Lord Harland

Chapter 412 Adjustment of Administrative Divisions

Shortly after the goddess's birthday, Richard personally signed a decree pardoning this year's indentured servants.

This year is also a great year for the pardon of indentured slaves. Five years ago, the Harland leader participated in the southern conquest of the Delong Kingdom, and captured about 350,000 people. This year, this part of the population was pardoned half a year ahead of schedule. In the three provinces of northern Xinjiang, there are about 320,000 freedmen left in the two major territories of Edward and Fox, and there are 50,000 freedmen newborns. The number of freedmen in the Harland Territory has increased by 720,000.

Including the original 1.5 million free people, according to the demographic data submitted by the civil affairs department, as of January this year, there were 2.22 million free people registered in Harland Territory, and the number of indentured servants was roughly It is about 4.6 million.

The total population under the direct control of Harland Territory is more than 6.8 million.

There are currently about forty-six hereditary nobles under Richard's command. Together, these hereditary nobles control a population of approximately 600,000.

The total population of Harland is approximately 7.4 million people.

After trading territory with the royal family, although they gained the vast land of the eastern coastal forest and the entrance to the sea, they lost more than 500,000 people in population, which converted into about 2.5 million gold coins.

Because the statistics are so large, we can only roughly estimate the population now.

The Harland territory expanded by more than 400,000 square kilometers and added nearly 4.8 million people. The original number of civil servants is far from enough. Especially in the past few months since the merger of the territories, issues such as the transfer of management rights, the demarcation of boundaries, population statistics, food and coin storage, etc. have made Harland managers somewhat overwhelmed and busy.

During this period, the local area also became very chaotic. Some people took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, obtained a lot of resources through various means, and obtained a lot of illegal wealth. Richard also understands this kind of chaos. After all, Richard didn't expect that the territory would develop rapidly in a few months. Although some civil servants were recruited in advance last year, the territory and population have more than doubled, and there is naturally a shortage of qualified managers.

Moreover, when you go to a new territory and you are faced with an unfamiliar place, it will naturally give many people room to fish in troubled waters.

The bureaucrats who manage the local area are important assets of the great nobles. Edward, Fox, and the Grant royal family basically moved their entire families away when they went south.

Therefore, starting last winter, Haaland led a large-scale expansion of civil servants. By using the old to bring in the new, they spread to new territories to take charge of management. In addition, some management talents were recruited from the south. In just a few months, the number of civil servants in the territory increased by 10,000 taels. Thousands of people.

Nowadays, the number of civil servants in Harland Territory has exceeded 30,000, but management is still very difficult, and the new territory employs a large number of temporary personnel. In fact, the total number of financial officials in the civil service system exceeds 45,000.

In February of this year, Richard began to distribute a large amount of farmland controlled by Edward, Fox, Grant and other great nobles to the new freedmen, and at the same time increased investment in education on a large scale. Ten new elementary schools and four middle schools were built. Now there are thirty-four elementary schools and ten middle schools in Halland Territory.

The new schools are located in the three provinces of Northern Xinjiang, the Dukedom of Edward and Fox, and mainly serve the new freedmen this year. After all, indentured servants did not have the political status or financial ability to go to school.

Ten new primary schools have been built. Compared with last year, the number of new students enrolled has increased by nearly 7,000. This year, Harland leads new students who need to test their magic qualifications, and the total number of new students is about 20,000.

From a base of 20,000 people, 203 apprentices with magic qualifications were selected. Counting more than two hundred new apprentices, the size of the Harland Master Mage Association has exceeded 900 people. It is considered a relatively large medium-sized magic organization, slightly worse than a large magic organization.

In the past, due to the small number of people, the training of wizards in Harland was basically the apprenticeship system of the traditional wizard tower. As there are more and more new apprentices, Richard has plans to establish a magic academy.

After all, the magicians of the United Kingdom on the East Coast left a very deep impression on Richard. In last year's war, Commander Harland would also sum up his experience, so Richard naturally had to learn from the enemy's strengths.

The headquarters of the Magic Academy was chosen as the Swamp Basin. Richard personally served as the dean of the Magic Academy, and three high-ranking magicians, Sophia, Undine, and Eve, also served as deputy deans. But those who are really responsible for managing and educating students are mainly middle-level figures in the Mage Association such as Heath, Adrian, Roentgen, Capersen, and Bella.

There is also a primary school attached to the Magic Academy. The teachers in this primary school are all selected from the older mage apprentices. They are responsible for teaching new apprentices basic knowledge such as writing and mathematics. After a year, they begin to teach meditation methods and learn about magic knowledge. In the third year, you will enter the research group of an official magician and receive training under an official magician.

