Tae-yeon 锛孴iffany 锛孲o-you 锛岃缮 chain dust anag 鍏ㄩ兘阃 鍑 鍑 鍑 镐ョ棁瀹ょ殑鍖哄 镐ョ棁瀹ょ殑鍖哄 镐ョ棁瀹ょ殑鍖哄 ヨ瘖瀹ょ殑搴娄綅杈 ヨ瘖瀹ょ殑搴娄綅杈 ヨ瘖瀹ょ殑搴娄綅杈 ヨ瘖瀹ょ殑搴娄綅杈 ヨ瘖瀹ょ殑搴娄綅杈 ヨ瘖瀹ょ殑搴娄綅杈 ヨ瘖瀹ょ殑搴娄綅杈 ヨ瘖瀹ょ殑搴娄綅杈 桦瓙涔熸媺涓娄 銆俶 銆俶 銆俶 銆俶 銆俶 銆俶 銆俶 锲涘懆锛岀湅 锲涘懆锛岀湅 锲涘懆锛岀湅 锲涘懆锛岀湅 锲涘懆锛岀湅 锲涘懆锛岀湅 锲涘懆锛岀湅 锲涘懆锛岀湅 涔堢殑銆傝 涔堢殑銆傝 涔堢殑銆傝 涔堢殑銆傝 涔堢殑銆傝 涔堢殑銆傝 涔堢殑銆傝 涔堢殑銆傝 涔堢殑銆傝鐭ラ 涓嶈兘浼犵粰璁 涓嶈兘浼犵粰璁 涓嶈兘浼犵粰璁 涓嶈兘浼犵粰璁 咃纴涓岖劧镄勮瘽涓岖煡阆撴槑澶╀ 咃纴涓岖劧镄勮瘽涓岖煡阆撴槑澶╀ 咃纴涓岖劧镄勮瘽涓岖煡阆撴槑澶╀ 咃纴涓岖劧镄勮瘽涓岖煡阆撴槑澶╀ 涔堟牱镄勬柊闂讳 涔堟牱镄勬柊闂讳 涔堟牱镄勬柊闂讳 涔堟牱镄勬柊闂讳€鐩村湪璀”儠镌€銆

Tiffany 杩欐椂鍧愬湪绛夊 椤尯镄勬瀛愪笂渚濇棫鍦ㄤ笉 椤尯镄勬瀛愪笂渚濇棫鍦ㄤ笉 殑鍝潃锛孴 殑鍝潃锛孴 ae-yeon 涓濇娌 °C 镐濓纴 镐濓纴濂玫瑰彧鏄 pulp澶 inch湅镌€So-you 鍜屽スmanager 璇 inch 潃锛气滆滆滆璋 锛屾垜浠兘锽濅 锛屾垜浠兘锽濅 閰掑憿锛岃缮濂 閰掑憿锛岃缮濂 閰掑憿锛岃缮濂佷 佷 佷 浣犱 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃

So-you 鎽囨檭镌€加嫔洖绛嫔洖绛旗潃锛气滀笉瀹(二)皵锛屼笉瀹(二)皵镄勩€备綘浠篃浣忓湪闾i噷鍟婏纻鈥

鈥滃棷锛屼綇鍦ㄤ綘妤 笂銆 but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but 笅娆 笅娆 笅娆 笅娆 笅娆 笅娆 笅娆 笅娆銆傗€

鈥滃ソ镄勩€笅笅Como To Play 锛屾镒佷竴涓﹄汉浣忕潃镞犺亰锻€€€

Tae-yeon 镣 镣 镣 镣 man man man man man man man man man man man 锛屾槑澶 锛屾槑澶 锛屾槑澶 锛屾槑澶 锛屾槑澶 锛屾槑澶 锛屾槑澶 锛屾槑澶 锛屾槑澶 锛屾槑澶 锛屾槑澶 锛屾槑澶 锛屾槑澶 锛屾槑澶 锛屾槑澶鍏堥€丼o-you 锲炲幓浼戞伅钖э纴涓€浼 浼 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鏉ユ帴鎴戜 鏉ユ帴鎴戜 灏辫浜嗐 € €

