Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and sixty-four: send you the eye of reincarnation

Nanga Shrine, time passes by every minute.

Tears of blood dripped down Uchiha Beacon's chin, and he stood in front of the Uchiha Stele in a daze, digesting the shocking content on the Stele.

"I tried to get in touch with Jiri." Madara said, "Her thoughts are completely different from mine. She has been blinded by Konoha. If there is no one to stop her, she is destined to lead the clan on the road of destruction."

"Now the only one who can save the family is you. Although you don't turn on the kaleidoscope like Zhili, the power of the eye of reincarnation is above the kaleidoscope. I can give you the eye of reincarnation."

Uchiha Fenghuo moved his lips, then squeezed them tightly.

He clearly felt that although the reincarnation eye in the right eye socket was constantly devouring his chakra, it also brought him unparalleled powerful pupil power, which was a qualitative improvement to his overall strength.

If it were the past, Uchiha Beacon would definitely agree to Madara without hesitation, and decisively lead the tribe to fight against Konoha with the help of Samsara Eye's pupil power. At the patriarch's succession ceremony, Zhili's beautiful and noble face.

If he agrees to Madara, he will be completely opposed to her.

For the future ending of the family, only one of the two can survive.

Uchiha Fenghuo didn't know if he, who had the power of reincarnation, would be the opponent of Jiri, even if he could become the next Uchiha Patriarch by killing her, as Jiri said, he would not kill her.

But he didn't want to kill Zhili, but Zhili would really kill him.

Seeing Uchiha Fenghuo's hesitation, Madara frowned slightly: "There is nothing to hesitate, do you still have hope for Jiri to take office as Hokage?"

His low voice was like a magic sound filling his brain, with a strange magic that deceives people.

"This is Uchiha's last chance. The fate of the family is entirely determined by your choice."

Uchiha Fenghuo clenched his fists tightly, biting his gums and biting again, his brain was divided into two halves, one half was the entire Uchiha clan, and the other half was Jiri who was wearing the patriarch robe and Hokage half sleeves.

"Master Spot."

Uchiha Fenghuo said with difficulty: "I want to persuade the patriarch one more time!"

Banana frowned and looked at him: "She has already spared you once, and the second time you will be killed by her."

"If I am killed, please ask Madam Madara to choose another clan who can save the family, and I will do my best to make the patriarch recognize Madara Madara!" Uchiha Fenghuo resolutely said.

Madara was silent for a long time, then nodded: "However, before you persuade Ji Li, call all the clansmen belonging to the defector faction to Nanga Shrine."

"Okay." Uchiha Beacon agreed obediently.

He understands that no matter whether he succeeds in persuading Jiri, the Uchiha family must eventually defect from Konoha, and it is necessary for Madara to correct the thoughts of the defectors.

Madara can also choose someone to replace him from among the other defectors if he is unfortunately killed by Jiri during persuasion.



The next morning, Watanabe woke up from the gentle village.

The first thing I do when I wake up every day is to wash the sheets. Last night, Zhiri was too active and worked hard. He turned a good bed into a wet water bed, and then was carried to the sofa and the bathroom by Watanabe for the whole night. Haven't had any rest.

"We must help Jiri improve the relationship between the Uchiha family and Konoha."

When cleaning the sheets, Watanabe secretly decided to make this the first goal of his successor as Minister of Anbu.

He felt sorry for Jiri and didn't want to see her working for the Uchiha clan again.

Gu Ying

After dealing with the traces left by Jiri, Watanabe went out to the Anbe headquarters.

The original Anbu did not have a fixed office space, and they all moved with Hokage. Wherever the day went, everyone followed him. After Watanabe took office as the minister, this situation changed. He used department funds to buy a commercial street. The building was set up as the headquarters of Anbu. Since then, Anbu has had a fixed office just like other offices in Konoha.

Most of the time, only Watanabe and a few detachment leaders stay at the headquarters to handle affairs, and most of the Anbu members go out.

When he came to his office, Watanabe took out a stack of mission reports handed in by the staff yesterday from the drawer. When he was about to approve it, a member of the Anbu wearing a dog-face mask flashed to the door of the office and asked for instructions:

"Lord Minister, Lord Hokage summoned you to the Hokage Building."

Watanabe: "Okay, I'll go later."

The member then swept away again, and Watanabe sat on the chair with a brooding expression.

This is the thirteenth day of his visit to Anbu. Anbu is nominally a department directly under Hokage, but in these thirteen days, Watanabe has never taken the initiative to see Hiyazaki once, only throwing his son Sarutobi Shiraishi In the past, he protected him, and even the appointment and dismissal of personnel did not report to Rijian.

Watanabe doesn't think that he has done too much. The Anbu in his eyes is Konoha's Anbu, not Hokage's Anbu alone. He only needs to perform his duties well and have a clear conscience. Anyway, Mito instructed him to let go. Do it, nothing to worry about.

"Three generations should be trying to beat me."

Watanabe thought to himself, guessing Sarutobi Hizan's intention to summon him this time.

He was a little curious, not knowing what kind of beating method Rijian would use.


Ten minutes later, the Hokage Building.

Familiar office, but this time it wasn't just Watanabe and Hizan, Sarutobi Shiraishi wearing a rhino face mask was also standing beside Hizan.

"See Hokage-sama."

Watanabe's official business bows his hands and salutes.


Ri Zhan smiled kindly, took out a pipe from his pocket, lit the tobacco and asked, "I haven't seen you for a while, have you been busy lately?"

"Well, really busy." Watanabe admitted.

"You just took office as a You are inevitably inexperienced. If you encounter difficult problems, you can ask other people or me for advice." Ri Zhan said.

Watanabe glanced at Sarutobi Shiraishi beside him, and guessed that Hiizhan was dissatisfied with himself for sending his son over.

"It's okay, I can solve the problems I have encountered recently."

Hiyazaki nodded in appreciation: "As expected of the person Mito seniors value, he really has outstanding ability."

"I heard that you recently asked members of the Dark Ministry to assist the Police Department in handling public security incidents, is that true?"

The word "heard" is interesting, but Hokage is dignified, but he has to rely on hearsay to know what Anbu did.

As if he didn't hear what he meant, Watanabe replied calmly, "Yes."

"The police department and Konoha villagers have always had conflicts and disputes, and the intervention of the Anbu can ease the relationship between the two."

"Your original intention is not wrong." Ri Zhan slowly exhaled a breath of smoke, "But just relying on such words does not have much substantive significance."

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