LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 342: Enemies meet, extraordinarily...touched

All things in Ionia are animistic, and the forests are imbued with magic, so wildfires never form naturally.

The Ionians believe in balancing and protecting nature, and there are very few lunatics who set fire to the mountains.

Therefore, the tragic scene of all things burning into silence has rarely appeared in Ionia before, and no Ionian wants to see it happen. But now...

"Bastard!" The Noxian's shameless evil deeds had the effect of ridiculing the entire map.

Even Shen, the "old abbot", couldn't help but kill others, let alone others.

There was a flash of lightning in Kenan's eyes and thunder around him. In an instant, he turned into a phantom of lightning and rushed straight towards the enemy's formation.

Master Yi also rose up against the wind, and his sword merged into one, like a sharp and deadly invisible sword light, piercing the air and slashing towards him.

Even the little girl Akali waved her cross-hook sickle, using her still young but deadly martial arts skills to rush into the enemy's formation with murderous intent.


Those Noxian soldiers were still bored and furiously attacking the forest. The next second, the cold light of the steel sword slashing down, the light of lightning blooming, and the sword energy coming from all directions appeared in front of them...

Then there were screams of fear, hurried monster roars, and the strange sounds of lightning burning flesh and blood and swords tearing apart human bodies.

And the sound didn't last long.

The mission of this Noxian team is just to set fires. Of course, they are not elites with powerful combat capabilities.

Even setting fire to the mountains to destroy the balance and create an indiscriminate invasion of evil spirits is inherently dangerous.

Therefore, the Noxian soldiers sent to perform such tasks were originally worthless third-line cannon fodder.

Of course, they don't know it.

But they understand now. Faced with the powerful combat power of the Kinkou Sect, the soldiers were almost powerless to fight back.

The battle soon came to an end in a mess, and the frenzied arson and bombardment finally stopped.

But this is just the beginning of the trouble.

The fire has been raging and has engulfed the forests all over the mountains and plains.

Thousands of creatures were annihilated in despair in the flames, and the power of darkness quickly gathered in the spiritual realm invisible to mortals.

"Everyone, be careful, the mutation is about to begin!" Shen didn't even bother to wipe the blood on his own steel sword, and raised the spirit-slaying soul blade again.

He could no longer care about his anger at this time, but there was still a solemn look in his eyes that could not be concealed.

The evil spirit has already hatched and taken shape in another world.

And the source of its power is not just the trees burned by the Noxians this time.

This was just the spark that ignited the barrel of dynamite.

It is the wars and killings that have occurred in the southern part of Shangzan Province for more than a year. The infinite dark energy created by these chaos has quietly nurtured it.

When this "black cloud" floated here and Shen observed it, it had already expanded extremely powerfully.

And now, it has been completely detonated in this raging fire——

The balance between the two realms, the invisible barrier between the spiritual realm and the material realm, finally collapsed and burst in the huge waves like a dam that could not bear the flood.

"Such a strong aura..." Master Yi swallowed nervously.

At this moment, he could also sense abnormalities in the mental realm.

No, this cannot be said to be abnormal. I should say, terrifying.

This feeling is as if Zaun's alchemical gas tank exploded and you happened to be standing next to it.

It's just that the poisonous gas is tangible, but the terrifying energy overflowing from the spiritual realm is invisible.

However, it quickly became tangible.

"Trees, trees are alive?!" Master Yi has been living in the paradise-like Wuji Village, and this is the first time he has seen a strange sight, which is actually not uncommon in Ionia in recent years.

He saw that the dead trees and branches that had been burned to death by the fire were like zombies, twisting and squirming and straightening their bodies in the remnants of the sparks in the sky.

And those flowers, plants and trees that had not been burned by the fire and still had fresh life, also quickly withered and withered in the invisible air of death, and died lifelessly——

Dead, and then "alive" again.

Those dead tree trunks, branches, vines, flowers and plants are all growing crazily in a weird and twisted posture.

The huge tree trunks twisted violently and twisted to form a huge thing. The roots of shrubs and grass broke out of the earth and climbed onto its body to form pieces of skin, and the accompanying soil and gravel formed muscles. Dark vines snaked and crawled, intertwining on the surface of the creature like rhythmic blood vessels.

Its size is extremely huge, perhaps dozens of meters high.

Standing in front of everyone, it looks like a hill made of dead trees and rotten vines.

However, this "mountain" is alive.

This kind of monster is called "tree spirit" or "forest spirit" by the Ionians - of course, to be more precise, it should be a corrupted forest spirit.

And its image and positioning are closer to the ghosts that trees turn into after death. It's more like calling it a "tree demon".

"Don't be stunned, take action!" Kennan shouted, then ran out in the flash of lightning.

His short Yodel figure was as small as a squirrel in front of humans in front of the huge tree spirit.

But this is actually an advantage.

The tree spirit sensed the approach of this "electrified little squirrel". It waved thousands of tentacles made of vines and branches, and struck down on Kenan's head with an overwhelming force.

