It Starts With A Mountain

Chapter 683 Decent, Decent

Chapter 685

Cui Baiyu raised her head. She hadn't beaten her teeth for a few days, but now she's relying on hatred to support her body.

In fact, there's no such thing as hatred, victory or defeat, she understands this truth better than everyone else. She just expressed her disdain for Cheng Dalei with her indifference, trying to pretend that she didn't lose.

However, in the deepest part of my heart, I knew that I had lost. What is even more terrifying is the consequences after losing. With her beauty and Cheng Dalei's cruelty, she will definitely humiliate herself in every possible way. For a woman, such an experience is not as good as death.

Survival several times in the past few days, for this.

She thought that Cheng Dalei would try her best to prevent her death. After all, she was more valuable to live than to die, and she also understood how her beauty was a temptation for men in the world. Anyone who has played in this chaotic world should know how to choose.

But Cheng Dalei didn't seem to understand, so he threw the sword in front of him, waiting for him to commit suicide. Now that he is very close to death, he can cut his throat with a sword and announce his retirement in this troubled world with just a snap of his fingers.

Death means eternity, means that everything is zero. No matter how wise and beautiful Cui Baiyu is, the scales and claws barely left in the world will disappear without a trace under the turbid waves of the world.

And is this ending really what you want?

No one is afraid of death.

When death was within reach, Cui Baiyu finally discovered a trace of timidity deep in his heart. The discovery frustrated her and angered her.

She held her head up and stared at Cheng Dalei unconvinced, really looking at each other seriously.

Whether it was the Xiangfu or Song Bokang, they all collected information on Cheng Dalei through various channels. In the end, these materials were gathered before Cui Baiyu's case. She read through these materials word by word in the lonely night, in order to understand what kind of person Cheng Dalei was.

Before she could understand this, Cheng Dalei overturned the table and became his prisoner.

Now, she finally has a chance to meet Cheng Dalei face to face, she must understand this, otherwise she will die.

He stared at Cheng Dalei, trying to see through Cheng Dalei's bones and his heart and lungs through the appearance.

He was indeed an ordinary man, with a rough appearance and a burly figure, in line with all the imaginations of ordinary people about bandits. That pair of copper bell-like eyes did not have the light of so-called wisdom.

Really can't see it.

Cui Baiyu was even more distressed, she was proud that capital was her stunt of knowing people. As soon as an ordinary person passed in front of her eyes, she could judge that they were inseparable. But in the face of Cheng Dalei, this stunt actually failed, and he seemed to be too simple.

But how can such a person be evaluated in two simple words.

Cheng Dalei was stared a little hairy and wondered what the girl was doing. It's not that Cui Baiyu is incompetent, Cheng Dalei is very simple. But Cui Baiyu wanted him to think complicatedly, and he could only think more and more complicated.

Who, who is helping you?

Cui Baiyu didn't speak for a while, but when he spoke, Cheng Dalei was shocked.

He immediately understood what Cui Baiyu was talking about. If it weren't for the sneaky help of the system, how could Cheng Dalei be today. Perhaps Cui Baiyu was the first to see through this.

The surprise was fleeting, Cheng Dalei returned to his ruthlessness, and sneered: The master is ordered by the sky, and the immortals pass on the arts in their dreams. Can I tell you this kind of thing.

There are too many strange things about Cheng Dalei, such as Su Ying and Xu Shenji who discovered it very early. Cheng Dalei often concealed it with the theory of ghosts and gods, and they may not fully believe it, but they did not delve into it. It was easy to deceive Xu Shenji, but deceiving Cui Baiyu was indeed a bit reluctant.

Heaven, which day, the heaven of the emperor? Cui Baiyu vaguely felt that he was close to the truth. However, if Cheng Dalei was the nail buried by Emperor Ming, there were still many things that didn't make sense. But this is already the most reasonable explanation.

Cheng Dalei squatted down, stared straight at Cui Baiyu, pointed to the sky, and said decisively, My God.

Cui Baiyu was stunned for a moment, she suddenly rushed over, opened her mouth and bit Cheng Dalei's ear.

Cheng Dalei hurriedly broke free, but the earlobe was still bitten and bleeding. He was so annoyed that he pushed Cui Baiyu away.

Are you a dog!

Cheng Dalei was very depressed. Didn't everyone have a good time playing dumb riddles just now?

If this is spread out, it can't be said that he covets her beauty, and in the end, stealing chickens won't make a profit. But he really didn't do anything.

Cheng Dalei pointed at Gao Lishi: You have to testify for me, the owner is innocent.

Gao Lishi was speechless for a while: the big boss still cares about innocence.

Cui Baiyu fell to the ground, forcing her upper body upright, blood still seeping from the corners of her mouth.

Cheng Dalei, since I have fallen into your hands, if you want to kill or cut you, give me pleasure. If you want to insult and trample me, I don't want to die.

It's not that Cheng Dalei has no such thoughts, but he has indeed been restrained. It is true that the king and the pirate are defeated, but there is another saying: a scholar can be killed but not humiliated. He hoped that Cui Baiyu would kill himself, such a beautiful woman, life is a proud life, and death should be a proud death.

Miss Cui, different ways are different. I gave you the way. For your own dignity, go early.

Cui Baiyu stared at Cheng Dalei viciously, their eyes met in the air, and at a certain moment, Cui Baiyu understood a trace of pity in Cheng Dalei's eyes.

Why did he fall to the point where he is now, and need to be pitied by a bandit.

The hatred in Cui Baiyu's eyes became less and less, she gritted her teeth, her lower lip was bitten, blood flowed out, and tears suddenly fell from her beautiful eyes.

She didn't cry, but she did.

Decent, decent... I've always been a decent person. Being pampered and being well-dressed is something that a country bumpkin like Cheng Dalei can believe. Cui Baiyu has always agreed with this point. She feels that she is not inferior to the man, she will be calm and calm, and win the autumn wind and sweep the leaves. The dead will sing generously, drink three glasses, and go away laughing.

However, I thought so, but when I really encountered a desperate situation, I realized that actually not that decent.

She would go berserk, just thinking that Cheng Dalei could slash himself with a sword in a rage. But Cheng Dalei thought somehow, but decided to kill herself.

At this moment, Cui Baiyu couldn't help but want to swear. Damn it, if I wasn't afraid of death and didn't just pick up my sword and kill myself, why would I be like this?

Fear of death is to survive, in order to survive, I will slowly sacrifice all my things. Decent, dignity, pride and finally the only capital.

A once proud person will become more and more unseemly.

In contrast, this punishment was more cruel than killing her directly, because Cheng Dalei shattered what she was most proud of.

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