Lord Harland

Chapter 413 Institutional Reform

Harland led the establishment of six provinces, and Richard, the governor of the central province, appointed Rogge. At the same time, Rogge also served as Prime Minister of Harland's cabinet. The first reason why Richard gave Rogge exclusive power was that there were no senior officials available. The second reason is that Rogge's professional level is very low and his strength is not strong.

In the extraordinary world, one's own strength is insufficient and it is difficult to pose a threat to the lord.

Moreover, Rogge is Sophia's brother. Strengthening Rogge's power is a kind of protection for Margaret and Philip. With Rogge as prime minister of the cabinet and governor of the central province, he can convey to the outside world Richard's reliance on the Stork family and avoid internal challenges to the status of Margaret and Philip. After all, the extraordinary power that Undine possesses is far superior to that of Sophia.

In the second most important province of Heihe, the consul Richard appointed his second uncle Powell. In the Harland civil service system, Powell is the second-largest figure after Rogge. He is also Richard's uncle. He has a very important position and can influence Richard's decision-making to a considerable extent.

Powell also had a low professional level. He had transformed into a civil servant for many years. When William was just knighted, Powell and Richard managed the fief together. At that time, he was mainly responsible for urban construction. The earliest buildings in Fort William, the fortifications, were built under the supervision of Powell himself.

Richard, the governor of the province of Vera, appointed his brother Hayden. Hayden was originally the inspector-general of Harland and was responsible for disciplinary inspection work. However, he had a relatively generous personality. Although he had worked in intelligence and disciplinary inspection work, his methods were relatively loose. Some. He loosened his grip here, and the officials below became a little lawless.

Richard has always been dissatisfied with Hayden's management of the inspection department, but firstly, there is no better candidate, and secondly, Hayden is his brother from the same mother, so he is embarrassed to reprimand him harshly. This time, Hayden simply changed his position and made him the provincial consul. If Hayden still couldn't satisfy him, Richard would have no choice but to give him an honorary title and arrange for him to take a back seat.

Richard's opinion has been passed on to Hayden through his sister Wendy. If he continues to indulge the officials below, don't blame Richard for being unkind.

Richard, the consul of the Eagle Province, appointed Bolien, who was also an old man in the Harland territory and had served the territory for twenty years. This man was the earliest soldier in Harland's territory. He withdrew from the front line because of his disability in battle. Berlion had a studious personality. After retiring from the regular army, he joined the city defense army and was responsible for commanding the trebuchet troops in combat. A few years later, he changed his job and entered the agricultural system. With the rapid development of the Harland territory, he gradually became a more important official in the agricultural system.

After Richard's cousin Tang En was dismissed from his post due to dereliction of duty, Bolien succeeded Tang En and became the senior official in charge of agriculture in Harland. Over the years, Burien has worked hard and managed the agricultural department without any trouble. This time Richard transferred him out of the agricultural system and served as the consul of Eagle Province.

Compared with the position of Minister of Agriculture, the power of the Provincial Consul is heavier.

Richard, the consul of Grotta Province, appointed Rooney, who was also a senior official in the Duchy of Harland. Rooney was born as a freeman in Black River Fort and attended a mission school when he was young. Perhaps because of this factor, young Rooney was valued and recruited by Mrs. Ola.

By the time William became a hereditary peer, Rooney had been serving the Harland family for about three or four years.

When Richard was running the territory, he appointed Rooney as the director of the brick kiln factory because he saw that he had management experience. Because he did well in the brick kiln factory, Rooney left the factory and mining system and became the first civil affairs officer of Fort Sophia.

After the reform of the civil service system under Harland, Rooney successively served as the county magistrate in the eastern part of the valley and the county magistrate at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountains. Rooney has also grown from an ordinary store clerk to a heavyweight civil servant led by Haaland.

On the contrary, Bobby, Rooney's partner in the brick kiln factory, although he has a higher IQ and has obtained some shares in the brick kiln factory. He has made a lot of money with Haaland leading the development over the years, but his social status has been completely different from Rooney's. The difference.

The governor of Donghai Province is temporarily held by Soros. This province has not yet been developed, and the provincial departments at all levels have not been established.

In the system of the Harland territory, the provincial consul has a very important position and is a natural member of the cabinet. It's just that the provincial consuls sit locally and cannot often participate in cabinet meetings. They are not permanent members of the cabinet.

