Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 480 Beyond the Light

The place abandoned by God, Silver City.

The chief of the council, Colin Iliad, sat on a heavy, cold stone chair.

Right here, a short meeting had just ended. The six-person council had already made a decision to further explore the Giant King's Court, so the next time they went to the afternoon town camp, they had to prepare a more complete manpower.

In the afternoon, the camp in Town has basically stabilized. After planting the giant lantern mushroom that glows, no monsters will appear as long as there is light.

On the map that first appeared in scale, a large number of areas hiding special dangers were painted with colored marks. There was a long line with a question mark on it, which was a way to enter the royal court through the "Decadent Forest" and the "Desolate Tunnel" Secret road.

That passage was reported by a young man, and Colin concealed it for him.

When he saw the young man walking into the room with an uneasy look on his face, Colin, as the experienced chief of Silver City, could tell at a glance what the other person wanted:

"You've already thought about it."

Derrick Berg did not expect that the chief would directly see the purpose of his visit. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment: "Yes, yes! I choose the 'Cane of Life'."

The last time, Derrick gave the information about that passage to the chief in exchange for "the complete brain of an adult spiritual dragon", and knew that the chief was willing to give out the higher-sequence potion formula of the "cultivator" pathway. in return for the significant value of that message itself.

At that time, the Chief promised to provide Derrick with a "Holy Sealed Artifact", and the purpose of this Sealed Artifact was to provide it to Mr. Fool in exchange for the Creator's Cross from that god.

Hearing Derrick's choice, Colin nodded: "The room opposite is empty. Wait for me over there. I'll go get the 'Cane of Life' first. Pay attention to safety later."

This is a disguised reminder to Derrick that the "Holy Sealed Artifact" itself is very threatening. You must be extra careful when coming into contact with it. You must also be careful when arranging the sacrifice ceremony to avoid attracting other people's attention.

Although few people frequently pass by inside the round tower, praying to a hidden existence is not something that can be made public.

"I understand!" Derrick nodded vigorously, then walked out and opened the door of the opposite house as the chief said.

The materials required for the ceremony were all prepared, and Derrick's previous anxiety gradually calmed down. He hoped that Mr. Fool would be satisfied with the sealed artifact he provided. After all, Derrick had no other choice.

Soon, Colin walked into the room where Derrick was with a half-human-tall clay doll. The humanoid golem with simple features walked stiffly and held a log-colored cane high in its hand.

If you don't say it is a cane, it looks like a rough wooden stick, as if it was a long stick picked up casually from the roadside.

Colin silently nodded to Derrick and walked out of the room. He would not participate in Derrick's sacrifice at all. This was also a sign of respect for the hidden existence.

Derrick took a deep breath, and then began to arrange the ceremony in an orderly manner. He was already familiar with such a process.

The movable black clay doll lifted the staff and placed it on the altar.

Derrick recited the honorable name of Mr. Fool and waited for the illusory door to open and close. It was not until the surging airflow in the room subsided that Derrick raised his head again and saw that the "Cane of Life" had disappeared. A copper-green cross was left in its place.

This cross was surrounded by thorn-like spikes. The name, usage and negative effects of the cross appeared directly in Derrick's mind.

In his excitement, the young man sincerely thanked and praised Mr. Fool before walking to the altar.

When he touched the "Darknessless Cross", Derrick felt a soft warmth that seemed to spread from his fingers to the bottom of his heart.

He carefully stroked the cross, but what he thought of was the sky lit up by lightning, and the towns struggling to survive under the sky.

Silver City must not be a special case, and we are not alone, right, Mr. Fool?

Derrick took a few deep breaths before quickly cleaning up the ceremony site.

A few minutes later, there was another knock on the house where the chief was staying.

"Come in."

Colin Iliad's low and hoarse voice came out, and Derrick opened the door and walked in, showing the cross he had just obtained to the chief:

"Your Excellency, this is what I mentioned before. It is the item left by the Lord. It is called the 'Darkless Cross'. As long as the thorns on the cross are stained with the blood of the holder, you can use the power."

Colin stood up immediately and took the cross from Derrick. When Derrick introduced the relevant information of this item, the wrinkled warrior just listened quietly and looked at it silently.

Colin pressed his thumb on the thorn, and the blood flowed through the cross, causing the mottled rust to peel off the outside, revealing a pure light that instantly illuminated the entire room.

