Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 321 Blockade of the City

Waterdeep City, City Lord's Council Room.

The bustling masked lords in luxurious clothes were sitting in front of the round table. Three huge high-backed chairs were located at the end of the table. The three legendary mages of Imrik looked at everyone expressionlessly.

"What did you say? Evacuate the entire city?! What a joke! Do you know how many people there are in Waterdeep!" A general yelled, hanging down from the table. He believed that his soldiers could protect the glorious Deepwater no matter what the situation. city, but now this faceless mage actually asked them all to evacuate.

Imric, who was sitting on the main seat, was covered in black robes. Behind the five-color mask was a pair of dark eyes. He slightly turned his head and glanced at the general and said coldly: "So, are you willing to lead your soldiers?" To face death?"

The general choked. Melkor's terrible name was indeed not something he dared to challenge. But just escaping without a fight really made the old general unwilling.

Kelburn, who was sitting aside, said at this time: "Waterdeep City will become the battlefield of the saints. I believe everyone knows the current situation of Tanres. If the evacuation is not carried out immediately, I am afraid that the citizens in the city will suffer heavy casualties."

As the de facto steward of Waterdeep City, Kelben's words still carry a lot of weight. Many masked lords and representatives of forces started whispering. Unlike the general, they didn't immediately hear Melkor's name. They couldn't wait to drag their families and escape from here.

Finally, the voice gradually calmed down, and a masked woman raised her hand and asked: "Dear legendary mage, how much time do we have to evacuate?"

The masked lord looked at Kelben, expecting his answer, but surprisingly, the resolute mage lord now focused on the mage sitting in the middle.

"In half a day," an unquestionable voice came from behind the Five Dragons Mask, "in half a day, the three of us will cast a spell to activate the barrier covering the entire city. Anyone who remains in the city will be responsible for their own life and death."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the conference room was in a hurry. Imric's notice was too short, and they had to take action immediately.

Looking at the noise in the conference room, Elminster coughed a few times and said: "This is the deadline. Everyone, according to the prophecy, the war will break out tonight, and endless dead people will rise from the graves. Climb up and slaughter everything under the call of death. You must act immediately."

The old sage laughed at himself. He was usually the one making up mysteries, but now it was his turn to interpret the prophecy and tell everyone the reason for evacuating the citizens. In the prophecy, Elminster saw that at midnight tonight, countless corpses of the dead rose up in the largest cemetery in Waterdeep City. Under the leadership of the demon people Melkor, they led from the City of the Dead to the entrance to Waterdeep City. They all filed out, and for this reason, the three decided to work together to repair the Mystery Barrier in Waterdeep City. This was their most powerful weapon to ensure that they could stop Melkor's subordinates.

Under the call of Elminster, the strongest mage on the continent, many masked lords and representatives of forces in Waterdeep City stood up and hurriedly left the meeting room. They would use all their capabilities to evacuate the citizens.

After everyone left, Elminster sighed and said: "We have done everything we can, and there is still no trace at midnight. I don't know what will happen next."

Imric said in a deep voice: "With the help of Mystery Chain and the defense of Waterdeep City, Melkor's demon people and undead army should be able to blockade Waterdeep City."

"As for Midnight." There was no trace of doubt in the silver-haired mage's voice, "She will show up, bringing the slate with her."


"City of the Dead?!" Midnight exclaimed in surprise. As a knowledgeable mage, she naturally knew what this meant. It was the kingdom of Melkor's kingdom called [Fortress of Bones].

[Skeleton Fortress] is located in [Hades of the Gray Wilderness] and is one of the many outer planes surrounding the main material plane.

The gray wilderness is sandwiched between the [Abyss] and [Hell], and bloody battles often occur here.

In the gray wastes of Hades, pure evil acts as a powerful spiritual force, dragging down any living thing.

Here, even the extreme rage of the Abyss and the cunning conspiracy of the Nine Hells have to succumb to despair. Indifference and despair seep into every corner of this evil pole. Hades slowly strangles the dreams and hopes of visitors, Abandoned is the withered shell of what was once a fiery soul.

After spending enough time in Hades, all visitors abandon everything they once cared about and eventually succumb to utter apathy.

Here is the end of everything.

As one of the planes, the Gray Wilderness naturally has one of the most basic characteristics of the plane, which is an infinite area. However, few gods settle in the Gray Wilderness. The blessed gods look down upon the desolation here. Only Melkor was obsessed with the endless souls of the dead and the black and white world. For the God of Death, this was the perfect kingdom of God.

"Forgetfulness. How it attracts us." The ghost did not answer Midnight, but murmured to himself, watching the ghosts around him fly into the pond and disappear again.

The ghost turned to Midnight and said, "You should go in."

Midnight frowned, tilted her head and asked, "Why?"

There was a dull look in the ghost's eyes, as if there was some inexplicable being controlling him behind the scenes. He said: "The second stone slab is located in the temple of Melkor, the entrance to Waterdeep City, and also in the City of the Dead. .”

Midnight's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't expect to hear traces of the second slate from the ghost, but this strange scene aroused her questions: "How do you know? Why did you tell me? You know I want to find the slate." ?”

The ghost nodded slightly and said, "It's the elves in the wind. They are whispering in my ears, hoping that I can help you."

Midnight turned to look at the pond and stretched out her hand to touch: "How do I get there through this pond?"

Seeing this, the ghost sternly stopped him: "Don't touch it! Don't touch the water of oblivion. You will be infected by it and forget everything."

Midnight was not worried, "I have other ways to pass." She thought about the way to teleport, but a better idea came to her mind. It was a spell called [World Travel Technique], which could open a Channels connecting different planes.

Midnight had never heard of the spell before, but she knew exactly how to cast it. She found that although she had not thought about it, she knew the construction and theory of the spell clearly, and even knew that Elminster was its original inventor.

The mage was surprised. She had no reason to know these things, but this information appeared in her mind without permission. She decided to keep trying to see what else she could do. Midnight tried to search her memory for all the spells Elminster knew. Every spell, construct, and theory the old mage knew suddenly came to her mind. The list of magic seemed endless.

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