Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 847: Won face again, won again

Saturday, January 21.

Pei Qian packed his things a little, and was ready to go home.

The company is already on holiday, most of the departments are in the eighth day, that is, work next Monday.

Departments such as Moyu takeout and headwind logistics all work on the second day of the junior year, and take holiday breaks from the second day to the eighth day. Of course, all employees who work on holidays are full of overtime pay, so many employees in these departments not only do not want to take a holiday, but also actively work overtime.

This time when you go home, you don't have to replace all your previous clothes and computers, you just need to put down your watch.

Because Pei Qian's statement to his parents is that he works in Feihuang Studio and is a veteran of the studio, so his income is fair. That being the case, it wouldn't seem so strange to wear more expensive clothes when going home.

The house has already been bought, and the second elder has a relatively high estimate of Pei Qian's current income, and naturally he will not pay much attention to these aspects. What's more, they couldn't tell whether the suit was thousands or tens of thousands.

My parents have now moved to a house near the high-speed rail station, which is also in Jingzhou, and it is not far away, so Pei Qian only brought a small backpack with a little change of laundry and his own computer.

Still in the same city, and only staying for a week, there is no need to bring so much luggage.

However, the computer still needs to be brought, otherwise something will be difficult to handle in the event of a holiday.

After everything was finished, Pei Qian went downstairs and took a car home.


At the same time, Qiu Hong has also arrived at the airport and is waiting for the flight.

Looking back at my work in the imperial capital in the past few months, I feel quite a sense of the next world.

Qiu Hong felt with emotion, you said that I, a producer of krypton gold games, somehow became the savior of domestic independent games?

It can only be said that things are impermanent.

Nothing to do, he took out his phone and checked netizens' comments on the change of the pre-sale price of Ink and Cloud Smoke.

Last night, he arranged for his men to adjust the pre-sale price of "Ink and Cloud Smoke" to 5 yuan. For players who have already paid in advance, the game's selling price was reduced to 36 yuan, which means that when the game is officially released, Only need to pay another 21 yuan to buy.

In addition, Qiu Hong also issued an announcement as an official, apologizing to the players who have already purchased the game, and apologizing for the impact of the pre-sale price changes.

As for why it is necessary to lower the pre-sale price, the announcement said this way: "After "Smoky Cloud Smoke" opened the pre-sale, the players showed extraordinary enthusiasm and support for the game, and the R&D team was deeply moved by this. Because the enthusiasm displayed by the players is far more than expected, we think that the price of the pre-sale is set too high, so we lowered the price of the pre-sale. We are deeply sorry for the impact on the players, and provide you with Compensation plan."

For this announcement, Qiu Hong also tried his best, because the decision to change the pre-sale price and compensate the player was made by President Pei. The reason is that President Pei believes that the pre-sale is actually an act of passing risk to the player and should not be advocated.

But for this reason, it is okay to talk privately, and it is not very good to write it in the announcement, because this will definitely dampen the enthusiasm of players to support domestic independent games.

Therefore, Qiu Hong himself didn't know how to write this announcement, so he could only say so vaguely.

Qiu Hong thinks that most of the players will still accept it, but they may also find it inexplicable.

Still have to see how everyone responds online.

Qiu Hong quickly found the players' discussion on the change of the pre-sale price of "Ink and Cloud Smoke".

"What do you mean? Change the original pre-sale price from 15 yuan to 5 yuan? Isn't this necessary?"

"Game developers are confused."

"This announcement says that because the players are particularly enthusiastic, the official thinks the pre-sale price is set too high? How can I not see the logical relationship here?"

"Is it because the official thinks that for 5 yuan, more people can buy the pre-sale?"

"No. The players who are willing to buy the pre-sale are basically those who support domestic independent games in their minds. For this kind of player, whether the pre-sale is 5 or 15 is not a big difference. Not to mention the game. The final payment will be made at the time of sale. No matter the price is 5 or 15, the price of the game is still so much. What's the difference?"

"In addition to making less money, I have not seen other effects..."

"Then this is confusing?"

Most players do feel that the official “Bad Road Plan” behavior is a bit overwhelming. The pre-order price is a little higher and lower. It is nothing more than the difference between Chao San Du Si and Chao Si Du San, getting money early and getting money late. What about the pre-sale price?

But when most players were confused, a post appeared on the Internet explaining the true intentions of the "Bad Path Project" move!

"I suddenly understood why "Ink Painting" has lowered the pre-sale price!"

"The official statement is that because the enthusiasm for players to pre-order far exceeded expectations, so the official realized that the price of pre-sale is set too high."

"At first glance, this logical relationship does not seem to be established. Why does the player's high enthusiasm make the official feel that the pre-sale price is set higher?"

"This is to say why pre-sales of indie games are popular now."

"The pre-sale of independent games is mainly because the development team of independent games is often short of money. It needs to pre-sell to recover part of the funds in advance to better develop the remaining games."

""Ink Painting" initially set the pre-sale price at 15 yuan, apparently because they passed the expected sales volume and had a rough estimate of the remaining part of the development cost. They felt that selling 15 yuan would support future development."

"But they didn't expect that the sales volume was three times higher than their estimate. The development cost that originally cost 15 bucks to maintain can now be maintained by selling 5 bucks!"

"So the official decided to lower the pre-sale price."

"Some people say that this matter is a little overkill and unnecessary. Five and fifteen dollars is nothing more than the difference between paying more and less paying points for many players."

