Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 481 The alarm bell rings

Today is also a cloudy day, which is very ordinary weather for Backlund. The "clear autumn air" is a bit of a luxury for the residents living here. Unless they are going to a noble manor in the suburbs, most of the time here All have nothing to do with sunshine.

It's just that there is something else in the sky today, like a piece of dust outside a landscape painting, which makes people feel very abrupt.

But as those flying objects got closer and closer, those dusty black spots gradually enlarged until they could be seen clearly by the ant-like crowd below.

Of course, Roen himself also has an airship. Because of the special nature of being able to fly, most of these means of transportation are strictly controlled by the military.

Today, those airships covered with dark brown paint are approaching the sky above Backlund from the north. On the airships, diagonal stripes of red, white, and yellow logos are painted - at least for Roen. It is no stranger to say that this pattern is the national flag of Fusac.

The nobles living in the North and West Districts all received invitations from the Church of Night or the Church of Storms, and the joint government to conduct an "air defense drill", asking them to go to the nearby cathedral as soon as possible.

When a large number of airships painted with Fusac's flag approached Backlund from the northern sky, no one would think that they were just passing by. Just looking from a distance, the airship looked like a large swarm of locusts about to encroach on the ground. Everyone who noticed them could not suppress their inner panic.

The invisible bells of war sounded loudly and echoed in the sky.

However, the location of several cathedrals seems to have been prepared for this. For the confident churches, extraordinary power is the most effective way to rely on. At this time, they have been provoked by the other party. The violent Tempest Church, This behavior is even more unbearable.

From the sky above the Holy Wind Cathedral, as soon as the wind blew, a huge blue-black blade condensed directly, outlining the crescent moons that sliced ​​diagonally, and flew straight into the sky.

When these sharp blades trying to harvest lives approached, they hit a layer of colorless defense outside the airbag of the airship formation, and all attacks were blocked from the outside. Although the huge wind blades flew up again and again, trying to hit the protection, they only made the airships shake and failed to penetrate them.

When the airship's gun muzzle, machine gun muzzle, and throwing port were opened one after another and aimed downward, a violent hurricane was set off around the Holy Wind Cathedral, mixed with thundering lightning, and this storm directly rolled towards all the people above. airships, forcing them to bump and rise in the wave-like air currents.

However, such an attack was neutralized again, and the blood-colored and rust-colored light merged and appeared. In just a moment, it enveloped all the airships that dominated the sky, connecting them all - this is the authority of the "War Bishop", gathering The strength of comrades forms a whole!

The Einhorn family of the Feysac royal family controls the "Red Priest" path that is the embodiment of war. However, due to the long-term peace, they have not promoted the birth of the angel of the Sequence One "Conqueror" for a long time.

Now it is up to them to take the lead in starting a war in an attempt to shake the stability of Backlund and Loen. This seems to be a very reasonable thing from all aspects.

With the "spiritual communication" between them, this group of Fusac airships quickly stabilized in the hurricane, like an air fleet that dropped a heavy anchor and was not afraid of the waves.

Then, it's time to counterattack.

Iron-black bombs were thrown from the throwing port like falling rain, and the sparks flashed from the muzzle and roared, making the sound of war tangible.

The hurricane roared and circled, but it could not completely prevent these attacks from landing, tightly causing these shells to deviate from their established trajectories.

Man-made disaster fell from the sky and reached out to the city. Regardless of whether people were watching this scene or not, the shadow of the airship came over them.


North District, Backlund University of Technology.

"Melissa, have you seen Carter?" Dark-skinned Candela Gonzalez asked the passing black-haired girl, holding a stack of books and drawings.

When Melissa Moretti turned her head, she pointed in the direction of the square: "I saw him at the front of the steam train before, and I happened to go to see Eudora. She told him during class yesterday I said that I have a new poem I wrote today that I want to share with everyone."

Kandra hesitated but did not refuse to go with Melissa.

"So what do you want Carter to do?"

"Because his recent performance has been very good, his recommendation letter will come out soon. The professor has guaranteed that he will successfully get the opportunity to visit the shipping company during the summer."

Melissa knew that Carter had been anxious about this matter for a long time. This male classmate, who was very talented in research, had always aspired to become a naval engineer, but in fact he had never been on a ship.

This time the school announced its summer plans and was willing to take people to visit shipping companies and factories. Carter was the first to rush up and sign up, and talked about it with everyone for a long time.

