Chapter 304 The continent is shaken and the Kingdom of Light is established! Chapter 304 The continent is shaken and the Kingdom of Light is established!

Chapter 304 The continent is shaken and the Kingdom of Light is established!

April 20th is destined to be a day recorded in history. On this day, the old structure was completely changed, and a new country was born on this continent.

On this day, the five ninja villages, including Konoha, announced their merger and united under the leadership of Konoha Kizaru.

On this day, the name of the Kingdom of Light appeared on this continent for the first time.

The Kingdom of Light is a huge country that occupies almost the entire continent and offshore islands. It is a unified country that has never been seen in history. It is the first time that there is no daimyo or noble rule.

Even though the people on the mainland, especially the knowledgeable people, had already guessed the ambitions of the Ninja Village Alliance led by Konoha, they were still shocked when this day came.

Can a country without nobility or daimyo and run by ninjas really be governed?

Countless people who had just become citizens of the Kingdom of Light were confused and uneasy.

Everyone has been used to the evil of the nobles for thousands of years. To put it harshly, we have already adapted to it.

Now, ninjas have replaced the nobles to rule everyone. People are not sure whether the ninjas are more evil than the nobles?

Although, the Konoha-led declaration focuses on the new Kingdom of Light, there is no privileged class, and all people are equal before the law.

However, the common people who had long been accustomed to aristocratic rule found it difficult to believe such a declaration.

Who doesn’t want to be a master, who doesn’t want to pass on wealth and power to future generations, for eternity!

These days, it is very common for nobles and officials to say one thing but actually do another.

Ninja says everyone is equal, how is that possible?

It’s just to appease civilians like myself.

With an attitude of suspicion and distrust, the lives of most civilians have not changed much except for one more hot topic.

Working hard every day to feed yourself and your family is what most ordinary people care about most.

There are still only a few people who really have the time and energy to discuss and analyze this important event that has not happened in a thousand years.

These people are at least rich farmers and businessmen who own a certain amount of property.

As the declaration spread throughout the continent, people began to express their opinions in public places.

Treasonous and unethical, ninjas are all thugs and cannot govern the country well!

Many so-called representatives of public opinion, local good people, stood up, openly or covertly criticizing Konoha and the newly established Kingdom of Light.

Most of these people are vested interests from the aristocratic era.

Some are retainers and warriors supported by the nobles, some are merchants doing business under the banner of the nobles, and some are relatives of the nobles or side families.

These people are usually either directly supported by the nobles, or they use the name and power of the nobles to do business and exploit the common people below.

Interestingly, those nobles and daimyo who really suffered huge losses became extremely low-key and silent.

“Everyone, we have received the kindness of Lord Takeyama and the daimyo. Nowadays, the traitors of Konoha, those ill-informed and cruel ninjas, are committing treasonous acts! How can we just watch? Everyone, We must unite to resist this group of traitors!”

In the center of the lively town, a young man in Chinese clothes, holding a gorgeously decorated knife in his right hand, gave an impassioned speech with tears in his eyes.

Below him, there were about dozens of people gathered. Most of them were well-dressed and looked like they were wealthy people.

The civilians who were really poorly dressed could only look at him once and then continue to do what they were doing.



“Well said!”

“We want to maintain Lord Zhushan’s rule!”

As the speech became more and more climax, several young people among the crowd watching below were aroused and cheered.

These young people who were clapping their hands excitedly did not notice that the other people standing around them had silently distanced themselves from each other.

Just come along and watch the excitement, no problem!

If you really want to express your attitude and voice your support, you just think you have lived too long.

Mr. Zhushan himself did not dare to say a word, and now he is staying behind closed doors.

Seeing support from others, the young people who gave speeches became more excited and danced, and the topics became more direct and extreme.

“Now the biggest thief in the world is Konoha’s Fourth Hokage Shimura Kizaru! We must get rid of this rebellious traitor, cut him into pieces and wipe out the entire clan!” As soon as

these words came out, many people His face turned a little pale, and the smart man quietly stepped back and left.

“Capture Huang Yuan and destroy his clan!”

I don’t know who shouted this first, and soon several other young people also joined in.

There were not many people shouting, but their voices were loud and could reach a street away.

The location of the speech was in the center of the town, close to Takamoto Takeyama’s mansion, and the loud shout spread quickly.

“What happened outside?”

Takamoto Takeyama, who had been in a very bad mood recently and was quietly transferring property, vaguely heard the shouts coming from outside.

The servants serving Zhushan retreated with great discernment and ran towards the outer courtyard to see what happened.

Not daring to keep his master waiting, the retreating servant quickly trotted back.

With a hint of joy on his face, the servant reported: “Sir, there are young students giving speeches outside. They call on everyone to safeguard your governance, unite to attack Konoha, capture Kizaru, and destroy his entire clan.”

His body trembled, his vision went a little dark, and Takamoto Takeyama, who was unsteady on his feet, fell directly onto the chair behind him.

With his heart filled with shock and anger, Takamoto Takeyama grabbed the teacup on the table next to him and brought it to his mouth tremblingly, wanting to take a sip of tea to calm his shock.

“Come on, come on! Go outside and arrest all those idiots, as well as the families behind them, and put them in jail!” ”

Sir, they are all people who support you.” I thought my master He would be very happy, but he didn’t expect such a reaction, the servant who reported it carefully reminded him.

Takamoto Takeyama’s hands shook even more, and the tea in the cup in his hand spilled on his clothes.

Smashing the tea cup at the idiot in front of him, Takamoto Takeyama said angrily: “Idiot! Do you want to kill the Takamoto clan? Come on, drag him down and beat him to death!” ”

Sir, spare his life, my lord, spare his life! “The servant was so frightened that he fell to his knees on the ground, kowtowing and begging for mercy.

“Pull it down!” Looking at the servants in front of him who kept kowtowing and begging for mercy, Takamoto Takeyama only felt that it was noisy, and he said to the guards who came over.

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