Imperial Overlord

: how about five hundred and fifty five

"Because of this, under our military's tactical system in the future, the Air Force will never allow failure!" Li Le said, pointing to a stack of various blueprints on the side.

"For a new type of aircraft, we must have both hands ready... The first is to develop a follow-up model of the fw-190 fighter jet. The person in charge of this project is Dr. Tan Ke!" He said, pointing his finger not far away Tank at the place.

As the chief engineer of Germany's next-generation piston fighter project, Tan Ke is really busy right now.

He is overseeing the development of the engine, as well as the design of the fighter itself, at Li Le's request.

Having obtained the British Merlin engine and various information about jet engines in the United Kingdom, the German engine project progress is still very fast.

With these support, Dr. Tan Ke's ta-152 fighter research and development project is expected to complete the experiment next year and begin to deploy to the front line.

And if it is equipped with ta-152 fighter jets, Li Le's Luftwaffe will basically not be afraid of any opponent in terms of fighter performance.

After all, the later generations of the ta-152 fighter jets are comparable in performance to the American Mustangs, and can also be called the pinnacle of piston fighter jets.

Seeing the Führer pointing at him, Dr. Tan Ke stood up, bowed slightly, and then sat back to his seat.

As one of the most outstanding engineers in aviation, Tan Ke is still very arrogant. In his eyes, apart from the fact that the head of state was a real technical expert, the rest of the politicians and officers in the conference room were as few as idiots.

Of course, if he knew where Li Le's vision and knowledge of aviation came from, Li Le would also be no different from an idiot in his eyes...

"Second-hand preparation, I have already handed it over to Messerschmitt. The sky of the empire cannot be defended by piston fighter jets forever!" When Li Le said this, he was still very confident.

After all, his Third Reich was the first country in the world to put jet fighters into actual combat, and it was also the first country to use jet fighters on a large scale.

The famous me-262 fighter jet, and other jet fighters that followed, illustrate the strength of the German aviation industry.

"Only relying on the performance advantages of the air force's weapons and equipment is not enough to ensure the safety of the airspace. An air force that only emphasizes fighter jets is definitely not a complete air force!" Li Le did not want to go too deep into the issue of secret new fighter jets. After taking it, he talked about the development direction of other weapon systems.

Radio navigation, as well as the improvement of the radar system, reducing the size of the radar, improving the air crew training system, and even the efficiency of maintenance and repair support...

Li Le knows that the related supporting projects may seem inconspicuous, but they are the key to the actual combat power of the Air Force.

If these details are not developed in sync, the Luftwaffe is just an inflated balloon that looks huge on the surface, but is actually an empty skin.

If you want to establish a capable air force, you cannot escape the reinforcement of any link. This is a process of burning money, and it is also a process with the fastest results.

"Establish a radar station for testing and use female soldiers and reserve soldiers as much as possible. We must hurry up with this matter." When Li Le said this, he glanced at Goering who was sitting beside him.

Goering will never object to such things as increasing the influence of the Air Force and expanding the size of the Air Force. He quickly got up and assured the Fuhrer: "I will do it myself! Please rest assured, Fuhrer!"

If you have to do it yourself, I don't have to worry about it, and I have to arrange for Adrian to keep an eye on it! Li Lefu sneered.

Then he retracted his gaze and continued to say: "The problem of downsizing the radar and the development of supporting facilities such as radar detection displays, Siemens and other companies must be completed as soon as possible."

Any technological progress will not be a simple single achievement. Who would have thought that the combination of radar technology and imaging technology would endow the radar with more intuitive and concise functionality.

Who would have thought that the accumulation of technologies one after another could eventually send humans to space and to the surface of the moon?

For the next time, Li Le was talking with representatives of the Farben Group, the largest chemical company in Germany.

Because they now have two lifeline technologies for the German army, which are so important that they need Li Le to personally intervene.

One technology is petroleum refining. The oil produced by Farben in Libya effectively supplements the fuel shortage in Germany.

With this new lifeline, German tanks will no longer be troubled by lack of fuel. It is precisely because of the efforts of IG Farben that many problems that plagued the German army have been solved.

For example, high-quality aviation fuel has always been a problem that Germany could not solve in the past.