However, Kenan relied on his flexible and petite body and the acceleration of lightning magic to move and dodge among the huge tentacles that fell one after another.

It wasn't until he was approaching the tree spirit's feet that he jumped into the air and suddenly jumped high into the sky:

"Secret truth! Wan Lei Tian Lao Yin!"

Endless thunder and lightning power erupted from Kenan's body, releasing a deadly lightning storm in all directions.

It was like a spherical firework made of thunder and lightning exploded in the sky. The huge ball of lightning swallowed up half of the tree spirit's body, causing the huge beast to let out a shocking howl in pain.

At this time, Shen also took action.

He quickly jumped forward and charged forward. Although the soul blade was not in his hand, it was suspended behind him like a loyal comrade, guarding around him.

The vine tentacles surrounding Shen from all directions tried to stop his attack, but all they could see was the aura of the Soul Blade surrounding Shen's body.

As the light flickered, the soul blade actually released a powerful defensive barrier, blocking all incoming enemies from the light curtain.

"Wait for me!" Master Yi also took action.

He flew to keep up with Shen's pace, brushed against the Soul Blade's defensive barrier, and rushed to the tree spirit with him.

Yi exerted his Wuji Secret Technique with all his strength, pouring all the magical energy absorbed from the spiritual realm into the sword blade, causing the blade to continue to "grow" and actually sprouted a magical sword glow that was several meters long.

"Alpha Strikes!"

Master Yi held the "ten-meter sword" high and slashed at the giant beast in front of him with all his strength.

Shen also used his sword skills to control the soul blade, causing it to pierce the tree spirit's head that shimmered with magic light.

"Ahhhhh--" The tree spirit howled miserably in pain.

And this also makes it even crazier.

The twisted branches and vines that made up its body were surging like giant waves, roaring towards everyone who came close to it.

Masters Dan Shen, Kainan, Yi, and the members of the Balance Church...

Even Akali, who was so weak that she could only give the giant beast a pedicure, rushed towards it risking her own life.


After a fierce battle, the giant beast collapsed while howling.

The thousands of branches and vines that made up its body broke away in an instant and scattered into a pool of lifeless dead branches and leaves on the ground.

"W-win?" Master Yi breathed a sigh of relief: "Huh..."

"Doesn't it seem that powerful?" Looking at the tree spirit that had turned into a bunch of dead branches, he sighed in a very ignorant way.

But Kennan said seriously: "No, this is just the beginning."

"Huh?" Master Yi was slightly stunned.

Hasn't the evil spirit been hacked to death...Why is it still just starting?

"No, the evil spirit never dies. What you kill is only its incarnation in the material realm." Kennan explained: "As long as the corrupted evil spirit still inhabits another realm, the twisted monster can continue to be reshaped. Physical body.”

"like this--"

Master Yi followed Kenan's instructions and took a closer look:

Sure enough, the giant tree spirit he had just killed was squirming and "breathing" again.

The dead branches and rotten vines that spread out from it gradually regained their vitality and began to squirm like maggots towards the tree spirit's body.

Obviously, this monster is gradually coming back to life.

"This..." Master Yi's scalp felt numb.

This thing can't be killed, so how can we fight it? !

"This has to be left to us." Shen said: "Means in the material realm can never kill an evil spirit."

"So, we are going to the spiritual realm now to eliminate the 'source'."

With that said, Shen raised the soul blade and drew a purple light door in the air.

This door connected to another world. He just took a slight step forward and his whole person completely disappeared into the material realm.

"Leave the battle in the spiritual realm to us."

Kennan brought several profound masters of equilibrium to cast spells together, preparing to follow Shen into the spiritual realm.

Only Master Yi and a group of young disciples from the Kinkou Sect were left.

Either they are outsiders who don't know the secret technique of balancing at all, or they are juniors with relatively shallow cultivation, they are not capable of entering the spiritual realm to fight.

Naturally, they would not be able to participate in the subsequent battle.

"Then what should we do?" Yi asked quickly.

The monster's resurrection seems to take some time.

Could it be that for the rest of the time, they would hang up here and wait for the monster to resurrect?

"No." Kennan shook his head: "You have more important tasks to complete in the material realm."

"What?" Yi asked.

"Fighting the fire." Kennan pointed at the fire all over the mountains and plains.

The fire has only burned a mountain top, but the fire is still spreading in all directions with an increasing intensity.

Mountains are connected here, and dense forests stretch for hundreds of miles in all directions.

"If the fire gets completely out of control and burns down the entire forest..."

"In the future, several nearby cities may become dead areas."

"In this case, what's the use of getting rid of evil spirits?" Kennan said seriously: "The hundreds of millions of creatures who died in the fire will soon condense into a stronger and more terrifying spirit in the spiritual realm. Evil spirit.”

"As a result, our battle today has completely failed."

That's why Kennan said that their work in the material realm is more important than fighting evil spirits.

Although it sounds like they are just putting out fires, in fact, what they want to save is this vast land and billions of lives.

"I understand, leave this matter to us." Master Yi nodded solemnly.

