LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 329 Moving towards modernization

"Yes!" Riven nodded seriously.

This female warrior, who originally had no education and did not like reading, now picked up paper and pen in a decent manner and started taking work notes.

This is not some form of performance on her part.

In fact, after becoming the leader of the leader ward, Riven, who felt deeply responsible for the great responsibility, unconsciously developed the habit of taking work notes.

She wrote down her work experience, problems she encountered, and corresponding thoughts in it, and waited for answers from wise men who could point her in the right direction.

And now Li Wei, who came to Wuji Village, was obviously the mentor that Riwen was waiting for.

"Without investigation, you have no right to speak." Levi also happened to say at this time: "I have never been to Ionia before. But fortunately, Comrade Riven has taken down a lot of work notes these days, which allows me to have a better understanding of Ionia. A deeper understanding of what is really going on in Nia.”

"There are many records of her interviews and findings on rural conditions in Ionia, which were of great help to me."

"And I have some general ideas about how Ionia will change in the future and what it will become."

Levi said in a very cautious tone.

"Oh?" The leaders immediately cheered up and looked over seriously.

They were all waiting for Levi's answer.

Just listen to Li Wei's conclusion: "The main contradiction in Ionia is the contradiction between the growing population and the limited natural resources under the law of equilibrium."

"In order to alleviate this ineradicable contradiction, Ionia's previous method was to 'excommunicate' some people, allowing the poor and untouchables to occupy as little land as possible, consume less resources, and deprive them of marriage and childbirth in disguise. power, thereby maintaining the overall balance between man and nature.”

Now that the leader is here, of course we can no longer do this.

So what to do?

What can be done to maintain balance without sacrificing the poor, and make life better for Ionians?

“In this regard, we can definitely learn from the successful experience of Wuji Village.” Li Wei said.

Riven's investigation in Wuji Village is very instructive in solving the problem of untouchability in Ionia.

The core of the so-called "promise experience" can be summed up in two sentences:

Let those who have more children not earn money;

Let those who have fewer children not lose.

To achieve the latter, a fair social order needs to be established.

As long as the leaders are like the Wuji masters in Wuji Village, they can provide a fair social order for all Ionians, so that even if they have fewer children, they will not face the fate of being deprived of their homes, being bullied, and being homeless. question...

These Ionians, who originally believed in the principle of balance, would naturally take the initiative to restrict fertility and control population, so as to maintain the balance between man and nature.

"But..." Riven looked over still confused.

Because Li Wei only said how to make "few births not a loss", but did not say how to make "more births not a gain".

Wuji Village is able to allow people to "live more lives without making a profit" and thus reduce the villagers' enthusiasm for childbearing. This is entirely due to its extremely special, isolated, closed social background of a small country with a small population -

In this closed mountainous area where the land carrying capacity is already saturated, even if you have more children, your children will not be able to find jobs and you will not be able to cultivate more land. Therefore, having more children will only result in losses and will not bring any benefits to the family.

But outside Wuji Village, looking at the entire Ionia...

There is such a vast land in the outside world, such a vast market, and countless jobs... In this way, it seems that having more children can still be a way to generate income for the family.

"Wuji Village's experience in this area..." Riven hesitated and suggested: "Shouldn't it be copied to the entire Ionia?"

"That's right!" Levi glanced at Riven approvingly.

There is no question of purity among the leaders of this world, but they still cannot avoid the problem of doing bad things with good intentions. A driver who wholeheartedly serves passengers may not necessarily be a driver who can drive the car well and steadily.

Therefore, what Levi was most worried about was never that everyone fell behind, but that everyone rushed too hastily.

Can Riven be dazzled by ideals and enthusiasm? Adhere to the principle of starting from reality and analyzing specific problems in detail, rationally analyze the differences between the social backgrounds of Wuji Village and the whole of Ionia, and treat problems cautiously and seriously. ..

This is exactly what Li Wei wants to see, the kind of leader cadres with firm beliefs and clear minds.

"Of course Ionia cannot copy the experience of Wuji Village and build the entire continent into an isolated primitive village."

"So, I think what Ionia should learn more from is our experience in Zaun."

As mentioned earlier, in an industrialized society, the surplus value of a labor force is taken away by the family, but the cost of cultivating the labor force has to be borne by the parents.