"But for the official of "Bad Road Plan", they definitely think that as long as they get follow-up development funds, there is no need to set the pre-sale price so high, there is a suspicion of cheating money; Minor things, fully respect the players, so it is clearly something that is beneficial to the players, and they also specifically issued a notice to apologize to the players."

"It can only be said that the organizer of the "Poor Path Project" is indeed a person with a heart and a heart! It is worth our support!"

After the posting of this post, players suddenly realized.

"It turns out so!"

"Is this developer so restrained? Feel that it can support subsequent development costs, and cut the pre-sale price directly from 15 yuan to 5 yuan?"

"It's not restraint, it can only be said that a gentleman loves money and has a way. There are many independent games that like to engage in pre-sales and deception. First collect a wave of money, and then start to develop it. Either it will not be released for a long time, or it will be a semi-finished product to fool people. But the game of "Bad Road Project" has no such plan at all, and it is obviously very confident in its game!

"Developers who value players so much must support it!"

"The developer is so conscientious that I can't help but think of Tengda games. This looks like something that Pei will do!"

"However, from the available data, it seems that the poor plan is not related to Tenda."

"That's a good thing, which shows that there is a compassionate and conscientious boss in the game circle. This is a blessing for domestic games!"

"I'll post a wave here and let more people pre-order "Ink and Smoke"!"

Looking at the discussions among netizens, Qiu Hong couldn't help but realize that there was a feeling of indoctrination.

So, Mr. Pei still has this meaning in it?

This modification of the pre-sale price not only left a good impression in the hearts of players, but also made more pre-ordered players!

Whether it is because the topic is rising, let more people know, or because the pre-sale has dropped from 15 yuan to 5 yuan, the number of pre-orders has been further improved.

In this way, isn't the sales after the game released higher?

The pre-sale price of the game has been reduced, and players who have already purchased the game are also discounted, which is definitely a good thing for players.

On the other hand, the "Poor Path Project" won the face and the inside.

This is a win-win situation!

Qiu Hong couldn't help feeling emotion, President Pei really was President Pei, a small operation understated, can also see the skill! The control of the player's mentality has reached the peak level!



Sunday, January 22.

Less than 7 o'clock in the morning, Pei Qian got up to wash.

Now the second old has moved to a new house on the high-speed rail station, so the living conditions are much better.

Parents also specifically reserved the main bedroom for him. The second old man had to live in the second bedroom, obviously he didn't completely break the thought of letting him make this house a wedding room.

Pei Qian is speechless, but there is no other way. It seems that he can only wait for a little money and buy another house to let his parents live in it.

After washing, Pei Qian came to the living room.

My mother is cooking in the kitchen, and Lao Pei is making tea in the living room.

The second old man was surprised when Pei Qian got up.

"Son, did you get up so early? You thought you had to sleep until nine o'clock. You drink sip first, and breakfast will be ready soon." The mother finished and continued to prepare breakfast.

Lao Pei nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, your son's rest time is quite healthy now, continue to maintain, have you heard?"

Pei Qian took out the Bluetooth headset and put it on, then sat on the sofa and opened the live broadcast room of the ioi global finals on his mobile phone.

The second elder obviously misunderstood, if there is nothing special, can Pei Qian get up early?

If there is no ioi global finals, Pei Qian can sleep until 10 o'clock, how can he get up before 7 o'clock.

Open the live room, the time is right, the game will start in a few minutes.

Pei Qian said that he gave up, but he was actually paying attention to the FV team.

"God bless you, as long as you don't crush and win the championship, everything is easy to say..."


The final is the pinnacle of the FV team and the FRY team, which has been full of attention before the game.

The FV team was not optimistic at the beginning, and has been ridiculed as "" by foreigners in the group stage, but the quarterfinals and quarterfinals played two 3:0, and no one dared question their strength.

The FRY team, as the strongest veteran team in Europe and the United States, also slammed into the finals. Although two or three small innings were lost, the tenacity and strength displayed in the game are still not to be underestimated.

Before the game, the commentators at the official commentary platform of the finger company thought that this would be a close and wonderful game. From a personal standpoint, they obviously supported the FRY team.

It is still the previous competition venue. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is only compared to the quarterfinals and quarterfinals, and today the specifications are higher.

Before the start of the game, Finger Company specially invited famous European and American rock bands to sing the theme song, as well as a very cool COS performance. After a round of applause and cheers, the scene quickly turned into a sea of ​​carnival !

Chretien and Zhao Xuming sat in the front row of the auditorium with slightly dignified expressions.

Chretien has secretly sent the two finger company balancers to the FRY team to help them analyze the new version of the data and provide tactical support for the FRY team.

This week's preparation time, FRY's tactical reserve should have improved and improved.

But no one can say whether they can win the FV team.

Because the current strength of the FV team is a mystery to everyone, they are training on the second floor of the Internet cafe every day. No one knows what they are practicing.

The accompanying data team are all tight-lipped, and there are bodyguards to the door, wanting to peek at it is a daydream.

Chretien did not dare to use too mean methods, such as letting his engineers check the game data. After all, there are no impenetrable walls in the world, and once the official game data of the other people are exposed, it is a huge scandal, and Chretien may not be able to walk around.

Sending two balance divisions to FRY sneakily like now, providing them with a little tactical support, is already the limit that Chretien can achieve, and it also takes a huge risk.

No one knows what the outcome of this battle will be. Chretien and Zhao Xuming looked at the confident expression of the FV players on the stage and couldn't help being nervous.

I thought it was five fish bellies, but I didn't expect these five people to go all the way to the final. Clubs and finger companies all over the world added them together and there was no way to take them!

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