Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 478 Dream: The Crow Said

The sky gradually turned dim, and before it melted further into darkness, all the people who were going to pray to the "Angel of Destiny" for good luck had already gathered in the wide square.

This city called "Dream City" does not have a large fixed population. It was just a small village at first. Because it was located near a planned road, it became a transit point for transportation. It has only developed in the past ten years.

Businessmen also have a special preference for good luck. They always like to pray to the "Angel of Destiny" for a safe journey, so they bring this custom here. Until it developed from a village to a town, and after the Lord's monastery was established, this habit It was immediately retained.

On the other hand, not everyone will come to participate in the prayers at the turn of day and night. This is just the daily life of some people and is not a mandatory activity.

"But here, there is a fixed day every year. They will hold the 'Good Dream Ceremony' in the square and collectively pray to the 'Angel of Destiny'. I don't know how Ourolius usually handles prayers, but on that day , He seems to respond uniformly to these residents who have the habit of praying for the 'Good Dreams Ritual'."

As Amon explained, he pulled Zoya and squeezed through the crowd. No one saw them, or in other words, no one noticed the outsiders with the height of these two children.

In a way, this is also how Amon used his "stealer" ability to imitate the psychological invisibility of the "audience" after spending enough time with Adam.

By stealing the two people's sense of existence, stealing other people's knowledge of themselves and Zoya in the area, defrauding the rules of physics, etc., this is a very simple matter for Amon now.

Even if Amon still maintains the appearance of a child, it is just to make his father happy so that he can act coquettishly and ask for the privileges he wants.

Although Amon himself never felt it, he was indeed becoming more and more different from the child who grew up in Eden, and was already a veritable "Angel of Time".

"Good Dreams Ritual..." Zoya muttered in a low voice.

This word touched some kind of memory, and Amon could observe this from Zoya's hesitant voice. Although it was very subtle, Zoya's tone was softer than usual, as if she was missing something.

Amon remembered this, but did not ask Zoya immediately, but continued to introduce:

"The 'Good Dream Festival' literally means that they will gather here as usual, and then pray to the 'Angel of Destiny' to give them a good dream. On that day, people can get the real dreams they desire, and in their dreams Stay awake and you won’t forget even when you wake up.

"Anything can come true in a dream. I stole the memories related to some believers, and the dreams in my memory are still very real. To be honest, I have never understood how Ouro Leus did it."

They bypassed a couple holding a child and stood at the edge of the square. The boy was lifted up by his father and was sitting on top of his father's head, with flaxen hair in his hands "clucking" Giggling all the time.

Amon's eyes stayed on that family for a few seconds before moving away and turning to Zoya next to him: "What do you think is so special about the 'Good Dreams Ceremony'?"

"Ouroleus's ability to do this is related to 'fate' and the operating rules of another world. I can't describe the connection in words."

Amon quickly came up with a simple and crude solution: "Then can I steal the corresponding ability from you? If I can directly apply that ability, maybe I can understand the parts that you can't explain."

Zoya was quiet for a while and shook her head: "No, it can't be done."

He did not explain further why.

The square gradually became quiet, and just when it was getting dark, a middle-aged man wearing a black priest's robe walked out of the church, came to the front of the square where everyone gathered, and stood beside the round platform with stepping stones.

All the residents standing there raised their heads and looked at this familiar face, waiting for it all to begin.

When the priest opened his arms to the crowd, he still held the Holy Scriptures of the Creator in his hands. His expression was very pious, in line with what a priest should look like:

"It's a pleasure to see you here again, my dear brothers and sisters. A new day is about to pass, and night time will come soon. May the Lord who created everything enjoy glory in heaven, and the omniscient and almighty God have mercy on us. , so that we can enjoy peace in this world..."

Amon nudged Zoya with his elbow: "This is not a complete Mass. They have simplified the process and added additional prayers to the original customs."

"Dazhbog won't mind such a trivial matter." Zoya replied gently.

"Of course my father doesn't care, but I hate that pastor's ambition,"

Amon looked thoughtfully at the middle-aged man in front of the crowd:

"He is not that pious, and he even gave up the opportunity to become an ascetic. He comes to preside over the church more to enjoy a life that can be respected and praised by people.

“This ridiculous guy, he doesn’t have the ability to go to bigger cities, so he has to stay in this small town.

