooting.

When he reached out and tried to close the hatch above his head, a bullet pierced his cuff and hit the hatch with a crisp "ding" sound.

"Damn!" Karjus was so scared that he retracted his hand, looked carefully and found that he was not injured, and then cursed with a vibrato.

No one is not afraid of death, and being wounded is not a good feeling. However, under the stimulation of adrenaline, it is not surprising what kind of actions people make on the battlefield.

"There are two T-26 tanks on the left, the turret is 90 degrees, and the standing height is ready!" After closing his hatch, Karius ordered his gunner, Tyr.

As the motor turned, the heavy turret of the Panther tank began to turn. Then the driver, Erich, pushed the tank forward again and charged towards the intersection.

"Captain! You are so brave!" While loading armor-piercing bullets, the loader complimented his commander.

Karyus didn't hear his compliment, because he was so engrossed in directing the battle.

The Panther tank rushed to the crossroads, and the T-26 on the opposite side obviously had the first mover advantage. Both shells slammed into the Panther's side armor and then both hit the front of the Panther's turret.

Obviously, it is absolutely wishful thinking to expect the main gun of the T-26 tank to penetrate the front shield of the Panther tank turret. Therefore, neither of the two shells had any effect, and only frightened the members of the Karjus crew.

Immediately afterwards, the 88mm caliber tank gun on the Panther tank launched a counterattack vigorously, and one shot flew the turret of a T-26 tank.

"Armor-piercing bullets! Reload!" After firing, the artillery commander Tyr shouted sharply at almost the same moment.

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