Holy and radiant, this is truly an item from the Creator.

Such an aura has never appeared in the past two thousand years, at least not in Colin's life. However, in Silver City, there are still many things used to worship the "Omniscient and Almighty Creator", and this cross exudes The smell is exactly the same.

As one of the few people who had access to those items, Colin was confident enough that he would never admit his mistake or forget the breath of the Lord.

However, when he said these words, Rao, the experienced leader, still showed a trace of sadness: "This is indeed the Lord's... item."

A certain word stuck in my chest and could no longer be uttered.

Derrick was also infected by the chief's emotions. He was originally happy because he obtained the "Darkness-free Cross", but for a moment he seemed very lonely.

Colin suddenly raised his hand and pressed the cross against Derrick's heart. The warm light almost ignited the young man's heart.

The old chief's voice was hoarse than before, but extremely firm:

"The return of the Lord's goods is a sign, a sign that the dawn is about to come to us."


His coming here is a sign that there will be a sword on the earth.

The night was deep and the streets were silent. A crow squatting at the end of the bridge turned its eyes and looked at the streets not far away. Its gaze fell on the heads of the people passing through the shadows.

The all-black cloak covered the man's tall figure, but as he moved around, another layer of bright red cloak underneath was revealed from time to time.

A mask made of black iron, similar in style to that of an armor, was placed on his face, revealing only a pair of bright and sharp eyes like flames, scanning the streets of Backlund with a little contempt.

Although the ancestors of Sauron and Einhorn no longer quarreled on their faces, in the mind of this body, they still cursed Medici who had long had the upper hand and controlled the body's actions.

However, in such a tug-of-war for freedom, even if Sauron and Einhorn are at a disadvantage, it will somewhat affect Medici, who is also trapped.

Medici was Backlund who infiltrated with people from the Spiritual Religion Group. This was a cooperation that each had its own agenda. This partnership was not stable, but with Ince Zangwill’s prior contact, Hong The evil spirits easily approached the people of the Spiritual Religion and expressed their willingness to support their plan to create a god of death.

This naturally has a prerequisite. The goal that Medici pursues is the high-sequence characteristics of the "Hunter" path. For example, the "Conqueror" in the hands of the Loen royal family. The Spiritual Religion Group also has to assist this evil spirit in Loen. action.

However, both sides are extremely wary, which means that this cooperative relationship cannot be maintained for a long time.

As the footsteps gradually approached, the crow seemed to feel uneasy. It spread its wings and took off towards the west.

A ball of fire ignited in the air without warning, completely burning the crow into ashes.

"What a pity, it's not a little crow."

Medici chuckled and ignored the flames falling into the river.


The candle flame on the table jumped inexplicably, causing the shadows in the room to suddenly lengthen, twist, and dance.

Ribit rubbed his eyes and looked back towards the window. A gust of breeze blew into the window from the street. He jumped off the chair and closed the window tightly. He picked up his monocle and quickly scanned the last paragraph before sighing heavily. .

That small voice suddenly appeared in my mind: "You'd better leave Backlund as soon as possible. This may be your last chance."

"I won't." Ribit closed his eyes and gently massaged the area around his eyes. Every time he used the monocle to "study," the boy would be particularly tired. "Although this place can't be called home, this is the place I'm most familiar with." There is no way I would give up this advantage."

"It's rare that I'm so sincere, but if you stay here any longer, you'll probably die."

Ribit reopened his eyes with no expression on his face: "Isn't that exactly what you expected? When I die, won't you be free?"

"It's not like that, it's not that simple," the voice in Ribit's mind replied with some trouble, "You have her protection. If you hadn't taken the initiative to let go of the restrictions..."

Ribit didn't wait for the voice to explain, and simply asked frankly: "So what is the premonition you have been talking about these past few days?"

"The situation in Loen is already very tense."

"Well, it's been said in the newspapers, and the gang's kids are talking about it, and our neighbors are not very friendly."

Ribit thought for a moment, but then shook his head: "But I don't feel that nervous. I still understand what you said when you laughed at me. What is in the newspaper is 70% lies."

The voice in my mind was silent for a few seconds before speaking again: "The war is very close, I'm just telling you."

After that, the voice never sounded again.

Rabbit looked at the books on the table and the paper for practicing writing, and sat blankly at the desk for a longer time.

War, what a distant word.

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