Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 114 The traitor’s poisonous plan

The barbarians had just set up camp when Drizzt arrived at the outskirts of the camp. Being so close to Ten-Towns, these invaders were heavily guarded; the first thing Drizzt noticed was that they had kept many men on guard.

But even though they were alert, the campfire was deliberately kept small to prevent humans from discovering it, and it was night, the time of the dark elves. Even the usually powerful guards cannot defeat the elves who came from complete ignorance to the world of light.

He can cast a spell to create a darkness that even the sharpest eyes can't see through, and he carries it with him like a real cloak. As invisible as a shadow in the darkness, his steps as silent as a cat's tiptoeing, Drizzt passed through many guards and entered the center of the camp.

As he walked along, Drizzt's heart became colder and colder. This barbarian army was larger than he imagined, three thousand? four thousand? Five thousand? He couldn't count the number of strong barbarians sleeping in the tents. In this army, there were even professionals everywhere.

Just an hour ago the savages were singing and talking about the battle that was to take place tomorrow. Although adrenaline and blood lust flowed through their veins, it could not relieve the fatigue of their forced march. Most of them slept peacefully, their heavy, regular breathing reassuring to Drizzt, who was looking for their leaders who were discussing battle plans.

In the camp, there are several tents clustered together. However only one of them has guards outside the entrance. The door was covered with a curtain, but Drizzt could see the candlelight coming from inside, and could hear from it several tents gathered together in the camp. However only one of them has guards outside the entrance. The door was covered with a curtain, but Drizzt could see the candlelight coming from inside, and could also hear the rough voice coming from it, with the volume rising from time to time out of anger.

The dark elf went around to the back. Fortunately, no warriors were allowed to sleep behind that tent, so Drizzt was far away from the other tents. Just in case, he took out a "leopard-shaped" statue from his backpack. Then he drew his thin dagger, stabbed a small hole in the deerskin tent, and peered inside.

There were eight men inside, seven barbarian chiefs, and a short black-haired man, whom Drizzt could tell was a southerner from his appearance. The chiefs sat in a semicircle on the ground around the southerner and asked him about the terrain and enemy strength he would encounter the next day.

"We must destroy the town in the forest first," insisted the largest man in the tent, perhaps the largest man Drizzt had ever seen, with the symbol of an elk on his body. "Then we will go to that place called Bryn Shander according to your plan!"

The little man looked panicked and angry, but Drizzt could see that his reaction was tempered by fear of the giant barbarian. "Great King Heafstad," he replied tentatively, "if the fishing fleet discovers something is wrong before we reach Bryn Shander, we will find that there are more men than ourselves within the walls of that city. There are many more troops waiting for us!"

"Those are nothing but weak Southerners!" growled Heafstad, puffing out his thick chest with pride.

"Great King, I assure you that my plan will satisfy your desire for the blood of the South," the dark-haired man said.

"Then say so, Dibbernazen of Ten-Towns. Prove your worth to my men."

Dibana once bent down and picked up a parchment scroll from his feet. He opened it and showed it to the Barbarian King. It was a simple map, with only some roughly drawn lines, and the lines on it were blurred because the southerner's hands were shaking slightly, but Drizzt could clearly see that many of the marks on it represented the Ten Towns in a vast desert wasteland. position on.

"To the west of the Great Cone of Cairn," Dibbner once explained, running his finger along the western shore of the largest lake on the map, "there is a long, slender plateau called the Bremen Pass, between the mountains and Dole. Between the lakes. I believe this is the most direct route to Bryn Shander from where we are."

"This town on the lakeshore," Heafstad reasoned, pointing to the point closest to him on the map, pretending to be confident. "We are the first to destroy!"

"That's [Tamaran]." Dibana once replied. "All its people are fishermen, and they'll be on the lake when we go over there. You don't have any purpose here."

"We will not keep living enemies behind our backs!" Heafstad shouted, and several other leaders also shouted in agreement.

"No, of course not," Dibana once said. He knew that these stupid barbarians were just angry at him for the sake of face, and he needed to convince them with reason.

"But when the boat goes out to fish, you don't need that many people to defeat [Tamaran]. Let King Halfdan lead the bear tribe to surround that village, while the others follow you and King Beog to attack [ Bryn Shander]. The fire that burns the town will cause all the fleets, even the ships from other towns in Lake Durden, to come ashore in [Tamaran], and King Halfdan will kill them all on the docks. We will make them It is very important to be isolated from [Targos Fortress]. Only in this way [Bryn Sander] will not be able to get timely support from other lakes, forcing them to fight against you alone. The Elk Tribe will surround the city. hills, blocking any escape route or emergency reinforcements."

