The reason why Charlie was stunned was because he remembered that Charles had only reminded him in the morning that something bad might happen to him recently. In the afternoon, he lost the job opportunity he was extremely looking forward to and wasted several days of drinking. superior.

This made him even more stressed, who was already not well-off.

Seeing Charlie's smiling expression, Charlie lowered his voice unconsciously: You know how to divination?

The divination seems to be quite accurate!

Didn't I tell you? I guessed it. Lumian didn't lie at all.

Of course, this is not entirely a lie, but he made a guess based on the fortune he sensed, just like knowing the correct answer when doing a question and then making up the process.

Charlie looked unconvinced, but did not question it. He asked expectantly, is my bad luck gone now?

Lumian missed his head and concentrated, his eyes deepened a little, and his expression gradually became more and more serious.

Seeing Charles's reaction, Charlie's heart suddenly jumped and his tight mouth went dry. What's wrong?

Lumian pursed his lips and said, you will have a disaster recently.

Charlie's expression suddenly collapsed, and his face turned blue and white, no longer as ruddy as before.

Lumian laughed. Just kidding. Although you won't have such good luck recently, you won't be too unlucky.

This shows, Suzanne. Even if the Mattis problem has not been completely resolved, it will not explode for a while.

Charlie couldn't believe Lumian's words, really?

It’s fake. Anyway, you can believe it if you want to believe it. If you don’t want to believe it, I don’t have any objection. Lumian asked for absinthe and ouzo and smiled nonchalantly.

His attitude made Charlie relax, and he took a sip of rye beer under the high stool next to him. I thought it was because the matter wasn't really over yet.

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This is not impossible, Lumian has not frightened Charlie for the time being.

Charlie looked at the bar in front of him and said, do you know? At that second, I wanted to be the lowest handyman and move out of the market area.

Lumian glanced at him, If something happens, you won't be able to escape wherever you move. Charlie's face suddenly showed unconcealable bitterness.

Lumian randomly added, you might as well go to the nearest Eternal Sun Church and pray more. By the way, I had dinner with the landlord, Mr. Ever, today. When we talked about room 504, he acted a little bit. It's strange, it seems that you know the whereabouts of the tenant before you, but you are unwilling to reveal it.

Charlie was stunned for a few seconds before he understood what Charles was referring to. He lowered his voice again and asked, That woman, the woman's portrait?

Lumian nodded slowly but surely.

Charlie was silent for a while and murmured to himself: Is that woman’s matter related to Mr. Ev? He knew there was something wrong with that portrait. I, I had to tell those people about it. I would go to the nearest church at dawn and tell the priest.

Yes, after a few days of my teaching the Bissar Party. That Louis is much smarter. Take my cues the first time. Umian picked up the wine glass with satisfaction and took a sip of the green liquid with excellent visual effects.

The specific situation of the old Pigeon Cage Theater. He didn't have any understanding. He didn't know whether the problem was serious or not, and to what extent. As long as he relied on his own investigation, he wouldn't be able to collect enough useful information in less than a week or two.

And even if it is collected, it may not have the ability to handle it, so it is better to find a way to remind the officials from the beginning and let them follow up.

After Charlie made up his mind, he glanced at Pavarnissen who was bartending drinks. Seeing that he didn't pay attention, he asked Lumian in a low voice.

If they asked me where I got the news, how should I answer?

Just what you heard when you were chatting with me. Lumian said calmly.

Thanks to Charlie's previous publicity, the police in the Candide Market area should all know that the Golden Rooster Hotel has become the territory of the Savoy Charles. Therefore, it is inevitable for Charles to meet his landlord, Mr. Ev, to have a meal and chat. When the official extraordinary people inquire about it, they will find that this is a very normal thing, and they will not doubt Lu Mian.

Okay, Charlie has obviously relaxed a lot.

Lumian took another sip of the Green Fairy and asked, Which leader of the Stinger Gang have you heard of? Charlie has said before that whether it is the Savoy Party, the Stinger Gang, or several other smaller gang leaders, they all have a certain reputation in the Candide Market area and can be used to scare children.

what you up to? Charlie's expression instantly became excited.

Asking them something, Lumian chose the most elegant and polite way of saying it.

