King of beasts

Chapter 200 Top Intelligence Dealer

I'm not kidding you.]|I{•------» ❻❾ⓈĦ𝐔𝐱.𝐜Ỗм «------•}I|[

Is there a more reliable method? Lu Ran asked.

Hmph... Manager Ying looked at Lu Ran dissatisfied: You think I am an omnipotent god.

Isn't it? Lu Ran asked back.


Store manager Ying was startled, then slid his cat's paw across his cheek, showing a shy expression: Hey, you discovered me.

Lu Ran:?

Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Manager Ying shook his head: When it comes to the deep sea, I really don't have any good ideas.

However, I can sell you some information.

Let you know how your old turtle is doing after reaching the deep sea.

If you're doing well, there's no need to be so anxious.

If your life is not going well, you can be more anxious, okay?

Can this be sold? Lu Ran was surprised: Don't tell me that your cat-eared maid cafe has opened in the Murloc Empire.

How is that possible? Manager Ying rolled her eyes: But I can use one of my skills to obtain information for you.

you have heard……

Can you tell the future?

Lu Ran was startled.

Damn, I almost forgot, this cat also has time-related abilities.

It seems that it can indeed use the time system to deduce.

When I was looking for the Necromancer in Jinling, I relied on Maomao's ability.

Lu Ran actually forgot.

Unlike Zhu Kaixin, the pig god, who is half-assed, Manager Ying can really apply the time system in actual combat!

You are indeed a god! Lu Ran was surprised. What is a top intelligence dealer who can actually generate information out of thin air?

Tch. Manager Ying said:

But I have four taboos about predicting the future.

1. I cannot predict the future of beings who are too powerful.

2. I don't predict the future of life that has too much potential.

3. I don't predict the future that is too far away.

4. Every time I use to predict the future, there must be sufficient compensation. I cannot be used for nothing.

It frowned and looked at Lu Ran: Your old turtle is not very strong.

Although the old turtle has good potential, after all, after the spiritual energy is revived, it is only a high-level extraordinary. If you want it to be afraid of the store manager, it must at least be the future of the innate king race.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

For example, the future of Lu Ran's dogs, lizards, and crows will be unpredictable after being cultivated by Lu Ran. They have huge potential, and Store Manager Ying will not predict them easily.

It can easily lead to backlash on oneself.

But as for the turtle, there should be no problem in a short period of time.

As for

If nothing happens to it in half a year, then don't worry about it in these six months. Manager Ying was convinced: How about it? Is it acceptable? If it is acceptable, let's talk about it.

It's impossible for you to have sex for nothing.

Lu Ran looked at it and asked, What do you want...

Please give me some information that will satisfy me. Manager Ying was not very interested and felt that Lu Ran couldn't come up with anything good.

Lu Ran had to keep the good stuff for himself, so the only thing that could attract it was information.

As for the value of the information Lu Ran provided, it didn't matter. After all, she had to help Lu Ran no matter what.

Mainly, it wants to develop Lu Ran's good character and not to use labor force for free.

Okay... Lu Ran was worried about the information.

What other information can I have?

But soon, Lu Ran's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and said, Manager Ying.

Have you ever used your precognition ability to search for 'sleeping ancient beings' before?

Yes, so what? Manager Ying didn't understand what Lu Ran wanted to do.

Now that ancient beings like the Fish-Man King have awakened, it means that other ancient beings will probably wake up soon as the spiritual energy recovery process accelerates.

But as we have judged, there must be a group of ancient beings who are on the verge of death and in a weakened state, and it is really difficult to return to their peak, right?

Our idea at the time was... to clarify the pros and cons and see if they were willing to become undead pet beasts and live another life!

Manager Ying nodded.

But this condition must be difficult for many pet beasts to accept. We might as well give them more choices! Lu Ran said: What if I have a way to let them pass on and reproduce their bloodline at the last moment of their lives?

Huh? Manager Ying was stunned: What do you mean?

Lu Ran said: I obtained such a resource in the legendary secret realm just now...

Immediately afterwards, Lu Ran told store manager Ying about the function of the blood drop stone.

After you meet powerful ancient beings, you can sell this information to them. ஜ۩۞۩ஜ ❻➈şhυ𝔵.¢๏ᗰ ஜ۩۞۩ஜ

In this way, not only can he advertise Lu Ran's blood-dropping stone, but store manager Ying himself can also make a fortune from ancient beings through the information about the blood-dropping stone.

Holy shit. After hearing this, Manager Ying's eyes widened and he said, How dare you reveal such a thing.

Is this information valuable enough? Lu Ran asked quickly.

Manager Ying pondered and said: How powerful beings can successfully reproduce their offspring is indeed a difficult problem. It would have been fine in ancient times when spiritual energy was abundant and races were prosperous. But now, most of the beings have probably become the only race. Finding similar races to mate with will make reproduction more difficult. After all, reproductive isolation is hard to explain...

This blood drop stone of yours... will indeed make some powerful beings go crazy, even the overlord race.

Okay, this information is valuable enough. Manager Ying indeed saw business opportunities in this information!

Lu Ran asked cautiously: Speaking of which, Manager Ying, don't you have any idea about the Blood Drop Stone?


Manager Ying was angry and said, I'm only eighteen years old.

Lu Ran:? ? ?

For a cat, 18 years old is already considered old.

And, are you 18? ? ?

The time spent sleeping together for so many years doesn't count as years, right?

Foretell the future, let's talk about it after we return to Xia Kingdom!