鈥沧病浜嬬殑锛孲o-you 鏄庡ぉ灏 竴涓﹃ 婃垜镫嚜鐢熸椿銆嬬殑鎷嶆惮锛屽ス鍙 婃垜镫嚜鐢熸椿銆嬬殑鎷嶆惮锛屽ス鍙 婃垜镫嚜鐢熸椿銆嬬殑鎷嶆惮锛屽ス鍙 婃垜镫嚜鐢熸椿銆嬬殑鎷嶆惮锛屽ス鍙 婃垜镫嚜鐢熸椿銆嬬殑鎷嶆惮锛屽ス鍙 婃垜镫嚜鐢熸椿銆嬬殑鎷嶆惮锛屽ス鍙 婃垜镫嚜鐢熸椿銆嬬殑鎷嶆惮锛屽ス鍙 婃垜镫嚜鐢熸椿銆嬬殑鎷嶆惮锛屽ス鍙 婃垜镫嚜鐢熸椿銆嬬殑鎷嶆惮锛屽ス鍙勶纴鎴戜 杩樻槸鐣椤湪杩欓噷鐪嬬湅浼氶昵镄勬儏鍐靛惂銆傛湁浠 杩樻槸鐣椤湪杩欓噷鐪嬬湅浼氶昵镄勬儏鍐靛惂銆傛湁浠 涔堥棶棰桡纴鎴戜 涔堥棶棰桡纴鎴戜 涔堥棶棰桡纴鎴戜 涔熷ソ 涔熷ソ 涔熷ソ   

Manager 杩欐牱璇 锛孴 锛孴 ae-yeon 涔熷 ammonia 钖屾剰浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴姣旷珶manager 镄勫瞾鏁 湪闾 噷鎽嗙潃锛屽ス浠 噷鎽嗙潃锛屽ス浠 噷鎽嗙潃锛屽ス浠 噷鎽嗙潃锛屽ス浠 噷鎽嗙潃锛屽ス浠変 涓 涓 涓﹂ 涓﹂ 树 树 树 树 树 树 树 树 树

鍑犱汉鍦ㄥ闱(三)瓑镌€锛孡ee Yoo-ro 鍦ㄦ€ヨ瘖瀹ら噷鎺ュヨ瘖瀹ら噷鎺ュ 浼 浼 浼 鎶ゅ 鎶ゅ 鎶ゅ 灏 灏 灏 杞 杞 杞 杞 杞 繘铡讳 锛岄夯 锛岄夯 夊笀涔熸潵浜嗐 尰鐢熷仛濂 尰鐢熷仛濂 尰鐢熷仛濂 绱 Yoo-ro 嬭哕涓婄殑棰嗗甫 绱鐒跺悗璇寸潃锛气滃彲浠ユ妸姣涘滃彲浠ユ妸姣涘滃彲浠ユ妸姣涘鍙栦笅浜嗐€傗€

Lee Yoo-ro 鍜潃鐗栾瘯镌 鎷 鎷 鎷 鎷 涓嬫瘘宸撅纴鐒 涓嬫瘘宸撅纴鐒 涓嬫瘘宸撅纴鐒 涓嬫瘘宸撅纴鐒 Yo Yo Yoo-ro 涓 璺笂閮 璺笂閮 o o o o o 锛屾瘘宸屾瘘宸拰浼ゅ彛琛拰浼ゅ彛琛娑娑帴帴》殑閮ㄥ垎宸茬粡榛忓湪浜嗕竴璧凤纴浠栧悙浜嗕竴鍙f皵寮€濮嬩竴灞濮嬩竴灞竴灞傜殑竴灞傜殑揿紑浜嗘瘘宸 悓镞 悓镞 镌 锛 锛 锛 锛 滈粡鍦ㄤ竴璧 滈粡鍦ㄤ竴璧 滈粡鍦ㄤ竴璧 滈粡鍦ㄤ竴璧 滈粡鍦ㄤ竴璧 滈粡鍦ㄤ竴璧 撴 撴 撴 撴 撴 撴 撴 撴 撴 撴 撴


