Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and seventy-nine, throw another grenade

In the dusty and churning environment, Chris has lost his place behind Daddy Buck.

He could only **** forward cautiously alone, trying to find a reasonable position and avoid the danger behind him.

After all, the first person to be found in a room with smoke and dust is often the idiot standing in the center and being targeted by everyone.

The best position is to find an edge and lean against the wall to wait for the moment.

It would be more appropriate if a corner could be found ahead of time with walls on both sides. As long as the defense is on both sides, there will be a great chance to survive.

So Chris groped forward a little bit, and moved closer to the wall a little bit. But he soon encountered an obstacle, and he vaguely saw what seemed to be someone directly in front of him.

Obviously, going up to say hello at this time is an extremely stupid behavior. Chris wasn't an idiot, he pulled the trigger naturally.

"!" Another shot rang out, and the bullet hit the man leaning against the wall, who fell heavily to the floor and let out a whimper.

"Crash!" Chris heard the sound of pulling the bolt, which was obviously not something German friendly troops would do.

They only have two g43 rifles, and one is an stg-44 assault rifle, and they don't need to pull their bolts frequently.

Also, Daddy should be somewhere behind him, and Cyric should be farther away, so Chris knows that the sound of pulling the bolt right in front of him must be his enemy.

Since it is his own enemy, then there is no need to be polite. Holding his weapon, he suddenly took a big step forward.

The dust, which had already begun to gradually quiet down, suddenly brightened his vision.

Even a Soviet soldier was not far in front of him, pulling the bolt to fire. The other party saw that the figure in the smoke suddenly became clear, and he saw the m35 steel helmet covered with a camouflage helmet on the other party's head.

"!" Chris pulled the trigger and shot one of the Soviet soldiers in the chest.

The other party dropped the rifle, clutched his chest and struggled against the wall, twisting and sliding on the floor beside the wall.

As he fell, blood rubbed against the wall, brushing out a dazzling red.

Another young Soviet soldier saw this posture and quickly dropped his rifle and raised his hands.

He made the gesture of surrender, which left Chris stunned for a moment. You must know that Chris still doesn't know how many Soviet soldiers there are around him. It is obviously unrealistic to capture prisoners at this time.

So he aimed his weapon at the young Soviet soldier and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

This poor young Soviet soldier obviously did not realize that he had surrendered and the other party would shoot.

There was still a look of relief in his eyes, but the bullet pierced his head instantly.

After Chris killed the two poor Soviet soldiers, he hurried to the two corpses and chose a sitting position, just like the third corpse, and sat there.

Just as he ran to the wall, a Soviet soldier opened fire on the other side, and two gunshots echoed in the room, declaring that there were still Soviet soldiers who dared to fight.

Countless actual combat experience and the sniper's concealment methods all guided his actions at this moment.

After he sat there, with two bodies covering his other side, he immediately looked to the uncovered side to check for the presence of the enemy.

Fortunately, there were no Soviet soldiers here, just two messy stools and a few rays of light coming in from the windows on the wall.

After finishing one side, the smoke and dust caused by the collapse of the stairs had already slowly settled.

Through the bad vision, Chris saw the collapsed stairs, but he couldn't see Father Buck or Cyric.

"Damn it!" He cursed in his heart, carefully holding his rifle, standing beside the corpse, patiently waiting for the movement in the room.

But as if all the people in the room were dead, the voice suddenly fell silent, as if there was no battle at all.

Chris knew that he couldn't wait any longer. Once the shelling was over, and if there was any movement here, they would just wait to be killed or tortured to death as prisoners.

You know, whether it is the Soviets or the Germans, the disposal methods after catching a sniper are not very humane.

So Chris had no other choice. He pulled a grenade from his tactical vest, slowly unscrewed the safety cap, and pulled out the fuze cord inside.

Holding the G43 rifle with one hand, he pulled out the fuze rope with his teeth, and then with a shake of his hand, the grenade rolled to the corner on the other side.

He knew that no matter what, Papa Buck wouldn't go to that corner. Because the ruins are still covered by the remaining dust, Papa Buck's location is most likely near the wall on the other side.

The grenade rolled to the corner, and sure enough, the Soviets' screams were heard. Two people struggled to get up, but didn't have time to pick up the grenades and dispose of them.

"Boom!" There was another deafening explosion, and the dust spread again, filling the corner of the room.

But this time, because the grenade exploded in the corner, the line of sight was relatively good in one-third of the room.

Chris, who was holding a rifle, was in this corner with a better line of sight. He held his and waited for the disgraced opponent to stand up and move his position.

"!" He saw a figure stand up, wanted to run to the other side, and shot decisively.

The figure fell to the ground, and once again there was no sound in the room. Chris didn't dare to make any more movement, because the sound of the guns in the distance had completely stopped, and there was silence nearby.

He didn't know if there were any enemies in this room, and he didn't dare to call out to his companions easily. He could only curl up in his own position and wait patiently.

After a long time, the dust in this room has all quieted down, and the wreckage of the stairs can be clearly seen.

Those who dare to take the initiative to stand up under such circumstances are either extremely brave or stupid to a certain extent.

Chris wasn't stupid, but he didn't dare to waste any more time. There were many Soviet soldiers nearby, and he couldn't make sure that those Soviet soldiers didn't notice the fighting in this room.

So he can only slowly move the muzzle of his g43 rifle, trying to find out if there are some living Soviets left in the room. rw

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