Lost Narrative Poetry

Chapter 89 The difference is just more complicated

Maybe it was a coincidence, but the Basic Archery skill Xia Ran learned before was not wasted.

Because in such a world, bows and arrows are really more suitable than firearms in all aspects.

Many people may have watched movies or games, so they always have an inexplicable misconception, that is, as long as a silencer is installed on a firearm, the sound can be completely eliminated, and there will only be a very slight chirp when firing.

For example, in a certain killer game, a certain bald killer has such an artifact-a silenced pistol.

The enemy is always killed quietly in public, and the bald killer can turn around and leave without alerting anyone.

However, that kind of black technology may really exist, but Xia Ran has not seen it. At least there are no relevant technologies or products in the white space for the time being. Maybe no one has entered the world of the bald killer yet?

Or maybe someone entered, but did not let White Space recycle the relevant technologies or products they obtained, but secretly used them themselves?

Anyway, the reality is that a normal silencer is of little use if replaced. This thing is not so much used to silence the sound as it is to protect the gunman’s hearing. Let’s not talk about pistols. If it is a rifle or the like, it will be fired hundreds of meters away. The very distinct sound of gunfire can still be heard.

Or is it meant to make gunshots sound less like gunshots to a certain extent, thereby reducing or eliminating the enemy's alertness or attention to a certain extent?

Maybe, it might be possible to deceive some human fools at some point, but for dead zombies without IQ——

They can't tell whether certain sounds are gunshots or firecrackers. As long as they are sounds, they will rush past them. Therefore, firearms are really meaningless at the moment. The effect of bows and arrows is so much more efficient and easier to use than anyone else.

The most important point is that it is much easier to control arrows. Not only the initial kinetic energy, initial speed, etc. are affected, but the size is also a very important reason. After all, the larger surface area allows his λ-DRIVER system to transform the mental power. There are more points of focus and therefore better control.

If you imagine the power of spiritual belief as the third invisible hand, you also know whether it is easier to grasp a long arrow or a small bullet...especially when you need to control it while flying at high speed. Increase the speed, change the trajectory and so on.

The obvious fact is that the latter is much more difficult than the former and requires more mental energy to do it.

Xia Ran's preliminary estimate was that maybe he would have to increase his mental attribute value to 50 points, fully tap into the spiritual potential behind the attributes, and convert the potential into abilities before he could achieve that level of skill.

What kind of arc trajectories and what kind of gun fighting skills are all weak and explosive, okay?

Even if you don’t point your finger and shoot into the air, you can accurately hit the enemy on the opposite side with a headshot...

If you want to do this now, it's not that it's absolutely impossible, but it's really not cost-effective at all. Doing it forcefully once will probably be more expensive than using a bow and arrow to launch pseudo-enchantment attacks dozens of times.

So forget it, bows and arrows are very good, and with the blessing of the power of faith of λ-DRIVER, they have a long range, built-in tracking, and are more powerful than bullets. These are all advantages...

The most important thing is that it has great advantages in terms of sound. Silent arrows are not as sexy as bullets. Not to mention a silencer, even the soft sound technique cannot save it.

Seemingly in a very happy mood, Xia Ran left the broadcast room and prepared to continue walking to the upper floor. He didn't know where the Kyudo Club was, so he planned to climb up and take a look at the Fujimi Academy from the vantage point. Facility distribution.

From before, he walked straight in from the school gate and went straight to the teaching building. He had never been to other places, so he had no way of understanding it.

The search for survivors who may have survived is also continued along the way. Usually, you go up the stairs here, and then go to the other side, checking all the classrooms and offices. After checking, you continue to go up the stairs at the end.

To put it simply, it is a zigzag pattern. After all, not everyone will believe what he broadcasts. Even if they believe it, whether they can make up their mind to get out of the hiding place that temporarily gives them a false sense of security is a question.

Xia Ran didn't mind the fact that he wasn't trusted. This was normal. But if he had suddenly encountered such a thrilling doomsday impact, he had managed to escape from death, and saw with his own eyes that his familiar teachers and classmates were being raped by equally familiar people. Life is torn apart and devoured...

Then it is definitely impossible to accept the facts and complete psychological construction in a short period of time. Escape is the instinctive choice and first reaction of most people.

It is estimated that even if many people hear the broadcast, they will still hold the intention of letting others save them and refuse to step out of the hiding place they think is a safe zone... until the precious opportunity is fleeting and they accept the reality. We are already at a dead end and there is no turning back.

