Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 322 Hades of the Gray Wilderness

Midnight recovered from the vast amount of information and took her mind away from Elminster's magic. She recalled an interesting spell she had seen once, which was Imrik's favorite spell. The mage made an invisible force field hand appear between himself and the enemy.

Midnight searched her mind for information about the spell, whether it was the execution of the spell or how a wizard named Bigby had invented it centuries ago, and she knew everything about it at once.

Although she didn't know why, Midnight realized that she had gained almost omnipotent magical knowledge, as if she was holding a book that recorded all the spells in history. There is no doubt that this ability is related to Mystra's power, but the mage doesn't understand why it will happen to him at this moment. Maybe it's because she's too close to the exit of the kingdoms, or maybe it's just that her relationship with the magic network covering Tianyu is getting closer. No matter what the reason is, Midnight can't help but be excited about it. She has to find it from the Skeleton Castle. To return to Slate, she needs all the favorable conditions.

More importantly, Midnight felt at this time that although these spells were nine-ring spells that were far beyond her control, she had an inexplicable feeling that she could successfully master them.

"Have I broken through level 17?" Midnight was a little unbelievable. Before the arrival of the gods, she was still just an ordinary mage who could release five-ring spells.

Midnight looked at the pool and tried to imagine what she might find on the white plain below. She hoped that the spell would take effect, and summoned and released Elminster's [World Travel Spell].

The magic network that was originally unable to bear the transmission spell became tougher at this time. Driven by the inexplicable mysterious power in Midnight's body, a glittering golden force field disk appeared above the fountain. Midnight took a deep breath and walked in.

When midnight passed through the disk, everything around her lost color, and she found herself in a desolate world.

It's a dark world here. The land is gray, the sky is gray, there is no color here, as if vision itself is destroyed. The moment midnight enters the plane, the color of everything becomes white, black, or gray. There was no sun, no moon, and no stars in the sky, just a dull gray light in the sky.

Midnight frowned and glanced around nervously. She felt that the gloomy scene seemed to affect her mood, and she became depressed and melancholy.

"This is... [Greyness]?" Knowledge about this plane came to Midnight's heart. She knew that this was a mental illness called [Greyness], and it was the reason for all those who came to [Hades of the Gray Wilderness] Visitors will be infected with mental illness.

The grayness of the gray wilderness not only affects the vision, but is also a kind of spiritual darkness. It reaches the hearts of all who stop in Hades. People who have stayed here for too long, such as all petitioners (the souls of followers of gods after death are called petitioners), have lost all emotions. They don't laugh, they don't cry, and they don't care. All they do is despair, their hope is gone and will never come back.

There are thousands of ghost-like souls around Midnight. They all face the same direction and stare at the sky, as if they are looking at something that Midnight cannot see. While she was still looking at the crowd, there was a whisper in the distance. The sound became louder and louder, rushing towards her like waves in a storm. She could hardly bear the volume and wrinkled her face in pain.

"Tyr!" the crowd shouted.

Thousands of believers were calling out the names of their gods at the same time. At midnight, one could imagine how this voice passed through the void between the planes and reached Tyr's ears in the kingdom.

"O Tyr, God of Justice, Balancer of the Scales, answer the call of your followers." The believers shouted, many people speaking at the same time, but their prayers were clear and distinct. "When will you come to save us? Save those of us who have dedicated our lives to your glory, spreading justice and truth to every corner of Toril? Hear the lamentations of your worshippers, Tyr!"

Midnight sighed softly. She knew that the prayers of these petitioners were in vain. The gods fell to the mortal world and were no longer able to lead the souls of these believers back to the Kingdom of God. Even if Tyr heard their cries, he would Nothing can be done.

The female mage no longer paid attention to this group of lost souls. She looked around in this endless wasteland, trying to find the location of the Bone Fortress, but found nothing.

Midnight realized she couldn't find the location of the Bone Fortress on her own, so she stopped a soul who looked like a fat man and asked, "Do you know where the Bone Fortress is?"

The other person's eyes widened in fear, "No, no, I don't know!" He refused flatly, "How do I know where it is, and why do you want to know this?" He turned around suddenly and fled into the crowd.

I stopped three more people at midnight and asked them the same question, but the reactions of these people were surprisingly similar to those of the obese men. It seemed that they were all extremely afraid of this place.

Suddenly, a priest wearing the Holy Emblem of Lathander walked out of the crowd. He asked curiously: "Fortress of Bones? Why do you want to go there?"

Seeing that there was finally a normal person, Midnight breathed a sigh of relief and explained: "I must go there and get a stone slab, otherwise, the fate of the entire world will be at stake."

Suddenly, there was a burst of noise, and many souls began to run around in confusion, as if they were avoiding something.

Raymond shouted: "No, it's Melkor's monsters!"

An extremely terrifying-looking creature appeared in front of Midnight. Its head looked like a human being, with a normal nose, mouth, and ears, but it also had dark fangs, yellow saliva, and eyes. Glowing red like the embers of a coal fire. Its grotesque body was thicker than a wine barrel, and its spindly arms hung from its shoulders. Where there should be muscles, there are sponge-like lumps of skin bulging out, and old wounds on the body are oozing dirty green pus. The creature's legs were so short and fat that it looked like it could barely lift its body off the ground.

"Ah! Witch! Don't stand in my way, I want to take away Melkor's soul!" the demon people roared.

"Stop!" Midnight ordered coldly, "Otherwise I will destroy you, beast."

"Beast?!" the demon laughed angrily, as if he was greatly insulted. He looked at Midnight coldly, with more saliva at the corner of his mouth: "Your stupid soul will definitely make me a feast, witch."

An extremely powerful spell appeared in Midnight's mind. Whether it was a spell, a model, or a gesture, she was blessed to understand everything spiritually. At the same time, she felt the existence of a stable and quiet magic network around her, allowing her to release spells at will.

"Confinement Technique!!"

Midnight finished the spell with a smile, and Meatloaf froze in place only halfway through his words. In an instant, a black sphere swallowed up the fat monster and then entered the pale earth. It will stay here forever until it is released.

There is a magic net here because it is close to the Skeleton Fortress. In order to conveniently grant magical powers to believers, all the gods in Faerûn will ask Mystra to cover the magic net around their kingdom, so that the kingdom of God can interact with the devils in the kingdom. web link.

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