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Mr. Efe also moonlights as a theater actor, or is it just a hobby? Lumian thought doubtfully.

His first reaction was that as the owner and landlord of the Golden Rooster Hotel, Mr. Ev's financial situation could be considered well-off even if he was not a rich man. Moreover, he had other industries, so it was unlikely that he could moonlight as a theater actor. , but remembering Mr. Ev's love for money and his stinginess in spending, Lumian could not guarantee that this guy would not play a supporting role when he had nothing to do. After all, he could make some more money.

Don't waste precious time.

After repeatedly confirming that the supporting character was indeed Mr. Efe, Lumian turned his attention to the name of the poster: The Fairy of the Woods...

Judging from the accompanying text, this is a classic play from the old Pigeon Cage Theatre, one that is re-staged every once in a while.

Among them, the actress who plays the forest fairy has deep features, a pure temperament with a bit of charm, and a pair of lake-colored eyes that are both innocent and holy.

But Lumian didn't think she was very attractive, because she was wearing bracelets, necklaces and belts made of branches and green leaves, and she wore a laurel wreath dotted with many flowers on her head, which reminded Lumian immediately. Awa, who plays the role of spring and elf in her dream,

For him, these are not pleasant memories.

Especially the latter, after excluding the perspective brought about by the abnormal desires induced, it can be called completely ferocious and disgusting., After glancing at the actress's name, Lumian looked for other clues from other posters.

Eventually, he discovered that Mr. Ev had participated in three plays of the old Pigeon Cage, but he had always appeared as a supporting actor in a supporting role, the kind who could immediately replace him even if he was absent.

First URL

Lumian entered the theater thoughtfully and bought a ticket for 10 Ricks.

The Old Pigeon Cage Theater is fairly well built, with a large stage at the end, multiple gas wall lamps, thick curtains that have been lifted, and several steam-driven machines. In front of the stage are rows of seats, which get higher toward the back and are distributed in a ladder shape.

Lumian took the ticket stub, found his seat, and sat down.

The play currently being staged is The Princess and the Beast. Some of the actors are wearing bold and slightly revealing clothes, which is completely in line with the general aesthetic of the Candide Market area.

After watching it for a while, Lumian was slightly shocked and sighed in his heart:

“Is this the level of theater in Trier?

Such theatrical performances can only be held in the Candide Market area? How good are the theaters in the Opera House area?

Those theatrical performances were like children playing games compared to those in Old Pigeon Cage.

All the main actors on stage have outstanding acting skills. Regardless of their expressions, movements, or lines, it is as if the characters in the story have really come into this world. Lumian, who was originally just investigating on the spot to find abnormalities, is a little immersed in their performances. I was moved by the inferiority, rage, and pain of the beast and the innocence, kindness, and sadness of the princess.

When the play came to an end, Lumian stood up and clapped his hands.

He didn't notice anything wrong with the actors, and he didn't take advantage of each scene's break to go to the shower room and discover anything unusual about the theater itself.

After leaving the old pigeon cage, Lumian looked up at the beige apartment diagonally opposite and confirmed that several windows on the sixth floor had gas lights! The yellowish light reflects.

According to Mrs. Fells, Mr. Eve would grow some vegetables on the roof to save money. Therefore, Lumian speculated that Mr. Eve and his family lived on the top floor of the apartment, that is, in a room on the sixth floor. .

After a brief observation, Lumian's eyes fell on the window with the darkest light.

Mr. Efe was so stingy that he couldn't bear to light an extra gas lamp.

Lumian then found a deserted and dark corner, stared at the window, and patiently waited for possible changes.

As time passed by, a homeless man passed by. At this time, he wanted to use this corner that could block the wind as his bed tonight, but he soon saw a figure sitting in the dark depths, so he had to leave as soon as possible.

This kind of thing was already commonplace for Lumian, so he continued to wait unmoved.

When it was almost 11 o'clock in the evening, the rather dim light in the window went out.

Nearly a quarter of an hour later, Mr. Efe, wearing a whitish dark formal suit and maroon trousers, appeared at the door of the apartment.

He looked left and right vigilantly, holding a carbide lamp, and walked along the shadow of the street to the underground Trier a few meters away. Lumian seemed to have turned into a statue, watching motionlessly as the light of Mr. Ev and the carbide lamp disappeared. over there.

