Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 115 War begins

the next day.

The savage troops entered Breemen Pass before noon. They look forward to announcing this glorious advance with war songs, but they also understand that it is important to maintain secrecy if Dibnazen's plan is to be successfully carried out.

Dibbner had once admired the familiar sight of sails dotted on Pond Dourden with great pleasure as he marched beside King Halfdan. This used to be his hometown, but this familiar hometown only brought him endless humiliation in his memory.

He believed that this would be a perfect sneak attack, and he wanted to take back all the humiliation he had suffered.

Then he noticed that some boats had raised red flags indicating fish had been caught. "The winner gets more," he chuckled.

When the Bear Tribe left the main force and headed for Tamaran, the barbarians had not yet started singing war songs, but the rising smoke would tell the alert people that something unusual was happening here. The remaining army continued to advance towards Bryn Shander, and when the main city came into view, they shouted their first cheers.

At this time, in Tamaran, after Regis's warning, the combined armies of the four towns on the shores of Lake Durden were hiding in the town of Tamaran.

Their goal was to strike quickly and hard at the small tribe attacking the town, to completely eliminate them as quickly as possible, then rush to help Bryn Sander and surround the remaining enemy forces between the two armies, although there was Be prepared, but the barbarian army is outnumbered and they must cherish every moment.

Kemp of Targos commanded the operations here, but he promised the local spokesman Agowa that Tamaran would attack first.

As Halfdan's army swarmed into the town, the first buildings were set on fire. Tamaran has a population second only to Targos among the nine fishing villages, but its buildings are scattered irregularly. Many houses extend to a wide area, and the houses are separated by avenues. Its residents are given privacy and room to breathe, giving the town an air of remoteness that obscures its true numbers.

However, Dibana still felt that this place was unusual and seemed to be abandoned. He raised his concerns with the barbarian king beside him, but Halfdan assured him that the rats were simply fleeing and hiding because of the bears' arrival.

"Pull them out of their holes and burn their houses!" the savages shouted. "Let the fishermen of those lakes hear the cries of their women and see the smoke from their burning towns!"

But then an arrow struck Halfdan in the chest, piercing his flesh and piercing his heart. The shocked barbarian looked down at the still-vibrating arrow shaft in fear. However, before he could shout the last word, the darkness of death surrounded him from all sides.

Agovar of Tamaran silenced the King of the Bear Clan forever with his aspen bow. Then Aguowa sent out an attack signal, and the troops from the four towns on the edge of Lake Duerden jumped out.

They jumped from the roof of every house, from every lane and street corner. Facing the fierce attack of this large group of people, the confused barbarians tried to raise their weapons to fight back in a hurry, but the army that had already carefully ambushed them did not even get the last chance. Many of them were killed before they could pull out their weapons. killed.

Some battle-experienced invaders formed small bands, but the Ten-Town troops, fighting for their homes and loved ones, and equipped with weapons and shields forged by dwarven blacksmiths, quickly advanced. These fearless defenders relied on their numerical superiority to cut down many more invaders.

In an alleyway on the edge of Tamaran, Regis hid under a small carriage as two barbarians fled past him. The halfling struggled with a personal dilemma: he didn't want to be seen as a coward, but he didn't want to jump back and fight someone bigger than him. When the danger was over, he circled back behind the carriage and figured out his next move.

Suddenly, a dark-haired man, whom Regis believed to be a member of the Ten-Towns militia, entered the alleyway and saw the halfling. Regis knew his game of hide-and-seek was over and it was time for him to step up. "Two scum went over there!" he shouted to the dark-haired Southerner. "Come on, if we run slower, we can still catch up with them!"

However, what Dipper had in mind was something else. He was desperate to survive, so he had previously decided to sneak out of the alley and appear as a militiaman in another alley. He didn't want to leave any witnesses to his betrayal. He walked steadily towards Regis, his slender sword ready to strike.

The unsuspecting Regis walked towards the black-haired man, unaware that the sword was already secretly preparing to pierce his heart.

"I said, don't stand still."

A flash of silver light flashed, and the long sword in the black-haired man's hand stabbed Regis fiercely. The halfling stood there stupidly, his body's instincts already trembling slightly with fear.


Regis finished speaking blankly and looked at the black-haired man in front of him with a ferocious face fixed in place. The sword was only one centimeter away from his chest. He finally reacted and was so frightened that he could not speak. He rolled and crawled and jumped back several meters.

A mage wearing a gorgeous black robe came out of the shadows. Imric's eyes were still slightly bright, which was a sign that the powerful telekinesis was working.

Dibo, who was frozen in place by the invisible spiritual power, was filled with fear, "What kind of power is this?" A low groan of fear sounded in his throat.

Imric slowly walked up to Dibo, and the invisible power of thought was like a boulder, pressing the black-haired southerner to his knees on the ground. His condescending eyes looked at the person in front of him indifferently, exuding a bewildering atmosphere. brilliance.

"Tell me, are there any spellcasters in the barbarian army?"

Dibana, who was confused by the power of the spell, said mechanically: "No."

"How many people are there in this army?"

"5,500 people, 600 professional barbarians."

Imrik stopped [Suggestion] with satisfaction. There were 5,500 strong barbarian troops, and 600 warriors or barbarian professionals. These corpses were enough for him to have no shortage of resources for future research. , and can also build a huge undead army.

"[Bryn Sander]'s defense force may not be able to defeat this barbarian army, so let them fight for a while. Only by giving these barbarians enough despair can the quality of the corpses be even higher."

Imric turned his eyes and thought to himself, he was not here to work for these people in vain. With these people, it would be wishful thinking to defeat the main force of the barbarians without his own help.

The black-robed mage turned to look at Dibo Nazeng, who was kneeling on the ground. The black-haired southerner who had regained his consciousness was now kneeling on the ground, begging the other party to let him go.

Imric chuckled, raised a hand, and chanted a spell loudly.

Fourth-level spell - [Dalamar's Lightning Javelin].

Two slender spears composed of thunder and lightning were generated in Imrik's hand. The strong current made a "呲呲" sound, and the lightning javelin shot out from Imrik's hand with a "swish" sound, penetrating Di Bo Na Zeng's heart and left eye were struck, and the strong current turned the entire body into a blackened carbon corpse.

Why do I write about so many other people? Because I feel that the visuals have been a bit tired of the protagonist. Describing the suffering of ordinary people on the battlefield can better reflect the master's sense of superiority.

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