Therefore, in the past, Zaun and Piltover both successfully achieved the goal of "letting those who have many lives gain nothing."

What about Zaun now under the leadership of the Wind Leader?

"Actually, there is no essential difference." Levi said frankly.

Some enthusiastic young people always regard the current Zaun as the holy land of Janna Lord Yi, and even advocate that Janna Lord Yi has been successfully built in Zaun.

But Levi himself said clearly in the article that the current Zaun is just an enhanced version of Piltover.

Until a truly unified society is realized, exploitation in the theoretical sense will not disappear from Zaun.

In the past, all the Zuan people's labor surplus was taken away by the Ziben family.

Now that the Ziben family is weak, a large part of the Zuan people's labor surplus still has to be handed over to the collective.

It’s just that compared with the Ziben family, the leader takes less and gives back more, which reduces the huge losses caused by the Ziben family as a middleman. Relatively speaking, the pie is divided more fairly.


In industrialized societies and agricultural societies, the economic model in which the family is the unit of production and the almost absolute dependence of children on their parents have been completely broken.

The surplus value of a labor force will no longer belong to parents and families like in agricultural societies.

In human terms, it’s:

Part of the value you create is given to the boss, part is paid in taxes, and only part is left to your family.

And it is impossible for your parents to force you to hand over all your salary like the feudal patriarchs did.

The little alimony they can "forcibly" take away from you through the law may not be worth the time and education costs they spend raising you.

Not to mention making money after having children, just being able to maintain a balance between income and expenses is considered good.

Then people will spontaneously pursue eugenics instead of proliferating.

Even if the leader comes, this will only improve, but not fundamentally change.

Because we are still far from a harmonious society with distribution according to needs, the leaders have only changed the proportion of dividing the cake, but have not fundamentally changed the principle of dividing the cake.

“What can be done to maintain balance without sacrificing the poor, and make life better for Ionians?”

Levi once again returned to the issue itself.

And after the analysis just now, the answer to this question can already be drawn——

"The leader's regime plus industrialized society is the answer!"

This is also a standard answer.

No matter where you put it, this answer seems to apply.

"But..." Riven noticed something was wrong: "Industrialization... doesn't seem to be feasible in Ionia, right?"

She had seen what Zu An looked like.

Smog blocks the sun all day long, wastewater is discharged directly into the sea, the land is barren of grass, and fish and shrimps die...

Industrial society's demands for natural resources and damage to the environment are incomparable to agricultural society.

All things in Ionia are animistic, and every plant and tree is a life with a soul.

If the leader builds factories, opens mines, and discharges sewage and waste gas in Ionia, the Presidian becomes the London of the 19th century, and the Yipu River becomes the Ganges of the 21st century. Bitter nature...

Then the balance between the material realm and the spiritual realm will be completely broken, and the nascent soil will become overrun with evil spirits.

In the end, it is humans themselves who are unlucky.

"That's right." After being pointed out the problem again and again, Li Wei became even more happy: "Comrade Riwen, you are right."

"Ionia has its own national conditions here. It is impossible for it to achieve a high degree of industrialization like Zaun."

"Then what should we do?" Riven murmured in confusion.

Developing industry will destroy the equilibrium.

Without industrialization, the Ionians would have to continue farming.

"Then just farm." Li Wei said, "Just because you can't be highly industrialized doesn't mean you can't enter an industrialized society, or..."

He thought for a while and replaced "industrialized society" with a more appropriate term:

"Modern society."

What the leader wants to help Ionia enter is a modern society.

"Let me use an analogy..."

"Bilgewater has now been transformed by the Leader, and has been completely transformed from a pirate den into an ocean-going fishing port mainly engaged in seafood and meat production."

"The city's fishery and service industries account for a high proportion of its output value, while its industrial output value is relatively small."

Bilgewater also has shipyards and weapons factories, but their size is not large compared to the overall economic scale.

Even in the era of prosperous pirate economy, the foundation of this city's prosperity was still the two hundred thousand fishermen and fishermen. The majority of the city's population has never been pirates who committed murder and looted goods, but hard-working fishermen.

"If Ionia is for farming, then Bilgewater is for fishing. Both are primary industries, there is not much difference."

"But can you say that Bilgewater is not a modern society now?"

Li Wei asked Riwen in a thought-provoking tone:

"What's the difference between it and Ionia today?"

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