Chapter 686

Cheng Dalei touched his nose, the depression just now had become less important. At this moment, he could actually read Cui Baiyu's mind.

Compare your heart to your heart, if you fall into her situation, can you bite the bullet and say, come on, kill me, I will still be a good man twenty years later?

Estimated hanging.

Cheng Dalei patted Gao Lishi on the shoulder and said, Loosen their ropes, bring them food in, and send them to the City Lord's Mansion.

Gao Lishi was startled: Big boss, do this in case they want to die again?

Cheng Dalei shook his head, guessing that Cui Baiyu would no longer have the heart to seek death. It is indeed generous to lead a knife into a fast, but there are a few people who can live up to the head of the young man. As for the reason to live, she will find it herself.

Cheng Dalei and Gao Lishi exited the room, and the guard at the door also withdrew from the room after releasing the three girls from Xiaolu.

Immediately, the three girls rushed to Cui Baiyu's side and helped her up. Looking at her appearance at the moment, the three daughters felt even more uncomfortable than being humiliated by herself. The main humiliated minister died. I have never seen Cui Baiyu look like this on weekdays.

The county lord, the county lord...

After calling several times, Cui Baiyu regained her senses. She raised her head and looked around, feeling a little dazed.

The county master, shall we take you to escape? Xiaodao said.

Escape, where are you going to escape? Cui Baiyu said in a daze. Although she was depressed, her mind was still there. Liangzhou City was already Cheng Dalei's Liangzhou, and it was a fool's dream that they wanted to escape from Cheng Dalei's claws.

Xiaolu couldn't help shedding tears. She didn't know the difficulty of this matter, but she couldn't bear to see her master look like this. Fighting spirit, courage, and the composure to win the game have all disappeared now. It is easy to kill people, but difficult to punish. Now Cui Baiyu's heart is broken.

Success or failure, always have to try and fall into the hands of the devil... Xiaolu couldn't bear to go on.

In fact, she has already overstepped the grade by saying this, because she is discussing with Cui Baiyu. This was unimaginable in the past. Cui Baiyu could decide many things, and it was a no-brainer. How could he discuss it with a maid.

But Cui Baiyu, who is now in a state of despair, must not realize this, and it is not what it used to be.

At this time, a guard came in from outside and rudely placed the food box on the table. These guards are all women, so naturally they don't care about Cui Baiyu's beauty, and their attitude towards her is naturally not very good.

The three girls of the deer each occupy a position, blocking the retreat of the incoming person. They were carefully cultivated by the Xiangfu, and they were extremely good at assassinating, poisoning, and even seducing men. Even if he hadn't eaten for a few days and was hungry, it wouldn't take much effort to kill the guard.

They were waiting, waiting for Cui Baiyu to nod, and they were about to kill.

Cui Baiyu did not nod. The three Xiaolu were lucky, because Cui Baiyu was their master, no matter what the desperate situation, as long as the master was alive, they had the value of existence. But Cui Baiyu is unfortunate, she is her own master, and the faith in her heart has been shattered by Cheng Dalei.

The guard left after putting down the food. Before leaving, he spat at Cui Baiyu and muttered something like a vixen. And she didn't know it, she walked past the gate of hell.

Cui Baiyu's eyes fell on the food box. Although the guard's attitude was not good, he did not treat himself badly when it came to the food. Now the food exudes a tempting aroma, which is a deadly temptation for the hungry Cui Baiyu.

There was no need for Cui Baiyu to speak, Xiaolu had already brought a bowl of rice to her. A servant must have such a vision. He can't wait for the master to open his mouth before offering it, and he must take the initiative to let the master go down the steps.

Cui Baiyu swallowed the food, and the rich food instantly filled her taste buds. For the first time, she felt that being alive was such a lucky thing. Then, there is some sadness, and I feel full of pity.

The white jade beauty, who is famous in Chang'an, felt lucky for a bowl of white rice.


Cheng Dalei returned to the City Lord's Mansion, still thinking about what just happened. Song Bokang's palace was really too big. It was ten times bigger than Toad City, and it was richer. It was a bit deserted when he walked in the empty space.

He found Su Ying, who was sitting in the accounting room and was dealing with the latest bills. Cheng Dalei worked hard, but Su Ying was not idle either.

This time, in the possession of Liangzhou City, in addition to grabbing some women, I also grabbed some gold and silver jewelry. Su Ying will handle such matters, and put these gold and silver jewelry into her small vault.

If you can't spend the flowers, you will pass the addiction of a little rich woman.

Cheng Dalei walked to the door, first glanced inside, and saw that Su Ying was frowning and pulling the abacus. Cheng Dalei gathered up his courage and stepped into the room with a big smile.

Madam worked hard, Madam worked hard...

Su Ying raised her head and looked at Cheng Dalei calmly. It's completely looking at the fool's eyes, directly saying: What are you going to do to be sorry for me, it's okay to say it directly.

Cheng Dalei sat down silently, the relationship between him and Su Ying was so troubled, it may not be because Su Ying was too thorough, this woman is too smart, and she can't hide her wicked things.

That... this... Madam has always worked hard, and I see it in my eyes, and it hurts in my heart. Madam should have someone to serve, this is not right, there are a group of female relatives who don't know how to deal with it, and I am also worried. Go and pick up a few people who can see the past, and there are people around me to take care of me, don't worry.

Su Ying is not a fool, on the contrary, she is very smart. Cheng Dalei was evasive, she already understood his intentions. In my heart, I was both amused and angry. The laughing thing was that Cheng Dalei didn't have to discuss this with himself, and he was so angry that Cheng Dalei had to discuss it with himself. Do you still want to applaud and support yourself?

She felt a little uncomfortable, and according to her original character, she should nod her head in agreement. Suddenly remembering what Yang Xiaomei said to her, Su Ying summoned her courage and said, What if I don't allow it?

The smile on Cheng Dalei's face froze, and after a while, he said helplessly: I know you won't agree, so if you don't allow it, you won't allow it... Well, can't we really discuss it?

Su Ying looked at Cheng Dalei speechlessly. After all, this person is not bad. If he was someone else, he would already have wives and concubines in his current position, so why should he discuss it with himself. There is no need to show such aggrieved appearance.

More or less, he still has a place in his heart. For this reason, don't waste your time with him.

She suddenly became bold, tapped Cheng Dalei's forehead with her fingers, and said, My good king, I will walk for you as a wife. I just hope you don't like the new and hate the old. Remember that I was robbed by you back then. Rob me up the mountain, not to look good.

Cheng Dalei rubbed his eyebrows, and suddenly felt that there seemed to be a crack in the iceberg lying between him and Su Ying.

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