Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 479 The Hidden One

The light source in the church was rekindled, emitting a soft warmth.

The white linen robe stepped back, and the priest, whose face was mostly obscured by his beard, had clear eyes, looking at the candle that had just been lit in front of him, and asked the figure sitting on the first bench:

"You let Him take away part of the 'medium light'." Adam said, slowly walking towards the figure with his head hanging down.

"Well, dealing with some 'secret' omissions. I didn't tell the clone, but they always want to steal, so I let him take away part of it." "Esther" closed her eyes tightly, Her previously expressionless face was now frowning.

The footsteps gradually stopped, but Adam did not approach Zoya's direction anymore, but sat on the bench on the other side of the aisle: "You trust him very much."

"Esther's" eyelashes trembled violently, but she still closed her eyes tightly, looking like she was trapped in a nightmare and struggling. However, the unconscious upward curve of her mouth made her suppressed pain faintly revealed. :

"I just understand him...them. If anyone in the world understands them, it's a pity that I am the only one left. Even between them, they are strangers to each other."

Adam didn't speak for a long time, nor did he pray as usual. He just rubbed the cross on his chest and also lowered his head, staring at the ground in front of him.

"Esther" does not need to rely on vision, perception is enough. From the illusory degree of the figure, she can easily judge that the person sitting on the bench on the other side is just a personality clone.

"If he knew the truth about this matter, would he still trust you?"

"Because of Amon's little trick, I have no better choice."

Adam showed a smile under his beard and consciously ignored the complaint in that sentence: "I have seen you as the previous person chosen by 'destiny'. You are very courageous and very decisive."

There was a little buzz in Esther's voice: "Even if I failed to follow him into the real world, you still chose to bet on him."

"Because we all know that the choice of 'fate' will always come true. The chaotic and uncontrollable probability will become a possibility when the dice falls."

Seeing that "Esther" remained silent about this, Adam sighed: "Just like you understand them, I also understand you."

"I don't know why, but I..."

"Esther" was interrupted. Just when she tried to open her eyes, the light spots at the ends of her hair suddenly fell off.

Several Möbius strips with traces of brokenness stuck together directly around "Esther", and then broke due to gaps. Such weird movements even tended to spread to the entire church.

Adam raised his head, his golden and indifferent vertical pupils locked on the figure of "Esther", and at the same time locked on all the light spreading outward.

However, He did not use "pacify", but instead used the more aggressive "spiritual breath"!

The light spots flying in the air were caught in the invisible transparent breath, trembling and quieting down, slowly floating back to the top of "Esther"'s head. "Esther"'s frown gradually relaxed, and she no longer tried to open her eyes. An eye-opening act.

Adam released "Soothing" again, and felt the other person sinking into a trance again: "Do you also trust Him?"

"No, gods are not trustworthy."

The vertical pupils in Adam's eyes gradually returned to their round shape: "Do you think he will really doubt you or me if you do this?"

"Esther" sat silently on the bench. She raised her hand and lightly touched her forehead.

However, Adam did not need to respond. He already had the answer in his heart: "In the final analysis, his and my interests are consistent, and he also needs a chance."

"My restraint on the 'medium light' is getting weaker and weaker." Esther said softly, her brows tending to frown again.

"Because your selection will also affect them in the opposite direction." Adam said gently. "After all, as he is promoted, they will naturally tend to be the true master of the gray mist, rather than a vassal."

"Esther" put down her hand and raised the corners of her mouth slightly: "Yeah..."

After a moment of silence, Adam thought "Esther" had returned to the dream again, but unexpectedly he heard a question:

"What about you? Hells has a very strong desire for perfection."

"It's a pity that I can't gain the upper hand, so I won't agree to this matter." Adam replied calmly, "The opportunity I'm waiting for now to become a god is just to prepare for it."

After a two-second pause, Adam stood up from the bench and walked towards the huge cross in front of him: "Even if Amon knew, He would only help me more firmly."

"Really?" The smile on "Esther's" lips became more obvious.

"With your mentality, I will be very worried about your condition...Zoya."

As Adam's deep voice read out this word, "Esther"'s body fell softly, falling completely into a deeper dream.

The eyes that stared at her were calm and clear.


There are always unexpected situations in life, but he has never seen this kind of situation.

