King of beasts

Chapter 201: Forming a Force

Lu Ran was relieved after knowing that the Black Turtle was fine and could use the resources of the Fishman Empire to become stronger in the deep sea. 💘😂➅❾𝓼𝐇ย𝕏.ℂㄖ𝕄 🌷💲

The only thing to worry about is whether the Black Turtle will rebel by then.

There was no longer the Green Sea King in his eyes, only the Fishman King.

However, Lu Ran could still accept this. As long as the black turtle was safe, it would be the same wherever it was.

As the Green Sea King, his main focus is to respect the wishes of his subordinates. As long as the other party is not his enemy, then there will be no problem.

At that time, when you have the strength to find the black turtle, if it is willing to come back and retire, you can take it back.

If you don't want to, then fine, for the sake of old acquaintance, he can even help Xuangui with some more resources so that it can live a better life in the Murloc Empire.

Lu Ran can support him as he becomes the King of Fishmen and above the Ten Thousand Fishes, step by step, reaching the highest level... and becoming the Prime Minister Turtle with all the power in the government.

When the time comes, there will be a familiar beast in the ocean, which will make things easier.

But based on Lu Ran's understanding of the black turtle, it is definitely still willing to live a stable life.

Becoming an imperial general may have been forced due to various reasons.

Hey, what a sin.

It's like I planted an undercover agent in the fish-man empire... Lu Ran shook his head.

It's so cheap and so good. Manager Ying said, Having a maritime empire support you as generals, what else would you be dissatisfied with...

That's not what you said... Lu Ran said, By the way, how is the situation in Lujia Village?

Lu Ran then changed his mind and became concerned about the situation in Lujia Village.

The black turtle incident also made Lu Ran understand that his strength was still too weak.

It’s not just that the individual’s combat power is weak.

The power is also weak.

This time the Murloc Empire was fine, but they just took a fancy to the Black Turtle's potential and wanted to poach him to find another job.

But if there were enemies who wanted to target the people or beasts around him in the future...Lu Ran was not a god, and he would not be able to take care of everything.

This time, Manager Ying went out with him, which directly allowed the Fishman Empire to take advantage of the loophole.

But if the crow army has already taken shape at this time, and thousands of crows gather together to form a legion, even if the dark crow himself is not here, a little fishman cannot make trouble.

The power is growing and it is imminent.

Not bad. Manager Ying nodded.

After a period of development, Lujia Village has risen rapidly.

There are now 9 first-level beast masters.

There are 241 trainee beast masters.

Among them, among the trainee beast masters, there are already 3 teams that can form a team to conquer the abyss difficulty novice secret realm. There are even more teams that can form a team to challenge the difficult secret realm, and almost all the remaining members can do it.

Even some big guilds don’t have such a background for newcomers.

To be able to achieve this step, the resources Lu Ran invested alone would definitely not be enough.

In fact, there is another important reason, because Lujia Village is the joint force of Lu Ran and Manager Ying.

A lot of special information about the Mao Er Maid Cafe has been disclosed to Lujiacun for free. ,-*' ^ '~*-.,_,.-*~ 6❾丂𝐡υⓍ.cⓞ๓ ~*-.,_,.-*~' ^ '*-,

With these previous experiences and secret strategy methods, this is also the reason why Lujiacun can rise rapidly.

It's indeed not bad. Lu Ran murmured.

Relying on the new force alone, even if it is not as strong as the old guilds, it will not be far behind.

Of course, in addition to intelligence and resources, the more important thing is that the people in Lujia Village are indeed very talented.

Most are born hunters.

This kind of person would undoubtedly be as comfortable as a fish in water when he became a beast master.

Without talent, there is no way to convert resources into strength.

However, Lu Ran was more concerned about their faith than their strength. Only by gathering enough power of faith could they find the sacred deer.

Of course, strength is also important. After all, the stronger the strength, the more power of faith can be provided with the same piety.

I will contact the nine first-level beast masters later. They should not have contracts yet.

It's time to set up the planned dragon team.

The abyss difficulty secret realm is not their destination. They should pursue the legendary secret realm!

I don't know, you can contact me yourself. Manager Ying said, If everything is okay, I will first...

Hey, there's more!

Lu Ran quickly called it to stop.

If there is any information from the Necromancer Department, remember to contact me in time.

Lujiacun, Green Sea... and later the undead department.

These three may be among the few forces that can be regarded as direct descendants of Lu Ran, and Lu Ran plans to seize the time to cultivate them.

Lujia Village is responsible for the Infinite City strategy.

Ordinary villagers are responsible for the strategy of the simple~abyss difficulty dungeon and harvest ordinary resources.

