Kajibeard looked sloppily at the test of the first machine, although he was looked at by Misato with unfriendly eyes, but he didn't mind. At this point, he has basically understood all the truth, and he also knows that he is in danger and may be killed by assassins at any time. Now he is thinking about how to hand over the information.

Giving it to Miri is undoubtedly the best choice, because now everyone knows that Miri is not compatible with him. Moreover, Blessing also believes that if Miri knows the truth, it will definitely be announced to the public, and will not be complicit with SEELE.

Moreover, Blessing also knew that Superman must have been calculated by SEELE, and that the nuclear bomb must have been detonated by SEELE. They even dare to attack Superman, let alone themselves. Besides, even if the German headquarters has been destroyed, there is still an Ikari source ferry in Japan. Although he has fulfilled his promise, it does not mean that he will not kill people.

Although there was an uninhibited smile on his face, in his heart, Kaji was thinking about what method he should use to hand over the information to Misato without knowing it.

"This is a secret, how did you get in?" Misato couldn't stand Kaji's frivolous expression. They both broke up, okay? They were not acquaintances.

"No one told me." In fact, many people at Neuron have left their jobs now, and the third New Tokyo City on the ground is already empty. The city, which cost tens of billions of dollars, now only serves a few hundred people, and the neuron is also severely understaffed.

Because Neuron is not a military institution, there is no mandatory service agreement.

So this city is a very complicated place with depression in fashion.

Miri also knew very well that she couldn't even find the gatekeeper now, "Leave quickly, outsiders are not allowed to enter."

"How can I be considered an outsider?" Kaji expressed his heartbreak, "Miri, we have met each other frankly, so don't be so open to outsiders."

Ikari Shinji looked at the two adults who were flirting outside, feeling uneasy. The current situation doesn't seem to be the best time. So instead of looking outside, look at the eyes, nose, nose and heart, and enter the first machine with one mind: "Mom."

Dong Dong, I seem to hear the heartbeat of the first machine. It was the rhythm of the soul, and it was responding to Ikari Shinji.

Blessing invited Miri and Ritsuko to get together, saying it was a class reunion. Although Miri was reluctant, she did not refuse, and seemed to want to find her old feelings.

In a complex city, whether it is an adult or a child, their hearts are just as complicated as the clouds gather and disperse.

"Ikari Yuandu is now restored as your commander, and if Superman returns, do everything possible to control him. We can't pin our hopes on aliens." The political situation is complicated, although many high-level anti-Superman crimes were exposed, But large numbers of people still don't know what's going on. Anti-Superman is still the mainstream, but everyone with rhythm is in prison. Politicians can only continue to oppose Superman for their own approval ratings.

In the face of politicians who changed their minds, Ikari Yuandu did not show any signs of happiness, and did not show the slightest expression of joy. Now that the SEELE headquarters is completely destroyed, as the thirteenth member, he has fully mastered all the interpretation rights of the 'Human Completion Plan'. Although Ling Bo Li was taken away by Superman, SEELE still sent a Nagisa, and he didn't believe that it could not be successful.

Ikari Yuandu looked at his arm, Adam's embryo has been implanted in it, and now he represents Adam. As long as Zhu Xun is mastered by himself again, then the final winner is still himself.

At this moment, it seems that all human beings are playing tricks and fighting for their final goal.

Zhu Xun was put on a bomb collar as soon as he arrived, and there was no time to slowly attack Zhu Xun. Ding Yuandu was going to force him to cooperate with Ding Yuandu's plan in the final fusion.

Zhu Xun never thought that this guy Ikari Yuandu really had his own thoughts, but fortunately he was still calm, just looking at this proud man: "If I don't cooperate with you, would you rather end the 'Human Completion Plan'? ?"

That's right, if you can't be the master, you can't meet your wife again, then there's no need to complete the plan.

From the aura emanating from the other party, Zhu Xun could sense Ikari Yuandu's determination, he really had to be afraid.

The king of mankind, Ikari Yuandu deserves it. Either he can achieve himself with all mankind, or he will destroy the hugely consuming 'human completion plan'.

Nagisa found that if he wanted to live, he seemed to have to follow Ikari Gento. Then obey him for the time being, Nagisa still needs time to investigate the human world.

It's a pity that there aren't many objects to be investigated here, such as Asuka who is not pleasing to the eye, Misato Katsuragi who can't let go of her hatred, Ritsuko Akagi who is tired of love, and Gento Ikari who is daring.

No matter how you look at these people, they are all too egoistic, and they are all people who need to make up for it.

Until Nagisaun met Shinji Ikari, a woman.

On the campus that had been emptied, after the awakening of the first machine, the school was also closed, and the students all left the city. Ikari Shinji will come when he is upset, recalling the days of group activities under the leadership of Russell.

So one evening, Ikari Shinji met a boy sitting on the window sill bathing in the red sunset. The cool wind was blowing like an empty classroom. Only Nagisa was sitting on the window sill on the third floor, COS Sakamoto, with the book in hand, but his eyes were focused Ikari Shinji.

"You're Shinji Ikari who was turned into a girl, right? It's the first time we met in Shimo Nagisa." Although he wasn't called Sakamoto, he was pretending to be full of marks, showing his wealth in every gesture, because this was the etiquette training he received at SEELE.

Ikari Shinji was fascinated. It was the first time he had met someone of his age with such a natural and fresh smile, and such a clean expression without a trace of red dust.

"You, hello." Ikari Shinji felt ashamed~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Originally, he was going to study in this school, but he didn't expect it to become like this. "

"Well, because the apostles will always come to attack, so this is also for the safety of the students." Shinji Ikari explained: "Do you know me?"

Nagisa didn't answer, but instead asked, "Shinji-kun, are you also a student at this school?"

"Yes." Shinji Ikari nodded. He felt that he could be friends with Nagisa, who was facing him: "Why did you come to this city, Nagisa?" At this time, everyone wanted to run away, not knowing why the other party came.

"Because I'm the new qualified person of Unit 2." Nagisa is here to drive Unit 2, because Unit 2 is an official unit cloned from Adam.

"Isn't Asuka driving the second plane?" But Shinji Ikari also knew why the other party knew about him.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not in a hurry. So far, let's continue to let her drive." If Nagisa really wanted to control the second machine, Asuka couldn't stop it: "Shinji-kun, since the school is closed, why are you here? coming to school?"

Ikari Shinji didn't have the heart to be defensive, so he told the other party one by one that he was nostalgic. In his eyes, the memory of the school's past was so clear that it seemed that all his classmates were sitting in the classroom, and none of them were missing. .

Nagisa looked at Shinji Ikari, and suddenly realized that he had seen a real human being. Although Ikari Shinji has many shortcomings, he has always kept hope in his heart. Ikari Shinji and his father are two completely different people. Nagisa had doubts about the ultimate goal SEELE gave him, and it seems that human beings do not have to make up for it. Humans have their own way of survival, and they do not have to be the same as the apostles.

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