Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 242 “The Wine of Intis”

Esther still remembers the last time she encountered the "Sad Death". She used the necklace to open the channel to the spirit world, and the "Clover" fled away in embarrassment.

Esther just weighed it in her mind and came to a conclusion. I am afraid that the combat power of the "Future" will also be difficult to resist.

The two ships passed by each other, and both sides fell silent. Esther and Klein could both clearly see the pirates on the side of the opposite ship. They quietly grabbed their weapons, but made no sound at all.

And everyone on the "Future" was too nervous to speak out.

However, there was no movement on the "Suicide". It was not until the two ships completely crossed each other and continued to sail in their respective directions that the uneasiness in the hearts of the people on the "Future" subsided slightly.

Even if Klein was indifferent on the surface, it was mostly due to Gehrman Sparrow's character. Like everyone else, he had always maintained the highest degree of vigilance, fearing that the huge black sailboat would suddenly launch a bombardment.

Frank Lee breathed a long sigh of relief. Just when he was about to say something, the "Death", which was already a hundred meters away from the "Future", suddenly turned sideways, turned its sails and turned back.

Sharp and harsh laughter suddenly enveloped the "Future", and the sound full of terrifying power repeated itself, filling everyone's ears.

Such hoarse and chaotic sounds rose and fell, entering everyone's ears unimpeded and affecting them violently.

The sailors on the deck kept falling to the ground, covering their ears in pain and trying to avoid the sound. Some extraordinary people had fish scales growing on their bodies. Frank also had a little brown hair on his face, and he was breathing heavily. .

Even Klein was no exception. There were granules squirming under his skin, but it was still within his tolerance.

Esther landed on the side of the ship and spread her not wide wings to both sides. The cold sea breeze seemed to make her fly upward at any time. She responded in her own way——

Esther contributed a song.

The song begins with a shout: "Yo ho ho ho ~ yo ho ho ho!"

A faint buzzing sound emerged, and the laughter suddenly became ethereal as if it was blown away by an invisible force.

The skylark held its head high, and amid a slightly bumpy wave, this sudden and inconsistent song continued to echo on the "Future":

"Sending the fine wine of Intis to you,

The sea breeze generally does whatever it wants, riding the wind and breaking the waves,

On the other side of the waves, the sunset is noisy,

The songs of birds draw circles in the sky~"

Klein felt like a firework exploded in front of his eyes. The light was not dazzling, and it nourished his spirituality softly, causing the signs of loss of control on his face to quickly subside.

Points of light scattered one after another, drawing wheel-like rings one after another in the air, calming the state of the crew on the "Future". The light spread out, mixed with a strange buzzing sound, and the frantic and malicious laughter from the "Death" was constantly being rejected. The two voices seemed to be fighting each other.

The skylark's mouth opened and closed, and its voice was melodious:

"Goodbye Harbor, Home of Steam,

Come and sing a song, sailing music!

The golden waves and silver waves turned into splashes of water,

We left only because of the vast ocean~"

Skylark looked up at the window, and happened to meet Cattleya's gaze. The black gap on the face of this "Star Admiral" gradually shrank and returned to flesh color.

Cattleya nodded to Esther, and Esther immediately nodded her head, telling Cattleya to take any measures to escape from here. Since she can become a member of the Marine General, this lady should also have some kind of unique magic.

The occult symbols on the ship's hull couldn't just be carved decorations for aesthetic reasons.

"Sending the fine wine of Intis to you,

We pirates split the waves,

Resting on the waves, making the boat your home,

The sail flag is hung high and flying in the wind~"

The buzzing sound continued to echo, and those Extraordinaries who showed signs of losing control gradually returned to their original appearance, while the expressions of the remaining ordinary people gradually became calmer, and they continued to be immersed in the singing.

Of course, Klein also noticed this strange scene. He was already in the best condition among the "human beings" present.

Cattleya pressed her palms on the window sill, and stars glowed around her. The same light quickly spread to the entire "Future", and the hull became bright and bright.

A gust of wind rolled up around it, and the sails adjusted automatically without any control. Driven by Cattleya, the "Future" accelerated rapidly, almost flying across the sea, quickly throwing away the approaching "Future" Death number".

Esther's singing continues:

"Under the boundless clear sky, the strong wind blows,

The waves dance and the drums sound,

If you are frightened, you will be doomed,

It’s not that there is no sunrise tomorrow! "

In the next burst of shouting, the shrill laughter falling on the boat became weaker and weaker.

The feeling of being watched suddenly intensified. Klein looked towards the window where he once felt mysterious eyes watching him. The open window collided back and forth in the strong wind, but no one appeared and no movement occurred.

The starlight was inspired and gathered under Cattleya's spell, condensing into a floating bridge suspended in the air, stably holding up the "Future".