This southerner's plan was indeed perfect. He led this group of barbarians and presented them with the most vicious strategies to massacre his own kind. Drizzt looked at the scene in front of him with chills all over. The only thing he was thankful for was that After seeing through the opponent's trick, he asked Regis to notify Ten Towns in advance.

"This city will fall before sunset!" Dibana once declared proudly. "Your people will enjoy the best loot in all ten towns!"

The gathered chiefs cheered at the southerners' declaration of victory.

At this time, Drizzt suddenly noticed two guards walking towards him and talking. Although they were too far away, the human eye would only think that he was a shadow beside the tent, but he knew that if he moved, those people would definitely notice it.

Drizzt acted immediately. He lowered the small black statue to the ground. "Guenhwyvar," he called softly. "Come to me, my shadow."

In a certain corner of the vast star realm, a leopard is walking quickly and lightly, following the image of a deer. For example, real deer and leopards in nature have done the same action countless times, which is guided by instinct. The leopard is on its knees preparing to make its final leap, ready to fulfill nature's command, fulfill the purpose of the leopard's existence, and meat is its reward.

However, when it heard the call of its true name, it suddenly stopped, put aside all other instincts, and listened intently to the call of its master.

The soul of the great panther jumped into the long, dark passage that marked the void between the outer world and the outer world, looking for the point of light that represented its life in the material world. Then it came to the side of its soulmate and master, the dark elf, and crouched in Drizzt's shadow.

It understands the urgency of its master's call and quickly opens its heart to listen to its master's instructions.

The two guards came here cautiously, trying to see clearly what the dark shadow next to the leader's tent was. Suddenly Guenhwyvar leapt towards them, over their drawn weapons. Two guardsmen, swinging their swords in vain, ran after the leopard, screaming to warn the rest of the camp.

In this distracted surprise, Drizzt crept quietly in the other direction. He heard the warnings shouted among the barbarians as Guenhwyvar charged through the camp of sleeping warriors. The leopard couldn't help but laugh as he made his way through a large group of people. Seeing a leopard moving gracefully and swiftly like a feline god, the people of the tiger tribe not only did not chase him, but knelt down and raised their hands to shout thanks to Tempus.

Drizzt escaped from the confines of the camp without much trouble, for all the sentries ran in the direction of the commotion. As the Dark Elf ran into the darkness of the open tundra, he turned south toward the Great Cone of Cairn and sped across the lonely plains, intent on completing the last critical part of his counterattack plan. The stars told him that there were only three hours left until dawn, and he knew that his meeting with Bruno could not be delayed if he was to be fully prepared for a sneak attack.

The surprised noises of the barbarians soon died down, except, of course, the voices of those tiger tribesmen who thought they had encountered gods and were about to pray until dawn. After a few minutes, Guenhwyvar followed easily and ran to Drizzt's side.

"You have saved my life too many times, my trusted friend," Drizzt said, patting the leopard's muscular neck. "More than a hundred times!"

The black panther Guenhwyvar rubbed his head into the arms of the dark elf and whimpered a few times like a coquettish voice.

One person and one leopard walked towards the distance, and then disappeared into the dark night.

On the other side, Imric and others took advantage of the night to return to [Bryn Shander], and Regis hurriedly knocked on the door of the mansion of Cassios, the leader of the city.

"Are you sure this information is true?"

Cassios, who was woken up in the middle of the night, looked livid. At this time, he was especially grateful for the choice of letting the halfling speak at the meeting.

The halfling's childish face was full of seriousness, and he said loudly: "My companion, Drizzt, has risked his life to go to the barbarian army to spy on intelligence. Don't let his sacrifice be in vain, Lord Cassios, ten The town must act or disaster will befall us."

Cassios pondered for a moment and sighed. Although he was full of distrust of the intelligence provided by this so-called dark elf, at this moment, the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. Kemp, the most powerful among the ten towns, had already agreed to this alliance. He Why bother to be the first to object?

"Notice, the barbarian army is coming." He waved his hand and gave the order.

The gears of war have been set in motion, and no one knows what the outcome will be.

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