After a night of joy, after drinking and regaining the feeling of youth, he left the USB flash drive that recorded the truth to his sleeping ex-girlfriend in the hotel room, and blessed Ryoji, a man, to face the person who came to assassinate calmly. ?

Near the sun of truth, people will also be burned.

Blessing knew that this day would come, and now he has no worries.

"You don't resist?" Under the support of the exhaust fan, Deputy Commander Dongyue's voice had an indescribable heaviness. Now he is holding a gun and aiming at the blessing's forehead. As long as the other party makes a slight change, he will will shoot.

This is an abandoned storage warehouse underground in the third new Tokyo City. There are not many people in the third new Tokyo city. In fact, even if the body is thrown on the street, it will take a long time to be found.

"I just didn't expect you to kill me in the end." Blessing really won't resist, he has got everything he needs, and he has continued the truth. He firmly believes that Misato will disclose everything and reveal the true face of seeLe. Surprisingly, the old man Dongyue came to assassinate him without hesitation, "Do you really think you are right?"

"Don't talk too much, it seems that you have already made up your mind as a double agent." At this time, Dongyue's old wrinkle was straightened, her eyes were sharp, and she didn't think about how much blessing was sent back to Ikari Yuandu and him. important information.

What a boring person. Blessing, close your eyes.

When Misato woke up, she said in her heart that she was drunk again, and she went to bed with that annoying blessing again. In fact, she has never let go of that relationship, just like she has not let go of hatred. Misato is not a woman who can put it down. She opened her eyes and saw the empty half of the sheet, and said, "Damn man." Complaining more than hating.

Miri opened the USB flash drive on the bedside table. She thought it was a prank of blessing, but after reading the contents carefully, she realized that she was shocked.

About seeLe, about neurons, about the 'human completion plan', the shady scene under the background of the end of mankind.

Misato's limbs were cold, she was dizzy, and she had the urge to vomit. Is his revenge all the time just to increase the extinction of all mankind? Is this plan the real goal of the high-level people, to send all mankind to the altar and make the high-level immortals become gods?

What an evil plan, just looking at it makes Misato feel sick to her stomach.

This was left behind by blessings, and Misato suddenly had a bad feeling. Blessing has been hiding this information from himself, he must have been targeted, otherwise he would not have left the USB drive, and he must have known that he was about to encounter an accident.

"Blessing?!" Miri looked out the hotel window worriedly, and saw that the blue sky was covered with ominous dark clouds.

Then the ground shook and the mountains swayed, and the explosion that rushed into the sky created a huge shock wave to disperse the dark clouds. The third Shin-Tokyo City's twenty-fourth-floor metal shield was smashed with one blow.

The explosion of the cross announced the arrival of the strongest apostle.

Without any notice, without any warning, it descends like a god, and a blow to show off its combat power marks the beginning of the final decisive battle.


Violent shaking, and then a landslide. The bullet deviated from the trajectory and flew past Blessing's ear, interrupting several of Blessing's heads. The opportunity could not be missed, the blessing was a hungry wolf pounced on the food and pushed Dongyue to the ground, and then both of them were pressed down by the ceiling, and were blown into the distance by the strong wind that broke through the wall.

Kachi fell hard, but he could stand up even when he was young and strong. But Dongyue was not so lucky, he broke his leg.

"You should retire earlier, so you don't have to cause me trouble here." Blessing didn't die, and at this time he helped Dongyue to escape together.

"Why do you want to save me?"

"Because I'm different from you." Kaji used to be a timid person, just as timid as Ikari Shinji, but now he has changed and become brave.

Humans can change by their own power. Blessing is the shining point of human nature.

Miri was holding the USB flash drive, and was hit by broken glass with a lot of fine wounds, "Neuron headquarters, what's going on? How did the apostle come here?"

Without any alarms, are all neuron divisions in the world on strike?

You can't blame them either, because the strongest Angel of Power was punched out of the first universe and orbited in space, and then sent to the third New Tokyo City with a punch by Kent.

In just a few minutes, the Neuron Division had no time to discover it.

Angel Li said he didn't know what happened, but now he could feel that Adam was underground, so he attacked the ground no matter what.

The sudden attack left all the pilots unprepared.

Asuka glared at the backup pilot of Unit 2. She felt that Nagisa was too annoying. Even though she had Unit 0, she was staring at her Unit 2. There was something wrong with her. The second machine is her exclusive body.

Asuka is different from Shinji Ikari, she is not rushing ducks to the shelves, but to win the attention of the crazy mother, she has taken the initiative to obtain the qualification of a qualified person from the beginning, but unfortunately on the day she succeeded, her mother hanged herself. . This kind of childhood made her replace the mother's position with the No. 2 machine. The No. 2 machine will always respond to her own requirements, and will not abandon herself or complain about herself. The second machine belongs to her and will not be taken away by anyone.

Nagisa laughed at Asuka's hostility. He was even more curious about why the Angel of Power suddenly appeared. It was very strange.

Unit 1, Unit 2 attacked.

The Angel of Force has descended from the surface to the cave where the Neuron headquarters is located, and now there are no weapons to use except eVa.

Ikari Yuandu looked at the apostle and said in his heart that it was time to make the final preparations. Although people hunted the apostles in secret, the ring of the apostles could absorb the souls of the apostles. Ikari Yuandu has been paying attention to their movements and recorded how many times they absorbed the souls. According to the recorded numbers, minus the number of times the Apostle's Ring absorbed it, it was concluded that the Angel of Power was the last Apostle.

"Connecting the No. 0 machine to the 'puppet Dingyuandu needs the help of the No. 0 machine.

Where is my father taking Nagisa? Ikari Shinji felt strange when he saw his father take Nagisa to the elevator and leave. Zhu Xun was his good friend, and he didn't want his father to bully him.

"Perverted, don't be distracted, this guy is very powerful." The second machine was firing at full force, and the weapon called a rifle, which was actually a cannon, kept bursting into flames, and the dense cannonballs could not stop the arrival of the powerful angel.

The force angel's aT force field is too high, and eVa's weapon can't hurt it at all.

"Damn, watch me melee." The second machine ran in the cave with the standard dagger in his hand: "I want you to die!" Stomping on the solid rock formation, jumping hard, and exerting all gravity on the dagger: "aT force The field is open."

The Angel of Strength is a mastermind. In addition to the force field, his weapon also has a flexible soft sword of wide silk, which can be soft or hard. Thin as a cicada's wings, it can easily cut through the armor and damage the eVa body.

The blind attack of the No. 2 machine is naturally to test the protagonist's move of the angel of strength. The head was almost destroyed, pierced from the eyelids, through the skull, and cut open the eyeballs, this series of pain was faithfully reproduced in Asuka's brain.

It's not just restoration, because the force angel's aT force field invaded, and the injury was directly reflected on Asuka. She covered her eyes in pain and writhed in the LcL liquid. The pain was like giving birth to a child, and even if Asuka persisted, she lost her ability to fight.

Then Li Angel struck a second time. In this round, the head of the No. 2 aircraft was really separated. The neck was cut flat, and the big head flew into the underground lake, staining the blue lake water, causing the destroyers on the water to follow. rippling.

The headless No. 2 machine is completely defeated, and Asuka is in a coma. 8

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