Although Romania produces oil, the quality of oil in Romanian oil fields is not high. Compared with the best American and Middle Eastern oil, the oil here can only solve the problem.

Libya has more oil, and its oil is of better quality. While still not as good as Middle Eastern and American oil, the improvement in quality does exist.

It is precisely because of higher quality gasoline that the engines of German aircraft and tanks have higher output power.

Because of the increase in oil production capacity, the means of mixing coal-to-oil with gasoline to make up for the insufficient quantity do not have to be so crazy.

This has also increased the service life of the German engine accordingly, and the failure rate has also been reduced a lot.

Originally, the production of precision equipment in Germany was very strong, but in the real history, because of the reluctance to use substandard gasoline, the service life was shortened and the failure rate remained high.

Now with better gasoline, the German engine can work in a more relaxed environment, and the effect of the improvement can be described in the word amazing.

Sufficient oil also allows Germany to refine diesel fuel to power its own navy.

Seeing that there are more and more diesel engines, the German Army has finally moved its mind and is ready to build a diesel engine with more torque and install it on a tank to try it out.

Facts have proved that German engineers are not a bunch of fools. They can also put forward very practical opinions when they have a choice.

The use of gasoline engines on tanks such as Tiger Tanks and Tiger Kings is not because the Germans can't see the seriousness of the problem.

They just don't have a better choice, because they only have low-quality gasoline mixed with coal-to-oil, and diesel is a "special supply" for the Navy.

The abundance of oil allowed Farben to produce a large number of petrochemical derivatives, including another thing Li Le cared about - artificial rubber.

IG Farben, arguably, was another major technical supporter of Germany's launch of World War II. Without the support of IG Farben, Germany might not have the courage to start World War II.

Compared with the lack of oil, what Germany lacks more is the rubber that cannot be stored in large quantities on weekdays. Without such strategic materials, German armored forces are just a pile of scrap iron.

It is with the artificial rubber of IG Farben that Hitler has the capital of the war and the invincible 1940 of the German armored forces.

It is a pity that the quality of IG Farben's synthetic rubber is not very good, it is only a helpless expedient measure.

Therefore, there is the famous double-row staggered road wheel in Germany during World War II, and then there is the all-steel tank road wheel in the later period.

Now, Li Le can not only import some natural rubber from a few regions in Africa, but also get more artificial rubber materials from IG Farben.

The quality of these synthetic rubbers has been significantly improved, because the raw materials are abundant, and there is less fear of the wear and tear of the rubber.

With these supplies, Li Le can make his factory produce more cars, more planes, and more tanks.

And more planes, more tanks, and more cars can allow Germany to play a more dazzling blitzkrieg and fight its enemies more effectively.

"My head of state, the Farben Group will expand its production to meet the military and civilian needs." The head of the Farben Company finally promised Li Le with a smile.

Any company is for the purpose of making money, let alone a coalition oligarch like Farben. The Führer has money to give, and is willing to give it, and IG Farben has no reason to refuse.

In real historical time and space, it is precisely this attitude that made a giant chemical conglomerate like Farben to be severely sanctioned and punished after the war.

However, the group will not change its strategy in any way until the war is over.

"Very good! I believe you can fulfill your promise." Li Le held a one-day meeting to determine the future weapon development of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, and suddenly felt tired.

Even if there are countless people helping to run around and grabbing the industrial production of the entire empire, this kind of thing is still very laborious work.

Li Le waved to the dozens of technicians and bureaucrats in front of him, indicating that everyone can leave.

Speer sorted out his things, turned around and walked out of the conference room with Dr. Tan Ke. The two of them whispered about the fw-190 updated improved fighter jet, the production quantity and product quality control issues next month.

Goering, still having a big belly, walked out of the conference room with a few generals of the Air Force, talking and laughing. The other technicians could only follow him far behind, holding their own materials and documents.

"Heisenberg! You stay!" Just as the last scientist who had been silent for the entire meeting was about to leave, the Führer suddenly spoke, leaving the man behind.

"Tell me about the research on nuclear fission and centrifuges. How far is it... My investment should not be wasted... After all, our time is very precious!" Li Le closed his eyes and mouthed. What he said was very direct.

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