The standing members of the Cabinet are basically ministers from central departments, such as Intelligence Minister Noel, Health Minister Adrian, Education Minister Flora, Textile Minister Scott, Industry Minister Leighton, Coal Minister Chavison, Transport Minister Minister Gavin. During this government institutional reform, Richard also established the Ministry of Public Security and transferred the security forces to this department.

The Minister of Public Security, Richard, did not choose civilian officials. In an extraordinary world like the Dawn Plane, civilian officials would always be the vassals of extraordinary people who mastered violent machines. It is simply impossible to engage in civil affairs and use civil servants to control military forces from the underlying logic. It is impossible for extraordinary people to accept this. Coercion can only make extraordinary people rebel.

Because extraordinary power is in the hands of individuals, the logic of this world is very simple. All power is directly in the hands of gods, demigods, and legendary professionals.

In the social rules where strength determines everything, the most suitable system is the feudal system, which confers power to classes with different powers.

Especially after the gods fell into sleep, the age of kingship has been running for more than 3,200 years and is still very stable, which is enough to prove this. It is far more difficult to establish a capital system in this world than in the world of Richard's previous life.

Richard, the Minister of Public Security, selected Martin from among the hereditary vassals and appointed Martin, who had retired for several years.

The military, city defense, intelligence and other violent institutions are directly managed by Richard, and the cabinet has no power to intervene. Sophia's brother Otto is still the chief judge of the Harland territory.

In addition to this adjustment of political institutions, Richard also established the Noble Council Department.

President of the Harland Council of Nobles, Sutton was appointed.

Sutton is the highest-status vassal of the Duchy of Harland. Although he has not been in Harland for a long time, he has played a key role in several battles and is very prestigious among the hereditary nobles. His mother Sylph is also a legend, and her external threat has greatly increased.

With this organizational adjustment, the Duchy of Harland has established a government department that is as small as a sparrow and has all the internal organs.

Time has entered March, students have gone to school, and spring plowing has begun in the territory.

In December last year, Richard's wife Undine was pregnant. The pregnancy cycle of half-elves is slightly longer than that of humans. According to the experience recorded by previous people, Richard's third child may be born in April next year.

Undine has half elf blood, and her lifespan is about two hundred years old. She drank a portion of the water of life, and her lifespan was increased by twenty years. Undine is less than fifty years old. Although half-elves advance slower than humans, they still have enough time to advance to the legendary realm.

Legendary magicians have a variety of spells that can extend their lifespan, the first of which is the life-sharing spell. Secondly, there are various life-extending potions and alchemical methods. In the end, you can transform into a lich, and you can become an undead creature and your consciousness will be immortal.

But every life has a beginning and an end. Even the wizard of rules, the undead king, and the gods of multiple planes will die and disappear one day.

In this world, it is impossible to escape from the rules of the universe and gain eternal life and immortality. The universe has cycles, and intelligent life will eventually end.

In March, spring plowing began, and Richard took his eldest son, Philip, to inspect the area for a period of time. Starting from this year, Richard has planned to let Philip follow him to get in touch with political affairs, get to know the officials of the territory, and get a glimpse of the world by observing how his father handles government affairs.

After a period of time, Philip has become more familiar with the rules of government operations. Under Richard's guidance, he has also gotten to know many officials of different levels. There are not only high-ranking officials here, but also many minor officials serving the palace. In addition, Richard also focused on allowing him to meet many military officers and hereditary nobles, including Harland's rising stars Levin, Socks and other promising noble officers.

After a period of training, Richard decided to take Philip around among the people.

Philip was not born in a deep palace and was good at women's hands. Although he had lived in a noble court since he was a child, he also had certain life experience. Because he received education in school since childhood, Philip came into contact with a large number of classmates from ordinary backgrounds. With this kind of experience, he certainly has a certain understanding of society and the market.

But by the next generation of Philip, it was no longer possible to attend ordinary schools.

When Philip first received education, Richard was only an earl. Due to his special position, Harland did not have many enemies. Sophia and Philip's security measures were relatively simple.

But now, although the Harland leader is majestic, it also has enmity with many forces, such as the Linus family that used to control the Grand Duchy of Stanik.

Another example is the Venus family, the former owner of the Grant Kingdom. This family has been silent for more than ten years. As the legendary mage Irina recovered from her injury, she began to appear in the Grant Kingdom again. Some time ago, someone from the Venus family assassinated the Earl of the Royal Court of Grant and issued a death threat to the Roger Kingdom.

