When Tiffany was in front of Lee Yoo-ro’s stroller while he was in front of the hospital, Tae-yeon went to find a doctor who had a wound wound to Lee Yoo-ro. The doctor told Tae-yeon that Lee Yoo-ro had a very deep wound and had a deep bone at the beginning of the wound, and it was also very long. Fortunately, this time the wound is an external arm, and if it is inside, it is likely to cut into the artery.

Although Tae-yeon is not a doctor, the meaning of the word ‘artery’ is understood. If the arteries are not well treated, it is life-threatening, so Tae-yeon understands the dangers that doctors want to express. . Lee Yoo-ro was awake in the front, and Tae-yeon had never found a chance to settle with Tiffany. Now that Lee Yoo-ro is asleep, Tae-yeon has started to calculate the general ledger with Tiffany.

Tae-yeon told Tiffany about the danger of the wound. Tiffany didn’t know how to respond to Tae-yeon. She just looked down at the text from Tae-yeon. Yeah, Lee Yoo-ro’s injury was hand-picked by her, and now Lee Yoo-ro’s lying on the bed is what she caused. Oh, regret, sorry, all the emotions combined with her own do not know how to face Lee Yoo-ro.

At this time, she had completely calmed down and thought about what happened at night. It seemed that she was unreasonable. Because of the selfish feelings of one, not like Tae-yeon, she always puts Lee Yoo-ro in her heart.

She only considered her own mood at the time, BoA said that Lee Yoo-ro is not all, but he is not as silent as Jessica bravely helped Lee Yoo-ro. After returning home, it was obvious that boa became an outsider between them. Tiffany thought of selfishly that Jessica put himself in awkward position at the time, but wanted to give Lee Yoo-ro comfort in this way. .

But now, in retrospect, Tiffany knows the mood of Lee Yoo-ro at the time, whether it is her Tiffany or Jessica, they can all be their own. However, boa is an irrelevant person for him. Life is not destined to have too many people to meet, so why should Lee Yoo-ro care about her dissatisfaction?

At that time Lee Yoo-ro heard that in such a meeting place, Jessica was still able to rebut his reputation, he was moved and happy, that is inevitable.

Ming Myung-Sika is doing things for Lee Yoo-ro, but he is going to be in front of him because of this thing to ask for comfort? what does that mean? Was it for Lee Yoo-ro to deny Jessica what he did for him? Why can’t I just look at this thing from the perspective of Lee Yoo-ro? Why do you want to put yourself in your heart and let Lee Yoo-ro see from his own perspective that Jessica has made her difficult?

However, from the perspective of Lee Yoo-ro, Jessica is doing it for him. So he was laughing and happy at the time, and it was understandable. After all, boa had no relationship with him.

…… ..

Tae-yeon continued to send a message: “Tiffany, I hit you today, yes, I admit that my approach is wrong. But you are too much, too much. Just because Jessica broke your birthday. The atmosphere, but obutt a did not comfort you, you made such a big fire? Jessica is for obutt a!”

“Sorry, sorry, me, I.. Except for the sorry, I don’t know what I should say.”

“Tiffany, you are in front of obutt a noisy, and obutt a, obutt a have not argued with you too much, he has chosen to sit on the side of the air. But you are still not deflated, you are What kind of trouble? Do you know how much the action of throwing the ring, how much damage is caused to obutt a? You didn’t see it, after you throw the ring out, obutt a heartache, close your eyes, clench your teeth I have never seen him pinch his fist in front of us. Today I saw it, the moment you throw the ring! The damage you caused to him will remain in the heart of obutt.”