Melissa couldn't help but laugh too: "I hope that after he knows the news, he will stop dragging everyone to complain."

"It's just because he's so annoying..." Candela sighed heavily.

Melissa talked about the topics studied in class recently, and Candela listened to her questions, giving answers or making additions from time to time. The two of them gradually approached the front of the steam train in the center of the square.

Suddenly, an inexplicable feeling of horror emerged in her heart, which prevented Candela from taking another step forward. She subconsciously raised her hand and grabbed her feather earrings, as if she heard a faint tinnitus.

Is it because of frequent late nights? Or is it for some other reason? Candela shook his head, but the buzzing sound did not disappear, but became clearer and clearer.

Seeing Candela frozen in place, Melissa subconsciously stopped and the two of them stood on the edge of the square: "Huh? Is there something wrong with the theory I just quoted? I haven't read the latest issue of " Machinery Monthly"..."

Candela had clearly seen the back of Carter's head, the messy flaxen hair, but Candela's feet seemed to be frozen and she couldn't move a step.

Kendra simply yelled: "No, no, I - damn, where is Carter? Carter! Come here!"

The voice she blurted out was sharper and hoarse than usual. Candela knew that the inexplicable panic in her heart must be reflected in her voice, otherwise Melissa's eyes wouldn't be so strange.

This girl has always been very reserved and reserved, always taking care of the mood of those around her and not expressing her inner negative feelings too directly.

Melissa was indeed quite worried. She asked tentatively: "Candra, are you okay?"

Eudora looked back at the person who shouted, and saw her good friend. She simply left the crowd and walked towards this side, waving to Melissa: "What happened? Why candela..."

Before she finished speaking, Candela took another deep breath, stabilized her body that was trembling with fear, and shouted again:

"Carter! Come here quickly - your application for visit was not approved!"

This sentence was more effective than shouting his name many times. The flaxen head turned around suddenly, pushed away the people around him, and rushed towards Candela:

"What did you say--"

His words were also not finished.

As an object whose appearance was difficult to see fell to the ground and hit the center of the square, all sounds were interrupted at the moment it erupted.

The explosion drowned out everything, completely dissipating the buzzing in Candela's ears.

Not far away, the glass of the main teaching building had been shattered, and the air wave knocked over several people near the square. Eudora and Melissa fell together, Candela instinctively bent her body and curled up, and Carter He fell down beside the flower bed, with a piece of broken iron as big as a palm stuck in his back shoulder.

But not everyone was as lucky as they were, especially the students who were still near the front of the steam train.

Candela quickly got up from the ground and looked at the source of the explosion.

Backlund Technical University Square, that iconic steam technology product, has been completely blown to pieces, with scattered parts mixed with flesh and blood bodies.

The flying steel plate smashed someone's leg, more and more bright red was flowing out, and the smell of blood floated in the air along with the burnt smell. The explosion itself left large burn marks - including on those who stopped breathing.

After the tinnitus caused by the explosion passed, Melissa raised her head in pain. Her ears were filled with screams and cries. Those sounds seemed to be distant and near, and were covered by the violent heartbeat.

She stared blankly at the tragic scene in the square, recognizing the faces of her classmates. Sadness broke through fear, and instantly filled the young girl's eyes. She struggled to get up, but her legs always refused to obey her.

On the contrary, Kandra wanted to be calmer. She pulled Melissa up from the ground with her trembling hands and feet, and then ignored her and quickly checked the conditions of Carter and Eudora.

Eudora passed out, the back of her head hitting the ground hard, her breathing weak, but at least she was still alive.

Carter's situation was much worse. The iron piece on his shoulder left a penetrating injury. He could not move for a while. Taking out the iron piece would only cause further blood loss. There were still many people who needed emergency treatment. After delaying the treatment, This arm probably can't be saved.

Kandra noticed that Melissa was still standing blankly, and urged in a low voice: "Go to the teacher, find a place to take shelter with others, go to the underground area! We don't know if there will be another wave of attacks!"

"Then you, I can't..."

"Go!" Kandra shouted to Melissa. She glanced up at the sky and saw the airship moving to the west.

Melissa also noticed this, her face became paler: "Simian..."

"The West End is the center of Backlund, and they have a clearer destination."

Kandra's expression was gloomy. She tried her best to carry Eudora behind her. When she turned her head, she saw Melissa's back running towards the school gate:

"Melissa! Wait, where are you going? Come back!"

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