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Chapter 742: Magni: Come on! Where's my antihypertensive medicine!

Although the barrage always complains that the Eternals in the Shadow Realm in version 9.0 have no cards, but in terms of life form, the Eternals in the Shadow Realm are at the same level as the Titans in the Pantheon, and they are the top elders on the death side.

There were 5 earliest Eternals, and they were in charge of an area of ​​the Shadow Realm.

Lord of Maldraxxus, the eldest daughter Gristia who was promoted to the fortress, Queen Winter of Blazing Fields, and Emperor Denathrius of Revendreth.

And...the arbitrator Zovar who presides over Olympos.

That's right, Zorval, now known as the Warden and exiled to the Maw, was once the arbitrator of Oribos.

Now the new arbitrator of Olympos is nothing more than an "artificial intelligence" rubbed out by the hands of the other four Eternals.

It will only mechanically conduct fair and just arbitration on the souls that flow into the shadow world, and assign them one by one to the afterlife world that suits them.

The Shadow Realm faces the entire universe, and the dead souls of countless worlds will be brought to the Shadow Realm by Kyrian, who has been promoted to the fortress, to be seen by the arbitrator.

With such a huge number of souls, the mere 5 regions known by the barrage alone would definitely not be able to accommodate them.

In fact, there are tens of thousands of branch worlds in the Shadowland, and the five major worlds headed by Olympos only exist as the administrative body of the Shadowland, assisting the arbitrator to maintain the normal operation of the Shadowland.

Most ordinary souls will be sent to those ordinary worlds to enjoy their afterlife. Only those with special talents will be absorbed by the five worlds to become "civil servants" in the shadow world.

Promotion to the fortress will only recruit souls who have made outstanding contributions to their world before them.

Maldraxxus has abundant martial virtues, and the souls assigned here are fighters who hope to continue fighting after death.

The Blazing Wilderness only absorbs souls that are closely connected with nature. After the demigods of the wilderness of Azeroth die, they will temporarily go to the Blazing Wilderness to recuperate for a period of time before returning to the Emerald Dreamland to wait for the chance of resurrection.

Revendres is the place of redemption, and the souls who have committed mistakes before them will be sent to Revendres to undergo "reform through labor", and only after their sins are redeemed can they be redistributed to other worlds.

In addition to the above five areas, the Shadow Realm also has a prison that is more terrifying than Revendreth—the Maw.

Only those souls who are hopeless will be thrown into the Maw by the arbitrators to suffer eternal torture until their souls are completely wiped out under the cruel environment of the Maw.

Sharlayan is a living person, and he doesn't have much interest in the shadow world, the world where the dead live.

He wanted to go to the Shadow Realm not for traveling, nor for increasing his knowledge, but simply to "buy goods".

Of course, while collecting resources, Sharlayan also wanted to take the opportunity to find Bwonsamdi's whereabouts.

Sharlayan, as an uninvited guest, does not want to meet with the Eternals of the Shadow Realm unless necessary, so as to avoid complications.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to enter the Shadow Realm, you can only wait for Kyrian's reception in the form of a soul.

Since Grian has too many worlds to be in charge of and manpower is limited, it is not that the soul that has just died will be immediately perceived by the Shadow Realm.

Some souls with a weak sense of existence will even stay in their home world for hundreds or thousands of years, and Kyrians will give priority to those souls that can provide more anima.

Anima is the source of energy that supports the Shadow Realm. The more contributions you make in front of you, the more anima your soul will produce after death.

To put it simply, in order to have enough anima available in the Shadow Realm, Kyrian will first sense the souls of the heroes of the mortal world.

As for ordinary souls... just wait in line, maybe it will be your turn in a few hundred years.

Sharlayan controls a subplane of death—Zlos, the realm of withering. He can directly enter the Shadow Realm with his physical body through the transfer of Zlos.

This practice is commonly known as smuggling.

Bwonsamdi can also use the Other Realm to freely travel between Azeroth and the Shadow Realm, and Hela, who controls the abyss of Hell, is no exception.

The Shadow Realm is not a benevolent place. Once the local residents discover that someone alive has broken in, the best result is that they will be reported and repatriated. If they are unlucky, they may be thrown into Revenders for reformation.

Therefore, Sharlayan did not intend to bring anyone with him on this trip to the Shadow Realm. The fewer people there were, the less chance of being exposed.