Charlie was slightly disappointed that there was no excitement, except for Maggot. I only know two people. One is Hammer Aite. He used to live in Candide Market, but he often wanders around the streets recently. The other one is called Haman, he has no nickname. I saw Maggot walking with him several times. , respect him very much. Well, he's bald. The leader of the Stinger Gang is a man named Roger Black Scorpion. He seems to live somewhere on Market Avenue?

The most recent Haman who can make Margot should be higher than Margot in terms of his status in the Stinger Gang and his own strength. Hammer Aite took over the territory of the Mill Dance Hall and the Streets, so he runs here from time to time.

Lumian made a brief analysis and set his target on Hammer Aite. He planned to guard the gang leader.

After drinking the absinthe, Lumian and Charlie returned upstairs together. Not close to room 207 yet. He saw a box on the ground at the door, with a Savoy logo, a bullet and a short knife painted on the lid with a black paint pen.

Materials sent by Louis. Lumian bent down and picked up the wooden box, opened the door and entered the room. He opened the lid, and as expected, he saw a dark stone that smelled of bird droppings, a pair of blood-colored eyes and a poison sac inside a glass jar.

Market Avenue, illuminated by yellowish gas lamps.

Ev, the landlord of the Golden Rooster Hotel, led a man to a homeless man who was sleeping with his eyes closed.

My silver coin is right there. He said in a deep voice.

The man following him looked at the homeless man in the dark and asked. He robbed you.

no. Ev answered with certainty, regardless of height, shape or. The clothes are all different.

A robber threw the money he stole directly to a homeless man. There is something wrong with this matter. The man standing at the edge of the streetlight nodded slightly. We must be prepared for accidents or investigations.

Ev hummed and muttered, if he didn't throw my silver coins to the homeless man, we could find him directly. He can sense where the money and property that once belonged to him are within a certain period of time.

The next morning, Lumian stayed at the Golden Rooster Hotel. Look through Aurore's witchcraft notes. At this time, because he had been following Iron Hammer, Aite and others for a long time, and they always showed up in the afternoon and went home in the early morning, he had to change his study time to the morning.

Charlie went to the nearest Eternal Sun Church early in the morning and came back not only in a relaxed state. And with a smile. It seems that he has found both support and praise.

When it was almost noon, Lumian hid his witchcraft notes and took a stroll to Market Avenue. He stood not far from Mr. Ev's apartment and the old Pigeon Cage Theater, wanting to see if the official Beyonder had taken any action. action.

Everything was as usual here, people were coming and going, and neither the shops on the street nor the passing carriages gave any sign of what had happened. Lumian observed for a while and was about to find a nearby restaurant to fill his stomach when he saw Mr. Ev appearing in the distance.

He was still wearing the white-washed formal suit, thick maroon trousers, a gray wide-brimmed round hat, and holding a black handgun, he walked step by step toward the apartment where he lived.

The official Beyonder hadn't appeared yet, so Lumian thought for a moment before crossing Market Avenue to meet the landlord. Good afternoon, Mr. Ev, where are you going? He smiled and said hello. Mr. Ev was stunned for a second, and looked at him warily and fearfully. I went to the police station to handle something.

The official Extraordinary summoned Mr. Ev through the police station, but the actual questioning was of people with corresponding abilities.

Lumian probably understood why. What puzzled him was that the authorities didn't even discover that Mr. Efe had extraordinary abilities.

Lumian nodded slightly, smiled and said, maybe I can help with something.

No. Mr. Efe replied cautiously and defiantly. He immediately pointed to the beige apartment, I have to go home.

In order not to arouse suspicion, Lumian did not try to stop it, nor did he make any more tests. He frowned slightly while watching Mr. Ev's back step by step away. Recalling the conversation just now, he found nothing suspicious, but he also felt that some details were strange and had unspeakable feelings.

Lumian subconsciously focused his attention. Looking at Mr. Ev's back, trying to sense his recent fortune, which was relatively normal, neither good nor bad, but Lumian's doubts only increased instead of decreasing. When he had dinner with Mr. Ev yesterday, he habitually sensed the other person's fortune. He was obviously a bit unlucky, but just one day later, his fortune changed. What happened in the middle?

Lumian turned around, put his hands in his pockets, and walked along the market avenue like a stroll.

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