"I once stole his dream. To be honest, I stole many people's dreams. No matter what they expressed, the desires in those dreams seemed more real."

Zoya did not speak, and a thin stream of silver emerged from under his mask, and quickly dissipated in his gaze: "But he also made an oath, and has always fulfilled that oath, dedicating his whole life to his." host'."

Amon laughed softly, but without any malice: "If you can directly see the development and future of things, does this world seem boring to you?"

The priest has already begun to recite excerpts from the holy scriptures, and what he chose today is the part that exhorts the young people:

“Light is lovable, and how pleasant it is to be able to enjoy it!

"Be thankful for every year of life you have. No matter how long you live on earth, remember that death is longer. What is to come is empty."

Zoya refuted Amon's previous words in a low voice: "What I can see is still limited, and the same is true for Ourolyus. We are lacking and cannot touch the true end of destiny."

"But you have a closer relationship with fate than He does." Even though no one could hear their conversation, Amon still lowered his voice, as if to prevent someone from eavesdropping. "The fate between you is not the same." Will they interfere with each other?"

"No, I will coordinate such interference. This is an ability I already possess."

A faint buzzing sound sounded, and Amon easily understood what Zoya meant. This was not because of the influence of the path ability.

"Then what is your fate?" Amon asked curiously.

Zoya shook her head: "In the eyes of people like us, destiny is no different from weights and measures such as time and space."

Amon digested these words quietly and realized that Zoya had avoided the focus of the question and never mentioned it to him.

The priest's voice still passed through the crowd, melodious and clear, in the quiet square, like some kind of incense that calmed the chaotic thoughts:

"Young man, live the days of your youth happily! Rejoice while you are young! Do whatever you please! But remember, God will judge you according to your deeds.

"Let nothing trouble you or make you suffer; for youth cannot last forever and is empty.

"While you are young, remember your Creator. Before your old age comes and you say, 'There is no point in living,'

“While the sun, moon, and stars have not lost their glory, and the clouds have not faded away after the rain, remember Him.”

Amon raised his hand and caught a hard-shelled beetle wandering on the edge of the crowd. He stole the little thing's ability to fly, so that it could only keep crawling around in his hand.

Staring at the insect struggling to turn over in his palm, Amon whispered:

"I will deceive the direction of their prayers and make the final target become you. Do you think this plan is feasible?"

Zoya looked at the people in the square quietly. Only a few people came alone. Most of the residents were leaning together with familiar relatives or friends, gathering in small distinct circles, as if they would huddle together after the rain and fall from the trees. Mushrooms growing from the base of the roots.

While they were listening to the priest reading the Bible, some of them closed their eyes and moved their lips slightly, while others looked at the priest with peaceful expressions. His black gown was gradually blurring in the night.

In this increasingly quiet environment, his chanting became louder and louder:


“At that time, the silver lamp was broken, the golden lampstand was shattered, the rope in the well was broken, and the pitcher was smashed beside the well.

“Our bodies will return to the dust; our breath will return to the Lord who gives life.

"Empty, empty, says the preacher, everything is empty."*

Amon flicked it casually, and the beetle flew out like a marble, but it also gained the ability to fly back at the same time.

The frightened beetle flapped its wings frantically, and without even bothering to correct its flight direction, it pounced directly on the face of someone nearby - this unlucky guy was the boy who was carried on his father's shoulders.

Suddenly an insect hit his eyes, and the boy subconsciously let out a scream, loosened the arm around his father's head, and fell back in a hurry.

But his luck was not that bad. Behind the boy was a pile of thatch. He fell directly on it and was surrounded by nervous parents.

Several nearby residents turned back complainingly, dissatisfied that someone had disturbed such a serious moment.

Amon did not look back, as if he had not caused this incident.

The priest's voice came from his figure smeared by the night. At least at this moment, he was focused on this and would not be disturbed by any external things:

“After all is said and done, let me conclude with this: Fear the Lord and abide by His teachings, for this is everyone’s duty.

“Everything we do, whether good or evil, even the most secret things, God will judge.”

Zoya pulled Amon's sleeve: "If you are not afraid, then do it."

"There's nothing to be afraid of." Amon adjusted the monocle in his right eye, looking forward to it. "Then this is the secret between us. Don't tell anyone, including my brother, okay?"


*Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:2, 12:6-12:8, 12:12-12:14

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