Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and sixty-five: Madara Uchiha returns

"Last night, Uchiha Beacon summoned all the defectors within the Uchiha clan. They didn't know where they went, and they didn't reappear in the Uchiha clan until this morning."

Rijian added: "You may not know the identity of Uchiha Beacon, he is the leader of the Uchiha defector faction, and at the ceremony of Jiri's succession as the patriarch two weeks ago, he was arrested for preaching remarks about betraying Konoha. discipline."

Watanabe was shocked when he heard the words.

He and Jiri had blood drained until dawn last night. Neither he nor Jiri knew anything about the Uchiha clan's changes last night.

At the same time, it can be seen how many eyeliners Hiizhan has. The Uchiha family has been under his surveillance, and everything is under his control.

"The internal affairs of the Uchiha family are naturally handled by Mr. Jiri." Watanabe said calmly.

Hiizhan took a deep breath, and Watanabe sat opposite him and remained silent, responding to changes without change.

"I know what you want to do." Ri Zhan said.

"You want to help Jiri improve the relationship between the Uchiha family and Konoha, so you ordered members of Anbu to assist the police department in handling public security incidents. Jiri was your teacher who led the team, and you see her as the Uchiha family. There is nothing wrong with that.”

"But let me tell you, it is not that simple to solve the conflict between Uchiha and Konoha. The conflict between the two sides is not a day or two, but a legacy of history. There are too many clansmen in Uchiha who are hostile to Konoha, even if It is difficult for Chili to suppress them even if they are the patriarch, last night was an example."

Watanabe wanted to hear his high opinion, and asked, "So, according to Hokage-sama, what should Konoha do?"

Hiyazaki was silent for a moment, no longer beating around the bush with Watanabe, and directly showdown: "You arrange for the Anbu people to lurk near the Uchiha clan, and closely monitor the Uchiha clan's every move. Signs—shoot to kill."

Watanabe was instantly moved. He just wanted to hear Hizan's advice to ease the conflict between the two sides, but he didn't expect to hear explosive news from his mouth.

"You want to take action against the Uchiha clan?" In a hurry, Watanabe didn't even bother to call him Hokage-sama.

He knows how serious the matter is, and Watanabe can be sure that once Konoha takes action against Uchiha, the Uchiha people who are already resentful towards Konoha will definitely fight to the death. Hostility, she can't care about the life and death of her clan, and she will never die with Konoha.

This is a situation that Watanabe does not want to see anyway. He and Jiri are planning to integrate the Uchiha clan into Konoha perfectly. Once Konoha makes a move, even if it just kills a Uchiha clan, the situation will change. The evolution is irreversible.

"This matter has a lot to do with it." Hizuka admitted in disguise the fact that he was about to take action against the Uchiha family, "Watanabe, although you hold the position of minister, but you still lack experience, and then the personnel transfer of Anbu will be handed over to Shiraishi to deploy..."

"Hokage-sama, are you serious!" Watanabe interrupted, staring at him sharply: "Just because the members of the defector faction in Uchiha disappeared overnight, you are going to obliterate the Uchiha family?"

He suddenly felt ridiculous, just because of a so-called high-level decision, a ninja tribe and thousands of civilians were about to face a crisis of annihilation.

Rizan denied: "I didn't want to obliterate the Uchiha clan, I just wanted to obliterate individual Uchiha clansmen who were unfavorable to Konoha."

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Watanabe sneered: "What is the temperament of the Uchiha clan, don't I understand Naruto-sama? Although there are partisan disputes within Uchiha, when faced with external threats, they will be very united. If Konoha defected to Uchiha If the members take action, the rest of the Uchiha clan who do not want to oppose Konoha will also have to be opposed."

Watanabe's attitude is very firm. He will never allow anyone to threaten Jiri's safety. If Hizana is really determined to attack the Uchiha family, he is determined to put Jiri in a dangerous situation... He will Day beheaded.

As for whether he is Rijian's opponent, and the consequences of killing Rijian, he doesn't think about it, in any case, the safety of Zhili is not as important.

Seemingly seeing Watanabe's strong resistance, Hiizaki was silent for a long time this time, and a cloud of smoke floated in the air.

Sarutobi Shiraishi, who was on the side, was secretly nervous. He knew that Watanabe had a strong personality, and he dared to put pressure on Danzo, but he never expected that he would not give in to his father today.

He couldn't help but wonder if there was someone Watanabe feared in Konoha?

"I didn't intend to tell you, but only a few people know about this now." In the smoke, Hizan raised his head and met Watanabe's piercing gaze, "Last night, someone saw Madara Uchiha."

Uchiha Madara?

Watanabe was startled.

As long as it is Konoha people, it is impossible not to know who Uchiha Madara is.

"We got the exact news." Ri Zhan continued, "Uchiha Madara is not dead, he is still alive. Last night, Uchiha Beacon summoned the members of the defecting faction to meet Uchiha Madara."

Watanabe was surprised, Uchiha Madara had attempted to destroy Konoha, and his appearance was never a good thing for the Uchiha tribe.

"You haven't experienced the Warring States Period, so you don't understand the weight of the four words 'Uchiha Madara'." Hizan sighed, "He and the first generation of adults are also known as the two gods of the ninja world, and he and the first generation of adults pacified the Warring States period. In troubled joined forces to create the Hidden Village of Konoha, and the rest of the countries attracted to follow the one country, one village system."

"If it wasn't for the first generation of adults to stop Uchiha Madara, Konoha would never have escaped the catastrophe that was destroyed by him. Now Uchiha Madara is back, if he leads the Uchiha clan to destroy Konoha again, even if he uses all his strength, he will not be able to escape. I don't know if I can stop him."

Ri Zhan spoke earnestly, with both worry and helplessness in his tone.

The person who made him helpless was Watanabe. Obviously he was Konoha's Hokage, and Watanabe was only a minister, but if Watanabe insisted on not cooperating with him, he would not be able to mobilize Anbu.

If it were someone else who opposed him like this, Hiizhan would definitely not hesitate to dismiss the other party and punish him, but he couldn't do that to Watanabe, and instead, he had to work hard to convince Watanabe to let him agree with him.

The reason why Hijaki could not severely punish Watanabe's dismissal was that he was worried that Mito would have opinions on him. The second was that Watanabe's identity as a person Zhuri had already been fixed. As Hokage, he had to deal with him well. The relationship between.

The return of Madara Uchiha is of great importance and threatens the safety of the entire Konoha. The top management of Konoha is now strictly sealing the news. Hiizaki should not have disclosed it to Watanabe, especially Watanabe and the Uchiha family. association.

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