The Dragon Team is responsible for guiding the legendary difficulty dungeon and obtaining legendary resources.

As for the Green Sea generals, they are responsible for Blue Star matters.

In the future, I will leave it to open up new territories and explore unknown territories.

And the undead department...

Lu Ran felt that it could be merged with Lujiacun.

If the beast master of Lujia Village dies in battle with his pet beast, he will directly change his profession from beast master to necromancer.

In this way, the pet beasts all have two lives, who can compete with them?

Lujiacun’s heritage advantages will snowball and get bigger and bigger.

Of course, in addition to this, some of Xia's powerful beast masters' pet beasts will definitely rely on the necromancy system after their death.

Relying on the necromancy system is equivalent to relying on him.

Under the binding of interests, loyalty can be sufficiently guaranteed. Through these strong men and high-end combat power, it seems that I can quickly win over a large number of people.

However, the first, second, and third generations who have survived to this day are all miserable.

Ever since Gu Qingyi obtained a large number of death resuscitation skill cards, the reason why she hasn't formed a necromance department yet is because she still can't control the necromancy system well. The biggest reason is that she doesn't have the pet of a beast master with extraordinary potential. The beast dies. 👑💙 ➅➈Ŝђ𝓤𝐱.ⓒ𝐎𝓜 💣🐻

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The Death Resurrection skill card has nowhere to issue.

There are many examples of pet beasts dying among the fourth generation of beast masters, but the number of death resurrection skill cards is limited.

Unless they are the fourth generation with astonishing talents, no one is willing to do charity and hand out a few rare skill cards to mediocre people.

Of course, if you want to switch to the profession of Necromancer, there are still some important conditions.

Even if the opponent still has the opportunity to learn beast control skills, it would be a pity if there is no skill bar.

Also, it is required that the body of the pet animal is still there and the time of death is short.

Generally, after the pet animal dies, its soul will remain in the corpse for 3 to 7 days.

During this period, you can use death resuscitation to revive.

If it exceeds this time, even the skill card cannot be saved.

Of course, if the pet beast's soul is killed directly, such as by Mr. Ha's soul-killing sword intent, or if the body is completely destroyed and blasted into nothingness, it will most likely not be able to recover.

Taken together, these conditions are undoubtedly very demanding, and it is not possible to change jobs casually.

I understand. Manager Ying nodded after listening.

When you mentioned this, I remembered it.

Manager Ying said: Look at the news last night.

What's wrong.


Lu Ran pouted, took out his phone, and started browsing.

Search for the keyword 'Four Holy Gang'.

Lu Ran said huh? and then started searching.

After a moment, Lu Ran's expression was stunned.

Bai Qi, the leader of the Four Saints Gang, died in battle against four public BOSSs of the space system! 》

The Four Holy Gangs, one of the four major guilds in Infinite City No. 5, has fallen? ! 》

An inventory of the brilliant achievements and five battle pets of the second-generation beastmaster Bai Qi...

What's going on? Lu Ran took a closer look.

What they discovered was that when the guild team of the Four Saints was collecting materials in a public secret realm, a level 52 space boss suddenly appeared.

Although there are five people in this team, the strongest leader, Bai Qi, is only a fourth-level beast master, and none of the pet beasts has reached level 50.

One can imagine what would happen to this team when faced with a space BOSS of the king race.

In the end, in order to escape, Bai Qi, the leader of the Four Saints Gang, tried his best to defeat the BOSS briefly at the cost of the death of four pet beasts, break free from the constraints of space, and then all members teleported and escaped.

In addition to Bai Qi, the pet beasts of other guild elites also died in battle, but these people were not as famous as Bai Qi and were not mentioned much.

What bad luck... Lu Ran shook his head.

When encountering a public BOSS that refreshes randomly, I don’t know whether it’s good luck or bad luck.

you mean?

The leader of the Four Saints Gang, Bai Qi should have the prerequisites to become a necromancer. According to my information, he has only practiced and developed three beast-controlling skills at present, and he is relatively specialized.

It's a pity for the other few people. Their skills are all fully matched and are relatively miscellaneous.

However, I don't know if Gu Qingyi will contact him, because the Four Saints Gang does not belong to the official strategy group, but belongs to the private guild. In addition, there are some problems with the history of the Four Saints Gang...

You mean, I can find him? Lu Ran asked doubtfully.

Manager Ying grinned and said, Aren't you in urgent need of your own exclusive power? Although Bai Qi's family is not clean, it has nothing to do with him. It was all done by his parents' generation.

“Besides, it’s time to clear your name.”

In addition, this Bai Qi's character is pretty good. He obviously had the opportunity to use guild members as bait to escape on his own, but he still took the initiative to resist the BOSS head-on. At the same time, I also investigated his past reputation, and he is still qualified.