The duration of the Magic Academy is six years. If you are promoted to a mage within six years, you will serve in the Magic Academy, the Mage Association, and the Magic Research Department for a period of ten years. If you still cannot be promoted to a formal mage within six years, you will be placed in the military headquarters and join the military mage corps to undertake various tasks such as combat and treatment. The service period is twenty years.

After serving in the army for twenty years, you can choose to quit, and then you can enter the magic academy to teach, or enter the Mage Association, Demon Hunter Union, Mercenary Union, Pharmacy Department and other units to continue serving the Harland Territory. You can also leave Harland Territory and go to other places in Dawn Continent. As long as the training contract is fulfilled, the Harland Territory does not restrict the freedom of the magician.

From this point of view, Richard behaved very confidently and generously. He believed that as long as he created a social environment suitable for magic research and built a superior platform, he would naturally attract magicians to serve Harland, instead of forcing magicians to sign a lifetime service contract.

Heartfelt support and superficial service are two different working conditions. Richard realized this very clearly.

Compared to the nobles of the Dawn Plane, Richard is more confident and less afraid of challenges.

Therefore, when it comes to extraordinary knowledge, he never cherishes it, but particularly likes equal exchange.

Only with sufficient communication can magical civilization develop.

In addition to establishing Harland Magic Academy in Swamp Basin, Richard also rebuilt the Knight Academy in Dragon Canyon.

Last winter, the Grant Kingdom Knight Academy had moved to the south with the royal family.

Richard graduated from the Knight Academy, and of course he knew the benefits of this academy in cultivating talents.

Harland leads the training of warrior professionals, basically through violent agencies such as the military, intelligence, and security. Soldiers who can start learning breathing techniques are roughly between eighteen and twenty years old.

In fact, at this age, there is already a slight delay for good seedlings.

For people with outstanding talents, the best age to learn breathing techniques is between the ages of fourteen and sixteen.

There are even some nobles who use some precious medicines to help children lay a solid foundation from an early age and stimulate their physical strength a few years in advance. They can practice breathing techniques at around the age of twelve.

Children such as Richard and Hayden who entered the Knight Academy were around 14 or 15 when they practiced breathing techniques. In the past few years, they basically spent their bodies training to lay the foundation for learning breathing techniques.

According to Richard's observation, the prospects of students who graduated from the Knight Academy are generally better than those of army soldiers. The reason why more than a thousand professionals in the military system are promoted every year is entirely due to its huge population base.

Rebuilding the Knights Academy will provide families with better qualifications and good conditions with a place to train and educate professionals. Although it may cause the spread and leakage of breathing methods, it will be conducive to the long-term development of the territory. Moreover, Richard also intentionally spread and leaked the apprentice-level breathing techniques from his heart.

After all, after learning apprentice-level breathing techniques, if you want to progress, you can only join a violent organization such as the army.

Nowadays, there are more than a dozen melee-type extraordinary skills mastered by Harland Leader, some are warrior breathing methods, and some are knight fighting skills.

There are seven types that can be promoted to the ninth level, and there are two sets of extraordinary skills that are the most precious and can be successfully promoted to the legendary realm.

Both sets of breathing techniques come from the United Kingdom on the East Coast. One set is called the Fire Breathing Technique, which can be practiced to the second level of the legend. It was captured by Richard from Caesar of the Eunice family. It is said that it comes from the first generation ancestor of the Eunice family.

Another set of legendary fighting qi methods comes from the hands of Mark Dean, called the Shenghui fighting qi method, which can also be promoted to the second level of legend.

This set of Dou Qi techniques was probably created and practiced by Mark Dean himself, and it contains many of his experiences. However, the threshold for practicing this fighting spirit method is very high. You need to awaken the blood of the knight with the attribute of holy light before you can start practicing.

After Mark Dean died in the battle, he left behind a space bag, which contained not only the Dou Qi method he practiced, but also a royal seal that fell into Richard's hands.

Although he did not have any connections with the Royal Church, Richard already possessed eight Royal Seals through various means.

Two of them came from the Grand Duchy of Stanek, both exchanged with Grand Duke Jonathan. The remaining six came from the Kingdom of Delon, and the two Dukes Hubble and Isaac made great contributions to Richard.

In last year's battle, Richard directly led the troops to destroy the two Dukes Isaac and Hubble. Although some remnants escaped, the most precious collections of the two Dukes still fell into the hands of the Harland leader, including Including five royal seals, plus one seized from Mark Dean, now the Harland leader has no shortage of precious props such as royal seals.

In addition, after William was promoted to legend, he also wrote down a lot of thoughts and experiences. In addition, Harland had already mastered the breathing method of the Northern Army, which was barely half a set of legend inheritance.