鈥沧 涓﹄笢瑗 涓﹄笢瑗 涓﹄笢瑗 銆傗 銆傗 銆傗

鎶ゅ+鎷垮嚭浜嗕竴鍗风汉宁粰浜哃 ee Yoo-ro 锛孡ee Yoo-ro 鍜潃涔嫔悗锛屾姢澹喎闱欑殑璇寸潃锛气滀綘鍙鏀 鏀 浜嗭纴鎴戜 浜嗭纴鎴戜 浜嗭纴鎴戜 浜嗭纴鎴戜 浜嗭纴鎴戜 鏉ュ 鏉ュ 鏉ュ 鏉ュ 鏉ュ 鏉ュ

閰掔 娣嬩 涓婂幓锛孡 涓婂幓锛孡 Yoo-ro 姝 镄勫挰镌 绾卞竷锛屽彂鍑 绾卞竷锛屽彂鍑 绾卞竷锛屽彂鍑 绾卞竷锛屽彂鍑 鐤 鐤 鐤 鐤 鐤 鐤 鐤 鈥 鈥 棷 棷 棷 棷 棷 棷 棷 棷 棷 棷粬娴戣韩镄勮倢镄勮倢镄勮倢変篃鍏ㄩ兘电‖浜呜捣鏉ワ纴鎶ゅ‖浜呜捣鏉ワ纴鎶ゅ锛屽弽澶岖殑娣嬬潃閰掔锛屽弽澶岖殑娣嬬潃閰掔鍜岃鍜岃鍜岃杞荤殑潃榛忕潃琛€镶夌殑姣涘肥锛孡ee Yoo-ro 鐥涜嫤鍗存湁涓嶆暍楂桦湁涓嶆暍楂0镄勫彨锽婏纴璁╁潗鍦ㄧ瓑chain椤尯镄勫嚑浜洪兘鍜揣浜嗙堕 couch

娣卞镄勫闂寸殑鍖殑鍖櫌锛屽畨闱椤缑鍙曪纴曪纴曪纴€浠ee Yoo-ro 浣庢蒙镄勫镄勫钖緷镞紶鍒紶鍒紶鍒紶鍒濂镄镄勮 湹 湹 湹 岋纴姣忎竴澹 岋纴姣忎竴澹 岋纴姣忎竴澹 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 鍜孴 鍜孴 鍜孴 鍜孴 鍜孴

鐗 埆鏄疶 埆鏄疶 埆鏄疶 埆鏄疶 埆鏄疶 埆鏄疶 埆鏄疶 埆鏄疶 埆鏄疶 埆鏄疶 埆鏄疶 埆鏄疶 埆鏄疶 埆鏄疶 埆鏄疶 埆鏄疶 埆鏄疶

鎶ゅ+鎶婃瘘宸句粠Lee Yoo-ro 镄勬 镊 镊 笂鍙栦 〈 〈 〈 〈 〈 〈 〈 〈 〈 〈 〈 〈戒范浠ヤ负宁镐 锛屽彲鏄ス鐪嫔埌锏 锛屽彲鏄ス鐪嫔埌锏 锛屽彲鏄ス鐪嫔埌锏 澶栫炕镌 澶栫炕镌 澶栫炕镌 镄勭敋镊 镄勭敋镊 兘 兘 兘 兘 佸埌 佸埌 佸埌 佸埌辫捣浜嗙湁澶 € € ソ鍦ㄦ槸浼ゅ彛鍦ㄥ ソ鍦ㄦ槸浼ゅ彛鍦ㄥ ソ鍦ㄦ槸浼ゅ彛鍦ㄥ ソ鍦ㄦ槸浼ゅ彛鍦ㄥ ソ鍦ㄦ槸浼ゅ彛鍦ㄥ ソ鍦ㄦ槸浼ゅ彛鍦ㄥ ソ鍦ㄦ槸浼ゅ彛鍦ㄥ ソ鍦ㄦ槸浼ゅ彛鍦ㄥ ソ鍦ㄦ槸浼ゅ彛鍦ㄥ 嬭哕锛岃鏄湪鍐呴 嬭哕锛岃鏄湪鍐呴 嬭哕锛岃鏄湪鍐呴 嬭哕锛岃鏄湪鍐呴 嬭哕锛岃鏄湪鍐呴屽洜涓哄唴闱(二)湁镌湁镌涓涓涓绠

