Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 741: Origin of Soul Steel

, Live: Azeroth

Regarding the detailed discussion of the alliance agreement, Sarlayan is not a professional diplomat, and it is not his turn to intervene in this aspect of work.

In the past, when he was on an adventure outside, Valeera was responsible for the relevant work when he came, such as the previous covenant with the tol'vir.

This time things are different.

The city of New Sandara was nearby, and after the news of the victory in the war came back to Crystalsong Forest, Bod Linyu immediately forwarded the information from the front to the Sun King and the cabinet ministers who were looking forward to it in Silvermoon City.

The war involving Sharlayan has never failed so far. Kael'thas and the cabinet ministers have high confidence in the Marquis of Deep Shadow. Rube gets ready.

Sure enough, Sharlayan lived up to the trust of the elders and successfully won the first military conflict with the Scourge.

While New Sandarra and Silvermoon were jubilant, Sharlayan was not very satisfied with the victory of the war.

One of the important reasons why Sharlayan was willing to assist Azronerubb in fighting the undead was to find out the combat effectiveness of the Scourge and let the soldiers of Quel'Thalas understand their tactics and characteristics in advance.

However, today's undead from natural disasters are far from reaching their peak, the psychic snowball has not rolled yet, the composition of arms is unreasonable, there are too few types of soldiers, and there is a serious lack of air power.

This time it was fighting underground, and it was inconvenient for air units to be used underground. Quel'Thalas did not invest in air units such as Dragonhawks and Giant Eagles, let alone the Red Dragon Knights, the ace of air combat.

According to the barrage, the Scourge in the original history will have air units such as gargoyles, banshees, and frost bone dragons.

As a member of the Dragon Clan, Sharlayan could not give Ner'zhul the opportunity to dig the Dragon Clan's ancestral graves.

After Sindragosa's remains were returned to Dragonblight for burial, Wyrmrest Temple launched an operation at the request of Malygos.

The five-color dragons worked together to dig out all the dragons who were shot down by the dragon soul to the Icecrown Glacier in the Battle of the Ancients, and brought their bones back to Dragonbone Wilderness one by one.

Ner'zhul saw the actions of Wyrmrest Temple and felt pain in his heart. This was one of the powerful combat powers he had long set his eyes on.

It's a pity... bang! Happiness is gone.

Without the large number of malice-bearing keels buried under Icecrown, the Frostbone Dragon class can be removed from the Scourge's expectations.

The banshee is a special unit made by the Scourge Corps by distorting the souls of high elf women. The most typical representative is Sylvanas, the queen of the banshee.

Now Cirvanas is still alive and well.

The other half of Sharlayan's bloodline is the high elves. It is impossible for him to sit back and watch Sylvanas die in the battle with the Scourge, and not let a deformed collection of resentment like the banshee appear.

Then, the only air units that the Scourge may acquire are Gargoyles.

The most damning thing is that the gargoyle is not an original unit of the Scourge, but an imported product obtained by the Dreadlord from Revendreth in the Shadow Realm. Ner'zhul just produced it according to the blueprints.

"Zombies, skeletons, ghouls, Cult of the Damned necromancers, crypt fiends and undead vrykul have all been seen."

Sharlayan thoughtfully said to the barrage: "It is basically impossible for the banshee and the frost bone dragon to appear again, but the Scourge still has gargoyles, liches, abominations, and the ace death knight who has not yet entered the battlefield. "

"I hope the soldiers of Quel'Thalas will not take this victory lightly next time they fight the Scourge."

"The current Scourge is far from complete."

【Actually, it’s okay. Many of the arms you mentioned were created by Ner’zhul following Kel’Thuzad’s advice. 】

[Kel'Thuzad provides internal information about the Scourge from time to time. Sooner or later, the detailed information of these undead units will flow into Quel'Thalas. Don't worry so much. 】

【That's what I said, but people's hearts are the most difficult to guess. Sharlayan's worries are also justified. If you plan ahead and prepare in advance, you won't be in a hurry when you really encounter a war. 】

【This is the end of the first conflict with the Scourge. My concern now is another matter. 】

Sharlayan frowned slightly: "What's the matter?"

