Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 241 Klein’s Confusion

Klein has had some unnecessary troubles recently - Esther seems to have found a very compatible friend on the "Future".

"Star Admiral" Cattleya had to remind Frank Lee: "That bird should be Gehrman Sparrow's pet."

Frank laughed and nodded: "Hahaha, Norns and I get along very well, we are already friends!"

Cattleya's mood became more complicated. She just hoped that the bird that seemed to be able to talk and think would not come up with too many weird ideas, otherwise Frank would get too weird ideas and be full of motivation to put them into practice.

Cattleya had seen skylarks eating Frank's strange crops several times, but every time Cattleya turned her eyes to Gehrman, the crazy adventurer looked back at her indifferently.

He barely restrained the bird's movements, and Cattleya guessed that the bird might really be related to some of the "Fool's" orders.

Cattleya was glad that Frank was still at Sequence Six. If he were promoted to a higher level, she would doubt whether she could still suppress this fanatical "hybrid expert."

At least for now, it seems that Frank's creativity has not reached the point of destruction and is within control.

But Klein's view is different from Cattleya's. He has been observing some abnormalities displayed by Esther.

Klein knew that although Esther seemed to have a gentle and honest side, as her Sequence 8 name suggests, a "scammer" could easily deceive others' external impressions.

The two of them have known each other for a long time, and Esther and Klein had some impressions of their fellow villager from the Tingen period. He couldn't tell what it was, but he could vaguely sense that she was different from the past.

Due to Esther's more and more unrestrained and rebellious behavior, Klein even suspected that she had unconsciously overacted and suffered the backlash of the spiritual imprint of her extraordinary characteristics.

Esther never told Klein the source of her "Extraordinary Characteristics" when she was promoted, just like Klein would not tell her who the "Fool" above the gray mist was.

On the "Future", Esther's second best friend was Heath Doyle, who was the most difficult to make friends with.

Klein found it incredible that Esther could always accurately fly to the corner surrounded by shadows, and then Heath would "grow" out from that position. His figure is formed by the darkness, and he naturally raises one arm, quietly acting as a lark's birdstand.

Even Heath himself was confused: "How did you know I was here?"

Skylark's eyes turned around twice, not intending to answer the question seriously: "I just know that I can sense that you are in this area."

Heath shrank into the shadows again: "Am I too conspicuous? Am I in the way?"

Esther stared at him doubtfully and said hesitantly: "No, you are hiding quite secretly."

Communication other than singing was not very smooth, but Heath accepted the skylark that occasionally flew over. Those songs he had never heard before made him feel calm. He spends most of his time silent, and only after the lark sings will one person and one bird exchange a few words.

Klein noticed that when she was not with Frank, Heath or him, even if Esther was sleeping, she would choose to squat on the bow of the boat instead of staying in the cabin, as if she was avoiding something.

Of course, Esther was deliberately placing herself in the sight of the "Queen of Mysteries". She couldn't explain this to Klein. If she didn't stay in Klein's room, she would be able to divert some of the attention accordingly.

Moreover, the "Queen of Mystery"'s room was near Klein's room, which made Esther not want to stay there any longer.

Esther couldn't understand the purpose of the "Queen of Mysteries", but she recognized the "Hermit" and understood why the "Hermit" would frequently observe the "Lover" during this period of Tarot meetings. That happened to be the time when Esther and Aaron parted ways. The "Mysterious Queen" may also have asked the "Hermit" to continue to observe the follow-up situation of the "lover".

Esther's previous act of borrowing "Roselle's Notes" from Aaron easily allowed the "Queen of Mystery" to confirm that Esther was a member of the Tarot Club.

Esther's appearance is the most obvious among the people in the Tarot Society. The others are all made of crimson stars. Only she is similar to "The World" and "The Fool", and both have clearer images.

But the whole "world" is shrouded in black robes, and "lover" will naturally arouse more curiosity from other members.

Fortunately, I can now parasitize other things, so I don't have to be so conspicuous. Esther stretched her wings twice in the sea breeze, full of inexplicable expectations for this journey.

Along with the expectation, there was also a touch of worry and fear, but that emotion seemed to come from outside the invisible barrier, and was not obvious enough for her to feel.


late at night.

Klein had just finished responding to Justice's magic mirror prayer thousands of miles away. He passed by the room where he felt a sense of peeping, but the scene that his spiritual intuition returned to him was quiet and there was no one in the room.

Klein continued walking to the deck, as if he was just out for a walk.

The night wind was cold and dark clouds hung overhead, but even without the crimson moonlight, Klein could see the road under his feet clearly, which was not difficult for an extraordinary person.