娓呭垱锛岄夯 夛纴缂濆悎鈥 夛纴缂濆悎鈥 灏忔椂涓嶅埌锛孡 灏忔椂涓嶅埌锛孡 灏忔椂涓嶅埌锛孡 Yoo-ro 嬩笂镄勪 o 嬩笂镄勪 鍙 琚 琚 琚 琚 琚 琚 琚 琚 琚 琚 琚 琚 琚 琚绾 绾 殑绌 殑绌 冿纴鍙槸 Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Lee Yoo-ro 锲犱 澶辫杩囧鍜岄阒蹭竴浜涙劅镆挞棶棰樼幇鍦 澶辫杩囧鍜岄阒蹭竴浜涙劅镆挞棶棰樼幇鍦ㄦ鍦ㄨ緭娑 layer

杩欐椂杩椤鐥呴櫌镄勯棬鍙g獊鐒舵獊鐒 Splashing Splash Chains Dress Up eoul 涓夋槦鍖 wedding 櫌鈥欑殑鏁戞姢杞] 袱鍒嗛挓涔嫔悗 袱鍒嗛挓涔嫔悗 chain 夌潃 10 浣岖┛镌 榛戣 榛戣. 镄勫畨淇濅汉锻桡纴鍜屼竴缇ょ┛镌€鍖荤敓锏借ぇ瑜傜殑浜鸿浜呜繘鏉ャ

Tae-yeon 锛孴iffany 锛屼袱浜虹珯浜呜捣鏉ヨ系鎺ョ潃涓ら莹鏂戠槠镄勫甫镌鏂戠槠镄勫甫镌鐪鐪暅镄勭瀹跺ぇ鍙斻旀潵鍒瘪ae-yeon 闱(一)墠寰井镄勭偣澶翠箣钖庤闂潃锛气淭淭ae-yeon 灏忓锛岃 umbrella rich绠” 绉戠殑鍓櫌闀 € € 皯鐖 皯鐖 皯鐖 皯鐖 庝箞镙 庝箞镙 庝箞镙 庝箞镙 庝箞镙 庝箞镙 庝箞镙 庝箞镙

鈥滆 岀殑鍖荤敓璇 岀殑鍖荤敓璇 岀殑鍖荤敓璇 岀殑鍖荤敓璇 岀殑鍖荤敓璇 殑闂锛屽 殑闂锛屽 殑闂锛屽 殑闂锛屽 殑闂锛屽 殑闂锛屽 殑闂锛屽 殑闂锛屽 彛瀛愶纴 彛瀛愶纴 彛瀛愶纴 彛瀛愶纴 彛瀛愶纴 彛瀛愶纴 彛瀛愶纴綋鎴戜篃涓嶆竻妤 綋鎴戜篃涓嶆竻妤 銆傗 漈 漈 漈 ae-yeon 镄勭洰鍏夋浈镌 € Lee Yoo-ro 镄勬 ヨ瘖搴娄綅鐪嫔幓锛屾帴杩戝 ヨ瘖搴娄綅鐪嫔幓锛屾帴杩戝 ヨ瘖搴娄綅鐪嫔幓锛屾帴杩戝 ヨ瘖搴娄綅鐪嫔幓锛屾帴杩戝嗭纴濂 鍙︼兘阃忚 鍙︼兘阃忚 鍙︼兘阃忚 鍙︼兘阃忚 鍙︼兘阃忚 鍙︼兘阃忚 瓙鍗 瓙鍗 瓙鍗 瓙鍗 瓙鍗 瓙鍗 瓙鍗 瓙鍗 镄勫姩钖戙

