Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 320 The truth

Waterdeep City, Blackstaff Tower, among prophecies.

Mysterious lines emit blue light in the air. Imrik is wearing a black robe, and his huge mana continues to flow into the magic circle on the ground. Beside him stood Elminster, Kelben, and Kelanvor.

After the disaster, Kelemvor found himself teleported to Waterdeep. He immediately went to the Blackstaff Tower, trying to find the help of the legendary mage, but it happened that Elminster was also in the tower at this time. , he needs Imric's help to get the truth about everything.

Seeing the mana pouring into the magic circle without weakening at all, Elminster and Kelben looked at each other and nodded silently. The mana of the young mage in front of them was unprecedented in their lives. In this special period, It was actually able to charge mana for the legendary ancient prophecy circle they found.

"In position." Imrik's eyes flashed with dazzling white light, and his mouth made a frightening high-pitched sound.

When the old sage heard this, he quickly stood in the center of the magic circle and took over the control of Imrik. He opened his mouth wide and exuded an extremely dazzling white light. There was a distorted expression on his face, as if he was witnessing Some kind of indescribable existence.

A strange symbol appeared on the forehead of the old sage, like a twisting fire of change, sometimes turning into colorful clouds, sometimes turning into a soaring eagle in the sky.

A few seconds later, the light of the magic circle went out, and Elminster opened his eyes pantingly, saying with a hint of exhaustion: "I already know the truth of everything, and the location of the second tablet of fate. .”

The old sage said hollowly: "The supreme monarch has set the abilities and responsibilities for the gods. The stone of destiny is the symbol of controlling the gods. Tyranny and death, greedy for power, stole the stone and divided it into two. One , in Bann, and the other in."

"The kingdom of Melkor - the city of the dead."

Kelben frowned and said, "In that case, do we have to retrieve this tablet of destiny?"

The old sage nodded and said, "In the fog at the beginning of time, in the endless phlogiston sea, a will named Io appeared. He hoped to create an order." Elminster played With a snap of his fingers, a golden scale immediately hung in the air. “He balanced the forces of chaos and order, spending the first centuries of his life sorting and opposing them.”

"When He completed His mission, the universe was already too large and complex. From the small planet under our feet, it turned into the current national sky. Even Io himself did not have the energy to govern it at all times."

"So Io created gods, and in order to maintain order, he gave each god different responsibilities and powers."

"In order to not need constant care, Io gave the gods free will. However, freedom also brings ambition and greed. The gods soon began to fight to increase their own power. They competed for the priesthood and started wars for their faith."

"If the gods were left free, Io could not stop the struggle, so he began to oversee the transfer of power and responsibility."

"He created the Tablets of Destiny to record the power and responsibilities of each god. Now the gods could express their own ambitions, and the Tablets allowed Io to ensure that the balance was maintained. But Melkor and Bane cared more about themselves desire, not balance in the world.”

"So they stole the tablets, hid them, and planned to steal as much power as they could in the ensuing chaos."

"In a rage, Io drove all the gods out of the divine domain, except Heim. Io handed over the task of preventing other gods from returning to the divine domain to the guardian god."

"Without gods to perform their duties, the realms have slipped into chaos. Unless we find the tablet and return it, the realms will be destroyed."

Hearing Elminster's words, Kelben couldn't help but asked with a headache: "If the second tablet is in the kingdom of the dead, how can we get it?"

Imrik shook his head and said, "We can't get it, because that's not our mission."

Kelben raised his eyebrows in surprise. Elminster and Imric looked at each other, nodded, and then explained: "Yes, this will be a midnight mission, and only she is the one." The only one among us who can teleport out of the Material Plane and defeat Melkor."

"Midnight?!" Kelanvor said in surprise. He couldn't help but be surprised. Standing in front of him were probably the three most powerful legendary mages in the world, but they said that they needed Midnight, the weak person in his heart, to solve the problem. all of these.

"Why?!" Kelemvor asked anxiously, "How could she defeat a god of death?"

"Midnight can do it." The old sage looked at him calmly and said.

"You know, when the gods descended, all mages lost their ability to cast spells normally, and I was no exception. Fortunately, I received Azuth's blessing and regained the ability to cast spells."

"But when the goddess truly fell, even we lost the ability to cast spells normally, except midnight." Elminster seemed to be hesitant when he said this. He did not mention Imrik. Deep in his heart, to the goddess, Imrik is a more special existence than midnight. It is a secret that the goddess has not even told him, and he will guard it with his life.

"Somehow, Mystra learned of Io's wrath before she was banished. Mystra managed to deliver a portion of her power to Midnight, intending to restore it once she entered our world."

"This is why Midnight can cast spells, and why she is the only one who can defeat Melkor." The old sage said word by word.

Kelanvor couldn't accept the reality. He didn't want to put Midnight in such great danger. Then, he seemed to have remembered something and pointed at Imric and said: "What about him? He can also cast spells. He must have been influenced by the goddess. Blessings?!”

Before Imric could speak, Kelben frowned and interjected: "Don't mess around, warrior, Mage Thor can cast spells because he has the artifact given by the goddess, but this is far from enough to compete with the God of Death in this world. To fight, Midnight’s duty was destined the moment she accepted the power of the goddess.”

The old sage breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his old disciple attributed Imrik's specialness to the badge given by the goddess, which was good.


While several people were arguing about the duties that Midnight should perform, Midnight who was far underground was looking at the ghost in front of him with a surprised look on his face.

"What did you say? This is the entrance to the City of the Dead?!"

The ghost nodded and pointed to a huge pond in the center of the city, surrounded by a circle of ghosts surrounding them.

"Behind the Water of Oblivion is Melkor's Kingdom of God, the City of the Dead located in the plane [Hades]."

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