[Yogg-Saron and Ner'zhul, the two unlucky people who encountered Waterloo at the same time, I wonder if they will blame each other for their incompetence, will the previous plastic cooperation be interrupted, and they will turn against each other? 】

"This..." Sharlayan lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "Yogg-Saron and Ner'zhul are both people with deep personalities, and they shouldn't tear their faces apart because of this little friction."


Due to the relevant preparations made in advance, Calpurnia rushed to New Sandra on the second day after the war, and began to discuss the alliance with the diplomatic envoys appointed by Anub'arak, and Vishina also joined the envoys in the regiment's ranks.

As soon as the turmoil beneath Northrend subsides, the battle for the Howling Fjord begins.

The two sides at war were the Kul Tiras Expeditionary Force and the Dragon Raider Vrykul led by Yin Miron.

After a long period of internal strife, Yin Milong killed the current king of the dragon-plundering Vrykul as expected, and took back the throne that belonged to him.

After personally leading the local reinforcements to the Howling Fjord, Daelin didn't give Yin Miron a chance to recuperate, and took the initiative to attack the dragon-plundering Vrykul.

Having just won a difficult civil war in Utgarde Castle, Yin Miron still has a lot of things to worry about within the dragon-plundering Vrykul.

Just as he was struggling to select talents loyal to his internal affairs, the army of Kul Tiras came back with reinforcements at the worst possible moment.

Yin Milong originally planned to act first after straightening out domestic affairs, and caught Kul Tiras by surprise.

However, Dai Lin moved faster than him, and seized the opportunity before Yin Milong moved.

The ancient Vrykul who plundered dragons had a navy, but during the historical changes from generation to generation, they gradually lost control of the sea and could only retreat inland.

Without the need for naval battles, the sea supplies of the Kul Tiras Expeditionary Force can be ensured more stably, allowing them to storm Utgarde Castle without any worries.

However, as Sharlayan joked privately.

The Kul Tirans are dragons at sea, but worms on land.

Although the total number of troops was superior, Daelin was still unable to capture the heavily guarded Utgarde Castle. The two sides fought repeatedly at the entrance of the castle, but they couldn't break into the inner city.

Originally, Sharlayan wanted to go to Howling Fjord to see the situation and help Daelin by the way.

At this moment, a small gift from Anub'arak to Sharlayan in his own name disrupted his plans.

"This thing... where did you get it?"

Sharlayan repeatedly played with the metal pendant in his hand with a faint gray light on the surface. He had a hunch that the material of the pendant was the special product of the Shadow Realm needed to sublimate Quel'Sera - soul steel.

Anub'arak said without hesitation: "After I killed a powerful undead Scourge, this thing fell from I heard that you are looking for soul steel, look for it After the knowledge left by Azronelub from ancient times, our scholars believe that this pendant is made of soul steel, and its raw material is a special ore of the Shadowland called Yinirite."

"Yin Iron Mine..."

Sarlayan subconsciously glanced at the barrage, and as expected saw many messages floating past.

[Grass, it turns out to be Yintie, I am familiar with this thing. 】

[But how did Yin Iron be tempered into Soul Steel? Who in Azeroth can practice? 】

[God knows, maybe the refining method is also a specialty of the Shadow Realm, after all, you have to go to the Shadow Realm to know the details. 】

Sharlayan withdrew his thoughts and thanked Anub'arak with a smile.

"Thank you, His Majesty Anub'arak, you finally let me know the origin of Soul Steel."

Anub'arak waved his thick front paws: "Small things, compared to your kindness in saving Azjonelub, this little gift is nothing at all."


Anub'arak's tone became serious: "Are you really determined to go to the Shadow Realm?"

"With all due respect, the Shadow Realm is the kingdom of the dead and is not suitable for the activities of the living."

"According to the ancient records preserved by the Nerubian civilization, even the ancient gods in their heyday were unwilling to provoke the Shadow Realm. It is said that there are several powerful eternal beings sitting in that dangerous death kingdom."

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