澶у彅镣彅镣简镣镣ご锛岀劧钖庡甫镌涓夋槦鍖涓夋槦鍖涓夋槦鍖涓夋槦鍖Lee Yoo-ro 镄勬墍鍦ㄧ殑鐥呭簥璧板幓锛屽尰鐢熸媺寮 浜嗗笜瀛愯繘铡讳箣钖庯纴浠栦 浜嗗笜瀛愯繘铡讳箣钖庯纴浠栦 浜嗗笜瀛愯繘铡讳箣钖庯纴浠栦 灏 灏 灏 灏

Lee Yoo-ro 姝ゆ椂鑴歌壊鑻岖槠镄勭湅镌€澶у彅锛气滃ぇ鍙旓纴浣犳€庝箞杩囨潵浜嗭纻鎴戝滃ぇ鍙旓纴浣犳庝箞杩囨潵浜嗭纻鎴戝よ€屽凡锛屾病浜嬬殑锛屾垜杈撴恫钖庡 ammonia锲炲幓浜嗐€傗€

鈥滃皯鐖凤纴鏄疶ae ae-yeon 灏忓缁欐垜 撶殑鐢佃瘽锛岃浣犲 撶殑鐢佃瘽锛岃浣犲 撶殑鐢佃瘽锛岃浣犲 撶殑鐢佃瘽锛岃浣犲 锛屽湪杩欓噷镄勭梾闄纴鎴戝 锛屽湪杩欓噷镄勭梾闄纴鎴戝 锛屽湪杩欓噷镄勭梾闄纴鎴戝 锛屽湪杩欓噷镄勭梾闄纴鎴戝 锛屽湪杩欓噷镄勭梾闄纴鎴戝 锛屽湪杩欓噷镄勭梾闄纴鎴戝 锛屽湪杩欓噷镄勭梾闄纴鎴戝 锛屽湪杩欓噷镄勭梾闄纴鎴戝鍖荤敓杩囨潵浜嗭纴鎴戜 鍏堣 鍏堣 鍏堣 鍒 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 傗 傗

鈥 煡阆 銆俆 ae-yeon 鍜孴iffany forging

鈥滃湪澶栭 绛夌潃 绛夌潃 绛夌潃 绛夌潃 纴鎴戣 纴鎴戣 灏卞彨濂 灏卞彨濂 灏卞彨濂 灏卞彨濂 灏卞彨濂

Lee Yoo-ro 宸茬粡缂濆悎缁撴潫浜嗭纴澶у彅鎷夊紑浜嗗笜瀛愶纴Tae-yeon 鍜孴iffany 锛岃缮 chain塖o-you 鍜宫anager 绔椤湪涓嶈翻澶勶纴浠栧彨镌€涓や汉锛气€淭ae-yeon 灏忓锛孴iffany 灏忓銆傗€

Tae-yeon 鍜孴iffany 涓や汉濈潃濈潃 Lee Yoo-ro 璺戜 杩囨潵锛屾潵鍒 杩囨潵锛屾潵鍒 杩囨潵锛屾潵鍒 杩囨潵锛屾潵鍒 粬韬 粬韬 鍙ヨ瘽灏 鍙ヨ瘽灏 鍙ヨ瘽灏 鍙ヨ瘽灏 鍙ヨ瘽灏 鍙ヨ瘽灏 涣 涣 涣 涣 涣 涣 涣 涣 涣 涣Sickness

However, when the two saw Lee Yoo-ro’s mouth appearing on the cheeks, and the cheeks that were whiter than when they were on the stage, the tears of the two began to gather again.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine, isn’t it a little blood? I have to eat two more ginseng soups over the past two days. Right, thank you So-you and manager.”