After a few minutes, he saw that there were no official Beyonders following behind Mr. Ev. He stood up, patted his clothes and walked across Market Avenue, arriving at the sheltered stone staircase leading to the ground.

Lumian did not try to track him. Firstly, he did not bring any lighting tools and only had a candle used in ritual magic. The smell was too obvious. Secondly, he did not know how strong Mr. Ev was. And when he went to Trier underground, What level of power will be involved in doing something.

He took a few steps back and shrank to the side of a pilaster of a house on the street, using the shadow to hide himself.

It was another long wait, and when zero o'clock was about to arrive, the carbide lamp illuminated the underground entrance with a little blue light.

Mr. Efe’s figure then emerged, stretched “a little too long.

As soon as he walked up the stone stairs, Lumian lowered his peaked cap, walked towards him, and roared:


Lumian wanted to test Mr. Ev's strength in this way. If he was very strong, he would not take the robber too seriously and kill him directly. In that way, Lumian would have a way to escape. Opportunity and space, at most get hurt and lose some money.

If Mr. Ev does not show sufficient ability, the robbery will turn into a kidnapping. Lumian will torture the landlord in a corner of Trier underground and ask him why he concealed the rent of room 504 of the Golden Rooster Hotel. He asked him why he wanted to go to the underground world in the middle of the night.

Mr. Efe shuddered when he heard the word robbery.

With considerable resistance and reluctance, he took out his brown leather wallet and took out a 1 fil gold silver coin from it.

Lumian suddenly felt a strong desire, and felt that the relief of the little angel and the diverging lines on the surface of the silver coin were so attractive.

Unable to control himself, he stretched out his right hand, took the silver coin from Mr. Ev, then turned around and ran away, like a real robber.

After running five or six steps, Lumian woke up a little and noticed something unusual:

What kind of robber is he who runs away after only getting 1 silver coin?

Wait, why should I grab silver coins?

Lumian suddenly woke up and relied on the flexibility of the dancer to forcefully twist his body and stop.

He saw Mr. Ev also running wildly.

The landlord of the Golden Rooster Inn crossed Market Avenue and entered the old Pigeon Cage Theatre.

Lumian, who was waiting to catch up, suddenly slowed down. After Mr. Ev was robbed, his first reaction was neither to escape home nor to go to the nearby market district police station for help. His choice was actually the Old Pigeon Cage Theater diagonally opposite his home!

In his opinion, is there anyone who can truly protect him?

Lumian frowned thoughtfully.

The next second, he turned around and ran, playing the role of a robber again.

He was worried that after Mr. Ev found the strong man who could protect him, he would chase him and snatch the silver coin back.

With Mr. Ev's stinginess, it is entirely possible for him to do such a thing!

Although Lumian didn't care about the silver coin of 1 fel gold, if he was caught, his identity would inevitably be exposed.

As he ran out of Market Avenue, he threw the silver coin to a homeless man sleeping on the street.

At the sound of clanging, the homeless man opened his eyes and saw a shining silver cutie lying quietly under the streetlight in front of him.

Back on the street, Lumian took off his cap and jacket, held them in his hands, and resumed his normal walking speed.

After the test just now, he determined that Mr. Ev was abnormal and had extraordinary abilities, but he didn't seem to be very good at fighting. When faced with an ordinary robber, he chose to give him a silver coin and run away.

He made me suddenly want to possess that silver coin. I was so greedy that I almost lost my sense and completely ignored the original purpose... Lumian recalled what happened just now.

This feeling was quite familiar to him., he had similar feelings:

Once, fear took over the body and mind, and once, hatred took over the mind.

The expression of ability is a bit similar. Mr. Ev has a certain relationship with Susanna and Matisse? I'm afraid the fate of the previous tenant in room 504 was not very good... the fairy in the forest, leaves, branches, laurels... Lumian walked back to the Golden Rooster Hotel while analyzing.

He turned into the underground bar and saw Charlie holding a glass of beer and singing loudly with several tenants: We poor people sleep in the attic...

Seeing Charles coming back, Charlie broke free from the others' hands and feet, walked to the bar, sighed and said:

You don't know what happened to me this afternoon. The hotel manager drank me twice, but told me that due to Mrs. Alice's incident, he could not let me be a formal waiter, but could only be the lowest handyman. .

It's so abominable, how could I be so unlucky? At this point, Charlie froze and muttered to himself.

Unlucky, unlucky...

After several times in a row, he raised his head in shock, looked at Lumian and saw the smile on his face.

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