For example, the great nobles of the East Coast United Kingdom, the great nobles of the Delon Kingdom, the Pilosa family of the Stark Kingdom, and the orc forces hated him even more.

These enemies have nothing to do with Richard and Sophia, and may attack their children to break their will. Therefore, in recent years, Philip's security measures have become increasingly strict, seriously disrupting the elementary school where he studies.

Even Richard's sister, Flora, had discussed with Richard many times and requested that Philip drop out of school and receive private education from the palace. After all, if Philip was attacked at school, no one would be able to bear the consequences.

In an extraordinary world like the Dawn Plane, if a professional wants to hide and cause damage, it will be very troublesome to deal with it.

The management department led by Haaland cannot keep out every professional.

When it comes to Richard's grandchildren, they cannot avoid the situation of being born in a deep palace and growing up in the hands of women. If he wants his children to understand society and become familiar with the rules of grassroots operations, Richard must also lead by example and often take his children on inspections and get in touch with the people.

Today Richard is going to take Philip to visit Fort William.

After twenty years of development, the population near Fort William has swelled to nearly 300,000.

When Fort William was built, it was chosen in a dangerous location. There were relatively few flat areas nearby, making it unsuitable for the reproduction of a large population.

In recent years, Fort William has been somewhat overwhelmed, and houses, streets, villas, and hotels have been built on nearby farmland.

Even the factories that were built before have mostly been relocated in the past year or two.

Richard took a few personal entourage with Philip to visit the suburbs of Fort William, and happened to see a flour factory being relocated. Richard waved his hand, told his followers to disperse, took control of the security guards at the factory entrance, and then took Phillip into the factory to take a look.

As soon as their father and son entered the factory, they heard Odaye, the owner of the factory, complaining to several of his colleagues.

"The cost of operating a factory in Fort William is too high. Not only is the city's labor cost high, but it is also very difficult to obtain industrial land quotas. Under fierce market competition, it is becoming increasingly difficult to develop. The most critical point is that the workers employed in Fort William are very It is difficult to deal with. Many people have messy relationships and do not obey the factory management system. Because they have all kinds of relationships, it is particularly troublesome to deal with them.

I turned in six thousand gold coins in profit last year, but I don't get any respect here. I decided to move the factory and develop in Graifson, a major wheat-producing area.

There is only one flour mill in Graveson now, and the local government is very willing for us to invest and promises to give us tax exemptions. If we go there, the labor cost can be reduced by half.

I think the honorable Duke should liberalize the slave use policy, promote the further development of free trade, and make the slave trade legal and enter all walks of life. "

"Okay, keep your voice down, don't let outsiders hear." One person turned around and saw the stranger, and immediately waved his hand to stop Odaye.

The main reason why Odaye spoke so freely was his deep political and business relationship. Not only was he a life-long friendship with Sulla, but he was also a partner bound by interests. They were the first batch of soldiers in the Harland Territory, and their network of relationships within the territory was intricate.

This group of people are also die-hard supporters of Haaland. If they had not committed a felony, Richard would have given them a smile.

After twenty years of hard work, Odaye has grown into the first generation factory owner and capitalist in Harland. Now his assets are close to 100,000 gold coins, which is richer than many hereditary nobles.

Although Odaye is already very rich, his social status in the Duchy of Harland is far inferior to that of his old comrades such as Jennings and Sulla. Develop on trees.

Odaye was not very satisfied with this, and sometimes his mood was filled with resentment. But the rules of power operation in the Dawn Plane cannot be changed by his will.

In this world, extraordinary power possesses everything. Only by mastering extraordinary power can you have money, beauty and the power to dominate others. Without the protection of old comrades such as Sulla and Zhannings, Odaye might not be able to stop the prying eyes of others even though he is rich. Although Richard has made some social reforms, the foundation for the operation of society in the extraordinary world can never be changed.

Although very depressed, Odaye also clearly realized this.

Since becoming successful, he has found many lovers and given birth to more than a dozen children, clearly wanting to invest in the next generation. Only when the next generation of children become professionals and gain a firm foothold in violent organizations can the Odaye family be stabilized and form a small interest group rooted in the Harland territory.

Odaye heard someone approaching and immediately turned his head. When he saw Richard and Phillip, his expression suddenly changed.

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