LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 341 Master Shen with a calm mind

Yi is the Wuji Master, a super-powerful man with extremely powerful spiritual power. The power of Janna he can carry is far better than that of a mortal.

So now Yi is not only an infinite sword master, but also a wind mage with superb magic power.

So, with the east wind summoned by Master Yi, the members of the Hexiong Cult collectively flew into the sky.

The usually difficult journey over mountains and ridges can now be reached in an instant.


Even though the speed was so fast and the time was so short, Master Shen did not forget to remind Yi and his young disciples loudly on the way:

"Just wait and stop the Noxians. Be careful not to take lives. Do you understand?"

"Huh?" Master Yi was slightly stunned.

He did know that the Kinkou Sect did not allow casual killing - they only killed evil spirits that invaded the material realm and humans that invaded the spiritual realm. Other killings are not allowed by the canon.

In short, the Kinkou Sect only cares about matters involving the "underworld" and cannot kill people in the "yang world" indiscriminately.

Master Yi all understands this.

But the problem is, it’s a war now!

Noxus is about to massacre villages, why don't you kill people?

Master Yi was suddenly afraid. He was afraid that Shen would do this to him during the decisive battle between the Wind Leader and Noxus.

The teammates of the Brainless Virgin are more dangerous than the enemies.

"Master Shen." Yi quickly advised: "We are now..."

"I know what you are going to say, Master Yi." Shen seemed to have predicted his thoughts: "But there is a special reason why I won't kill anyone this time."

It's not like he's so old-fashioned that he can't even kill anyone.

He did not allow killing because:

"The balance of this land has been broken." Shen looked at the sky and the earth, with a faint magical light in his eyes.

"Balance?" Yi said thoughtfully: "You mean...this land has been polluted by evil spirits in the spiritual realm?"

"Yes." Shen nodded.

"But why didn't I notice?" Yi was a little confused.

Master Yi, as the Wuji Sword Master who has mastered the Way of Wuji and can sense the spiritual realm and draw strength from it, also has the ability to sense the spiritual realm.

But he never noticed anything was wrong.

"You are not the Eye of Twilight after all, Yi." Shen said, "When you can detect the changes in the spiritual realm, it will be too late."

"It has been several years since Noxus invaded Ionia. The army hunted animals wantonly and drove them to the brink of extinction. The trees in the Mystical Forest were cut down indiscriminately, and the spiritual realm was deeply affected..."

This is just the destruction of nature.

As humans are the primates of all things, their life and death have an equally important impact on the spiritual realm:

"When life dies in an unnatural way, such as death in war, some spirits will fade into nothingness, but some will linger with harmful intentions."

“The more times this happens, the more serious the pollution in the spiritual realm will be, and the ensuing counter-effects will affect all life in the material realm, ultimately forming a vicious cycle.”

Think of how many Ionians have died in the past few years.

"This land has actually been polluted for a long time."

As soon as he finished speaking, the group flew over a mountain and crossed a valley.

But just on the top of the previous hill, the ground was still full of life and everything was blooming, showing a vibrant atmosphere of colorful purples and reds, flourishing flowers and leaves.

But it's only separated by a mountain...

This valley was overflowing with evil spirits, and there was no grass growing. All the trees and vines were dead like mummies, and it was deathly silent as far as the eye could see.

"W-what's going on?" Master Yi was shocked.

"This is the South Valley." Shen glanced meaningfully at Akali flying next to him: "More than a year ago, an evil spirit invasion broke out here."

More than a year ago, the Navoli brothers came here to catch young men.

Akali and a group of young disciples took it upon themselves to stop the Brotherhood, but...

The Brotherhood was stopped, but due to the fluctuations caused by the battle, the balance between the two realms on this land, which was already approaching its limit, was completely broken.

The dark power that has been accumulated in the spiritual realm has penetrated and infiltrated this land in the material realm.

As a result, the mountain forest was filled with evil spirits and evil spirits. The trees turned into twisted monsters, and the vines turned into dark poisonous snakes...

Akali almost died there.

One of her senior sisters, who was extremely talented and had a bright future, broke a leg because of this and lost the possibility of continuing to practice.

And this once vibrant southern valley has become a deserted land where no living thing can stand.

Without decades or hundreds of years of natural purification, it would be impossible for this place to regain its vitality.

And this is the price that humans need to pay for arbitrarily breaking the balance between the two worlds.

"Although I used the soul blade to destroy the evil spirit at the time - you should know that if the 'pollution' continues, the evil spirit will grow back like a gecko's tail."

Dark power, or evil spirits, is like energy in the game.

The more you fight and kill, the more energy you accumulate.

When the energy bar accumulates to a certain value, you can enlarge your moves.

The evil spirit's "ultimate move" is to penetrate the barriers in the spiritual realm and contaminate everything in the material realm.

"For more than a year, the atrocities and the pollution of the spiritual realm that have occurred in Shangzan Province have not stopped."

"The 'black cloud' caused by pollution inevitably drifted to Xuannayin Village."

"I can see that dark power is silently accumulating in another world. An evil spirit that is more powerful and terrifying than before is growing wildly in the spiritual realm behind this land."