Both Valeera and Stellagosa were somewhat dissatisfied with this, but Sharlayan's attitude was very firm, and they had no choice but to accept it.

Coincidentally, Sharlayan still had a lot of things to deal with on his schedule.

During Sarlayan's absence, these matters will be assigned to Valeera, Stellagosa and the others to be responsible respectively.

Under the current situation, the first to bear the brunt is the war in the Howling Fjord.

Kul Tiras, who was omnipotent at sea, tragically turned into a soft-legged shrimp when he landed.

The military operation of Kul Tiras to attack Utgarde Castle was not going well. Sharlayan planned to let Valeera lead the Backlighting Blade to the Howling Fjord to provide Daelin with some help outside the battlefield.

On a rare trip back to Northrend, Onyxia was captured by Sinestra.

Sinestra was still busy training Abyssian, and she ordered Onyxia to take the initiative to find those establishment black dragons who had retreated to the mountains and forests instead of her.

Since Ebixian had been free-range in the early years, he failed to learn the knowledge and fighting skills inherited from the black dragon clan, and he has been working hard to make up for it in the past few years.

Ebythian's re-education is coming to an end, and he will start preparing for the counterattack against the traitors.

Sinestra can't leave for the time being, and the task of recruiting the hermit black dragon can only be handed over to Onyxia.

After going to the Nexus to fetch Tinagosa back, Stellagosa also had other tasks.

Princess Moira of the Bronzebeard Dwarves has been missing for more than half a year, and there is finally news recently.

But the latest information made Magni's blood pressure soar instantly.

His precious daughter married Dagran Thaurissan, the new Dark Iron King, without saying hello.

The furious Magni immediately ordered Muradin who was stationed in the barren land to step up his offensive, pushing the battle line to the edge of the border between the barren land and the scorching canyon.

But Magni's unfilial daughter stood up at this time, accused her father of provoking the war, and asked Magni to withdraw immediately.

Magni almost twisted his nose in anger. He felt that he had raised a white-eyed wolf, and the princess, who was a bronze beard dwarf, actually sat on the side of the black iron dwarf.

After all, Moira was his own daughter, and under the persuasion of Muradin and Bryan, Magni could only suppress his anger and postpone the attack on the Dark Iron Dwarves.

The grievances and grievances of the three major dwarf clans of the Wildhammer, Bronzebeard and Black Iron can be traced back to the War of the Three Hammers hundreds of years ago.

Sharlayan was not interested in their entanglement, he just wanted to take this opportunity to connect with the Dark Iron dwarves through Moira, and obtain the power of summoning elements from the relatively enlightened new King of the Dark Iron, Dagran Thaurissan. The king's key information Of course, you can guess it with your ass, and the black iron dwarves will never easily show such a high-secret thing to outsiders.

Stellagosa will take full responsibility for this matter, as long as the Dark Iron dwarves don't make unrealistic demands like helping them destroy the Bronzebeard and Wildhammer clans, Sharlayan instructed the little star to meet their needs as much as possible condition.

Naga's actions are becoming more and more rampant, and the summoning of Neptulon must be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

Unlike his paranoid ancestors, Dagran Thaurissan was not very obsessed with the disputes between the three clans, otherwise he would not have married the princess of the Bronzebeard clan against all odds.

His greatest wish is to liberate his people from the slavery of the Fire Elemental Lord and set the Dark Iron Dwarves free.

Moira also had her own considerations in choosing to marry Dagran Thaurissan, and it was not a hasty decision.

From Moira's point of view, the three clans of dwarves have been divided for a long time. She had a wish since she was a child, hoping that the Kingdom of Khaz Modan could return to the state of sincere cooperation among the three clans.

It's a pity that although Magni loves his daughter very much, he still has a grudge about his failure to give birth to a male heir.

Magni thought her daughter didn't notice his thoughts, but in fact Moira had already seen his attitude in her eyes, and there was a deep gap between her and her father.

In order to realize her ideal, and to escape from her father who did not believe that she could be a good heir, when Moira traveled abroad and was captured by the Dark Iron dwarves, she revealed her identity and asked to meet the contemporary Dark Iron King in person .

After accidentally discovering that the new Black Iron King is not as paranoid as she imagined, Moira decided to use the marriage of the Bronzebeard and the Black Iron as a starting point to formally start to fight for her ideals and prove to her stubborn old father own ability.

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