In its swift flight, accelerated by the wind, the shadow of the Death was farther and farther away, until at last it was no longer visible.

The weird laughter that can cause people to go crazy inside gets further and further away until it completely disappears, leaving only the loud and brisk voice of the skylark, singing the song with the changed lyrics full of vigor.

When Klein saw several crew members getting up from the ground, a smile even appeared on his lips unconsciously.

"Sending the fine wine of Intis to you,

Day after day, in the dusk of dreams,

The figure waving goodbye, never seeing the sun again,

Why are you frowning? The moonlight will still be bright tomorrow night~"

Esther's voice was no longer as high-pitched as before, her singing gradually became softer and lowered, and those light spots flew back to her body and blended into her feathers, like tired birds returning to their nests constantly falling to their habitat.

"I will send the wine of Intis to you, let's sing a song, the song of the sea..."

The skylark slowly retracted its wings that had been open, and the light-colored eyes shone with the same gentle light, but the emotions inside were constantly surging, and finally stagnated in blank confusion.

Klein couldn't understand, but he noticed the skylark swaying weakly, and immediately stepped forward to catch the bird that fell from the side of the ship.

Skylark struggled to raise his head, trying hard to look into Klein's eyes, and with his incomprehensible stubbornness, he read out the last few lyrics in a very low voice: "No matter who it is, it will always be bones...never ending, never purpose, Just joking..."

Then its head hung down weakly and shrank into a ball in Klein's palm.

Frank, who had stood firm and recovered from the singing, happened to see this scene: "Norns? Is Norns okay?"

Hibari's eyes were still closed, and he curled himself up tighter, obviously enduring the pain.

The bird's weak voice also sounded trembling: "It's okay, it's too much."

Esther is lying again. Klein thought so, he could hear this keenly.

Klein took off his top hat, placed the soft bird inside, and returned to the cabin step by step with the hat in his arms.

"I can prepare some food for it! You must come to me when it gets better. I have many crops with herbal effects!" Frank couldn't help shouting.

Everyone's eyes followed Hermann, especially the upward-facing hat.

They all knew that it contained an unheard barcarolle.

In the room where Klein once felt a sense of peeping, the previously open window suddenly moved on its own, as if an invisible hand was pulling on it. It slowly closed inwards until it was completely closed.

Cattleya called Frank several times before the confused man came back to his senses. She ordered: "Check the status of the personnel and ask everyone to calm down and recuperate until they regain their energy."

Then Cattleya also retracted her body and closed the window forcefully.


Klein put the top hat on the desk. The skylark inside struggled to crawl out, but he pressed it down with a finger.

After Klein arranged the spiritual wall to isolate himself from outside prying eyes, he sat at the table and frowned at the poor skylark: "You are very weak now."

"I-I'm not weak..."

Klein looked at the trembling little bird and felt a headache for her stubbornness: "I can see it, anyone can see it."

His tone was not very good, which made Esther shrink back to the bottom of the top hat and stop moving: "Yeah."

Klein listened to the occasional buzzing sound coming from Esther and sighed heavily: "In your case, we usually call you 'The Holy Mother'."

This word sounded more like "holy mother" in Rune language, but Esther knew what Klein was referring to, and she obediently lowered her head and listened to the instruction.

"Before you take action, you should always ensure your own condition and consider whether you can escape safely. Don't always ignore yourself, and don't always think about sacrificing yourself first, especially when you are not fully in control of your abilities."

When Klein said this, he felt a little guilty, but the situation just now was far from critical enough to require Esther's help. Cattleya's flying ability was the key to getting rid of the "Suicide".

Even if Esther didn't say anything, everyone's situation would not be irreversible.

Skylark raised his head, his pale eyes full of confusion: "Actually, I seemed to be affected by the 'Death No.', but I didn't feel it at first."

"Until you start singing to appease us." Klein leaned back in his chair. Of course, he noticed that Esther's abnormality only appeared after singing most of the song.

"Then I felt something." Skylark pushed himself up hard, but soon fell down softly. "I'm not sure. It might be an illusion, no, it must be an illusion..."

Klein did not speak.

From an occult point of view, there is no such thing as a complete "hallucination". What Esther used at that time was not like any extraordinary ability of "The Thief", but only the weird power of "Zoya".

And the "monster" path has some kind of predictable special inspiration.

Klein pulled his top hat closer: "What did you see?"

Skylark looked at him. Behind his blank eyes, there was panic filled with self-doubt.

Esther's voice was still trembling:

"I seem to be dead, Klein."

*The lyrics are adapted from my favorite One Piece song, "Binx's Wine".

Sing sad songs and rejoice, the true nature of life.

From the moment I chose "Brooke" as the surname "Hamel," I have been waiting for this day to be the day I write this chapter.

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