For the precious 100 points... ah, no, for everyone's precious life, Xia Ran still hopes to save these people as much as possible.

What a piece of rubbish... Why are there so many weak chickens? Apart from being extremely large in number, can they have other characteristics?

As Xia Ran moved forward, he cleaned up the zombies he encountered along the way and couldn't help but think about it.

To be honest, I think they are just as rubbish as ordinary parasitic beasts. Why can't I kill one and get 100 points? At worst, I will suffer a little loss. I just don't need free attribute points...

Left hand: ...

When he just passed by a classroom with closed doors and windows, and the curtains were tightly drawn inside, he just stood at the front door, tilting his head and listening, and the next moment he heard a rapid and suppressed scream coming from inside. .



Immediately afterwards, Xia Ran smashed the entire door with one fist without hesitation, naturally using his left hand.



There was a moment of dead silence, and the people hiding inside this classroom seemed to be startled. No matter what happened before, they were subconsciously attracted by the greater movement at this moment, and they all turned to look at the door of the classroom. .

After all, the entire door was smashed and flew out at once. The movement of this scene was enough to steal the show.

Xia Ran stood at the door and looked around the messy classroom. His eyes suddenly turned cold. What happened here was not what he subconsciously imagined at the beginning. Some of the injured corpses had changed and threatened. To other people or something.

Instead, there were several corpses with blooming heads lying on the ground. A group of people were squatting in the corner, looking cowering. On the other side, three strong boys with red eyes and ferocious faces were pressing a girl to the ground.

The latter's hands and feet were held down, his clothes were disheveled, his face was full of despair and fear, and tears were flowing freely.

From that look, you knew something had happened. The suppressed scream just now was probably coming from her. Although Xia Ran was just holding her hands and feet down now, if Xia Ran had been a few seconds late, her clothes might have been torn off.

It's really evil... The so-called human nature is only more complicated than animal nature, not more noble.

Xia Ran narrowed his eyes slightly and whispered, but just enough for everyone in the classroom to hear. He didn't know whether he was talking to someone or simply talking to himself.

Who are you? Do you want to cause trouble?

If you don't want to die, get out! Believe it or not, I will kill you! Do you think there are laws in this world that can protect you?

The three guys, who probably wanted to have a good time before dying, finally reacted. They stood up fiercely, turned around and glared, threatening the intruders who ruined their good deeds. Their eyes were red. The color is sharp and the heart is full.

This was probably the first time they had done such a crazy thing. They originally thought that this closed classroom was their world of wanton behavior, but unexpectedly, someone suddenly broke in from the outside and broke the closed space——

They immediately panicked and instinctively rejected the return of the outside world to avoid being judged for their actions... Then they naturally bluffed subconsciously to prevent others from mentioning their mistakes.

Many people have this subconscious idea that the more vicious and loud they appear, the more reasonable they seem to be.

However, Xia Ran had no interest in saying a word to them at all. He just raised his left hand with cold eyes and waved it away with all his strength!

It seems like the wind is blowing...

In this relatively closed space...


Completely overlapping voices sounded, and no one knew what was happening. The same was true for the three tall boys. They felt that they were suddenly flying up, and their perspective was suddenly raised.

It wasn't until their heads hit the ground hard and rolled around a few times that they saw three familiar headless corpses not far away. They fell straight down, and the blood from their necks shot out like a fountain. !



Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!

As if someone had pressed the pause button, there was a very obvious silence in the air. Everyone was first suffocated subconsciously, and then they realized what happened.

No, they actually didn't know what happened at all. The only thing they saw was that the young man who suddenly broke in suddenly waved his hand, and the three tall boys were immediately dismembered.

This is all weird enough and terrifying enough.

Everyone's pupils shrank and they screamed subconsciously. Some people screamed and crawled away on hands and knees. They didn't know if they wanted to avoid the three headless corpses that were spraying blood, or if they wanted to get in touch with the door. Keep distance from the monsters.

I can't afford to be hurt~ I really can't afford to be hurt... carrying Tang Sanzang on my back and following my third disciple...

Do you have a conscience? The dog of your conscience will take it away... and it will cover tens of thousands of miles...

Because I couldn't find a suitable song at the moment, the audio was obviously recorded live and was being played on a loop, resounding throughout the campus.

Under such a powerful cover, Yako Busujima and his party had already entered the school building.

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