Klein thought so, and held the fearful skylark next to the pit in his hands. The guilty Norns kept making low-pitched calls, almost burying his head under the wings. Simply listening to the sound, It really looks pitiful.

But the premise is, ignore what this little guy was doing just now.

Klein glanced at the pit dug with his claws on the ground. It was not deep enough to bury the stiffened Skylark corpse next to it.

The world is so big and full of wonders. Norns can do anything. I should have gotten used to it... but why doesn't it want to speak? Otherwise, I would just ask it directly what's going on.

Klein glared at the skylark in his hand with a frosty face, causing Norns to gradually close his mouth and lower his head lower.

Just a few minutes ago, Klein discovered the sneaking skylark in the back garden through the marionette's eyes.

Claiming to be a responsible breeder, he had already summarized Norns' daily movements and knew that this little bird rarely stayed in the back garden.

When he saw Norns running into the garden today, instead of staying in the trees and singing, he dived into the bushes, of course Klein would be confused about this.

After his spiritual intuition gave some gentle feedback, Klein no longer hesitated and instantly switched places with the Marionette to avoid missing this opportunity to catch Norns.

Although he is the de facto owner of this little skylark, he rarely restricts what Norns can do, and the willfulness of this bird just hits the bottom line of Klein's indulgence.

Klein did not squeeze directly into the bushes, but restrained his movements, transformed a nearby ant into a marionette, and let it pass behind the bushes to see where the noise was coming from.

However, the moment he saw the skylark corpse, Klein once again exchanged positions with the Ant Marionette and stood directly behind Norns.

Knowns seemed to sense something, but when he turned around, he saw Klein standing next to him. The skylark let out a scream that almost pierced the eardrums.

Apart from being caught doing bad things, there is almost no other explanation. This is the first time that Klein has seen Norns so panicked. All its feathers stood up upside down, and it looked like it had become a human. Soaring crown.

What does this mean, you get both the bird and the spoil? No, no, this is the body of another bird... Where did this skylark come from?

To be honest, the scene before him was quite funny, thanks to the "Joker" ability that effectively helped Klein control his facial expression. He had a sullen face, making himself look quite angry.

Sure enough, Norns became even more timid and tried to jump to the body of another skylark and spread his wings to block it.

Klein leaned down and asked with a cold face, "What else do you have to explain?"

Knowns shook his head tremblingly, his watery eyes looking like he might cry at any time.

Klein narrowed his eyes: "Don't pretend to be pitiful. You'd better explain what you did."

Since experiencing the dream of the person in the light cocoon and seeing the abnormality of the light spot in that "city hall", Klein has found that he has established a closer connection with Norns - the relationship between the two Communication became more effective, and he now understood most of the Norns' calls, including the meaning of the lark's eyes and movements.

This is not a big unexpected gain.

Of course, there are also things that are not so friendly. For example, when Knowns was locked out of the house, his curses would always be loud, and he would not change at all even after being scolded by Klein several times.

Norns landed on Klein's open palm, swayed the tip of his wing toward another skylark on the ground, called out twice, but tightly closed his mouth.

"You said they came out to send a message..."

Klein immediately thought that when he was fighting Hvin Rambis, a skylark flew to the Viscount Mansion, met Miss Justice, and talked to Audrey in the voice of "Lover", please. A lady brought a message to the Fool.

And of course that message was not just for "The Fool", it was for me. Klein sighed silently. It seemed that after the mission of delivering the letter was completed, in order to prevent possible subsequent tracking, the skylark's life had come to an end.

But this skylark also knew to find Norns and asked its companions to help hide the body. Is it because they also have contact information that I don’t know, or because... Esther knows where I live, so they also know?

Klein pinched Norns' sharp mouth and said, "I understand, I really don't blame you for this. You just happened to meet him, right?"

Norns nodded and called twice more hesitantly.

Klein sighed heavily: "Okay, okay, I will help you dispose of its body. But why do you insist on burying it? Will there be any changes in it?"

According to Klein, the best way to dispose of it is to incinerate it, which leaves fewer traces and eliminates the possibility of wild animals turning over the soil.

Knowns shook his head and said he didn't know either.

This actually reminded Klein that someone once said something like "bury it": "So you learned some nonsense from her..." (End of Chapter)

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