Lost Narrative Poetry

Chapter 90 The Protagonist Group in Various Situations

There are actually so many...

Komuro Takashi looked at the floor below the stairs with an ugly face. He saw many swaying figures walking around there, and his face looked very ugly.

There are about ten of them here now, all of them are sitting cautiously on the stairs, looking down through the railing at the corner. They are all cautious, not even daring to breathe, and their voices are kept as low as possible.

Zombies are only sensitive to sounds. It's okay for us to be careful and quietly walk by... Saya Gaocheng said softly.

Yako Busujima sighed softly: The only problem is that it is too narrow there, making it very inconvenient to move when attacked.



Everyone was silent. They listened to the faint singing coming from outside. Although they didn't understand the meaning of Chinese very well, the singing gave them an unparalleled sense of security.

Along the way, in almost all open areas, roads and open places, groups of dead zombies were attracted by the sound of the campus radio and separated, making the originally dangerous road become extremely smooth.

They just need to find the right route and don't take the initiative to run into the direction of those things, then there will be no obstruction.

Even if someone on the way is mentally unsound and accidentally makes too loud a sound, there won't be a big problem. As long as the sound is not continuous, the dead zombies will not be continuously attracted and will soon return. I was led away by the campus radio.

Occasionally, a few people with convulsions were killed by Busujima Yako's white oak wooden sword with crisp headshots. Others didn't even have a chance to take action, and they also had a deeper understanding of this senior's skill and decisiveness. A level of understanding.

However, when entering the school building, the situation is completely different. The terrain becomes narrow and the number of dead zombies also becomes very large.

And the most important point is that it is difficult to get around - even though they are attracted by the sound of the campus radio, they instinctively want to go in the direction of the sound, but they cannot think and cannot see the road.

This has resulted in many dead zombies constantly trying to advance towards a wall in corridors, stairs, etc., where the wall... because the direction of the sound is from behind the wall, they will only exhibit such mentally retarded behavior. .

Under such circumstances, when you need to pass through a specific regional road, you will inevitably have to pass by these mentally retarded enemies.

However, if you get close enough, it will become very dangerous. Regardless of whether you make a sound or not, probably no one wants to be scratched or bitten——

Everyone listened very carefully to the Zombie Survival Manual just now, and kept the relevant knowledge points firmly in mind...

No matter what one's point of view is, everyone has to admit that these knowledge points are really very precious information. Although they are not sure yet, they would rather believe it or not.

No matter how stubborn you are, you will just stop playing at this time and don't want to use your own life to contradict what others say.

But we have to go through the gate. Miyamoto Rei said tightly holding the handle of the mop in her hand.

Although it is made of aluminum, its total length is one meter and two, which is barely enough to be used as a long gun. As a senior member of the gunmanship department, she has great experience in this aspect, so until now, she still insists on using this simple homemade cold weapon. Got here.

However, instead of worrying about the problem of this gun, it is better to worry about her own problems as a spearman...

We need to send someone to verify first to make sure they are really unaware. Although that person is very sure, we cannot be so rash and must take unexpected situations into account...

If they really only have hearing, then we can quietly pass behind them without making any sound.

When everyone put it together, they found that there seemed to be only one way at present, but which person to send out was a problem.

Next, there was a dispute between Busujima Taiko, Miyamoto Rei and Komuro Takashi. In the end, Komuro Takashi won such an honor. Miyamoto Rei was angry and anxious, and wanted to stop her childhood sweetheart.

However, she was stopped by Yako Busujima on the grounds that if you want to be a good woman, don't stop a man when he makes up his mind.

Komuro Takashi carefully walked down the stairs and walked forward under the gaze of everyone. A large amount of strong bloody smell impacted his sense of smell, making him feel nauseous. As for the source of this smell, one can imagine what the reason was. .

He tensed up the expression on his face, held his breath subconsciously, walked as lightly as possible, and took several seconds to complete each movement, whether it was raising his leg or putting his foot down.

But no one laughed at him, and even those watching from behind wished that he would be more careful and slower, lest he inadvertently made a noise and be torn to pieces by those inhuman things in front.

Komuro Takashi also felt uncomfortable. Sweat was obviously dripping from his forehead. Although he acted like a man when he was trying to let him test, he still had to be afraid of what he should be afraid of.

Meaningless growls were mixed in, coming from the front, getting closer and closer, and there was also the sound of slapping against the wall, like the sound of chewing to break bones...