The reason why William had a hard time being promoted to Legend, because with the help of the Water of Life, he almost overturned, his mediocre breathing technique inheritance was also key. After all, the breathing method of the Northern Legion comes from the Jonathan family, and it can only be promoted to the ninth level.

The skills to be promoted to legend still need to be deduced by future generations.

Although William also had some experience, he did not have the complete legendary breathing technique and could only use the crudest method to advance. If it weren't for the personal protection provided by Richard's magic power, which is equivalent to that of a legendary mage, William's situation would be very troublesome after his promotion.

Of course, the Elf Fighting Technique mastered by Sutton and Silver can only be practiced by people with a high concentration of Elf blood.

After the establishment of the Knight Academy, Dean Richard appointed Roman, and the vice-dean appointed Roland. The Knight Academy's standards and attention in Harland's leadership are far from comparable to that of the Academy of Magic in terms of the selection of its dean.

Because there are relatively few knights in the Harland Territory, compared to the Grant Kingdom Knight Academy, the Dragon Canyon Knight Academy established on the original site is relatively inferior in the training of knights.

Shortly after the establishment of the two extraordinary academies, Richard began to hold many discussions with Rogge to prepare for the re-adjustment of administrative divisions in the territory.

Before the southern expedition last year, Halland Territory owned East Grotta County, West Grotta County, Halland County, Losa Basin County, Salt Lake County, Southern Eagle Mountain County, Martins County, Palani County, There are ten counties in Xueshan County and more than thirty counties in Shenlin County in the west.

Now that the eastern coastal plateau, the two duchies of Edward and Fox, and the three northern Xinjiang provinces have been added, the divisions must be readjusted and divided into counties.

In the past, the Duchy of Harland did not have a province, and the highest administrative unit was the county.

The territory is managed by administrative units at the four levels of county, county, township and village.

Usually, the territory of a county is about 20,000 to 30,000 square kilometers, which is about the same area as the city in Richard's previous life.

But now the Harland Territory has 780,000 square kilometers of land, and it is possible to establish provincial-level units.

The first is the coastal highland forest area and the establishment of the East Coast Province. This area is very vast, approximately 240,000 square kilometers. Because it is deserted and undeveloped, it has only a false name and no further subdivision of counties.

In addition, there is the northern area of ​​the Eagle Mountains and the area south of the Samba River. This area also covers an area of ​​about 120,000 square kilometers. With more than a dozen frontline military stations as the core, the Eagle Province is established, divided into Snow Mountain, Roman, Bo There are three counties and seven counties in London. The Eagle Province has been developed for a relatively short period of time and currently has a population of only over 400,000, mainly concentrated in Huxi and Hudong counties in Xueshan County. Snow Mountain County is also the focus of the development of Eagle Province.

The two counties of East and West Grotta were reintegrated into the province of Grotta, and the hereditary nobles near the Viscounty of Sutton were under the jurisdiction of this province. Including the territories of hereditary vassals, the Grotta Province covers an area of ​​more than 90,000 square kilometers and is divided into three counties: East Grotta County, West Grotta County, and Elf County, with a total population of approximately 600,000.

Then there are the three provinces of Northern Xinjiang, with a total area of ​​more than 80,000 square kilometers. Including the population controlled by hereditary nobles, the total population is about 2.3 million. Due to the development of the Grant royal family for many years, this area is considered the most densely populated in Harland. , the area with the richest life.

Richard merged the three provinces of Northern Xinjiang into the Heihe Province, which included the three counties of Geda, Lach, and Gascoigne, totaling more than a dozen counties.

The core territory of the original Harland Territory, Harland County, Losa Basin County, Salt Lake County, Southern Foot County of the Eagle Mountains, Western Forest County, and Martins County were merged into the Central Province, with a total area of ​​approximately 70,000 square kilometers. Although the central province is the smallest in area, it is the most elite area in the Harland Territory. It has a total population of 2.8 million people and is also rich in extraordinary resources.

The remaining Palany County was merged with the two duchies of Edward and Fox to form the Province of Vera, covering an area of ​​approximately 180,000 square kilometers. It was divided into four counties: Palany County, Maple Leaf County, Rock County, and Eternal City County. Due to years of development by Dukes Edward and Fox, the total population is approximately 1.4 million.

After re-adjusting the administrative divisions, the Duchy of Harland already has six provinces: East Coast, Eagle, Black River, Grotta, Central, and Vera, with more than 20 counties and more than 70 counties under its jurisdiction. The land area exceeds the Grand Duchy of Stanik, and the population is slightly smaller than the Grand Duchy of Stanik.

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