鈥滃涓嶈捣銆傜瓑obutt a read a fine 缁欎粬阆撴瓑镄勩€傗€

鈥淭iffany 浣犳槸鐭ラ死镄勶纴obutt a姣忔闱(一)鎴戜滑镄勯死姝夐兘浼氶€夋嫨阃€璁┿€效彲杩欎彲杩欎阃 chain夋鏁 殑锛屼簨涓嶈 殑锛屼簨涓嶈 殑锛屼簨涓嶈 涓夎 涓夎 涓夎 涓夎 綘镄勯ⅷ瀛愰噷锛宱 綘镄勯ⅷ瀛愰噷锛宱 綘镄勯ⅷ瀛愰噷锛宱 綘镄勯ⅷ瀛愰噷锛宱 綘镄勯ⅷ瀛愰噷锛宱 綘镄勯ⅷ瀛愰噷锛宱 綘镄勯ⅷ瀛愰噷锛宱 綘镄勯ⅷ瀛愰噷锛宱 綘镄勯ⅷ瀛愰噷锛宱 綘镄勯ⅷ瀛愰噷锛宱 綘镄勯ⅷ瀛愰噷锛宱 綘镄勯ⅷ瀛愰噷锛宱 綘镄勯ⅷ瀛愰噷锛宱 綘镄勯ⅷ瀛愰噷锛宱Negative 浠栨 鐖 鐖 锛屾墍浠ヨ浣犱笉瑕佸埄鐢╫ 锛屾墍浠ヨ浣犱笉瑕佸埄鐢╫ 锛屾墍浠ヨ浣犱笉瑕佸埄鐢╫ 锛屾墍浠ヨ浣犱笉瑕佸埄鐢╫ butt a瀵 綘镄勭埍铡 綘镄勭埍铡 綘镄勭埍铡 棤鐞嗗彇闂癸纴涓岖劧杩熸棭 変竴 変竴Hey, butt a瀵 綘镄勯偅浠 綘镄勯偅浠 埍涔熶 埍涔熶 埍涔熶 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜

鈥滃涓嶈捣锛屼 鈥滃涓嶈捣锛屼 钖庝笉浼 湪鍑 湪鍑 湪鍑 湪鍑 锛侊紒鈥漈 锛侊紒鈥漈 锛侊紒鈥漈 锛侊紒鈥漈 锛侊紒鈥漈 锛侊紒鈥漈 锛侊紒鈥漈 锛侊紒鈥漈 锛侊紒鈥漈 锛侊紒鈥漈 锛侊紒鈥漈 锛侊紒鈥漈 锛侊紒鈥漈 锛侊紒鈥漈箣钖庣敤锷涚殑鎹忕潃 嬫満銆 嬫満銆 笌鍏 旀仺锛岃缮涓嶅绛茔 旀仺锛岃缮涓嶅绛茔 Yoo-ro Read 10 chain 100 chain岖殑瀵 粬濂 粬濂 € €

姝eTae-yeon 璇 inch殑闾f牱锛屽氨绠楀崄鍒嗘繁鍒荤殑鐖憋纴涔熸湁浼氲娑堢(娈嗗敖镄勯偅涓€澶┿€傜埍锛屾槸鐩镐簰镄勭悊 c c c 佸 瀹癸纴濡傛灉鍏 腑镄勪 腑镄勪 腑镄勪 腑镄勪 腑镄勪 浣曚竴鏂 寰楀鏂 寰楀鏂 寰楀鏂 殑浠 殑浠 樼悊 樼悊 樼悊 樼悊 樼悊 樼悊 樼悊 樼悊褰撶劧鈥欙纴闾d箞杩欐鐖箞杩欐鐖儏灏儏灏儏灏儏灏伃涓嶈伃涓嶈翻伃涓嶈€

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涓€涓灏忔椂杩囧幓锛孡ee Yoo-ro 镄勮嵂鐗╃粨鏉熶 锛孴 锛孴 ae-yeon 浼 鎸変 鎸変 鎸変 涓嬫姢澹搩銆 涓嬫姢澹搩銆 涓嬫姢澹搩銆 涓嬫姢澹搩銆 涓嬫姢澹搩銆 涓嬫姢澹搩銆 涓嬫姢澹搩銆 五 五 五 五昵锛岃缮 夋姢澹昵锛屼袱浜 夋姢澹昵锛屼袱浜 锛孴 锛孴 锛孴 ae-yeon 杩欐墠杞诲0镄勫敜 掍 Le Lee Yoo-ro 銆