As he thought, Esther was still at the bow of the ship, but she did not stand on the side of the ship and take a nap. Instead, she landed on the deck, standing on the plate and eating the torn translucent strips of meat.

Beside her lay another deep stone dish with a little pomegranate-colored wine sloshing in it.

Another man wearing overalls and a white shirt sat dejectedly on the ground. When he looked back, Klein saw the red blood dripping from Frank Lee's chin.

Klein lowered his half-high silk hat and showed no expression.

It seems that the experiment of this fanatical hybridist failed. He was disposing of the discarded experimental materials and even took a bite out of Esther.

Frank raised the silver-scaled fish in his hand towards Klein with a depressed expression: "Their life cycle is too short, there is no way to reproduce, even if they are planted in the soil..."

He raised the fish in his right hand, put it to his mouth and sucked it hard, swallowing the wine in the fish body.

Esther raised her head from the sashimi she was assigned: "Actually, you can consider trying aquatic plants. If seaweed juice can be used to squeeze out alcohol, it may be easier to cultivate than fish. Some seaweeds only need to be cut into two. Sections can grow on their own—"

Her murmurings came to an abrupt end because Klein's gaze suddenly became sharp as he stared at her.

The meaning is obvious: stop talking!

Esther quickly lowered her head and continued to nibble on the fish fillet in front of her, pretending that nothing happened.

Klein felt that this could not continue. He needed to watch Esther more. Putting her and Frank together was full of danger.

Klein was really afraid that one day he would open his eyes on the "Future" and find that the ceiling was covered with crawling seaweed. Then Esther flew in from the window with great interest and introduced to him the "results of cooperation" with Frank:

"The spherical seaweed is authentic Nepos. The white sargassum can squeeze sugar cane juice. You must like this large brown algae. Add water to make sweet iced tea..."

Klein restrained his overly rich imagination in time and observed Frank's reaction. Because he was still immersed in the disappointment that the experiment had no results, Frank did not listen too carefully to Esther's suggestion and continued to pour wine into his mouth one after another.

This made Klein relieved.

After Esther finished eating the last piece of fish, she flapped her wings and landed on the top of Klein's hat. She chuckled softly: "Hey, don't worry, Frank is a good man."

No, no, it's not Frank I'm worried about, it's you! You must not give him too many strange development directions!

Klein was complaining crazily in his heart, but Herman just shook his head coldly: "Be careful."

He took two steps to the side and stood on the edge of the ship's side, looking at the undulating sea in the distance.

He could clearly see the stacks of dark clouds piling up, and silver-white lightning flashes flying like dragons, tearing apart the shadows of the sea area, illuminating the dense raindrops, and the sea water seemed to have gained life, venting its energy. The rage keeps roaring and turbulent.

However, even though it could be seen so clearly, the catastrophic storm was not far away. The place where the "Future" sailed was not affected by anything other than slightly stronger winds and waves.

Esther pointed to the distant scene with her wings and whispered to Klein: "This is not scientific."

Then she changed to her normal tone: "But it's very occult."

Klein nodded and understood what she meant. No matter how the Orthodox Church downplays it, it cannot cover up the many scars that extraordinary power has left on this world. Those eras when gods once walked the world left too many scars that ordinary people should not understand. , traces that should not be studied deeply.

Skylark's eyes gradually darkened: "I don't particularly like all of this."

At first glance, it sounded like she was complaining about the chaotic natural disasters on the sea, but Klein could tell that she was missing something.

Past life?

Klein took a deep breath, but before he said anything, he first noticed a black shadow at the edge of the storm: The huge black shadow stood motionless among the waves, like a poisonous snake entrenched at the entrance of the cave, which made Klein The association of sea monsters immediately came to mind.

But soon, he saw the true face of the shadow. It was a sailboat much larger than the "Future". The two ends of the crescent-shaped hull were raised high, and the dark paint made it even more eerie.

The ship's flag was a black tombstone.

Esther's eyes immediately narrowed: "The Suicide...why is it here?"

As the distance between the "Future" and the other party narrowed, Frank of course also saw the ship. He instantly got rid of his previous depressed state and stood up with a frown on his face: "They are also here for the ruins?"

The warning horn of the "Future" sounded, waking up all the resting crew members. Many people didn't even bother to put on their clothes and ran to the gun ports. The entire ship was put on alert.

Klein looked back at the captain's cabin, where the window was wide open, and Cattleya was standing at the window, staring at the shadow of the "Death".

Esther folded her wings lower so that the feathers could cover the tips of the white bones exposed on the outside.

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