Chapter 303 The Kingdom of Light is about to be established! Chapter 303 The Kingdom of Light is about to be established!

Chapter 303 The Kingdom of Light is about to be established!

Senju Hashirama’s knock shocked everyone, but also greatly reduced the difficulty of this meeting.

Faced with Senju Hashirama’s blow, the grudge in the Third Raikage’s heart disappeared in an instant.

Ask yourself, how many people with Senju Hashirama’s strength, status, and background can do such a thing?

It can be said that the meaning of Senju Hashirama’s kowtow is comparable to that of the first Five Shadows Conference.

The ensuing negotiations became extremely smooth. After the two parties with the same goal felt each other’s sincerity, communication became extremely easy.

Finally, the two parties reached a decision to jointly announce the merger ten days later, on April 20.

April 20th was the date that Kizaru and Senju Tobirama had agreed upon together before the Konoha mission set off.

At the same time, during the meeting, the two parties also reached a consensus on a series of matters regarding the subsequent merger.

First, the daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder can retain half of his private property (excluding land) as a reward for being the first to surrender.

Second, the nobles of the Kingdom of Thunder, as long as they have surrendered, can retain a quarter of their property (excluding land).

Third, considering that the expansion of Konoha has not yet been completed, after the merger is announced, Kumogakure will only relocate a small group of village executives and village representatives to live in Konoha in a short period of time.

Fourth, in order to stabilize the situation in Kumoyin Village and the Kingdom of Thunder, the Third Raikage Association temporarily stayed in Kumoyin Village after announcing the merger.

Fifth, Yunyin Village will be built as a large northern city and military base in the future. The villagers of the original Yunyin Village can freely choose whether to go to Konoha.

These five items are the core of the discussion in the morning meeting. There are also many detailed and complicated matters that will be discussed one after another in the next few days.

After the meeting, the Konoha mission who still wanted to stay in Kumogakure asked for the help of Kumogakure Village, and with the help of their ninja hawks, the results of the meeting, especially the official announcement date, were sent back to Konoha through secret messages. .

That afternoon, Kizaru, who was in Konoha, received good news from Kumogakure.

The good news was not limited to Kumogakure. Within two or three hours, Kizaru, who was staying with Senju Tobirama in the Hokage’s office, received news from other missions one after another.

Without exception, they all agreed to jointly announce the merger officially on April 20.

“The overall situation has been decided!” Senshou Tobijian, who was sitting in his office and in a good mood, showed a rare happy smile.

“Next, we’ll be very busy.” Kizaru felt dizzy when he thought of a lot of things that would happen after the merger of various countries.

The good mood suddenly decreased a lot. Senju Tobirama, who was really doing something, looked at Kizaru speechlessly.

You lazy fool, how easy is it for you to say this?

I am not very active at work, but I am quite active when I go to my house at night!

If an unsuspecting outsider noticed your whereabouts, they would think you had moved to Senju’s house.

“In a short period of time, the grassroots officials cannot move, but the nobles of various countries can move.” While having ambitions, we must also focus on the present and consider reality. The current objective conditions are that Konoha and several major ninja villages are all There are not enough officials to manage the grassroots level.

“Anyway, we have confiscated the nobles’ lands, so we will let them relocate elsewhere, or move them all to Konoha.” Kizaru used the method used by his ancestors in his previous life.

Senju Tobirama’s initial idea was to gather all the nobles to Konoha and supervise these potentially restless guys under his nose.

The changes in the place that Kizaru just mentioned brought a new inspiration to Tobirama.

Although these nobles lost their power and land, they still retained a lot of property and knowledge, which may be used to develop less developed areas.

Konoha annexed and ruled seven countries, including the five major countries, in a short period of time. With so many countries and such a large territory, there are a large number of backward areas that have not yet been developed and constructed.


It may be a good measure to relocate nobles to backward areas outside their original country and use their funds and manpower to promote the construction and development of backward areas.

Thinking of this, Tobirama’s eyes lit up. He looked at Kizaru and spoke out his thoughts.

“As expected of Grandpa Tobirama! What a terrible plan!” Kizaru said sincerely.

“This is all because of your reminder.” Tobirama said angrily.

“Oh! I think it’s good. Those backward areas really need these wealthy and educated nobles to drive development.” Kizaru said in agreement.

“However, we must also be careful, be careful of those nobles becoming local powerful people in the future.” Kizaru reminded additionally.

Having seen thousands of years of history in his previous life, Kizaru understands that these old aristocrats with cultural heritage, financial resources and manpower can easily develop into powerful local landlords in a new place.

“I’ll have people keep an eye on them.” Keeping Kizaru’s reminder in mind, Tobirama said calmly, with a hint of cold blood in his eyes.

Obviously, if those nobles become bigger again later, Tobirama won’t mind having to cleanse them again.

Tobirama will not tolerate any issues that may harm this new kingdom of light.

This new country bears the expectations of him and his eldest brother, and is also filled with his hard work. He will not allow anyone to destroy it.

“After the merger, I want to conduct a nationwide official recruitment examination, regardless of origin, only talent. These new officials who pass the examination will become the new cornerstone of the Kingdom of Light.” “Not

bad! This official recruitment examination, We can normalize it and recruit officials through examinations on a regular basis, just like how we assess management ninjas now.” Tobirama liked Kizaru’s proposal.

After saying that, Tobirama looked straight at Kizaru, wanting to see if this junior who always had wild ideas could come up with more good suggestions.

“Grandpa Tobirama, if you look at me like that, I’ll be shy!” After saying that, Kizaru touched his head “shyly”.

“If you have any good ideas, please tell me once and for all. I am now working on a governance plan after the founding of the country.” Tobirama said urgently.

“I have an idea about ninja reform, but it hasn’t been completely perfected yet,” Kizaru said.

“Tell me about it.” Tobirama looked expectant.

“Nowadays, many ninjas are involved in military tasks such as assassinations and spying on intelligence. After the Kingdom of Light is officially established, we will build a new country governed by law. In the profession of ninja, many of the tasks taken are illegal. Yes, we must change this.

I am prepared to establish a regular national army while retaining the profession of ninjas, and strip the military functions of ninjas. In the future, the tasks that ninjas take on must be civil tasks that comply with the provisions of the law.

All involved Only our military and intelligence agencies are qualified to carry out military tasks related to war, assassination, intelligence, etc.”

“What about their income?” Tobirama asked with the most concern.

“The army will design different military ranks, similar to the current genin, chunin, and jonin. After ninjas join the army, they will be awarded the corresponding military ranks based on their strength and past achievements. Ninjas who become soldiers are supported by the country. Salaries are paid on a monthly basis.

Those ninjas who have not become soldiers can accept civil commissions, earn remuneration, and support their families.” Kizaru roughly expressed his thoughts.

Nodding, Tobirama didn’t speak, but fell into deep thought.

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