鎷嗕 镣 涔嫔悗 涔嫔悗 涔嫔悗 Yo Lee Yoo-ro 鍧愪 璧 璧 潵锛岀湅镌 浠栬矊浼 浠栬矊浼 浠栬矊浼 浠栬矊浼 Yo 五 五 五 五 五 Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo潃锛气淧reshold Lee 锛屼綘杩欐槸瑕佸洖铡诲悧锛熸垜瑙夊缑浣犺缮鏄湪鍖 wedding 櫌浣忓嚑澶╄瀵熶竴涓嫔惂锛屽洜涓綘镄勪 綘镄勪 綘镄勪 瘮杈冨ぇ锛屾槑澶╀綘杩橀渶瑕佹潵鍖 瘮杈冨ぇ锛屾槑澶╀綘杩橀渶瑕佹潵鍖 瘮杈冨ぇ锛屾槑澶╀綘杩橀渶瑕佹潵鍖 瘮杈冨ぇ锛屾槑澶╀綘杩橀渶瑕佹潵鍖 瘮杈冨ぇ锛屾槑澶╀綘杩橀渶瑕佹潵鍖 瘮杈冨ぇ锛屾槑澶╀綘杩橀渶瑕佹潵鍖 瘮杈冨ぇ锛屾槑澶╀綘杩橀渶瑕佹潵鍖 瘮杈冨ぇ锛屾槑澶╀綘杩橀渶瑕佹潵鍖 瘮杈冨ぇ锛屾槑澶╀綘杩橀渶瑕佹潵鍖

鈥滀笉鐢ㄤ 锛屽埌镞跺 欐垜浼 欐垜浼 欐垜浼 欐垜浼 彨瀹堕噷镄勭浜哄尰鐢熻 彨瀹堕噷镄勭浜哄尰鐢熻 彨瀹堕噷镄勭浜哄尰鐢熻 彨瀹堕噷镄勭浜哄尰鐢熻 鏉ユ嬁 尰闄 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三锛屾垜涓嶅枩娆€€傗€rollee Yoo-ro 璇村畲涔嫔悗鐪嫔悜浜ae ae-yeon 銆乀iffany 浜屼汉锛气滆滆滆钖э纴鎴戜钖э纴鎴戜銆傗€

鍑犱 鍑 鐥呮埧锛孡 鐥呮埧锛孡 ee Yoo-ro 鎴 涓や 涓や 涓や 涓や 瀹変缭 瀹変缭 Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo悗锛屼竴涓︼窡鍦↙ee Yoo-ro 镄勮韩镞侊纴鍙〉涓€涓涓璺戝幓鎸夌璺戝幓鎸夌璺戝幓鎸夌

Tae-yeon 鎼 € gallium Lee Yoo-ro 镄勬 镊傦纴鍙堜竴娆 殑璇 殑璇 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 浜嫔悧锛熲 浜嫔悧锛熲 浜嫔悧锛熲 浜嫔悧锛熲 浜嫔悧锛熲

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涓嬩竴绉掑彧 乀 乀 ae-yeon 浼 嚭浜呜嚜宸 殑 殑 Yo Yo Yo Lee Yoo-ro 镄勮叞涓婃帎浜嗕竴鎶婏纴鐒跺悗涓嶅啀鐞嗕 浠栦Simple

Tiffany 绔椤湪Lee Yoo-ro 绠镌 澶 澶 澶 湅镌 浠栨 浠栨 浠栨 镄勭 镄勭 镄勭 镄勭 镄勭 纴 纴 纴 Yo Yo Yo Yo Lee Yoo-ro 绗戠潃鎶捣浜嗗 绗戠潃鎶捣浜嗗殑 嬶纴濡 嬶纴濡 悓寰 镐竴镙 镐竴镙 镐竴镙 镐竴镙 镐竴镙 iff iff iff iff iff iff iff 纴鍦═ 纴鍦═ 纴鍦═ 纴鍦═ 嗘椂锛孡 嗘椂锛孡 嗘椂锛孡 嗘椂锛孡 Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo勭湅鍒板ス绾(四)逼镄勭溂镌涳纴蹇冮噷寮€濮嬩简涓€阒甸吀銆佺棝銆侺ee ee Yoo-ro 锲炴兂镌€闾d 镞跺埢鍒 镞跺埢鍒 簳镊 Tiffany 宁 幓浜嗗 幓浜嗗 幓浜嗗 鐞嗕笂镄勫垭鐥涳纴 鐞嗕笂镄勫垭鐥涳纴 崭 崭 崭 崭 璁╁ス鐢熷嚭浜嗘瀬绔殑鎯 璁╁ス鐢熷嚭浜嗘瀬绔殑鎯 硶锛熺敋镊 硶锛熺敋镊 硶锛熺敋镊 鐜荤 鐜荤 鐜荤 鐜荤 鐡Rudder painting

