Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and eighty leave

Just as Chris was searching for the living enemy, he heard a faint moan: "Daddy!!"

Although a little weak, the sound was from Cyric, which also proved that Cyric in the ruins of the stairs was not dead.

Chris didn't move immediately, he was still holding his weapon, still waiting for the enemy's action.

It is not that he is indifferent, nor that he is timid, but that he, as a sniper, has long been used to being in a corner, clearing all the enemies before moving.

On the other side, Dad jumped out, holding his G43 rifle and leaning against the wreckage of the stairs. It seemed that he was going to save people, but of course he exposed himself.

Sure enough, there was a little movement on the edge of a dim wall. Chris grasped the movement keenly and pointed the muzzle there.

Through the crosshair, he clearly saw a Soviet soldier aiming at his father with his weapon. Obviously, the other party was also looking for an opportunity to kill.

Chris decided not to give the opponent this chance. He pulled the trigger directly and shot the Soviet soldier with a weapon in the head.

The distance is not too far, and within the gap of the crosshair, the opponent's head is the size of a coin. Chris hit the target easily and without the slightest surprise.

The bullet flew a short distance and directly shattered the head of the hapless Soviet soldier.

Blood splattered everywhere, and before Chris could appreciate it, he adjusted the rifle in the other direction.

Because there, there was also a Soviet soldier who was raising his weapon and preparing to fire.

"Bah!" Another shot rang out, and Chris's rifle fired a bullet, ending the opponent's move to aim at Daddy Buck.

The Soviet soldier dropped his weapon, fell down with his chest covered, and let out a scream.

There was only one sound left in the room, and that was the sound of Papa Buck lifting some debris from the stairs.

Although he shot and killed several Soviet soldiers in a row, and even Chris himself didn't know how many people he had killed, he still had a guilty conscience and didn't know how many Soviet soldiers were downstairs.

This is not a computer game, you know how many people the opponent has, and the number of the remaining enemies is marked in the corner of the screen.

This is a real actual combat. No one knows how many Soviet people are in the building, and Chris is even more uncertain.

So he could only let Daddy Buck rummage through Cyric himself, and he didn't go to help right away.

When there was still no sound in the room, he slowly started to stand up from the corner where he was hiding.

If there are still Soviet soldiers in the room, then the short quiet period just now, the most favorable way to deal with the Soviet army is to kill the bright father Buck with one shot.

Let the German army downsize directly, and the remaining Germans will naturally be able to catch the turtle after the friendly army arrives.

Since the other party did not do this, it means that the other party really does not have the ability to shoot, which means that the other party is already dead.

Holding his weapon, Chris searched along the wall little by little, and the pace got bigger and bigger as he saw more and more corners.

Soon he went around the room to clear the battlefield, and only after finding that the other party was alive did he take up his weapon, ran to Dad Buck, and began to help remove a broken stone.

Cyric, who fell down with the collapse of the stairs, struggled to stand up. In fact, he didn't have much debris on his body, but he didn't dare to stand up when the gunfire was loud.

"Thank you... I... I'm so unlucky." Cyric seemed to be rolling out of a heap of lime, his face covered in dust.

He struggled to stand up, with scattered dust, he was depressed to check whether he was injured or not, and whether his weapons and equipment were lost.

Fortunately, everything is still there, but the arm is injured, I don't know if it is broken.

"Ah! My arm hurts!" Cyric cried out in pain when Chris held onto his arm.

"Fortunately it's not feet! We have to get out of here!" Dad glanced at Cyric, then said to Chris, "Let's go!"

Dad supported Cyric, who was still a little dazed because of the fall. After Chris broke his weapon, the three of them exited the second floor, which had more than half collapsed.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Helping Cyric, Father Buck walked forward step by step, followed by Chris with his weapon, turning back from time to time to make sure the enemy wasn't chasing after them.

Not long after they left the building where the battle had been fought, the Soviet soldiers rushed into the room where the battle had just been fought.

They saw dead bodies all over the floor, collapsed stairs, and everyone didn't know what to do.

If they are well-trained troops, they can immediately judge the approximate passage just now with experience, and then mobilize more people to spread out to search for the Germans.

However, most of the team were recruits who had just been added in. Seeing the blood-filled environment in front of them, they were completely helpless.

"The Germans should have just left..." A Soviet veteran reported to the officer behind him, looking at the corpse that had not yet stiffened.

The officer looked at the corpse on the ground, and then looked around at the recruits who didn't know how to be a good recruit, and reluctantly gave up the plan to pursue.

If these troops are scattered and the other side kills a few more, his company commander will probably become a bare commander.

The key problem is that if these recruits are scattered to look for the other's soldiers, they will eventually come back. They are all recruits, and they will be annihilated immediately if they mess up on the front lines of the two sides.

They weren't an elite German sniper team, they were just a bunch of recruits. When it was established, it was barely able to have a little bit of combat effectiveness. Even if it was scattered, it would not be enough for the Germans to eat a plate.

Therefore, after a brief hesitation, the Soviet commander resolutely gave up his plan to seek revenge, and told his subordinates: "Retreat! Give up here and go to the opposite side of the square to rearrange the defense line."

Only two buildings away, Cyric leaned against the wall to breathe and rest, Dad Buck lit a cigarette and looked at Chris who was standing in front of him.

On the other side of the wall is the trench of the German street fighting troops, with a machine gun and a dozen soldiers guarding it.

Returning to a place controlled by their own people means that they don't have to worry about being chased and killed by the Soviets.

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