He watched as Kennan and other Masters of Balance escaped into the spiritual realm, then looked back at the raging fire, and then...

The heroic ambition that had just arisen in his heart immediately turned into solemnity.

"This fire..." is really too big.

In the few minutes they had stopped the Noxian soldiers from setting fires and exterminated the corrupted tree spirits, the fire had spread from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, almost covering the entire hillside.

The fire shot up into the sky and turned half of the sky red. The fire wave was like a ferocious beast out of its cage, greedily biting all living creatures around it.

The fire spread so quickly that it was almost impossible to stop it from growing.

"Goddess Janna, please give me strength!" Master Yi could only ask the goddess for help.

The sword master put down his sword and harnessed the strong wind with all his heart.

He worked hard to control this monstrous storm and single-handedly changed the direction of the entire fire field.

The fire, which was originally spreading wildly with favorable winds, encountered strong headwinds blowing from all directions.

The wind hit the fire head-on, temporarily curbing the wild spread of the fire.

At this time, the members of the Balance Church also began to take action.

Because the number of wildfires caused by wars has increased significantly in recent years, and large-scale wildfires will almost certainly lead to the breakdown of equilibrium and the invasion of evil spirits...

Therefore, while performing their duties of "removal of spirits", the Kinkou Sect gradually developed the professional skills of the forest fire brigade.

Their method of dealing with wildfires is very simple, but it is also very effective:

"Come on, cut down the trees outside the fire scene and dig an isolation belt out!"

The members of the Balance Cult turned into wilderness lumberjacks one after another, rushed into the continuous mountain forest to find a suitable location, and tried their best to cut down the big trees.

Although they only have one pair of hands and an extremely primitive tool like a machete, the good news is...

These members of the Kung Fu Cult, who have been practicing martial arts since childhood, are actually more efficient at cutting down trees with knives than excavators.

A stronger disciple could swing his sword and the sword energy would knock down several big trees one after another.

When the heavy tree trunk fell to the ground, a little girl like Akali could easily carry it and carry it away as fast as flying.

The fire was temporarily suppressed by the strong wind summoned by Master Yi.

A wide isolation belt was quickly formed thanks to the efforts of the members of the Kung Fu Congregation.

The situation seems to be improving.


"Not enough, not enough." Layers of cold sweat broke out on Master Yi's forehead.

Although he is powerful and can carry massive amounts of divine power, at this moment, he is only one person after all.

To contain such a large-scale fire with strong winds would consume too much mental energy. He couldn't last long at all.

And even if there is headwind blocking it, the fire will still spread slowly outward. It's just a little slower.

The wider the fire wave spreads and the larger the scope of the fire field, the greater the wind force Master Yi needs, and the higher the consumption of mental power.

"Hurry up! You guys!"

In desperation, Master Yi could only hold on while yelling and urging Akali and others on the ground.

"Hold on a little longer, Yi!" Akali could only shout, and give him a boost.

no way. The fire area is too large.

Even if there are enough members of the Kinkou Sect, and all of them are humanoid excavators, this isolation zone will not be dug out at all in a short while.

"Okay, I'll hold on a little longer..."

Master Yi worked up all the energy to suck the milk, trying hard to maintain the strong wind that controlled the fire.

Sweat soaked his forehead, and the overload of spell casting also made his eyes filled with ferocious bloodshot eyes.

He exerted his willpower to the extreme... In this world, human willpower can sometimes create miracles, and mortals can even defeat the stars.

But unfortunately, Master Yi failed to create a miracle this time.

He had held on long enough, far beyond.

However, this is not enough. The containment tape was not yet complete and the fire was still spreading.

Gradually, Master Yi realized that his limit had been reached.

"What should we do..." Master Yi was a little desperate.

He was wondering whether to pray to the goddess——

Levi told them that if they had a particularly urgent situation, they could ask the goddess Janna for help through prayer.

As long as you explain clearly the cause of the incident and the specific location, you will have the opportunity to immediately receive "super-dimensional support" from Zaun.

But the premise is that the situation must be "extremely urgent" and it must be close to the massacre at Yipu River Port.

If the severity is not severe enough, then there is a high probability that you will not get an answer to your prayers.

After all, Levi himself doesn't know how to submerge in the abyss, so he has to ask Tam for support in time and space.

And the King of Rivers also has a temper.

Occasionally running errands for Levi does not mean that he is really Levi's junior employee.

Whenever cats and dogs encounter the smallest problems, they have to go to Mr. Tam for a run. He can really eat people when he is angry.

"The current situation...should be considered 'extremely urgent', right?"

Master Yi was still struggling in his mind whether to use this precious opportunity to pray for help.

But at this moment, when he was exhausted and unable to control the strong wind, the fire spread rapidly to all sides again;

Just when Akali, when the Kinkou believers were in despair...

The strong wind started blowing again.

The fire was contained again.

I saw someone falling on the wind in the sky.

"You..." Master Yi's expression was subtle.

Akali and others on the ground were even more shocked.

Because the person who appeared here was a person they were very familiar with:


! "

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