Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and fifty-four weapon systems

Far away in East Prussia, the wolf den that Hitler began to build as early as 1940 has been transformed by Li Le and used as his eastern base camp.

The number of laying mines has been reduced, but some support facilities have been added, including a brand new ground complex.

The construction here saved a lot of man-hours than in history, because after Li Le replaced Hitler, the focus of construction here shifted from safety to enhanced communication and other functions.

Li Le knew that no matter how strong the fortress was, it would not play any defensive role when the mountains and rivers were exhausted.

Once you lose your heart, even if you are trapped in an underground bunker, you will not be able to get a moment's safety.

So he strengthened the communication capabilities here, making it easier for him to command and mobilize troops across the country, as well as communicate with other National Socialist leaders stationed in Berlin.

Now, Li Le is sitting in a large conference hall in the ground floor building of Wolf's Den, discussing the future direction of weapon development with his scientists and engineers.

The sun is shining here, and it is more peaceful than expected. There were faint bird calls outside the window, and rows of houses with vegetation on their roofs could be seen in the distance.

"Do you know why we can produce tanks faster than before?" After Li Le questioned, he pointed to Speer beside him and asked him to introduce the key to the problem in detail.

"Compared to February, our production of Stalker tank destroyers has increased by 30 this month, and now we can produce more than 400 of these weapons every month." Speer took the conversation and began to introduce various weapons production.

"In February, we also produced 200 Leopard tanks, and about 300 No. 4 tanks." He turned a page of the report and continued to speak a series of figures.

Hearing this news, everyone was at a loss. Now that production has been increasing, what is there to worry about?

"We haven't completed the mobilization, so the workers are just relying on overtime to increase production capacity." Speer explained the current production situation to everyone.

Blind mobilization will only make the people more disgusted with war. Historically, Germany's delay in entering a state of mobilization is actually directly related to its own philosophy.

Li Le could not overturn the previous inertial decision in a short period of time, so he could only find another way to increase production capacity.

Every detail has to undergo precise calculations, and nothing can be wasted in any production link. This is the key to Li Le's success.

"Actually, there are many ways to increase production capacity. Stopping the production of some weapons and equipment that has little effect at this stage can also maximize the manufacturing speed of other types of weapons." Speer spread out the other documents in front of him and pushed it to the center of the table.

Then he went on to say: "This is the weapon and equipment that has been discontinued or reduced in production. Among them, the production capacity occupies a large part, which is the anti-aircraft gun and self-propelled anti-aircraft gun."

In the real history of World War II, how many anti-aircraft guns did Germany produce? This number has been difficult to count.

However, the approximate number can still be easily known: during World War II, Germany produced a total of more than 180,000 anti-aircraft guns to deal with the Allied air threat.

And if these 180,000 anti-aircraft guns were replaced by tanks and produced, maybe the German Eastern Front would not collapse so ugly.

"In February, we stopped production of 200 anti-aircraft guns with a caliber of 20 mm, and the production of anti-aircraft guns with a diameter of more than 30 mm has also been reduced by at least 5%." When Speer mentioned this number, he himself felt that it was hard to say. .

In the thriving production process, it is a little embarrassing to suddenly include a lot of falling data.

"Everyone! In fact, each of us should realize the truth, that is, weapons exist in a complete system." Li Le interrupted the whispers of the people below and said to the people next to him.

Then he pointed to the document in the middle of the table and continued: "Each country has its own tactical system. It is the job of all of you to strengthen the advantages of this tactical system as much as possible and avoid these shortcomings." Li Le This set of theories was reluctantly summed up by the joint efforts of many military experts in later generations.

The reason why the United States is strong is because it has a powerful strike force under the war of the information technology system.

"If everything can be rehearsed according to our tactical system, we can easily win. On the contrary, problems will arise." In Li Le's view, this is a commonplace problem, which can be subject to this era, his thoughts Still very advanced knowledge.

"In serious cases, once the system is defeated, the entire war will also be defeated. So, this is the purpose of me looking for you." After glancing at his engineers and subordinates, Li Le said word by word.

To continuously strengthen the advantages of one's own troops to cover up some of its own shortcomings is the top priority of the system theory.