He only felt that his heart was beating hard, his breathing that he had suppressed as much as possible seemed very harsh, his scalp was numb, and the muscles all over his body were tense.

There is always a feeling that if he takes one more step forward, he will die... The baseball bat in his hand cannot give him any sense of security, and it is useless no matter how hard he fights. Faced with a dead zombie with enough wrist strength to forcefully destroy the door, They were still coming at them from multiple directions, and they probably wouldn't be able to hold on for two seconds.

Stopping and forcing himself to cheer up, he walked forward slowly. It took him half a minute to cross the entire aisle and arrive in front of the glass door of the school building.

No accidents happened. Even though I got very close several times and almost passed by a few dead zombies, they seemed not to notice the food walking by. There was nothing special about it at all. reaction.

However, this journey was really exhausting for him, and when he arrived at the gate, his legs were already a little weak.

Komuro Takashi opened the door carefully, then turned around and gestured to everyone to indicate safety.

The reason for passing through the school building is because as soon as they get out of here, their final goal is outside, which is the location of the bus. As long as they successfully get on the bus, they are basically safe.

At the speed of the dead zombies, as long as the bus doesn't stay in place, there will be no problem.



The other people waiting on the stairs at the back also looked at each other and carefully walked down the stairs slowly, but they were all careful about the weapons in their hands or their feet, fearing that they might bump into something.

There were also people who started to retreat when things came to an end, but they did not dare to call out to others. They watched the people in front of them walking away one after another. Their legs were weak and their scalp was numb, but they could only force themselves with a sad face. Follow closely.


People are like this. If there are too many, something will happen. This is not just a plot requirement in the movie, but this principle must also be followed in reality.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, it was probably because the weapon held by someone behind was too long and he didn't pay attention. When he walked down the stairs, he hit the stainless steel railing and made a very beautiful note of death.


I don't know who screamed. Everyone felt that their hearts were going to stop at this moment. They didn't dare to look back, they just ran forward with all their strength.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!

Screams came from behind. I don't know if it was the person who made the sound or other people who were implicated because of falling behind. They probably all encountered unexpected events in a short period of time... However, no one could save them. So are the people.

If they don't seize the time to get out of the gate and deal with a large number of dead zombies in this school building with limited terrain space, they will only have one end.

The screams quickly became intermittent, and the decibels dropped rapidly, being covered up by more growls and chewing sounds, which was creepy.

Run! Keep running! Don't stop, the bus is right in front. As long as we get on the bus, we will be safe!

Everyone had no time to complain at this time. They only knew that they had to move forward as quickly as possible and leave the place. A chain reaction has begun to occur. After all, once people panic, they can no longer stop. The sound will continue to make, attracting zombies to move.

At this time, even if you want to prevent others from making a sound, it is futile.

The result was probably that he was shouting unknowingly, yelling at others to keep quiet while at the same time creating the loudest source of noise.

So there is no other way but to run all the way and reach the predetermined target location as quickly as possible.

Yako Busujima's martial arts is quite extraordinary. He takes the lead and swings the wooden sword in his hand extremely accurately and quickly. He always hits the head of anything blocking the way in front of him with one blow. Komuro Takashi and Miyamoto Rei followed closely behind her, dealing with the flanks on both sides.

Then there is Hirano Toda. This fat man seems to have quite extraordinary shooting talent. The power of the nail gun he made and modified by himself is also reasonable. It can just hit the fish that slips through the net.

It was obviously a hastily formed team, but their cooperation was able to cover all aspects, allowing them to travel smoothly and forcefully carve out a path... Of course, due to the slow movement of dead zombies, it is impossible to form a zombie wave in a short period of time. The reason for the human wall blocking the road is related.

The school bus is right ahead!

Yako Busujima took the lead in raising his wooden sword, and one by one he began to clean up the zombies wandering around the car. The other two melee units followed up and quickly started taking action.

After that, Saya Takagi and Shizuka Marikawa arrived and quickly got in the car to get ready. Hirano Toda ran as hard as he could and panted for such a distance, almost exhausted.

But he also knew that he couldn't relax at this time, so he could only grit his teeth and get into the car and find a window seat as a shooting point.

Teacher Shizuka, start the vehicle quickly. Saya Takagi urged.

Wait a minute, there are people behind...

I know, you start the vehicle first and leave as soon as they get in the car!

Marikawa Shizuka hurriedly sat on the driver's seat, inserted the key, and then...then she was dumbfounded——

Eh? Why is it different from my car? Isn't the principle the same?

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