Jiang Tian briefly informed him of his idea, after all, he only had such an idea now, and the specific implementation still needed a lot of things, and these were all to be determined before they could be done.

When he finished speaking, he ate the spicy strips beautifully, and as for Zhou Qitong's disagreement, that was his business.

Whether he agreed or not, there was not much problem with Jiang Tian, to put it bluntly, he was just a sudden idea.

Zhou Qi looked at the spicy strips in front of him, thinking madly in his heart, he felt that if this matter was really going to be made, it would be very profitable, and when the time came, he might be able to rely on live streaming to publicize his own spicy strips.

It goes without saying that making money is certainly not much, if it forms a brand effect, it is not ordinary.

Dad always wanted more people to know about their spicy strips, and this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

However, you can't just think about this, you also need to consider whether you can succeed, if you fail, waste time and money, and toss your parents, Zhou Qi feels very embarrassed.

He is also an adult, and he doesn't want to just do nothing, but there are many factors that need to be considered.

After hesitating for a while, Zhou Qi said: "Can you let me think about it, because there are too many things involved in this matter, I am afraid..."

The following words did not come out, it was nothing more than fear of losing money and other things.

Jiang Tian was not surprised, it was good to agree directly, but he would also feel that the other party was too reckless, so let him consider it.

"Okay, you think first, I should be at home before the New Year, so let's add a WeChat, and then contact you."

The two exchanged contact information, Jiang Tian said goodbye, he still needed to go to work on other things.

Zhou Qi was in front of the stall, constantly thinking about this matter, and even went to the Internet to search for the consequences of entrepreneurial success and failure.

He was stunned here, but it didn't affect the stall at all, because except for Jiang Tian, who bought spicy strips, no one had come to buy them.

Jiang Tian came to the furniture store, and when he rushed to the big fair last time, he bought furniture here, saying that it could be made in a week, and it took a lot of time, so he came to take a look.

As soon as he entered the store, the boss saw Jiang Tian and greeted: "Here, you are a coincidence, the furniture is just ready, I think I will notify you to come and get it later."

"I came with my grandfather to catch the gathering, just to see, boss, are you responsible for sending it, we came in time, and we didn't drive."

Jiang Tian was a little surprised, the furniture is good, but there is no tractor, and it can't be like last time, Uncle Liu can be pulled away directly on the tractor.

"It's okay, we'll send it to you for free, last time it was your Uncle Liu who happened to be on the way, and there was not much furniture, so I took it myself."

"But you can send it, you need a piece, after all, the road in Taoshan Village is a bit difficult."

"Okay, I'll come over here after I'll finish the episode with my grandfather."

Bidding farewell to the boss, Jiang Tian came to the supermarket, which was a large supermarket that had just been built not long ago, and everything was sold inside.

In fact, it is only relatively speaking, if it is placed in the city, it is just ordinary.

There are really many people in the supermarket, noisy, and the salesman is constantly shouting.

"Cheap, cheap!"

"A carton of milk costs thirty dollars, and I give you a plastic basin."

"The price of fruit has dropped!"

"The clothes are sold for the change of season, the original price is three hundred and ninety-nine, now it is only ninety-nine!"

Speaking in a thick dialect, the words spoken out are particularly intimate.

Jiang Tian found a small car and walked in, he first went to the clothing area, which is divided into three areas: men, women, and children.

There are more people in the women's division, women come to buy clothes, of course, men just pay for clothes.

There are far fewer men in the division, and if they do, most of them are young people, buying new clothes for their parents.

"Handsome guy, come to buy clothes, come here to see, all of them are the latest, good quality and low price, to ensure that you can choose satisfactory clothes." A saleswoman aunt came over and shouted enthusiastically.

"I want to see the clothes worn by the old man!"

"Oh, I know, I bought it for your parents, the young people now have filial piety, you see that young man over there, it's the same way, bought two sets of clothes for his parents, and took two pairs of shoes."

"No, it's for my grandfather."

"Understood, listening to your accent is not quite like our place, is it grandpa's birthday, so I specially bought clothes as gifts, come here to see, all of them are worn by elderly people, and the quality is particularly good."

For the salesman's brain supplement, Jiang Tian has no way to stop it, even if he explains it, he will probably think of other things, so he is so wrong, but she reminded herself that her grandfather's birthday is just a few months away.

Grandpa's family is not too many children, not too few, so take turns to contract grandpa's birthday, last year was the second aunt's house, took to the county town to eat at the big hotel, this year is Jiang Tian their home, wait for a while to remind the mother, don't be busy with work and forget.

followed the salesman to the elderly clothes area, the types of clothing here are relatively single, there are not a few in total, and the style is relatively old.

In terms of clothing, China has basically formed a default rule, generally speaking, women's clothing is updated very quickly, may appear in a few hours of new styles, men are relatively slow, clothing is much less, the clothing of the elderly is less than the previous two.

Among them, the clothing of the elderly is the slowest update, because everyone thinks that the clothes worn by the elderly do not have to look so good, they can keep warm.

Looking at the clothing, Jiang Tian selected a slightly better coat from several things, the quality seemed to be okay, it was made of warm materials, and it happened that the temperature difference between morning and evening in the village was a little big now.

"It's worthy of being a handsome guy, the vision is good, this dress is very high in our place, if you buy it back for your grandfather to wear, it will definitely make him happy and happy."

When the salesman saw that Jiang Tian was interested in this dress, he was bragging desperately, and he couldn't wait to say all kinds of good things.

I have to say that this kind of words are actually quite useful, at least it sounds comfortable in the heart.

Anyway, there is no other better clothes, Jiang Tian asked for this coat, and when he bought clothes online in a few days, he would help his grandfather buy a few sets.

After paying, Jiang Tian was not in a hurry to leave, ready to stroll around the supermarket and see if he bought something else.

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