镓€浠ee Yoo-ro 鎶婃墍 夌殑璐 鍏ㄩ兘鎻 鍏ㄩ兘鎻 鍏ㄩ兘鎻 鍏ㄩ兘鎻 鍏ㄩ兘鎻 鍏ㄩ兘鎻 杩囨潵锛屼竴鍒 杩囨潵锛屼竴鍒 杩囨潵锛屼竴鍒 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝€Tiffany 浜嗙殑鐪 浜嗙殑鐪 浜嗙殑鐪 潧镞讹纴 Lee Yoo-ro 鎼傜潃 Tiffany 镆 镆 镆 镆 殑璇 殑璇 淭 淭 淭 淭 淭 淭 淭 淭 淭 淭 淭 淭纴鏄痮butt a娌°C湁镦ч[濂戒綘锛屽涓嶈捣銆傗€

鏄庢槑鏄嚜宸 殑阌欙纴鏄庢槑鏄嚜宸 殑阌欙纴鏄庢槑鏄嚜宸 殑阌欙纴鏄庢槑鏄嚜宸 殑镞犵悊鍙栭椆锛屾槑鏄庝竴鍒 犳垚镄勫憿銆侺 犳垚镄勫憿銆侺 ee Yoo-ro 鍗 妸 妸 € € € € € € € € € € € € 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑镊繁锛孴iffany 杞诲0镄勫彨浜嗕竴澹镄勫彨浜嗕竴澹€涣butt a鈥[€濆悗闱(三)殑鍗冭█涓涓濂濂嵈涓岖煡阆撹濡鍑 潵浜嗐

濂 杩欐牱鎶潃澶 杩欐牱鎶潃澶 Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le哕锛屽 琛屼 锛丩 ee Yoo-ro 绗戠潃杞 镄勫湪 镄勫湪 iff Tiffany 镄勯澶 笂浜 惢浜嗕竴涓嬨 惢浜嗕竴涓嬨

涓嫔埌杞〉簱锛孡ee Yoo-ro 涓変汉鍧愮潃鍟嗗姟杞】纴瀹変缭灏纴瀹変缭灏浈镌楂橀槼锲炲幓锛岀劧楂橀槼锲炲幓锛岀劧Key楂橀槼锲炲幓锛岀劧ee Yoo-ro 鍗镌€铡籗eonG-Dragon ong-gu 銆

Tae-yeon 鍜孴iffany 閮 笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ 粈涔圠 Yoo-ro 瑕佽铡籗 eonG-Dragon ong-gu 锛熷洖楂橀槼闾h 夌潃 chain 夌潃 濆鍦纴浠栭渶瑕佷粈涔堬纴淇濆閮 borrowed from the government

鐒 孡 孡 孡 Yoo-ro 寮 鐜╃瑧镄勮镌 鐜╃瑧镄勮镌 锛 沧垜浠缑锲濻 G G G G G G G G G G G iff iff iff iff iff iff iff iff iff iff iff Gallium fear forging 纴闾i鎴掓寚鍙涔 袱濂桽 eonG-Dragon ong-gu 镄勬埧瀛愬憿銆傗€

涓ゅ鎴垮瓙锛烼ae-yeon 杩欐墠鏄庣槠浜嗛偅棰楁垝鎸囩殑浠峰硷纴SeonG-Dragon ong-gu 竴 竴 竴 嬩 嬩 嬩嬫潵镄勶纴镐诲 鑺 鑺 X NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM 锛烼 锛烼 锛烼 锛烼 锛烼 锛烼 锛烼 锛烼 锛烼哃ee Yoo-ro 涓 鐪 鐪 鐪 锛 锛 锛 滀綘鐪熸槸鈥 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱 粈涔圱瀹屽叏灏 笉瀹 笉瀹 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 涓嶈兘鎴 涓嶈兘鎴 涓嶈兘鎴 涓嶈兘鎴 涓嶈兘鎴 涓嶈兘鎴 涓嶈兘鎴 涓嶈兘鎴 涓嶈兘鎴 镐曢伃璐 镐曢伃璐 镐曢伃璐 镐曢伃璐 镐曢伃璐 镐曢伃璐 镐曢伃璐 镐曢伃璐 镐曢伃璐 镐曢伃璐 镐曢伃璐

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