"And it...may be a powerful enemy that even the Kinkou Sect will find difficult to deal with."

Dealing with the invasion of evil spirits is, after all, the job of the Eye of Twilight.

"I have set up a magic circle in the spiritual realm these days to purify this dark energy with spells. I hope to eliminate it before it hatches and takes shape."

"But it will take time."

There are two ways to get rid of evil spirits. One is to use a magic circle to purify it when it is still a ball of dark energy;

One is to kill it with a soul blade after it hatches and turns into an evil spirit.

The former requires more time for the magic circle to slowly "digest" the energy of the evil spirit embryo.

The latter can solve the problem with one knife, but this knife is not so easy to cut out. It requires the members of the Kung Fu cultivators to fight with their lives.

And Shen is the only person who wears a meat suit while being a ninja.

He is so cautious, and of course he would rather spend more time seeking safety, rather than leading his disciples to fight against evil spirits.

What's more, once the invasion of evil spirits breaks out, its pollution and damage to the land will be devastating.

At that time, there will definitely be more and wider precious land, and everything will be dead and no grass will grow like this southern valley.

"So we can't kill wantonly here." Shen looked at Yi very seriously: "Do you understand, Master Yi?"

"I... understand." Master Yi also realized the seriousness of the problem.

So he solemnly promised: "I will never hurt anyone's life or destroy the balance this time."

The words just fell. The group of people flew over another mountain.

And just then, they saw...

"Smoke!" Everyone's expression suddenly changed.

What I saw at first was a plume of thick smoke rising into the sky. Later, the smoke column quickly became thicker and stronger, and soon expanded into a black mushroom cloud that covered the sky and the sun.

After hurriedly flying over two hills, they saw:

Fire, fire!

I saw flames soaring into the sky in front of me, and the fire had actually burned a large area of ​​woods at the foot of the mountain.

The fire grew stronger and stronger, and was about to spread to the mountains.

Here, mountains are connected to mountains, and forests are connected to forests. Once the fire reaches the mountains, it may destroy dozens of miles of land.

At this moment, those Noxian soldiers...

They actually set up artillery at a safe distance and were still throwing incendiary bombs into the deserted mountain forest.

A cannonball is like a burst of fire, the wail of thousands of plants and trees, and the annihilation of thousands of creatures.

"This..." Master Yi's face turned green.

"Those bastard Noxians!" He couldn't help but blurt out a Zaun saying: "They actually set fire to the mountain?!"

Although the souls of flowers and plants are not as important as the spirits of all living things, the impact of the death of a few plants is not that big.

But if you burn a mountain, how many flowers and plants will be burned to death, and how much dark energy will be created!

By "razing" what these Noxians call "razing", do they mean razing in the physical sense? ! Are they here with the intention to cause destruction?

This is indeed the case.

And if we start this matter from the beginning, the blame will have to be placed on the leader.

Because the leader attracted too many troops in Baru'e, the Noxian front line was empty of troops, and had to make the decision to abandon the Shangzan province and shrink the front line backward.

In other words, the Noxians planned to withdraw from here.

And the war has reached this point, and the empire's expansion front has reached its limit.

Anyone who was a Noxian knew that once they retreated from Shanzan Province, it would be almost impossible to fight back.

This land can only be left to the Ionians and become a food-producing base for strengthening the Ionian resistance.

But how could the ruthless generals of Noxus let their enemies get their wish so easily?

So, before retreating, the Noxians used a vicious trick they had honed over hundreds of years of fighting with Demacia -

Sprinkle salt on your enemy's soil.

It's salt in Demacia.

In Ionia, even the salt is omitted.

Directly setting fire to the mountains and breaking the balance will allow dark energy to contaminate the land for a long time, causing a near-permanent blow to the enemy's logistics and production capabilities.

Noxus initially considered taking the land of Ionia as its own, but rarely resorted to such frenzied tactics.

But now, as the hope of victory becomes increasingly slim, in order to weaken the resistance of the resistance in the protracted war, the Noxians have less and less scruples in taking action.

This is not the first time they have done this, so Master Shen, Master Yi...

After everyone was briefly stunned, they immediately realized the sinister intentions of the Noxians.

"Bastard! Bastard!" Master Yi cursed angrily: "These Noxians deserve to be damned!"

"No, no, no, I have to calm down..." He forced himself to calm down again.

The more this happens, the less he can kill in anger.

The balance between the two realms here is already about to be broken. If too many people are killed, it will only make the situation worse and add fuel to the fire.

"Right, Shen?" Master Yi asked.

Shen: "..."

"Shen?" Yi asked still nonchalantly.

Shen was still silent.

"No." Finally, he spoke.

Master Shen, who was peaceful by nature, seemed to be uttering the voice of a demon from hell: "The balance has been broken, it's too late."

They are all bankrupt, so there is no need to worry if they have a lot of debt.

Killing people really adds fuel to the fire.

But...compared to the thousands of lives burned to death by the fire, the impact of this small amount of human life is already small.

Shen silently pulled out two swords from his back, a soul-slaying soul blade and a murderous steel sword.

He pointed the steel sword at the Noxian soldiers in the distance:

"Cut off their retreat and leave no one alive!"

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