Li Le must make his men work at a high speed as soon as possible, and let them design weapons and equipment that are more in line with the interests of the German army: "We can't passively wait for the enemy to develop their weapons and equipment, and eventually overwhelm us."

In the system designed by Li Le, the clumsy-looking Mauser 98k rifle is a reasonable choice to support the stg-44 assault rifle.

After all, there are still many opportunities for the two sides to fight at a distance of 500 meters away in World War II, which requires accurate rifles to maintain the ability to fire first.

It is not impossible to replace all of them with assault rifles, but the tragic scenes encountered by all the Soviet Union's troops equipped with assault rifles in the Afghanistan War are well known to all military fans in the 21st century.

The reason why the United States' weapons and equipment are generally better than those of Russia is that the United States has its own combat system and does not overemphasize the performance of a certain weapon alone.

As a result, after the weapon system has been formed, the United States has achieved an overwhelming advantage over Soviet weapons by leaps and bounds.

Because of this, the established United States used the strength of informatization to cover up other deficiencies, and achieved world-shattering achievements in the Gulf War.

The opposite example is Iraq. Before the Gulf War, it had a lot of weapons and equipment, and its troops also had combat experience. But because the weapon systems are fighting each other, they finally swallowed the bitter fruit of defeat.

"Now, what we need is a bold speculation that predicts the future war model. I need everyone to accept this theory and carry it forward with me!" Because he knew the importance of the system, Li Lecai paid more and more attention to it.

"In our tactical content, the air force is a very important part. If the air force is defeated, the army without the sky will also taste the bitter fruit of failure because of the lack of cover." Li Le must make everyone accept his Only in this way can we correctly guide the development direction of German weapons.

When the weapon becomes a system, it can increase the strongest direction and overwhelm the enemy to win. This is not without side effects, and of course Li Le is very clear about the harm.

Once a weapon becomes a system, it has a "dependence" on the system. This dependence is simply the defect of the weapon itself that is covered up by the system.

The best way to deal with the weapon system is to choose the weaker link of the opponent's weapon system and destroy the opponent's weapon system.

As long as this goal is achieved, the opponent's combat power will be weakened instantly, and there will be many loopholes to take care of until it collapses and loses the war.

This is definitely not an alarmist. In fact, the rapid victory of the German army in World War II and the gradual failure of the German army are inseparable from this theory.

Apart from the well-known theory of Allied resource crushing, the collapse of the German tactical system determined by the weapon system was also a secondary reason for the failure of the German army.

In the early days of the war, the German army was invincible on the battlefield, relying on its relatively complete Blitzkrieg theory.

Narrowing down the objective of observation to the tactical Blitz is the armored rapid advance tactic. As for whether to close the siege or continue to advance in depth after breaking through the enemy's defense line, that is a follow-up choice, not the initial tactic.

The core of the blitzkrieg is to use armored troops in a concentrated manner and coordinate the use of mechanized infantry and air force in fast maneuvering operations to form assault spearheads and destroy enemy defense lines.

Extending to the weapon system, building a weapon technology system for blitzkrieg is a reliable radio application, skilled arms coordination, and lightweight and fast weapons and equipment.

In this weapon system, me-109 fighter jets are responsible for fighting for air supremacy, Stuka bombers act as quick support firepower, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 tanks and even small tanks such as 38t act as spearheads for rapid ground advancement, Opel cars and semis Tracked armored vehicles serve as the backbone of supply transport...

Look, these weapons happened to be in line with the blitzkrieg tactical system, but they were not the most advanced in the world at that time.

The German blitzkrieg system covered up the shortcomings of these weapons and equipment, allowing the German army to achieve great victories in a series of wars.

And when the Germans passively upgraded their weapons and equipment, turned to slow-speed and thick armored tanks, and had to give up the Stuka bombers, they could not fight a smooth attack.

It is estimated that the craziest German generals dare not expect Panther tanks and Tiger tanks to run for thousands of miles with their fuel tanks like the solid No. 3 tanks?

Therefore, when the Germans gave up their familiar blitzkrieg and began to face difficulties such as tough battles and street battles, defeat was imminent.

Li Le does not want such a thing to happen. He wants to guide the German weapon system in the most correct direction, so that this system can always operate efficiently.

Because only in this way, the German army can use the least resources to win a protracted world war.

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