I'm going to Qingwu Lake for prediction.

After negotiating with Manager Ying, Lu Ran followed it and embarked on a life-or-death journey back to Xia Kingdom.

Originally, Lu Ran was worried about whether he would be in danger during his return, but it turned out that he was overthinking it.

Even if someone wants to harm him, now is definitely not the best time.

After all, this may be the time when Xia Guo has the highest level of protection for Lu Ran.

After a while, Lu Ran successfully returned to Luhai City.

After returning to Luhai City, Lu Ran breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, no accident occurred.

Reaching level 60 in Infinite City means that he will die without the Internet.


After coming here, Lu Ran's bodyguard only had one cat, Store Manager Ying, but Lu Ran didn't have any objections to this.

After all, there is a time-predicting boss who can act as a bodyguard for you, and you also need a bicycle.

Although Manager Ying seems unreliable, in fact, he should be much more reliable than Principal Shi Zhen and Brother Zhu.



After Lu Ran and the others arrived at Qingwu Lake, the Carp King of Qingwu Lake, the successor of Marshal Black Turtle, sadly welcomed the return of the great King of Green Sea on the lake.

It has a very powerful soul and is very smart. It saw Marshal Black Turtle being picked up but did not come back. It has already been speculated that something happened to Marshal Black Turtle.

Now that Lu Ran has arrived, its guess has been confirmed.

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Master, Master————] The Carp King was in grief in the lake. After a few days of teaching, he had respect for Marshal Black Turtle and became both his teacher and his father.

You're just crying. Manager Ying looked at the fish in silence.

Lu Ran also comforted him: General Carp, don't worry, Marshal Black Turtle may not be finished.

It was just captured by a monster.

It should not be life-threatening.

You work hard to become stronger and train your strength. When you successfully transform into a dragon, there should still be hope of saving Marshal Xuangui.

Go on, go on, work hard.

After Lu Ran comforted him, General Carp turned around and left with fighting spirit in his eyes.

Manager Ying's mouth twitched. Well, none of the extraordinary creatures in Luhai City are normal.

In a small lake, Lu Ran suddenly found two crouching dragon and phoenix chicks.

A drama of cultivate hard and rescue the master was staged.


Without the interruption of the troublesome guy, Manager Ying's mental power covered the entire Qingwu Lake, searching for things related to the old turtle...

In a short time, it placed the old turtle in the lake and fished out the shell it had replaced.

Holding the turtle shell, Manager Ying said: I'm going to start.

As it spoke, it closed its eyes slightly regardless of the reaction of Lu Ran next to it. At the same time, the turtle shell in front of it was also wrapped in mental power.

Let's watch it together.

During the prediction period, it stretched out its cat's paw. Seeing this, Lu Ran also stretched out his hand and pinched it.

The next moment.

Lu Ran only felt that the stars were moving before his eyes, as if he had entered some kind of realm, and the surroundings were dark.

These dark spaces are like the big screen of a movie theater, gradually emerging from darkness with light.


A blister forming sound appears.

Soon, the pitch-black space was dyed deep blue, and the scene of a vast ocean floor came directly into Lu Ran's eyes. At this moment, he felt as if he was watching a 3D blockbuster, which was particularly novel.


Fortunately, fortunately, in the future where you didn't look for it, your Black Turtle Marshal should be safe and sound...

Maomao said, the picture became clearer.

In the deep sea, I saw a giant turtle that was tens of meters long and wide, carrying a giant stone tablet on its back. Its body was dark blue and its head was bright red. Behind it were tens of thousands of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, fighting with a group of deep-sea sharks.

The scene is extremely spectacular, the deep sea is constantly rioting, and the energy fluctuations emanating from Marshal Black Turtle are sweeping across the battlefield like an ocean hurricane. Regardless of race level, just looking at the growth level, it may even crush the current violent death kings.

This. Lu Ran was shocked.

“Manager Ying, is this accurate??”

Seeing this scene, Lu Ran was stunned.

Didn't this turtle say that he wanted to retire? ? ?

Why did he go to the deep sea and become the boss of tens of thousands of soldiers and generals? ? ?

Moreover, it seems to have evolved?

What happened to the stone tablet?

It looks like it was forged by myself, but there are some changes. The stone tablet seems to have been upgraded? What exactly has it been through.

The predicted future suddenly shattered like a bubble. Manager Ying's clone was panting from exhaustion and said: I made the prediction based on preconditions. If you don't affect the future, it will most likely be like this... …”

I just said, is it okay?

It looks like it's developing better than in your Poluhai area.

Perhaps your family's small business is still small, which limits its development.

Lu Ran was startled: Impossible, absolutely impossible. The black turtle must have been forced to do nothing. Although it looks very brave in the future, I am too familiar with it. It must have been waiting for me to pick it up. retire……

Then what's next? Manager Ying asked disdainfully.

Lu Ran coughed and said, Since it's fine, let's let it serve as an empire general in the deep sea first. This incident has also given us a warning. If we don't have enough strength, we won't be able to retire safely...

“After this training, whether it wants to return to the green sea to retire, or wants to retire directly in the deep sea, its strength is guaranteed. This experience...the experience of training and growing with the help of the resources of the Fishman Empire is not a disadvantage.

In a few months, when I am able to go to the sea, let's go look for it again!...

Old turtle, it's not that I don't want to look for you, it's just that if I go now, it's just to give someone away... Lu Ran sighed, I hope you are in the deep sea and everything is fine, waiting for me!

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