However, with the large-scale death of the main pet beasts this time, he will be miserable. The core combat power is gone. The Four Saints Gang is probably not far from decline. In real life, with the demise of the Four Saints Gang, it is estimated that the It will soon be swallowed up by competing groups.”

At this time, if you can help him, you might be able to gain something

Of course, the main reason is not these.

But his sister Bai Ling is very beautiful, and she has experienced the same secret realm of breakthrough as you. I'm afraid that you didn't find out this news in time, and missed the opportunity to help you in times of need. Maybe you can help me, and I will have a girlfriend in the future. Yes. Store manager Ying raised the corners of his mouth.

Climb. Lu Ran glared, knowing that Manager Ying was also very shady.

He was not familiar with that Bai Ling at all.

This Bai Ling, like Pluto, is the second generation of the imperial family. He performed well in the freshman competition, but unfortunately it was only good and not outstanding. Now that the backstage is gone, resources are expected to continue to decrease.

...Besides, even if he were to find a girlfriend, it would be impossible for him to choose a gangster lady.

He likes women who are much, much better than him, preferably women whose talents and strength in all aspects surpass him.

However, Lu Ran thought narcissistically that such a thing would be difficult to find.

And even if you find him, he will probably look down on him.

Do you think he is suitable? Lu Ran asked.

Otherwise, can you predict and see how he develops after coming into contact with the necromancy system?

Manager Ying:?


Okay, okay, then I'll discuss it with Dr. Gu. If she thinks it's okay, I'll contact Bai Ling to take a look...

to conquer

Huh? Lu Ran and Gu Qingyi had just separated not long ago.

Gu Qingyi was also in the team escorting Lu Ran before.

At this time, Gu Qingyi was slightly surprised when he received another call from Lu Ran. However, as Lu Ran explained the matter about Bai Qi, Gu Qingyi immediately understood and said:

Oh, I also obtained that information.

But I was abroad at the time and didn't have time to pay attention. I originally wanted to investigate it when I came back.

Actually, the main reason is that I know this Bai very well. You also know that the necromancy department is very important, and the candidate must not be chosen casually.

But since Store Manager Ying said he didn't have a big problem, then it shouldn't be a big problem, right? Gu Qingyi said: What, do you want to contact me and check it out?

If you want to go, I can provide you with a prop.

What props? Lu Ran said.

The rare world-class prop, the Heart-Questioning Stone, was brought over by a first generation from a giant beast-controlling force that broke through the secret realm. He became an examiner for recruiting new disciples, and took the Mind-Questioning Stone away before leaving. Although it was smaller than the You're a little bit behind, but you're still pretty... powerful.

The Questioning Stone has always been a national treasure-level prop used by the government to interrogate some special personnel. If you need it, I can get it for you to use. You can pass this to see if Bai Qi is suitable for recruitment.

OK, I need it. Lu Ran said.

Well, then I'll deliver it to you by courier.

Lu Ran:? ? ?

Gu Qingyi: Maoer Express will definitely achieve its mission.

Let store manager Ying's clone deliver it, right?


same day.

The Questioning Stone was delivered to Lu Ran.

Lu Ran was quite surprised to get this stone.

The principle of this stone is also very simple. It is similar to a lie detector. As long as it detects that the target object is lying, it will produce temperature changes and jitter.

To be honest, it's a bit tasteless. Is this still world-class?

Lu Ran has a hundred ways to lie in the form of truth.

However, the premise is that you know that someone is going to make a trick. If you are unaware, this is still somewhat useful.

Moreover, after Manager Ying finished explaining, Lu Ran knew that the reason why it was of a high level was not because of its functions, but because it could detect the target no matter how high its level was.

Manager Ying, am I good? After Lu Ran got the pebble-like heart-searching stone, he played with it in his hand and asked Manager Ying who was about to leave.

Manager Ying:?


The next moment, the stone was angry, cold, and shaking.

You are lying.

That's enough. Manager Ying's eyes were fierce. He had never seen such a shameless person before, and he turned around and left angrily.

Rainbow, am I handsome??

Lu Ran asked the weather elf lying in the ice cream again.

Li? The weather elf looked up blankly, then nodded again.

The stone does not change.

It's a pity that the good thing belongs to the country, otherwise, he would also want a piece...

What should I wear to find that Bai Qi? At this time, Lu Ran got the important props and turned over his clothes. After seeing the Holy Cloak of the Dead, he was silent for a moment. Ahem, wearing this, the style of painting is consistent. It's easy to be spotted by the police.

It’s better to wear Erha short-sleeved shirts that are harmless enough to avoid scaring the other person and calling the police.

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