So-you and manager also came over and cared about Lee Yoo-ro: “The president (obutt a) are you okay?”

“Nothing, I am bothering you tonight. So-you will have a trip tomorrow, let her go first. When I take the line, I will invite you to dinner.”

“Hehehe.. that president, you will take a break, I will send So-you back first.”

“The president obutt a, then I will go first, I will come to see you again the next day.”

“What are you looking at? I just made a hole. It is not a serious illness that requires hospitalization. OK, go back first.”

So-you and manager left, and the Samsung Hospital pushed the stretcher car. The surgeon can also ask the doctor of the hospital about the condition. It is known that there is nothing about it, but it is just blood loss.

In a short while, Lee Yoo-ro left the ambulance at Samsung Hospital. In the ambulance, both Tiffany and Tae-yeon sat next to Lee Yoo-ro, both of whom were soaked in tears. The eyelashes are still adorned with tears.

Lee Yoo-ro tried hard to squeeze a smile with his awkward face: “Looking at the two of you like tears, others thought I was seriously injured. Tiffany used to break his legs more than me. This is a serious 10 times, isn’t it? Nothing, don’t worry, I’m really fine.”

At this point Tiffany bent over and held Lee Yoo-ro’s hand in his hands, and the tears gathered together at once: “obutt a, sorry, I.. I am harmed.”

“Tiffany, this is careless, it is an accident, you should not blame yourself. Yeah!! We warn you two, if you still cry like this, I will cry together, I am not kidding.”

Tae-yeon said this with a smile: “Oh.. I still have a mood to make jokes. It seems that I am not hurt.”

“It wasn’t a very serious injury. The chef Li Lianfu was in the “Please Come to the Refrigerator”. He was in the middle of his hand. He had a bloody chopping board. He simply bandaged it on the spot. He insisted on putting it on. After the dishes are finished, the program is taken to the hospital.”

“Hey~~~obutt a, thought I didn’t see that period? He was cut, but his wound was not as big as yours.”

“Forehead, no my wounds are big? Well, actually, I just want to say that such a wound is not a big problem.”

In the vip ward of Samsung Hospital, Lee Yoo-ro slept in a bed that was twice as big as the Accident and Emergency Department, Tiffany, Tae-yeon, and they sat in a chair next to the bed and watched Lee Yoo-ro drip. The pale cheeks in front of him, and some bloody colors were restored at this moment. Lee Yoo-ro said after he settled down: “Okay, go back to rest, and prepare for the conference in the morning.”

“You are lying in the hospital bed now. Do you think we can go back to sleep? Let us stay with you here.”

“Since you have to accompany, just stay with me. Anyway, my infusion here is only an hour or two, and I will be discharged from the hospital after the end. It is impossible for you to be hospitalized because of this minor injury. It is also embarrassing to pass out.” The man’s husband’s husband was cut off and he was lying in the hospital to die.”

“obutt a, I think you are still at ease in the hospital.”

“Oh.. This injury does not have much to do with water. You are not listening to the doctor, 7 days will be broken.”

Chatting and chatting Lee Yoo-ro went to sleep, and there was a lot of blood loss, so I was very tired. Tae-yeon and Tiffany stayed at his bed without any drowsiness. Tae-yeon then found his mobile phone and sent a message to Tiffany: “Mute!”

After receiving the message, Tiffany turned the phone into silent mode as Tae-yeon said.

Switching to silent mode just doesn’t want to disturb Lee Yoo-ro’s sleep. After Tiffany is muted, she sends a message to Tae-yeon: “Sorry, sorry, sorry, I… I don’t know why I made things happen. In this way, everything is my fault.”

“Tiffany, have you seen the wound of obutt a? When I transferred to the hospital, I went to the doctor there. Do you know what he said? He said, ‘The fortunate thing is that the wound is outside the arm, if it is Arm, then the consequences are unimaginable!'”

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